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The Scorpios: Spies, Doctors, & Commissioners... Oh My!

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Then again, my unpopular opinion has always been that Anna has never chosen Robin over anything in her life.

I think this is also part of the reason I want Patrick and Anna at odds. I want Anna to put her daughter first for ONCE. She doesn't need to be Patrick's asskisser. Question the fact that the man moved on from your daughter LITERALLY a few months after claiming he'll love her "until the end of time." Ask him why he hasn't tried to contact Robin for Emma's sake. That's compelling to me. Not throwing Sam and Patrick a figurative wedding shower.


I suspect that was the long term plan for the resolution of the current Robin story - Jake gets his memory back, then goes in search of Robin to bring her back to her family. Only it's taking so long for Jake to get his memory back, Robin will have died of old age by the time he gets around to looking for her.

Which is kind of a good thing, because I still think it would be cool if Robin showed some Scorpio gumption and cleverness and found a way to escape on her own.

I'm all for Robin saving herself, but I'm going to need Jason to search for or ask about her or punch Patrick in the nose before that. Having Jason not care about where she is or believe she's living it up in Paris would be more egregious than Anna and Patrick's stupidity.

Edited by HeatLifer
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It's really mindblowing how much Anna doesn't give a crap about her daughter. These intentional writing choices ain't lost on me. I'm glad Ron got a few more Robin digs on his way out.

I am just pretending that Anna shooting Carlos and acting completely out of character is Anna's buried feelings on the pain of losing Robin. 

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I've always found it weird how they act like Sonny is the only man on the show with dimples. Ned's/WK's are very cute too. i love Fin's outfit there.

Probably because unlike with Ned and Robert, the dimples are Sonny's only redeeming characteristic. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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I'm physically incapable of seeing these three actors together and not thinking "aw, such a cute family!" ... before remembering that they are not at all related in real life, LOL.  


I know, right? What I loved about this interview, well, I loved ALL of it, but I really loved how both Tristan and Finola admitted that they practiced parenting on Kimberly for when they would have their own children! At the time Robin appeared in 1985, neither Tristan or Finola had kids of their own yet.  They really struck gold with Kimberly. She looks SO MUCH like Finola. I mean, even in that interview, they look like they could be mother and daughter! If I have any complaints, it's that Kimberly should have been the one sitting in the middle chair between her "Mom" and "Dad."

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Finola Hughes is certainly a better actress than Kristina Wagner, always was, always will be, but I've been bored to tears by most of what I've seen of Anna since her return ... Anna in particular feels very off to me, likely because this is a regime that hates women. She has no inner life, no intelligence, and no purpose.


I completely agree. It's so sad. I can't believe they've managed to ruin even Anna. The madness has to stop!

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I completely agree. It's so sad. I can't believe they've managed to ruin even Anna. The madness has to stop!


Totally disagree with this. If they had managed to ruin Anna, she wouldn't have been able to figure out Carlos was alive, that it was Sloane's body, and that it's Paul who is behind all this. She's still intelligent and cunning. It may be muted, because we know, Sonny has to be KING! But she's still dangerous. She's still smart. Yeah, she had the stupid pills while Robin was held hostage, and if there had been enough time, I fully believe we would have seen her guilt over believing that Robin had been lying. 


This is precisely why I don't want Tristan coming back full-time. Because I know he won't be allowed to win over Sonny. Maybe IF Maurice ever leaves, RobertFucking!Scorpio, along with Mac and Anna, can be the ones to usher his ass out and the show will let them shine. But that's a fantasy and I'm not allowed to have nice things.  All I care about is that Anna came to her senses...you, well, I (because I won't speak for anyone else), could see she was heartbroken at learning that Robin and Emma and Patrick were leaving...I could feel the love and emotion between Robin and Anna (All Kimberly and Finola). If there had been more time, Robert and Robin could have had more substantive time and dialogue and scenes between them as well. 


But like I said, I take my small pleasures where I can. And Tristan is SMART to stay away full-time. I don't want my favorite male soap character ruined. Bad enough I had to suffer Pod!Robert 10 years ago.

