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S02.E17: Where Do You Go From Here

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Instead of encouraging her daughter, kaiya’s mother should have tried to help her understand that T’s not ready to parent, etc. and address her crazy high emotions. 

Kayla takes a good approach because she gets Luke wants to experience being a college kid and wishes she could, too.

Brianna is just a straight up idiot, given the previews.

Holly is clearly not going for any boy toys—good for her—but props to the mum for packing her baby’s suitcase.  At least she’s not trying to make Chocolate a new baby daddy. 

What a fuckinf shitshow and I’m all the way here for it. 


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1 hour ago, IvySpice said:

Every time you think the Beavers have reached the bottom of the trash can, they start digging. That was a full-on Jerry Springer show.

When Koty is the voice of reason, you have a PROBLEM.

I was thinking Cops but Springer works too.

Could have done without hearing Cheyenne whine Coooorrreeeeeeey.

A little surprised Kayla was so quick to mention jumping ship. At least have a sit down discussion about expectations.

Had to fast forward through Kaiya's breakdown. She needs some therapy and time to grow up.

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So there is a possibility that Kayla's mom will leave her job, sell her house, move to Ohio (?) and then find herself the only one there because Kayla went back to Illinois?  I wonder if there was anything that could have prevented this possibility?  Probably not.  

Brianna realizes she was being used, and is brokenhearted over the demise of this super long term relationship.   She tries to guilt Jayden over Brayson possibly missing him (not to mention the fact that this stranger was 'taking care' of him!), because it's his fault she's an idiot.  I wonder if there was anything that could have prevented this situation?  Probably not.

I wish I could have read that doctors thoughts when Rachel comes in pregnant after the BC episode, with a new man, less than a year after having a baby that she didn't know who the father was, but it definitely wasn't the father of this one.  I wonder if there was anything that could have prevented this entire fucking disaster?  Probably not. 

If there is one takeaway from these people, it is to act as quickly as possible.  If you've considered the consequences of anything, ever, you've waited way too long.  

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10 hours ago, politichick said:

Instead of encouraging her daughter, kaiya’s mother should have tried to help her understand that T’s not ready to parent, etc. and address her crazy high emotions. 

I did appreciate her telling Kiaya, that she has to face the fact that it's over. Like someone posted before, they are teens! not 30yr olds married for 10yrs. Why put yourself through so much drama?

Kayla takes a good approach because she gets Luke wants to experience being a college kid and wishes she could, too.

Kayla, actually, surprised me this episode. She seems like a good mother, and she's realistic about Luke wanting to be a typical college student, but he's not. He seems like a decent guy (so easy to do on these shows), he may change his behavior. After all, one of those babies is his.

Brianna is just a straight up idiot, given the previews.

She got upset that Jaden moved back in with his ex as soon as landing in Texas...ummm,..didn't he move in with you within days of arriving in Oregon? Isn't' Denae with someone else now? Why is he back? 

Holly is clearly not going for any boy toys—good for her—but props to the mum for packing her baby’s suitcase.  At least she’s not trying to make Chocolate a new baby daddy. 

I love that little cutie more each episode! "Don't touch my mommy's forehead."

What a fuckinf shitshow and I’m all the way here for it. 

And I am sitting next to you with a bowl of popcorn.


My responses in bold.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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So, what was Rachel trying to rescue her friend from? Is Shaggy Drew on drugs and she's afraid her friend will start/continue using? Is she trying to save her from certain pregnancy because Drew's "pull-out game", obviously, isn't as "strong" as he claims it is? Or, and this is my guess, is she jealous because she really wanted these 3 dudes to be fighting over her, rather than her playing Russian Roulette with their sperm, trying to pin one (or all) of them down?


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Kayla exhausts me. Girl. Pack those babies up in the stroller and go to the playground. You will have a tribe of new friends in no time. Just be a little proactive. You do not have to sit at home all day. That said, I did appreciate that the two of them sat and had a rational conversation like adults.

Kiaya. Dear god. Speaking of exhausting. No one can get a word in edgewise, she just starts with the shrieking and caterwauling. Good for Teaza for keeping her cool. Kiaya is in for a world of hurt unless she can learn some coping strategies. There are going to be times when she is not going to get her way and she can't throw a tantrum. I just wonder what happens when she goes to McDonalds and they're out of nuggets.

Rachel. Rachel Rachel Rachel. I, like @IvySpice, was marveling at Koty being the voice of reason. Granted, the bar is low. All the needless drama! "I'm trying to protect my friend!". Oh for heaven's sake, Trasherina. You do not give one shit about your friend. You just wanted to fight. You just wanted one person to raise a hand so you could scream that someone "attacked me! and Ah'm pregnit!"

Ashley looks like Princess Grace compared to this crew.

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8 hours ago, eskimo said:

I wish I could have read that doctors thoughts when Rachel comes in pregnant after the BC episode, with a new man, less than a year after having a baby that she didn't know who the father was, but it definitely wasn't the father of this one.  I wonder if there was anything that could have prevented this entire fucking disaster?  Probably not. 


