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Jim Henson's Labyrinth Mafia

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5 hours ago, SVNBob said:

I just had a thought about this. 

What about those of you with mod-powers putting spoiler tags on the profiles of people not playing in the current game?  That would keep the profiles intact, but also have them "out of sight" while they're not germane.

Also, I got nothing as well.  I'm as lost in this textual labyrinth as the rest of the Heroes.

I've hidden the profiles of those not playing this round. Will endeavour to update it each game but I may need reminding!

  • Love 4

First ... in the past, I have been known to be the "Queen of Likes" ... I am not so much anymore because I do so much from my phone and my fingers don't always work on the emoji's ... so that doesn't mean a thing during game play.  ::giggle::

Second ... it seems the "hinting" thing is causing a lack of dialog ... which is fine, it just means I have to work harder to find actual CLUES in the story instead of relying on game conversation, which is entirely NEW for me.  

Third ... I got nothing ... it has been years since I have seen this movie, and maybe I need to watch it tonight to get caught up (to know what is canon and what isn't).

Fourth ... good try @deaja ... how about your comment "
judge the children" in how Sarah feels about Toby?  Yeah, just as weak.

Onward ...


Edited by BizBuzz
Because there is a difference between FIND and FINE
8 minutes ago, deaja said:

I've never seen the movie, so I'm really in the dark as to what is canon and what is not at this point. 

I may watch it though if it is streaming anywhere.

I'm in the same boat. I told myself that I'd watch the movie before this game, but never actually did, so anything specific about the movie is lost on me.

16 hours ago, Lisin said:

The three “Oh”s stuck out to me but I’ve got no clue what it could mean and it could be direct movie dialogue so what do I know. (It’s been a bit since I’ve seen the movie) but in general I’ve got nothing. 

This would have been an amazing clue for Snookums, whose favorite TV show contains a 3 followed by three 0's. (MST 3000)

2 hours ago, deaja said:

I've never seen the movie, so I'm really in the dark as to what is canon and what is not at this point. 

This should help, D- the Day 1 story is 100% canon.

Who haven't we heard from?

  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

@Hanged Man hasn’t checked in at all. If he’s a bad guy, would one of the other villains let us know if he’s participated in your group chat?

Yes, villains, by all means, one of you do that... 🙂

Sorry if I've been quiet, but I don't really have anything to add to the conversation. Didn't pick up on any clues, and I'm not getting a vibe off of any of you one way or the other.

@Hanged Man's silence is a bit suspicious, but he probably just didn't realize the game had started yet.

44 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

@Hanged Man hasn’t checked in at all. If he’s a bad guy, would one of the other villains let us know if he’s participated in your group chat?

I swore I wasn't going to heart any posts this time, dammit!

We can't hint our character but we can hint our ability. That should help things.

As far as the story, I still suck at clues, surprising no-one. 😄

30 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Who you thinking JT?

Doesn’t really matter since I doubt it goes through. We have no real consensus. 

I refuse to vote offer up Lisin or Joanne due to my previously noted guilt. I could see a BizBuzz just because of my razor thin tenterhooks Jane Austen connection.

Hell, it’s probably not a good idea, and I wouldn’t recommend it, but I wouldn’t be all that worried if someone threw me up for a vote. I’d be less worried if it wasn’t me, but at least I’d get to see where I stand. 

Yes, Day ended ahem coughhoursagocough, while I was sleeping and I've been busy doing other irl stuffs since I awoke so...

Twilight starts now! You have 12 hours to submit Twilight actions. Game discussion can carry on until the Night story is posted.

**Reminder - if you didn’t post during Day any active ability you may have is voided for this Twilight/Night phase.

1 hour ago, JTMacc99 said:

What are you basing your odds on?

@Lisin 1-5 (based on Villains being casually unoriginal and/or wanting to see her head go 360 REDRUM degrees after a third consecutive N1 exit) 

@Drogo 75-1 (based on the Villains wanting to keep me alive for everyone to be suspicious of tomorrow and the next day, etc.)

I prob wouldn't take either of these bets, though.  Villains, any tips?



  • Love 2

The 12 hr window for submitting Twilight actions is now closed. However, Twilight endures until the Night story is posted, carry on with game discussion until then.