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I think Ron did his level best to absolutely ruin Anna.   I appreciate that the current writers fixed the Robin situation (as much as it could be fixed at this point), undid her killing Carlos, gave Anna a house, and had Robert back for a while to hang out with her (what a shame all the sex they're having is offscreen and never mentioned, LOL ....).  


However, since Julian is kind of a "pet" of the show for some weird reason, he won't lose to Anna, he will only (if at all) lose to Sonny.  So Duke's death goes un-avenged, and everything she's doing now is pointless.  And for some insane reason, they want to keep Dr. O around, so we won't have the satisfaction of Anna throwing her ass in jail any time soon.   And Faison inexplicably got a happy, happy ending ... at this point, I just want him to die horribly offscreen, rather than coming back to face justice, because I don't even want her to have to look at him at this point.


So, unfortunately, a lot of Anna's core character (fiercely protective of her loved ones, not someone to mess with) gets damaged when the writers won't let her ultimately win over the people who have hurt Robin, Duke, Robert, etc ....   And, of course, she'll never, ever be allowed to win out over the mob in current-day Port Charles.   


Basically, what I'm saying is that Anna is now too cool for this show and she and Robert should have their own spinoff, where their awesomeness will actually be recognized in a non-mob-centric universe.   The show can be about a secret tropical island somewhere, where they train young WSB agents together, all of whom have their own drama going on ...  Or something.

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I want to love this stuff with Robert but it doesn't do anything for me. Sometimes FH can come off a bit smug in a way I don't enjoy and that's kinda where she's at for me now. Not to mention the fact that the whole thing is just dreadfully boring to me and I don't give a shit about any of it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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NIGHT SHIFT 2 WAS SO GOOD. Robert/Anna/Robin, Patrick/Robert, Scrubs= PERFECTION. I just discovered one of my fave Scrubs scenes where Patrick's crying about trying to be better than his father, wanting to take care of Robin/Baby, letting a patient die...and Robin is comforting him. Lawd, nothing like that would ever be on the show today.

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I didn't know where to post this, but I.am.crying and I had to share somewhere. This exchange between Kim and JT back when they were doing those Q&A's together (when Kim left the first time) is GOLD.

JT: What will you miss most about Jason?

Kim: (laughs) You're asking it like it's not yourself.

JT: Oh, me? I was thinking Morgan. Isn't everything about him?

Kim: (cracks up)

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Random (bc I'm watching random clips): it's interesting to me that some fans (and hilariously, the show sometimes) still think the reason JnR broke up the final time was because Robin told AJ about Michael. 

That happened after. Robin basically told Jason they couldn't be together because she couldn't live a life with Carly in it, especially bc she felt Carly used Michael to manipulate Jason. She could do joint custody with Michael going back and forth, but she didn't want to all live in the same house or across from each other for years to come. Jason wanted to live with Michael 24/7 and he had to live with Carly or close to Carly to do that, so he had to agree with the break up.

Later, Robin and Carly had a confrontation where Carly basically said that Jason loves her and they'd be a family with Michael. She confirmed Robin's fears that Carly would use Michael to get to Jason.

THAT'S why Robin told AJ. I mean, yeah, she was pissed at Carly, and in her head, she always believed what Jason/Carly were doing was wrong and AJ had the right to know, but in the moment she did it so Carly couldn't one day take Michael away from Jason when Carly eventually realized he would never love her in the way she wanted.

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Is it time to retire the Maxie character, at least for a while? They never show her parents, they killed off Georgie*, Robin has left, and KSt has been uneven in her acting (imo) for a couple of years now, and now we got newbie central in some story that's barely about Maxie. Should they recast? I feel like there were a surprising amount of people who liked MBu as Maxie.

*I think they should bring her back, but of course, knowing FV he'd probably cast Melissa Archer or someone.

Edited by ulkis
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7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Melissa Archer is entirely wrong for Maxie, but I love her. Bring her in as Valentin's henchwoman who kills Claudette.

No, I meant he would probably cast MA as Georgie, heh.

