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I think at this point someone from CDB will have to die (by season's end). The problem is that they've taunted us for so long now, that if they don't kill a biggie than TPTB think we will grow complacent and lose interest. (BTW, I don't consider Abe, Tara, Rosita, or Sasha in with CDB. I think they can go at any time, no matter how I feel about them.)

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I wouldn't be surprised if it were Maggie either. One baby is hard enough to deal with, somehow I don't see the show allowing two. I think they'd want to kill her before she was too far along and it would freak everyone out. 

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I'm tempted to look up information on Jesus in the comics to see a general direction this is heading. Resisting so far.


Minor speculation based on "A New World" and the preview clips shown last night:

Jesus bested Daryl in some benign way - a minor conk on the head or tied up or wrapped him in silly string or something.
Jesus - who I thought was in an unfinished basement in the infirmary or some other house - makes his way to the Grimes house.

And then appears in Rick's (or Michonne's) bedroom for unknown reasons.
Glenn and Maggie, who's returning to her farming roots, are out gardening and then see

Denise get Abraham and scramble down stairs, presumably to

Daryl who was incapacitated by Jesus but is obviously OK given that we saw him up and around and out and about in the preview that showed multiple characters out with Jesus during the daytime.  Maybe Daryl had a Carol/Morgan concussion, the kind that makes the individual fall asleep for a while, but upon waking, results in a few minutes of grogginess, followed by readiness to face a walker herd.

Edited by lulee
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Here's the TVGuide listing for tonight's episode:


After Rick comes to the realization that Alexandria might not be as safe as he thought, decisions must be made about where to go.

Suddenly, I'm much more intrigued about what Jesus is going to reveal. What say you?

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I was pretty sure that Maggie might be killed this season because I didn't think they'd have two toddler/babies around and I believe Judith is as safe as they come as a character at this point. But now that there's a sonogram picture, I don't think anything will happen to Maggie at least until after the baby is born. I think it's one thing to "tell" the audience a character is pregnant, but once there's a visual, that character just isn't as likely to be killed (on a tv show). And since Lori died in childbirth, I doubt they'd repeat that with Maggie. 

So now I'm back to thinking she's safe.

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At this specific moment in time, my money is on Morgan. In the teaser for the next episode where Rick is explaining the Negan situation to the ASZHats in the church, Morgan appears to be seriously conflicted.

My speculation:

  • Morgan's conflict is with the notion of proactively attacking and killing other humans - Negan's crew, in this case.
  • Morgan goes along on the Negan run, but his reluctance to kill results (directly or indirectly) in the mission going FUBAR and part or all of CDB being captured.
  • The captives go before Negan, who demands the sacrifice of one of the CDB captives as tribute or recompense for their attack.
  • Morgan, in acknowledgment (either internal or external) of his culpability in CDB's capture, either volunteers or (if not given the choice of volunteering) provokes Negan into choosing him.
With the exception of Point 1 and (half of) Point 2, these points could conceivably be applied to any member of the chosen raiding party. I focus specifically on Morgan because I feel Morgan's character has been written into an inescapable corner. Morgan has been constructed as a moral compass whose core is based upon his "all life is precious" ethic. This ethic worked for Morgan as an independent entity; as an interdependent member of a community, however, it has repeatedly jeopardized the other members. I see Morgan being written into a box with only three doors out; Morgan can either (1) kill, (2) not kill, and let someone else die as a result of his inaction, or (3) not kill, and offer his own life to spare someone else's death for his inaction. Options 1 and 2 directly dispute Morgan's role as a moral compass and negate any significant future contribution to he show, relegating him to the role of generic background character. Option 3 is the only exit strategy I see as true to the character without negating his significance.

ETA: Accidentally hit Post too soon.

Edited by Nashville
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I totally agree with you about Morgan being written into a corner. It's really disappointing because I loved his character in the past seasons. I supposed they could have his character find a middle ground, but I really just don't see the writers choosing that route. 


So yea, I wouldn't be surprised if Morgan died. 


I think also either Rosita or Sasha will die at some point this season. 


And maybe Daryl. 

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Just watched the previews on AMC.com, we see Rick speaking in the church, pitching the idea to go after the Saviors, and he says that if someone disagrees, now's the time to speak up. Then in the other clip, we unsurprisingly see Morgan standing.


