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Kim Zolciak Biermann: Bye Bye, Wig

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  On 8/20/2017 at 2:27 AM, chenoa333 said:

. To the Instagram poster "kyliehubble" who wrote "...you are literally so damn pretty!".  Kyliehubble...you are literally so damn stupid. Brielle looks like roadkill.


Is this a for real picture? Has it been photoshopped or anything? If not, she looks horrendous or just down right alien! 

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  On 8/20/2017 at 6:39 PM, raiderred1 said:

Is this a for real picture? Has it been photoshopped or anything? If not, she looks horrendous or just down right alien! 


Seriously, she looks frightful---like a damned melting wax sculpture! And I honestly can't even decide which of her and Kim's procedures are worse: the insanely huge inflatable lips or the overcarved upturned nose...both treatments have rendered the two of them into literal alien species.

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  On 8/20/2017 at 7:19 PM, Sun-Bun said:

Seriously, she looks frightful---like a damned melting wax sculpture! And I honestly can't even decide which of her and Kim's procedures are worse: the insanely huge inflatable lips or the overcarved upturned nose...both treatments have rendered the two of them into literal alien species.



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Be on the lookout for Kim to be in trouble with the Feds. I found this article about another show, but it mentions a housewife or two, and all of them are being sent notices due to their overwrought pimping of products on Instagram and elsewhere.


  On 8/20/2017 at 2:27 AM, chenoa333 said:

. To the Instagram poster "kyliehubble" who wrote "...you are literally so damn pretty!".  Kyliehubble...you are literally so damn stupid. Brielle looks like roadkill.


It looks like someone took a toilet plunger to her nose and lips. You can even see the outline it left after the "procedure".

 Plastic surgeons were out of ideas as to how to make women look more ridiculous so behind closed doors the vain and vapid were privately offered this very special procedure to make them a futurama star of social media and out came the plunger.

These women still haven't gotten the joke. 

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  On 9/20/2017 at 4:37 PM, Major Bigtime said:

She is STILL saying she hasn't had any work done. Is she really that dumb to think photos don't lie?



She's lied about it so much and for so long that there's no way she'll ever own up to it at this point.  Crazy ass bitch thinks it's not obvious af to everyone that she looks NOTHING like she used to.

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In the preview commercials for new season they show her and Kroy on beach I think renewing their vows...anyways holy shit her face!!  omg wtf did she have do now but it looks soooo bad.  I didn't think she could look any worse but I was wrong!  How in ever loving God does she think that looks good?? And why does no one around her tell her the truth..some friends!  They must all secretly hate her and laughing behind her back...thats the only reason I can come up with.

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They were in the Turks & Caicos for that renewal farce.

I read in a private group that Kroy got stopped for speeding, 69/55. He also got cited for having his windows tinted too dark (a big no-no in GA). He tried to talk his way out of it by saying his daughters had severe reactions to sunlight, and Kim tried to help him out by saying no way he’d go above 55 because she gets carsick if he goes one mile over the speed limit. There’s a video of it she posted somewhere, probably Twitter or Instagram.

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  On 9/24/2017 at 7:12 PM, Major Bigtime said:

They were in the Turks & Caicos for that renewal farce.

I read in a private group that Kroy got stopped for speeding, 69/55. He also got cited for having his windows tinted too dark (a big no-no in GA). He tried to talk his way out of it by saying his daughters had severe reactions to sunlight, and Kim tried to help him out by saying no way he’d go above 55 because she gets carsick if he goes one mile over the speed limit. There’s a video of it she posted somewhere, probably Twitter or Instagram.


Does Kim even realize how friggin stupid that sounds? So if Kroy is driving in a 25 mph school zone but going 26 mph, the precious princess will get car sick. But Kroy can drive 65 mph on the freeway and Kim WON'T get car sick because Kroy is driving the speed limit. 

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  On 9/26/2017 at 1:51 PM, Nancypants said:

Everyone couple that does a "Vow Renewal" is usually staging a Do-Over in attempt to convince themselves that their marriage is not completely Shot to Hell.

Looking forward to the Divorce plastered all over the Tabloids. 

This is what happens when you give Carnies a gaudy mansion and cash.


Vow Renewal = doomed marriage.  Pretty much all the Ho Wives who did vow renewal ended up divorced.  OC Shannon did it last season and this season her marriage is on the rocks.  If that happens with Wig & Kroy that will be a trainwreck for sure.  At first I felt kinda bad for him, but from what we see on show he enable it all so no more pity from me.  Also, he allowed her to estrange him from his parents which is sad.  I get that he was standing with his wife, but that is your family, not to mention the fact that she did same thing with her family.  At some point you gotta see that maybe the problem isn't them but me?  Does anyone even know the story of what went down with his parents?  They were at the wedding, and seemed to behave unlike her mom!

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It is in this house.  My Fridays (and Saturdays) belong to LivePD and playing LivePD Bingo.  So it's going to be really easy to skip this embarrassing mess.  I can't believe how much things have changed in Kim's world.  Not for the better, either.  I can't recognize the older girls, can't stand the oldest brat-boy and he's ruining the other boy, and I worry the twins are just getting forgotten (like the animals).  Plus all the damn screaming!  I was thinking Kroy might be good for them (wrong!), I used to like Tracy but the longer she is around them, the more they rub off on her.  The whole household is disturbing and disgusting now.  Repulsive. 