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3 hours ago, ulkis said:

Is it time to retire the Maxie character, at least for a while? They never show her parents, they killed off Georgie*, Robin has left, and KSt has been uneven in her acting (imo) for a couple of years now, and now we got newbie central in some story that's barely about Maxie. Should they recast? I feel like there were a surprising amount of people who liked MBu as Maxie.

*I think they should bring her back, but of course, knowing FV he'd probably cast Melissa Archer or someone.

I think the main problem with Maxie is the acting. The character doesn't necessarily need to leave, but I do agree that they clearly don't care about her beyond Nathan and sometimes Lulu. Something needs to change, though, because this Griffin/Claudette/Nathan/Maxie quad is snooze worthy.

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I think the problem with Maxie is the same problem most if the OG cast is having, TIIC don't know the character, they don't care and she (both Maxie and KSt) has nothing to do. Plus, she's been isolated in a particularly terrible story with some particularly terrible newbies and a block of wood.

I think a pairing with Michael or a recast Lucky and integration into the cast of non-shitty non-newbie characters is probably all the character needs

Edited by Oracle42
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19 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Bingo. They didn't create her, so no effort is put into a story for her. 

Pretty much this. Look at Kiki, her stories, and the COUNTLESS characters she's either related to or has interacted with. Ava, Franco, Michael, Morgan, Dillon, Julian, and that's just off the top of my head.

Maxie has Nathan and Lulu.

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23 hours ago, ulkis said:

No, I meant he would probably cast MA as Georgie, heh.

Because boobs? She and Lindze definitely have that in common.

Of course, Lindze's only a few months older than me, and MA is a few years older than even KSt, so...no. Just no.

In all seriousness, though, I do wonder how KSt is still doing emotionally. Obviously she's a single mom now and has to support Harper, but I hope she's healthy.

Edited by UYI
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Completely agree. I think some fans also didn't watch back then. Not all, but some. And I can understand some not really getting Sonny/Robin/Jason or Liz/Laura/Luke/Lucky because of that.*

*To further clarify, not saying everyone who did watch live would feel like I do, but if you appreciate those characters, it's also easier to understand why they do certain things.

I should add, though, that if I were writing it, I wouldn't have Robin be all, "well, here's a cookie, Sonny. You did a bad thing but I'm sure your son will see all your good qualities one day!" but more "Sonny, I'll always be here if you need me, but let's not talk about anything you do."

Didn't they have a scene like that after he accidentally shot/grazed her in the arm, at the hospital? I remember he approached here there (I think I do at least lol) and she was basically look, "I love you, but I don't want to talk to you right now."

I just think it would have been so frikkin cute because they are polar opposites and I would have enjoyed the dynamic


Totally, @Oracle42 . Plus it would have been cute cause you know they'd be super protective of one another - him cause she's way smaller than him and her because she's a decent amount older than him. Damn you Tony Geary!

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11 minutes ago, ulkis said:

"Sonny, I'll always be here if you need me, but let's not talk about anything you do."

Didn't they have a scene like that after he accidentally shot/grazed her in the arm, at the hospital? I remember he approached here there (I think I do at least lol) and she was basically look, "I love you, but I don't want to talk to you right now."

And that's how Robin always was with him. She never wanted to know details  or approved of his methods. She didn't agree with the business. But she still reminded him that underneath, she knows a different person than what he presents to the world.

Oh, after the gun incident, Robin was over him. And told him she was basically embarrassed to have defended him all the time. There was no ILY, lol. She was like, "Take your meds or you're gonna lose everyone."

Edited by HeatLifer
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1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

Oh, after the gun incident, Robin was over him. And told him she was basically embarrassed to have defended him all the time.

Tears must have manifested itself on the Stone polaroid when she said that lol. 

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1 minute ago, ulkis said:

Tears must have manifested itself on the Stone polaroid when she said that lol. 

LOL. It gets better. Months later, he asked Jason if Robin talked about him or mentioned him at all and Jason was like, "Errrr....no."

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12 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

And that's how Robin always was with him. She never wanted to know details  or approved of his methods. She didn't agree with the business. But she still reminded him that underneath, she knows a different person than what he presents to the world.