Story forecast:

The outlook is for a strong chance of a canon-esque story falling sometime tomorrow, with an outside possibility of it arriving on Friday. Umbrella's won't be needed.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Lisin said:

If I die toNight I’m haunting you all so hard. With onions. 

Agreed. While I'm not the first one out, in the two games I've played, I'm usually shortly after you.

I would also like to point out that in two games, I've been murdered three times. It would be nice to last long enough to go out with a nice straightforward DL this time. Heh.

@Drogo, how to do I do the thing where I look look suspicious enough to keep around, but not too suspicious?  Is there a youtube video I could watch?


  • LOL 1

Game mod note: I've decided that from now on, if nothing significant to the game happens during Day (and as Night stories usually don't contain clues), it doesn't make much sense to spend time writing and posting a story. Instead, under the above circumstances, I'll post something theme-related to announce Night. This will reduce the waiting time between Twilight and Night and therefore, speed things up a bit. This'll help particularly when doing movie-themed games as it saves 'wasting' plot on a non-clue story.

(Gah, if only this had occurred to me earlier...).

So, in light of the above:


Twilight, you're over, OVER! Get outta here you filthy animal! 

Night is upon us.  IT DARK, YO.

You have 24 hrs as of now to submit Night actions, please be sure not to miss this deadline.

**Reminder - if you didn’t post during Day any active ability you may have is voided for this Twilight/Night phase.

Living players: Dazed & A-Mazed

  1. JTMacc
  2. The Crazed Spruce
  3. Drogo
  4. BizBuzz
  5. Lisin
  6. deaja
  7. SVNBob
  8. Hanged Man
  9. Lady Calypso
  10. Machiabelly
  11. joanne3482
  12. festivus
  • Useful 1

The Night action window may have ended hours ago but it still dark, yo. Night isn't over til the cock crows; you can expect that to happen either Sunday or Monday.

Heads Up: We'll be taking a break over Christmas so once Day 2 ends, the game will be in a holding pattern until week commencing 30th Dec - I'll be able to provide a more accurate date nearer the time.

  • Love 1

Day 2

A Giant Tragedy

“Toby?...Toby? Are you alright?” Sarah tried to turn on the light, but it wouldn't work, “Why aren't you crying?” she went over to the crib and heard a sound.
She pulled the blankets away and saw Toby was gone. Suddenly, the window broke open and an owl flew in, before transforming into Jareth, the goblin king.


“You’re him, aren't you? You're the goblin king...I want my brother back, please.” Sarah exclaimed.

“What's said is said” Jareth replied.
“But, I didn't mean it!”
“Oh, you didn't?”
“Please, where is he?”
“You know very well where he is.”
“Please bring him back, please”
“Sarah, go back to your room, play with your toys and your costumes, forget about the baby.” Jareth advised her.
“I can't” she answered.
“I brought you, a gift.” Jareth smiled.
“What is it?”
CoordinatedBareBeagle-size_restricted.gi“It's a crystal, nothing more. giphy.gifBut if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams. But this is not a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of a screaming baby.....anigif_enhanced-21102-1403281002-18.gif?do you want it? Then forget the baby.” Jareth explained.
“I cant, it isn't that I don't appreciate what you're trying to do for me, but I want my brother back, he must be so scared....” Sarah pleaded.
Jareth was irked, “Sarah...don't defy me, you're no match for me”
“But I have to have my brother back” she wailed.
“He's there…” Jareth said as he pointed to a location outside the window, “…in my castle...do you still want to look for him?”
“Is that the castle beyond the goblin city?” Sarah asked.

Sarah turned around and noticed that they have been transported from the house to the labyrinth.

“Turn back Sarah! Turn back before it's too late” Jareth warned.
“I can't, don't you understand that I can't” Sarah stuck to her guns.
“What a pity” Jareth remarked.
Sarah stared at the castle, “It doesn't look that far”
“It's further than you think, time is short” Jareth pointed to a clock that materialised and hung in the air, “You have 13 hours in which to solve my labyrinth before your baby brother becomes one of us forever, such a pity.” He told her then disappeared.
“The labyrinth. It doesn't look that hard....well, come on feet” Sarah resigned herself.

Sarah began walking until she came across a dwarf, “Excuse me”
“Uh, uh, excuse me...oh, it's you” the dwarf said dismissively.
“Excuse me, but I have to get through this labyrinth, can you help me?” she asked.

He ignored her and went on about his business.