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Apparently Nene had a party at her new home and Brielle posted a video from the bathroom and there were cockroaches running around. Yuck...... cockroaches are gross, and yuck, for Brielle to post something like that, and for Kim to go along with it. 

Kim's children are all naturally beautiful, but by supporting her girls in their quest to look like plastic  blow up dolls she is essentially giving them the idea that they are not beautiful in their natural state. 

Ever see Kim's mother? Kroy should be very afraid of how Kim will look in 25 years. Ugly on the inside and ugly on the outside. 

Im so glad someone reported Kim for poor treatment of animals. 

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  On 10/6/2017 at 6:31 PM, Juliegirlj said:

Apparently Nene had a party at her new home and Brielle posted a video from the bathroom and there were cockroaches running around. Yuck...... cockroaches are gross, and yuck, for Brielle to post something like that, and for Kim to go along with it. 

Kim's children are all naturally beautiful, but by supporting her girls in their quest to look like plastic  blow up dolls she is essentially giving them the idea that they are not beautiful in their natural state. 

Ever see Kim's mother? Kroy should be very afraid of how Kim will look in 25 years. Ugly on the inside and ugly on the outside. 

Im so glad someone reported Kim for poor treatment of animals. 


Kim is already ugly on the inside....no need to wait 25 years for that. 

Any updates on Kim being allowed to foster pets? (Any pets besides Kroy!)

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Given the huge incomes the Kardashian women (although not the men, i.e., Rob) are bringing in through all their Twitter and IG product promotion, I believe Kim really is making $1 million a year, if you include her Bravo salary for this show as well as returning to RHoA. I do hope that her kids are getting paid to be on the show also, and that she and Kroy have a financial manager who is putting the kids' earnings into a trust that Kim won't be able to bust into when she spends and gambles herself into bankruptcy.

Edited by RedHawk
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  On 10/18/2017 at 9:54 PM, Major Bigtime said:

It's more than obvious that she's trying like hell to be Kim Kartrashian and Brielle's trying to be Kylie J.  And WTF is up with Kroy letting her go out in public looking like that?

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I still don't get how they can afford their lifestyle.

Ok, her Bravo income and a couple of annual personal appearances. She's no extra work hustler like other Bravo/reality show stars who work hard to make added value $$ income by smartly using their time limited Bravo fame. And she hates to travel. She hates to work ! And that skin care line? I don't think so. 

Him, I guess he has some NFL injury union contract/settlement money.  For now. But it ain't no tens of millions. Single digits maybe.

That house, 6 kids, cars, utilities, staff, HEALTHCARE, all the friggin discretionary ridiculous SHOPPING & SPENDING . 

Six kids ! 

The $$$ ain't gonna last. Kim lives ONLY for NOW. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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I thought Kroy had better sense as a father, but he’s too much invested in being Kim’s co star to really step in and take charge. He has some decent qualities but he’s no match for the stream roller that is Kim.  He loves the spotlight and since his football career isn’t getting him the accolades, being a reality star  is his only option. 

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  On 11/19/2017 at 1:56 PM, citychic said:

Here is a snap of Kim trying to be cool...It's just pathetic.  Accidentally of course.

These people live in such a social bubble they're starting to become bubbles. Bubble brain, bubble lips, bubble boobs, bubble butt and a bleached bubble bottom hole.


Trashy tramps name-dropping and thinking they're hot shit.  Their delusional pea brains think that they and the Kartrashians are tight.  They actually aspire to be like the Kartrashians when, in reality, they are nothing more than white trash.  The arrogance and narcissism displayed by these two freaks is nauseating.  This is mean, but I'm actually looking forward to watching their world implode when the money runs out.

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  On 11/22/2017 at 8:44 PM, farmgal4 said:

Trashy tramps name-dropping and thinking they're hot shit.  Their delusional pea brains think that they and the Kartrashians are tight.  They actually aspire to be like the Kartrashians when, in reality, they are nothing more than white trash.  The arrogance and narcissism displayed by these two freaks is nauseating.  This is mean, but I'm actually looking forward to watching their world implode when the money runs out.


That's the only reason I'm posting on this thread and I make no apologies for my hate for these sorry excuses for humans. 

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  On 11/22/2017 at 8:44 PM, farmgal4 said:

Trashy tramps name-dropping and thinking they're hot shit.  Their delusional pea brains think that they and the Kartrashians are tight.  They actually aspire to be like the Kartrashians when, in reality, they are nothing more than white trash.  The arrogance and narcissism displayed by these two freaks is nauseating.  This is mean, but I'm actually looking forward to watching their world implode when the money runs out.


I love every snarky word of your post. I will be sitting right next to you watching these two trash bags go out to the curb with the rest of their belongings.  Shoot,  I used to hang out over at the kartrashians forum and I posted years ago about waiting for those noodleheads to go down in flames and it still hasn't happened.

I have always wondered why actors and television personalities are paid so well. Athletes too to a point.  Old Hollywood way back in the day was glamorous and classy no doubt and maybe those are the people who deserved a bit more so they could shine but these people? Why? Why doesn't someone just say out loud how ridiculous it is and start paying them 20 dollars and hour.

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  On 11/21/2017 at 8:28 PM, Maharincess said:

Kim's youngest daughter.

I'm surprised the kid doesn't have fake boobs and fake lips yet. 



Ugh...welp, this kid has no chance. Even at her young age, she's already being groomed into a white trash mess just like her skanky mother and sisters. Just when I think this family couldn't possibly repulse me any more, they just keep on finding new ways to disgust the masses.

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