Oh, after the gun incident, Robin was over him. And told him she was basically embarrassed to have defended him all the time. There was no ILY, lol. She was like, "Take your meds or you're gonna lose everyone."

Here it is:


Edited by cmahorror
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On 10/14/2016 at 2:57 PM, UYI said:

Because boobs? She and Lindze definitely have that in common.

Oops forget to answer that. I don't know, I was just naming a random actress, but yeah, after I said it the boobs did pop up in my mind lol.

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:




I just think it would have been so frikkin cute because they are polar opposites and I would have enjoyed the dynamic



Totally, @Oracle42 . Plus it would have been cute cause you know they'd be super protective of one another - him cause she's way smaller than him and her because she's a decent amount older than him. Damn you Tony Geary!

And I'd just be sitting there flailing at tiny lil Robin protecting her "little" brother and rolling her eyes when her did something dumb.  

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So...Alex is now a crazy evil twin. Well, if you're going to do a complete rewrite of a character, that's the way to do it! (Nevermind they already have the built-in excuse that Alex was brainwashed to explain all of this.)

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 10/19/2016 at 7:02 PM, HeatLifer said:

Oh, after the gun incident, Robin was over him. 

But since then, the writing for Robin re: Sonny has changed back to how she used to be about him. At the 2016 Nurse's Ball, Sonny said something to Robin about Julian, and getting revenge/justice for Duke. Her response: "I know you will" - no condemnation of his behavior, or protest. Then when he was on the bridge with a gun during the fall/winter after Morgan got blown up, Robin got all teary and was saying "I love you.' No suggestion about stopping the violence and living life differently to honor Morgan. (Not that he would take it anyway.) I really wish TPTB had kept Robin's disgust with Sonny, instead of her getting over it and returning to propping him.

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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I really wish TPTB had kept Robin's disgust with Sonny, instead of her getting over it and returning to propping him.

1. I don't consider it propping when the characters are close. Propping, to me, is when Anna, for example, suddenly wants Sam to have Robin's home.

2. I think Sonny should have been able to progress, change and mature after 20+ years on this show. Continually regressing him, and turning him into a downright killer of innocent people (AJ), was not a good move and fucks with other characters like Robin, Michael, and Dante, who still have to like the man.

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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

1. I don't consider it propping when the characters are close. Propping, to me, is when Anna, for example, suddenly wants Sam to have Robin's home.

2. I think Sonny should have been able to progress, change and mature after 20+ years on this show. Continually regressing him, and turning him into a downright killer of innocent people (AJ), was not a good move and fucks with other characters like Robin, Michael, and Dante, who still have to like the man.

I'm kinda torn about this. On one hand, I agree with you, but on the other, I feel like trying to mature Sonny, especially post AJ, rings false. Better writers could pull it off I suppose.

At least Robin and Michael have semi decent reasons to support him (Robin knew him when he did one of the few decent things in his life, Michael was raised by him/has Stolkholm syndrome.) After Sonny shot Dante things between them should have been dead in the water, unless Sonny pulled some major changes.

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2 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

1. I don't consider it propping when the characters are close. Propping, to me, is when Anna, for example, suddenly wants Sam to have Robin's home.

2. I think Sonny should have been able to progress, change and mature after 20+ years on this show. Continually regressing him, and turning him into a downright killer of innocent people (AJ), was not a good move and fucks with other characters like Robin, Michael, and Dante, who still have to like the man.

I understand your perspective, but IMO after Sonny endangered Emma by firing a gun in Robin's home, Robin (if written in character, not to prop Sonny) would never be close to Sonny again - only polite and caring about his health/his kids' health and safety. That's a line you can't uncross, for someone with the kind of childhood/upbringing she had due to being the child of two spies - it's been very important to her that her child has a stable, non-violent /danger-free (as much as possible) life. For Sonny to violate that and basically shrug it off because Emma didn't get hurt and Robin was only mildly injured should absolutely have been a deal breaker for her.  