Of note on the road are Carol, Gabriel, Rick, Maggie, Sasha, Michonne, Aaron, Heath, Glenn, Maggie, Rosita, and Daryl. Those are the only ones I can see for sure, but there are probably others, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone red-shirty was lost on this mission, raising the stakes for the crew but not racheted up much for the audience yet.

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I can't help wondering if Glenn's two narrow escapes of late were a way of preparing me for his actual demise this season. He survived the alleyway, somewhat to my surprise, and he also survived the scrum/spray of bullets during the defense of Alexandria. I'd hate to lose one of the first season crew ("Hey, dumbass!") But I'm really worried that Glenn is doomed. He's so happy right now and here I am thinking it isn't going to end well.

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I agree about Glenn.  When I saw that ultrasound scene and how happy they all were I got this sinking feeling of doom.  And yes, because the character has had all these close calls and was believed dead recently PTB may lure the audience into this false sense of safety and go "gotcha suckers" and dead Glenn for real.


I think Rick and/or Michonne may be in danger too because this is the kind of show that does not reward  any kind of contentment or   happiness.


And I always worry about characters like Carol and Daryl because they are badass - and Daryl has gotten kind of cocky.

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I could have easily missed something. But aren't we a bit premature into thinking about who will die at the hands of Negan. We still have a few episodes left before the season ender, and I would think any significant death won't occur until then. Yes, I think someone will die before then, but not a biggie (and I think we're close to agreement on who the "biggies" are).

(Corrected because, honestly, ender and spender are two different words.)

Edited by JackONeill
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Damnit! I have TWD as one of my "interests" on Google News and I saw a somewhat spoilery headline (stated a plot point but not who).

Damn you indiscriminate algorithms!

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The dead pool aspect is a big reason why I'm disenchanted with the Negan character before he even appears on the show. I know nothing about the character aside from what the show has told me and I like the actor cast in the role but my feeling is he's another Grim Reaper. The Govenor culled season one survivors Andrea and Merle, and it seems like Negan is another version of that. Someone I've invested years in is going out so this character can splash onto the canvas and shock me. Too late, Negan, I see you coming.

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I predict that one day the people who you'd expect to see surviving the zombie apocalypse will finally show up.  No, I'm not talking about bike gangs, cannibals, cult leaders, and sociopaths.  I'm talking about survivalists, paramilitary, military units, special forces, Navy SEALS.  Where are these guys?  They're the best trained and best equipped people on the planet.  You know they're out there, come on!

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I am predicting that we are about to lose at least two and at least one will be core group CDB.  I'm thinking Maggie AND Glenn.  Or Sasha and Gabe.  Or Carol and Morgan.  Or Michonne.  Or Daryl.  Or Judith.  Ok basically I've named the entire cast.  But my thought is that it is going to be a biggie that we feel for a long time.  I think that we were meant to savor the smile that was put on Rick's face the last couple of episodes because I don't think we're going to ever see him smile again after what happens.


I know I'm dramatic but I have a deep dread right now.  Normally I hate spoilers but I am forcing myself not to look and find out for sure.  I want to feel the full impact.  But I am afraid of it.

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Have we even lost anyone this year? Anyone from CDB, that is? There was the Glenn fakeout. But all I can recall is Nicholas, Jessie and her family, random ASZ redshirts. Wolves. Usually we lose several from the core group each year. At least two. Maybe three. 


I'm betting we'll loose 3 before the season is over. Two with Negan, and then one other at whatever happens towards the end. Or maybe it will be the reverse. 


My guesses are:


Daryl or Morgan

Rosita/Sasha/Abraham (leaning towards one of the girls, unfortunately)

Glenn or Maggie


But it's also possible that both Glenn and Maggie will be fine, and we'll lose Daryl AND Morgan. 


I've had a strong feeling we'd lose Daryl since season 4. So that guess could be more of me WANTING to lose that grease ball than any actual inclination it's going to happen. 



The safest I think are - Carl, Judith, Rick, and Michonne. 

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Have we even lost anyone this year? Anyone from CDB, that is? There was the Glenn fakeout. But all I can recall is Nicholas, Jessie and her family, random ASZ redshirts. Wolves. Usually we lose several from the core group each year. At least two. Maybe three. 


