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S06.E02: A Flash of the Lightning

Message added by Lady Calypso

So, there has been a lot of discussion about some Flash-related content that happened recently on Arrow. That type of discussion does not belong in the episode threads. If you would like to discuss these non-spoiler events that still relate to The Flash, please take it over to The Flash and Other Superheroes thread. Thanks!

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8 minutes ago, SevenStars said:

I don't see him mouth Cisco. Honestly, I think the only reason people are "debating" this is because the SnowBarry fans are gloating about him mentioning only Caitlin beside Iris, and using it to claim Snowbarry is "coming" which I find hilarious, lmao. There is having hope and then there is delusion. 

After watching how much, how deeply, desperately, unconditionally and totally Barry loves Iris, I can't imagine loving a character, not name Iris, and wanting them to be with Barry on the show. In fanfiction, sure, but on the show ? Never. 

He actually does mouth Cisco. You just have to repeated watch it and look closely at his lips.

The only reason its controversy is because some SBs are trying to prove that the writers are baiting them and this proves Caitlin is equal to Iris. And some WA fans are letting them get to them. We all know Iris is Barry's number one and the show has told us that this episode and previous episode. so what if he said Caitlin? It doesn't change anything. Those SBs are the ones making themselves look ridiculous by looking for clues that a crackship that only lives in their head will happen. Some of my fellow WA fans are making themselves look ridiculous as well by feeding into this.

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1 hour ago, BeautifulFlower said:

The only reason its controversy is because some SBs are trying to prove that the writers are baiting them and this proves Caitlin is equal to Iris.

It's not the only reason for controversy. