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Donny Thompson: Suck Dynasty (Zzzzing!)

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   This guy has a very level head, I think. He's almost too nice for this game, but at the same time, he's not a trusting idiot, either. He pretty much seems to know Devin is going to screw him over, but he also doesn't really think he has much of a choice.


    That they all think he's lying about who he is is pretty damn funny.

Edited by methodwriter85
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The scene where Devin was convinced that Donny was playing him with the tears was pretty funny, too. I knew Devin was paranoid already, but Donny was radiating sincerity.

Yeah, The cRock totally came off like a jerk in that bit, and I loved it. Even more so, when Devin later starts to consider, "Wait a minute... What if Donny is really who he says he is - a genuine 'nice guy'? And I've been crowing in the DR about playing him. What does that make me...?"

Judging from his expressions, I don't think Devin really cares much for that degree of self-examination....

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This is my post about Donny copied from one of the episode threads...


I think it's hilarious to watch Caleb and Devin come up with the crazy conspiracy theories about a simple, nice janitor from North Carolina.

I am in love with Donny though! Could he be any sweeter? I want a mini Donny I can sit on my monitor at work so he can say encouraging things to me all day.

I think to some degree Donny IS putting on an act though... just not the act the Kwazy Konspiracy Kidz think he is.  He's simply being more of himself to gain trust.  He admitted in his Talking Heads already he's a student of the game and will use what he knows to win.  That's what he's doing.  Admittedly guys like Devin and Caleb are major assholes and freaky paranoid, and the military thing was kind of laughable, but you can also see Donny laying guilt and a sense of obligation on people like crazy, and it's definitely on purpose.  He's probably a really nice guy in real life--I'm not saying he isn't--but he's using that aura of niceness to drill in the heads of these people the idea that turning on him is the equivalent to kicking a puppy or eating a baby. It's probably not hiding a horrible person behind that, but he's definitely someone who's not adverse to manipulating people.

and later:


I can't really jump on the Donny bandwagon either. He does seem like a sincerely nice person but his crying over people being nice to him made him seem kind of pathetic to me. And I can only take so much of his Duck Dynasty beard and Gomer Pyle accent. Way too much Donny this episode for my tastes.

It's not pathetic--it's game playing.


I know a lot of folks are already in love with him, and I apologize up front if my holding a line firmly that he's putting on an act offends.  But it really seems like that to me.  I think he's probably actually nice to SOME level, and humble on some level, because it's actually pretty hard to fake those, but at the same time he's also knowingly manipulative.  Don't forget almost the first thing we heard from him was about how he'd seen EVERY episode of EVERY season and was a superfan.  He's taking the basic manners and stance on life (being humble, being polite) that's probably been drilled into him since he was a boy and using it as a tool to ensure those people love him and are horrified by the idea of fucking him over.

Edited by Kromm
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I was kind of sad that Devin put an end to the Donny speculations.  I wanted to hear what other inane things they would come up with ("people only wear fatigues if they've been in the military"  What???).  I like Donny, but my main reason for wanting him to stay was to see what they thought he was, by the time the finale came.  "Seriously guys, I think he's a master Russian chess champion sent here by the CIA to infiltrate our bestest-ever alliance and brainwash us."  


I was kind of sad that Devin put an end to the Donny speculations. I wanted to hear what other inane things they would come up with ("people only wear fatigues if they've been in the military" What???).

Spoken like someone who's already made up his mind about something, and is scrambling for a justification - no matter how flimsy. That, or he's never been been in a neck of the woods were directions frequently include the phrase, "Turn off the paved road..."

Edited by Nashville

He lives right up the road from me. In the South this could mean next door, or three hours away, in this case the next county over, about 30 min away. Our local paper has created a database of school systems, their employees and those employees' salaries. Donny is listed as a field maintenance landscaper making $14.31 - a whopping $29K a year. So mild-mannered groundskeeper - check. The spy part is still up for grabs.

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He lives right up the road from me. In the South this could mean next door, or three hours away, in this case the next county over, about 30 min away. Our local paper has created a database of school systems, their employees and those employees' salaries. Donny is listed as a field maintenance landscaper making $14.31 - a whopping $29K a year. So mild-mannered groundskeeper - check. The spy part is still up for grabs.

If he *is* a Double-Naught Spy, that's one hell of a deep cover.

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And 8.00 PM is "too late"?  I'm sorry, but Papa Thompson looks a little old to be up milking the cows at 4.00 AM, I'm just saying.