I'm betting we'll loose 3 before the season is over. Two with Negan, and then one other at whatever happens towards the end. Or maybe it will be the reverse. 



The safest I think are - Carl, Judith, Rick, and Michonne. 

I'm pretty sure that it was Gimple - if not, then Nicotero or Kirkman - who said that Negan won't appear until this season's finale, and it was mentioned during the press blitz before the 2nd half started where everyone associated with the show said how devastating this season's finale is. Not sure how many eps are remaining. Is it 5 counting Sunday's? So maybe there will be a more minor death within the next couple of episodes (e.g., Rosita, Sasha, or Abraham) and then a major one in the finale (e.g., Maggie killed in front of Glenn or vice versa).


I agree that the MiGrimes family is safest of opening credits characters.


Maybe Carol isn't as safe as she previously seemed. She had her moment of philosophical doubt in her conflict with Morgan. What if they pull her back toward the center - make her show more grief or regret for some of those she's killed or at least for some of the things she's said? After that where would her character have to go?

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Sadly, I agree that they might be done with Carol's arc. I wouldn't say that's off the table.. But I think they'd have to give her a lot more to do/say in the next few episodes if they were going to kill her off. 

Edited by ghoulina
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The dead pool aspect is a big reason why I'm disenchanted with the Negan character before he even appears on the show.


Too late, Negan, I see you coming.


I am so very tired of Negan...I keep hoping something roughly equivalent to this will happen:


Edited by Raven1707
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Not quite sure if this is the right place for this, but anywho...........


I was quite recently told that the group who was raping/killing Terminus in the flashback shown back in early S5 - before it became the Carnivorous Cannibals Cafe we grew to know and love - was The Saviors.  That true, or was this person just talking out of their butt?

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Not quite sure if this is the right place for this, but anywho...........

I was quite recently told that the group who was raping/killing Terminus in the flashback shown back in early S5 - before it became the Carnivorous Cannibals Cafe we grew to know and love - was The Saviors. That true, or was this person just talking out of their butt?

Possible but not directly addressed. All we've seen or heard so far about them is what we've been shown and what the Hilltoppers have said.
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Eh, I don't know how feasible that is. Supposedly Terminus got revenge on their captors. I didn't get the impression that they were some big group. They took over the train station, raped and used them, and then the Termites put an end to them. If they weren't eaten, they were still locked up. I don't think anyone got away, and I don't think they were part of a larger group. I could be wrong, but I don't see any connection. 

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Sadly, I agree that they might be done with Carol's arc. I wouldn't say that's off the table.. But I think they'd have to give her a lot more to do/say in the next few episodes if they were going to kill her off. 

And now, given how much she was featured last night and obviously will be a focal character next week, I am officially nervous for Carol.

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Just saw an article in which Nicotero confirmed that Morgan was making a jail cell. So who do you think will end up in the jail by season's end? Morgan himself? Negan?

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Hey, now that we had Alicia Witt do her "cameo" maybe we'll see others. Remember William Shatner in Airplane II where he's the maniacal general in the underground bunker. That'd be perfect for this show. He can be the leader of that faction of the world.

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Hey, now that we had Alicia Witt do her "cameo" maybe we'll see others. Remember William Shatner in Airplane II where he's the maniacal general in the underground bunker. That'd be perfect for this show. He can be the leader of that faction of the world.

But then... one Shatner... monologue... might take... more time... than... is...allocated... for a... single... episode....


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He could monologue about Priceline then we wouldn't have to have so many commercial breaks.

Only if they bring in Kaley Cuoco as well.

Now, THERE would be a nice hookup for Daryl.

Only problem is, it would break television as we know it.

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Well, I came here to hypothesize that Morgan now being assigned sole Carol retrieval duty means the two pacifists will be forced to suit up, throw off their ennui and charge in for the save.  (As in, next season, not next Sunday.)



But if we're losing someone MAJOR--no offense to LJ fans, but that's hellalot bigger than Morgan.  Carol, Michonne and Glen must be in danger.


How horrible is it that I'd give up Carl in an instant before losing any of those three?  Wouldn't that kid like to see what high school's really all about?  C'mon, Chandler--marching band, cheerleaders, your own locker combination.  It's a gas, man.