I had to both laugh and shake my head in disbelief when Rachel's mom said something like "she found a good one this time" (not exact words but pretty close) .  

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Briana is such a little bitch. The way she treated her mother and sister and took the side of Jayden the grifter was sickening. Her sister should tell her to go fuck herself. And she'll probably do it again once the next one comes along. Oh wait, Danae is back next week. More drama on the way as they could never get along either. So Braeson will get to see another person move in, hear the fighting and drama and then the person will vanish again. 

I don't watch many of Ashley and Bar's scenes because their story has played out. This week's story was just the same old, same old.

Rachel and her gang of trash = Lord...

I forget the name of Kayla's boyfriend but it was just gross how he walked out of their house with his pants down and half of his underwear'd ass showing. So Kayla is bored and sad because she thought it would be her in school. Well, it could have been if you used your brain. So now she is thinking about moving back but her mother is moving to where she is now? She needs to face the fact that she's stuck no matter what she does. I don't know what they get paid for this show but once it's over, I would imagine that she'd qualify for some sort of subsidized child care and grants for school. She needs to look into that and prepare to do something once this show ends. Judging by the few posts here, this show is not pulling down the ratings and will likely end with a whimper soon.

Hooray for Teazha. Go be young and carefree and have fun. Kiaya can cry all she wants but once she decided to have a baby with someone and will be tethered to him and his family for the next 21 years, Teazha had no chance. Teazha is too young to have to deal with the stupid decisions of a partner at such a young age. 

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Rachel's trashtastic family never ceases to surprise me. She's going on and on about wanting to save her friend but her friend seems to be willingly hooking up with Drew. Unless there are drugs being done in that shitty looking house. I wonder if we'll see Jacob again. If not, good on him from getting out of Rachel's orbit. We need to send Ashley's sister Chris to TN to knock some sense into those people. Preferably with a chair 😜

Free Teazha! 

Why did Jaden even move to Oregon? Did he move solely to hook up with Briana and to see if he can mooch off her?


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8 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Why did Jaden even move to Oregon? Did he move solely to hook up with Briana and to see if he can mooch off her?


That's definitely how it came across.  He supposedly moved there b/c he has family living there, but the moment Brianna broke up with him, he moved home and got back together with his ex!  I doubt he even broke up with his ex in the first place (since they continued to talk and facetime each other when Brianna was  not home). She got played big time and yet still is mad at her mom and sister. Smh...

Edited by MissFeatherbottom
  • Love 7
11 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Rachel's trashtastic family never ceases to surprise me. She's going on and on about wanting to save her friend but her friend seems to be willingly hooking up with Drew. Unless there are drugs being done in that shitty looking house. I wonder if we'll see Jacob again. If not, good on him from getting out of Rachel's orbit. We need to send Ashley's sister Chris to TN to knock some sense into those people. Preferably with a chair 😜



Chris for President.

That is all. 

(She and her chair are the only reasons that I can handle Ashley’s scenes. I’d LOVE to know what she thought of her sister’s ridiculous behavior at the reunion.  I tell myself that Chris ripped her a new one because it’s the only thing that makes sense.)

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12 hours ago, IvySpice said:

Rachel's selfless devotion to her friend was not in any way motivated by wanting to keep her baby daddy under glass for future use. Nuh-uh, not at all.

She literally only wanted to save her friend. Literally it's ALL she was concerned about...LITERALLY! Omg it annoys me how much she says that word,,. Literally!!!

10 hours ago, Bridget said:

Chris for President.

That is all. 

(She and her chair are the only reasons that I can handle Ashley’s scenes. I’d LOVE to know what she thought of her sister’s ridiculous behavior at the reunion.  I tell myself that Chris ripped her a new one because it’s the only thing that makes sense.)

I usually don''t pay much attention to Ashley's scenes unless it involves Chris or cutie-pie Holly.  I'm sure Chris did voice her opinion regarding the reunion, but as we have witnessed, Ashley does not take her advice or listen to her at all , and she should b/c Chris is usually the voice of reason.

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13 hours ago, IvySpice said:

Rachel's selfless devotion to her friend was not in any way motivated by wanting to keep her baby daddy under glass for future use. Nuh-uh, not at all.

 Rachel's rules of the holler:

It's ok for Rachel to sleep with, and get impregnated by her boyfriend's best friend, but it's not ok for her best friend to sleep with the baby daddy she (claims she) wants nothing to do with.

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8 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

 Rachel's rules of the holler:

It's ok for Rachel to sleep with, and get impregnated by her boyfriend's best friend, but it's not ok for her best friend to sleep with the baby daddy she (claims she) wants nothing to do with.

I don't even think she's sure that Cody is the father of this new baby.  It could be any of the Three Stooges.

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On 3/1/2020 at 9:18 AM, FozzyBear said:

The happiest I’ve ever seen Rachel was when she was about to go start a fight with her best friend and her ex. She had the biggest smile pulling up to the house. I’ve never seen her that excited over anything else. Not even her daughter.

To be fair, that was the closest thing to an interesting afternoon that's happened in that down in months.

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