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10 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I understand your perspective, but IMO after Sonny endangered Emma by firing a gun in Robin's home, Robin (if written in character, not to prop Sonny) would never be close to Sonny again - only polite and caring about his health/his kids' health and safety. That's a line you can't uncross, for someone with the kind of childhood/upbringing she had due to being the child of two spies - it's been very important to her that her child has a stable, non-violent /danger-free (as much as possible) life. For Sonny to violate that and basically shrug it off because Emma didn't get hurt and Robin was only mildly injured should absolutely have been a deal breaker for her.  

Of course she wouldn't be close to him. Just like Michael wouldn't be close to Sonny after he killed AJ. Just like Dante wouldn't be close to Sonny after he shot him in the chest. Like I said in Point 2, it's other characters who suffer.

45 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I feel like trying to mature Sonny, especially post AJ, rings false. Better writers could pull it off I suppose.

Sonny's maturity should have happened way before the AJ killing. The mob should have been phased out of GH years ago, as well.

Edited by HeatLifer
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14 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Of course she wouldn't be close to him. Just like Michael wouldn't be close to Sonny after he killed AJ. Just like Dante wouldn't be close to Sonny after he shot him in the chest. Like I said in Point 2, it's other characters who suffer.

I think those are two different situations because he's their father. Michael was indoctrinated by Carly to love Sonny from the time he was a toddler. It's pretty much impossible to turn off that many years of conditioning, even with such a heinous act as that.  The audience didn't meet Dante until he was 20-something, and he spoke about the wonder and desire for a father ever since he was a child. Sonny (and others) have said 'well, he never would have shot Dante if he'd known he was his son at the time.' (Of course that doesn't ever justify it.) Dante wanted Sonny to go to prison for crimes with proper evidence - not because of a situation in which he feels he messed up (as a police officer). The impression I've had since then is that Dante wanted a relationship with Sonny because a) he yearned for a son-father relationship after so many years of feeling he was 'missing out' and b) he believed he had seen Sonny being a loving father to his other children when he's not just a terrible criminal, and so he decided he's willing to be open to that 'goodness.'

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7 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I think those are two different situations because he's their father.

And Sonny was basically a brother to Robin? It could be argued Robin had a greater relationship with Sonny and a better understanding of him than both Michael and Dante. We can agree to disagree on this topic.

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17 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

And Sonny was basically a brother to Robin? It could be argued Robin had a greater relationship with Sonny and a better understanding of him than both Michael and Dante. We can agree to disagree on this topic.

Plus, Dante actually often said he was grateful Olivia kept Sonny away.  He actually had a scene where he thought he found his dad but decided not to introduce himself because he didn't feel the need to stir the waters, so while he felt the lack of a dad it wasn't so much it's believable he'd embrace Sonny wholeheartedly. I suppose it can be wanked that Dante wants to believe Sonny isn't an awful person, so he chooses to forget all the crap, but they've never actually articulated it on screen. 

I think understand Robin giving Sonny a break out of all the characters. He did something for her and Stone she feels she can never really repay. I've mentioned this to Heatlifer before but I view it as akin to how Luke and Laura feel about Liz. She did a lot to hurt Lucky but she was also there for him when they couldn't be.

Edited by ulkis
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8 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Plus, Dante actually often said he was grateful Olivia kept Sonny away.  He actually had a scene where he thought he found his dad but decided not to introduce himself because he didn't feel the need to stir the waters, so while he felt the lack of a dad it wasn't so much it's believable he'd embrace Sonny wholeheartedly. I suppose it can be wanked that Dante wants to believe Sonny isn't an awful person, so he chooses to forget all the crap, but they've never actually articulated it on screen. 

I've mentioned this to Heatlifer before but I view it as akin to how Luke and Laura feel about Liz. She did a lot to hurt Lucky but she was also there for him when they couldn't be.

A) Agree, and I remember him saying that to Olivia.

B) Maybe a little akin, but they were also well aware that Lucky hurt Liz a lot - and they know Liz is raising their grandsons without active parenting by Lucky. While Luke wouldn't care about that, Laura absolutely does. I continue to be disappointed that Laura's not allowed to express any feelings regarding Lucky's absence.

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