Edited by candall
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I agree that Carol, Glenn, and Michonne are in the most danger. I just don't think the show would kill Rick, Carl, or Judith, and I think the show is using Daryl as a fakeout/ tension builder. So that leaves Glenn, Maggie, Michonne, and Carol, and the long timers in danger. Maggie's danger, though, looks to be of the medically tragic kind, leaving someone else to suffer the foreshadowed violence.

Any of these dying would have a huge impact.

Carol: maybe she gets captured by the guy from the pickup and he brings her to Negan who then kills her.

Glenn: maybe after the repeated close calls, this cat's run out of lives. Given that he's currently held by Saviors, things don't look good.

Michonne: like Glenn she's currently held by the Saviors; previously held by the Gov. but escaped. So this time could be a mirror image of that. Her death would have the most direct impact on Rick and Carl.

I'm avoiding spoilers like the plague but am feeling such a mix of anticipation and dread for this finale.

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It's getting harder and harder to avoid spoilers. That alone is making me wish the season was over already. I think I might know things I don't want to know. Grrr....


At any rate, I don't want to lose any of the people currently in danger, except maybe Daryl. Daryl used to be my favorite character, but I feel like he's been so stagnant for the past few seasons. Plus, his fangirls really annoy me. Go ahead and riot! Haha, no really....I think he's going to be okay, because this is clearly a fakeout. They wouldn't kill Daryl Dixon off screen. 


If they kill Glenn, it's really going to piss me off. Not because he's my favorite. But I do really like Glenn, and he's an original member of the group. And I feel like with all these fakeouts they've done with him, it's just not going to have as big of an impact. It will be very anti-climatic. "Oh, they finally killed Glenn. Okay then."


I feel like the one that would be the biggest shock at this point, though, would be Michonne. And after she and Rick finally getting together, I really hope they don't go there. 


I'm fairly certain they sent Rosita after Daryl so she could die and make the whole love triangle thing less complicated. 


Maggie? Eh, I don't think she's super far along, so losing the baby might not be that dangerous for her. We'll see. 

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Yeah, I don't think Maggie's going to die, but if she's experiencing a miscarriage, that seems likely to dominate her storyline for the episode because I'm guessing that even with 90 minutes of airtime, the plot time will be tight with things transpiring over just a few hours. And I don't see her ending up in other danger.

Edited by lulee
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First, I'm dismayed that all of our speculation is about which character will die. That doesn't bode well for the storytelling. If I can read the comics for the storylines, why am I watching the show?


That being said, I'm consulting my character scorecard and, narrowing down the list of potential victims to those being held by the Saviors and Denise being dead already, it appears that Rosita now falls into the sweet spot of "interesting and cared about by the audience but not really one of the untouchables". I give her odds at 2-1. My long shot is Heath or Tara since it's conceivable they may have been captured after leaving and it would be weird to have Tara wait all summer to hear about Denise.


Also, I'm already over Negan. My suspicion is that the writers will have fallen in love with him by now and think they've learned how to make a villain from all the mistakes they made with the Governor. They will have him monologue the hell out of every scene he's in. I mean, if Dwight is already doing it just imagine what the main antagonist will be like, especially if he's set up to be the antithesis of Rick. Those two will talk until even Morgan is tired of hearing them.


Oh, and I hope they don't pull any cutesy cliffhanger crap like having someone killed but not showing us who it is. The audience's patience for that kind of nonsense was all used up with Glenn's dumpster dive.

Edited by RustbeltWriter
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Also, I'm already over Negan. My suspicion is that the writers will have fallen in love with him by now and think they've learned how to make a villain from all the mistakes they made with the Governor. They will have him monologue the hell out of every scene he's in. I mean, if Dwight is already doing it just imagine what the main antagonist will be like, especially if he's set up to be the antithesis of Rick. Those two will talk until even Morgan is tired of hearing them.


Boy, I'm not tired of Negan at all.  Bring on the viable super-villain.


I loved the season we spent at the farm--so much character development firmed up via the confounding issues of a fresh ZA.  So, okay, I can give the team another rest, elbowing the complacent residents of Alexandria while everyone tussles out the issues of Advanced ZA Sociology.