Sarah saw a fairy, “Oh how sweet” she remarked.

The dwarf sprayed something at the fairy and it fell to the ground with a tiny gasp, “57”

“Oh, how could you?!” she chided him then picked it up, “Poor thing.” Then turned to the dwarf, “You monster!”
She let out a yelp and dropped the fairy, “It bit me!”
“Well, what did you expect fairies to do?” the dwarf said matter-of-factly.

“I thought they did nice things, like, like granting wishes”
“Ha! Shows what you know don't it” he said as he shot another fairy, “58”
“Horrible” Sarah complained.
“Hmm, no I aint, I'm Hoggle, who are you?”
“That's what I thought” he shot yet another fairy, “59”
“Do you know where the door to the labyrinth is?”
“Oh, maybe”
“Well, where is it?”

Hoggle ignored her again and shot another fairy, “60”

“I said where is it?”
“Where is what?”
“The door”
“What door?”
Sarah was becoming frustrated, “It's hopeless asking you anything”
“Not if you ask the right questions”
She changed tactic, “How do I get into the labyrinth?”
“Aah, now that's more like it...you gets in, there.” He pointed to doors which automatically opened, “...you uh, really going in there are you?”
“Yes, I'm afraid I have to”

She entered the labyrinth and wandered, looking around.

Hoggle snuck up behind her, which startled her, “Cozy isn't it” he laughed, “Now, would you go left or right?”
Sarah looked both ways, “They both look the same”
“Well, you’re not gonna get very far”
“Which way would you go?”
“Me? I wouldn't go either way”
“If that's all the help your gonna be, you can just leave” Sarah scolded him.
“You know your problem? You take too many things for granted. Take this labyrinth, even if you get to the centre, you'll never get out again” Hoggle was keeping it real, yo.
Sarah sniffed, “That's your opinion”
“Well, it's a lot better than yours”
“Thanks for nothing Hogwart” (Author’s note: Er, wrong franchise Sarah!)
“Grr, it's Hoggle, and don't say I didn't warn you!”

Hoggle walked off and the doors closed. Sarah was alone once more.

She resumed walking, after a while she spoke aloud, “What do they mean labyrinth? There are no turns or corners or anything, it just goes on and on.....” She looked around studying the labyrinth, “Maybe it doesn't, maybe I’m just taking it for granted that it does?” she began running to what seemed like the end.


Feeling like she should give up, Sarah stopped to take a rest up against a wall.

“Allo” said a small voice nearby.

Sarah looked around to see who said that, then noticed a worm on the wall, “Did you say, "hello?" she asked.
“No, I said, "Allo" but that’s close enough” the worm replied.
“You're a worm aren't you?”
“Yeah, that's right”
“You don't by any chance know the way through this labyrinth do you?
The worm scoffed, “Who me? No, I'm just a worm”

“Oh” Sarah felt deflated.
“Come inside; meet the Mrs.” the worm offered to raise her spirits.
“No thank you. I have to solve this labyrinth, but there aren't any turns or any openings or anything, it just goes on and on and....” Sarah moaned.
“Well, you ain't lookin right, it's full of openings, it's just you ain’t seein’ 'em” the worm explained.
“Where are they?” Sarah asked confused.
“There's one just across there, it's right in front of ya”
Sarah looked, “No there isn't”
“Come inside and have a nice cup of tea” the worm offered again.

“But there isn't an opening”
“Oh of course there is, you try walking through it, you'll see what I mean” the worm instructed her.
“Go on, go on then”
“That's just wall, there's no way through” she said incredulously.
“Things are not always what they seem in this place, so you can't take anything for granted.”


Sarah stepped forward and to her surprise, walked through. It was an opening, hidden by optical illusion. There were two possible route’s; left or right, she turned to the left.


“Hey, hang on” called the worm.
“Thank you. That was incredibly helpful” Sarah smiled, her spirits lifted.
“Don't go that way”
“I said, don't go that way, never go that way” the worm advised.
“Oh. Thanks” she turned and went right instead.
The worm let out a sigh of relief as Sarah disappeared from view, “If, she’d kept on going down that way, she’d have gone straight to the castle!” he said to himself and shuddered.

Sarah found herself on another level of the labyrinth and after a while she heard a loud monstrous roar not too far away.