Anyways, I just realized that Donny is tied with Amber as the leader in competitions won.  (He has a BotB win and two PoVs, she's won HoH and 2 BotBs.  [bsotB, I guess, if you want to be grammatically perfect.]  Frankie won HoH twice, Devin won HoH and PoV,  Nicole has won BotB and HoH, and Victoria now has a PoV to go with her Week 1 BotB win, but Donny is currently tied for the lead.)  Given that two of Donny's wins have come in the PoV, that would actually be a pretty good argument for having this whole week be a way to backdoor him out of the House…


…but if that's the case, then this is the most egregiously-misdirecting editing in the history of the show, since I can't believe that nobody would have proposed the plan before "now".  (Monday's Veto ceremony, I mean.)  It would be a high-powered backstab, given that Crybaby Cody even gave Donny his (apparently worthless) "word" that Donny would not be nominated, but don't really think that's why Cody was sobbing on the tub at the episode's end.  JMO, though.


Be funny if it turned out that Cody/Derrick/Frankie's mistake was keeping Donny and not Caleb, though.

I love all the shade Donny is throwing now!

TOTALLY the same here. I think Donny's reached a level of acceptance that whatever he says/does will have little or no effect on his future in the House, so he may as well have a little fun while he's still here. And I purely love the little digs he's getting into Cody. Cody has been an almost-total ass to Donny; putting Donny on the block and making him a HN at the same time, talking big about how he (Cody) wants to "choke him out" or "punch him in the face" (ALWAYS behind Donny's back, of course - never to his face), etc.

The only exception to Cody's asshattery was including Donny and Nicole the movie reward, and I think that was equal parts guilt and strategy, more than good will.

Cody's squalling about ANY kind of blowback from Donny is music to my ears.

Final note: for all Cody's hot air about punching and choke holds, I would dearly LOVE to see Cody try it with Donny. Cody's young and in good shape, sure, but Donny is a country boy who actually works for a living. My money would be on Donny kicking this ballsack back to Hackensack.

Edited by Nashville
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CBS has been airing a spot featuring Donny. It shows brief clips of Donny in competition, with the narration, "Donny captured America's hearts, but can he survive another week in the house?"

"My fate is in the hands of these morons," says Donny.

Yep, pretty much. If Derrick and company knew how popular Donny was outside of the house, would they suck up to Donny rather than vote him out, hoping to share the love, or get him out as fast as possible so they aren't sharing the limelight?

Donny's dry wit is very cute in his interview with Jeff.  I also liked what he had to say about his brother.  It is hard to paraphrase so better to listen. 


I am surprised and totally put off by his parents not watching him on TV.  What the fuck is up with that?   I get it that they are not very bright and very back woods but your son is on TV and you are watching reruns of Bonanza that you have already seen!?   I have no respect for them at all.  I do like his brother and girlfriend though. 

I just read the blog Donny's brother wrote regarding the "Dollars for Donny" campaign that is going on.  He made it abundantly clear that Donny would not want people sending him money, yet these morons refuse to stop, and they trash his whole family.  Some of their comments include "We're not doing it for YOU. We're doing it for Donny" and "How do you know what Donny would want?"  It's obvious that Donny is a proud man who believes in working, not receiving handouts, and will be very upset that people are trashing his family. 


I would never refer to Donny's family as "not very bright".  They're not worldly, but that doesn't make them dumb and they've managed to bring up their family as nice, kind, respectful adults.  They are very religious, so I can understand them not wanting to watch a show with some of the disgusting people that are playing BB this year.  I totally respect them for the morals and values they've given their kids.  They've done a great job and can be very proud.  


From what I've read, Donny's brother is very smart, and we know that Donny is smart because he has seen through Derrick's bullshit, which is more than the rest of the house has done.  Good people and smart too!

Edited by parisprincess
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Donny's brother is a teacher and clearly smart as is Donny.  My take on his parents is my opinion, that is all.  :-)


This is the first I have head about Dollars for Donny.  I will check that out.  I do agree that his brother is out of place speaking for Donny.  Donny is capable of handling the situation when out.  I see no point in refusing money people want to give you.  You can be a hard worker, proud and humble and accept a gift without shame.  It is a gift full of love and respect.  

Julie's interview:


EW: It’s pretty much impossible not to love Donny. Where does he rank among some of the most popular Big Brother players ever?

CHEN: He has by far the highest likeability rating we’ve ever had on this show!  And it doesn’t surprise me one bit. I dare you to find one person out there who doesn’t like him. He is awesome. The real deal.



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