But I'm tired of:  what if your only medical professional is a wife beater, the morality of procreation, hormonal teens literally sittin' in a tree and whether tomatoes need a tripod to flourish.  I think the show wasted a bunch of perfectly good cannibals--because you know that would totally be a thing--and the wolves got off to a good start with the forehead mutilation and the ominous warnings, but then they just petered out.


If they've been saving up an adversary for seven years who can make my heart pound for an hour every Sunday night, roll him on out.  I'm ready.

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People. You've been warned about spoilers in the episode threads over and over again. This thread, of all THINGS, must NOT contain a spoiler. There is a pretty green tag on the upper left of this page, with the words No Spoilers in it for a reason.


I don't read the comics, so I have no CLUE what the hell


means. Which means it's a spoiler.


                                                    Which means it's not allowed in here.

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From the last episode, my gut feeling is now Michonne. She will be killed moments before Carol/Morgan come in and save the rest. As they're fleeing Abraham will probably sacrifice himself so the others can get away and we won't know his fate until the season returns. 

I'm nervous about Michonne too. She's one of my favorites and her death would be a huge blow - the kind of blow that's been teased by Gimple & Co. for months, it seems. Also,I know it's probably ridiculous to speculate based on the actors' non-TWD work, but it seems like Danai's theater work has really taken off and maybe she's ready to move on from TWD.

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Michonne would be a huge shock. If they did that, I would have a hard time continuing to watch this show. Not because I'm one of those people who are all, "If they kill my favorite character, I'll riot!" And Michonne, while I love her, isn't my favorite. But no, it will just reinforce the issues I've been having with the writing for the past two seasons. How cliche is it to continue taking someone's life after they enter a romantic relationship? (Karen, Bob, Beth's stupid boyfriend.) Now, if Danai really did want to be written out because of her theater work, I could maybe understand. But anyhow, I hope it's not Michonne. 


It won't be Carl. Carl will outlive them all. 

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Maybe this business of cycling through characters and fueling speculation about their demises is counter-productive to the show. It seems like all the speculation (without spoilers, of course) is centered on which character will die, rather than the storylines, plots and the overall arc of the show. They've given us 6 seasons of humans being the the most dangerous thing in the zombie apocalypse. Is that all they have to offer? We now have Alexandria and the beginnings of a new society. I think it's immensely interesting to watch that being built up and see the survivors take a proactive approach to catching their breath and decide what kind of society they want to build. What will they keep from history and what will they toss aside? What direction will they take? As the show ages I think they should focus on these questions.

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I agree. I understand that it's the ZA and people are going to die. But it really does take away from the show when we're all just sitting here waiting for the next batch of people to die. It's going to lose its impact more and more as time goes by. At this point, there really should be a lot more world building. 

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I understand that it's the ZA and people are going to die. But it really does take away from the show when we're all just sitting here waiting for the next batch of people to die. It's going to lose its impact more and more as time goes by.  At this point, there really should be a lot more world building. 

But, hmm, the people we're worrying about dying are always in those risky situations in service to the primary goal of settling down somewhere they can be safe and establish some new version of normal.


We spent a whole season trying to carve out an enclave at Herschel's farm.  Now we've had a season of adjusting to/improving Alexandria.  The most interesting world-build season, to me, was the prison season, because they were trying to get into a new permanent rhythm but the next-door world-build effort was being undermined by its psycho leader, who kept getting all up in Prisonworld's business.  A combo new world x two + adversary season:  good job.


They've spent three out of six seasons settled down in one spot or another, working toward getting the civilization thing going again--that seems like a respectable shoutout to world-building.


And The Governor's the only half-decent evil-personified opponent they've ever had (she whined.)  The cannibals could have been in contention, but after all that whole buildup to Terminus, their secret was revealed two minutes into the orientation meeting and the battle was on and over.


It's time for some super-villain drama.  We can get back to beet cookies and solar power and criminal justice quandaries later.

Edited by candall
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Non-cliffhanger Season 7 speculation (and not really going out a limb): I'll bet there will be a couple episodes that will feature flashbacks about the Saviors and definitely one that will show us how Dwight went from being the guy wandering (fleeing?) in the woods, along with two women, who robbed Daryl of his bike and bow - not a nice guy but seemingly more desperate than dastardly ... to the guy two months later, with a scar over half his face, who killed Denise and participated in the round-up of CDB folks for Negan to punish.

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