She steeled herself, “I'm not afraid, things aren't always what they seem in this place.” She told herself.

Finally, she made it to where the noise was coming from and witnessed two little goblins who were attacking a giant goblin. The giant goblin had been caught and was hanging upside down while the smaller ones poked, prodded and stabbed at it with spears.

“If only I had something to throw...” Sarah thought.

A rock rolled right up to her, she noticed the rock and picked it up. She threw it and it hit the helmet one of the goblins was wearing and spun it around so the goblin couldn't see anything. Another rock rolled to her again, and again, she picked it up and threw it, hitting another goblin's helmet, and the same thing happened to that goblin as the other one.
They couldn't see anything, so as they were attacking, they were missing their target and actually attacking each other. They kept battling back and forth until they fought their way out of the area.
Sarah walked over to the injured giant goblin. He was scared because he thought Sarah was a bad person....as she was trying to help him, he was trying his hardest to back away.

“Now stop that!” Sarah ordered.

The giant goblin stopped moving.

“Is that any way to treat someone who is trying to help you? Don't you want me to help you down?”
The giant goblin was hurt, “Ludo, down” he managed.
“Ludo? Is that your name?

Ludo nodded.

“You seem like such a nice beast. Well I certainly hope you are what you seem to be” she looked for a way to get Ludo down. “Just hang on, I'll get you down” she untied the rope on a branch.

Ludo fell to the ground, hard.

“Oh I'm sorry...Ludo, are you hurt?” she went to him.
Ludo looked up at her, “Friend?”
“That's right Ludo, I'm Sarah”

She attempted to help him up, which caused him to whimper in pain. Sarah let go and saw her hands were covered in blood. She looked at his thick fur and saw blood was soaking through it.


“Oh Ludo, you are hurt! Those little beasts, what did they do to you?!”

“Ludo hurt” Ludo said sadly.

“Maybe I can go get help” Sarah said looking around frantically.

“Friend no leave” Ludo groaned.

“Can you get up?” Sarah asked him kindly.

Ludo tried to get to his feet but slumped and fell back down with an “Oof!”

“Oh Ludo, you poor thing. Don’t worry I won’t leave you” Sarah began to cry, stroking his head.

A pool of bluish-red blood began to form, “No cry. Ludo happy. Ludo have friend”

His eyes closed. Sarah stayed with him until his breathing slowed then finally, stopped.


Important: Reminder, no character hinting is permitted in this game. If the game mods believe you have posted a hint you will be mod-killed so please be careful what you say.

There is 1 clue hidden somewhere in this story. You have 36 hrs until Day ends and Twilight begins unless a DL is completed beforehand.

6 votes are required to complete a DL.

Living players: Dazed & A-Mazed

  1. The Crazed Spruce
  2. Drogo
  3. BizBuzz
  4. Lisin
  5. Deaja
  6. SVNBob
  7. Hanged Man
  8. Lady Calypso
  9. Machiabelly
  10. joanne3482
  11. festivus

Dead Players: Making Omelettes in an Oubliette

JTMacc – Ludo - Hero

You are Ludo, a gentle and compassionate creature, who instinctively responds to Sarah's kindness and declares her your 'fwend.' You’re able to magically summon rocks by calling to them. You are also possessed of great physical strength due to your size and build.

Last Will & Testament: Day 1 - No real reasons but early suspicion pointed at Machiabelly, LC, and Lisin in that order. 

4 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

His eyes closed. Sarah stayed with him until his breathing slowed then finally, stopped.

Hmm.  This line seems to imply that Ludo dies.  He doesn't die.

Now Drogo loves Game of Thrones and GOT was well known for killing off major characters... And Machiabelly wants to eat with several major religious figures, religion usually being preoccupied about what happens after death... 

On 12/10/2019 at 8:17 AM, SilverStormm said:

This will be a standard full reveal game*. (This means when a player 'dies' their full bio and any abilities will be posted at the bottom of each story).

Quick question, my assumption is Ludo was a hero but can you confirm @SilverStormm?

 I’m hesitant to say too much more right now but I have a very very very small circle of trust at the moment and I will ferociously defend those in it if someone accuses them but I’m holding off naming names for right now. 

3 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

Hmm.  This line seems to imply that Ludo dies.  He doesn't die.

As characters get killed off by either the villains or each other (via DL's or other abilities), the plot will differ more and more from the original. In this version, Ludo has indeed died because @JTMacc99 (who had the Ludo role) was killed during the Night phase. We once did a GOT game where I had to make Jon Snow kill Arya because the JS player had a vigilante kill and used it on the player who was Ayra (obvs they did not know this at the time)... #funtimes.

2 hours ago, Drogo said:

Ludo has died in the game. (Each Night the bad guys kill a good guy.)

Not always only the bad guys though, sometimes heroes can have a killing ability too! (See GOT story above).

3 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

Now Drogo loves Game of Thrones and GOT was well known for killing off major characters... And Machiabelly wants to eat with several major religious figures, religion usually being preoccupied about what happens after death... 

Tip: Information in player profiles/player names aren't clues in and of themselves, clues are hidden in the stories, which usually link to something unique in one of the villain's profiles or somehow links to their username (this is rarer these days unless the player hasn't completed a profile).

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Drogo said:

Who would do such a thing?  I'm sorry Ludo and@JTMacc99.  

Blue + red.. a few players with purple as their favorite color.


7 hours ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

I always suck at finding clues, and I don't have the original to compare it to, so that makes it that much tougher. But the purple thing seems as likely as anything, even though it does kinda point to me.

If that oblique reference to purple is indeed a clue, it can only point one of two ways.  According to the text search I did on the profile page, there's currently only two instances of the word "purple"; one in Spruce's profile, and the other in mine.

Since I am a Hero, if that is indeed a clue, it's pointing to the tree and not to me.  But it's not strong enough for me to want to start a DL though.

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, Drogo said:

Anagram?  Someone else will have to figure it out..

I agree keeping it real yo seems the most out of place in the story

the first anagram generator that I am going through just gave me 1 word. If it is multiple words like multiple pet names what I am currently using wont find it and I may have to do it by hand.

According to Anagram calculator keepingitrealyo has an 11 letter anagram of Granitelike which, since it's not using all the letters seems unreliable.

One person has the favorite color of grey, which I consider to be Granitelike, but it would be unrealistic to assume Drogo is pointing to himself. However he is so ballsy, he might do it just to see if he can get away with it.

Great while I was typing this the other anagram generator came back with 166667 results. be back in a bit



Edited by Hanged Man
editing becuase grammar is important to me
  • Love 1

Well, I glanced through the story. Unfortunately, I'm still sick on my end so my clue finding "skills" won't be of much use until I'm better, so I didn't find anything that really stuck out.

Keeping it real, yo DOES stick out but I can't figure out what it means. The only other thing I tried was taking the first letters of each word and had it spell out Kiry, which is a place in Poland. But that doesn't seem to lead anywhere. 

Game mod note:

Day will end at 5am GMT / Midnight ET, unless a DL is completed before then. As I won't be awake to call end of Day at that time if necessary; if a DL has started please don't vote after that time as it will be void.

The game will resume with Twilight next week, likelihood being Mon 30th but I'll confirm that over the weekend.

"T'was the night before Christmas...and Silver was having a crafty Chrismassy drink and an early night!"

Merry Christmas to all mafioso's and to all a good night!


  • Love 3
4 hours ago, BizBuzz said:

I am surrounded by family, ugh ... I know I am not focused ... however, "keeping it real, yo" didn't mean anything to me until I went back to the profiles ... and this popped out at me:

@festivus has this in their profile:  "My strongest quality is: Sense of humor, and I'm a realist."  Could that be something?

I knew somebody would bring that up. I promise I'm a hero. I won't be around later because I'm going to a Christmas party.

I’m not fond of the idea of another day passing without anyone trying anything as far as a DL- it’s honestly making me suspicious of several who usually jump on starting them. At the same time, it is a busy week for many people where they just might not be on the computer as much. Im tempted to start one, but since we only have three hours, I doubt it would complete. But it does seem we are handing an advantage to the villains by letting them take two of us out without even attempting a DL.

Well shit. I was flying all day and am just now getting back to this. I guess we messed up this one. But also I think for right this second I’d rather a no dL than to do a hero so... I’m in Texas at my dads until Sunday with limited time so I apologize in advance for being around less than normal. I have some thoughts but without anyone else sharing I’m hesitant to lay them out. I will say keeping it real yo and my triple “Oh”s from the previous story rhyme... and that’s it. That’s all I’ve got clue wise. 

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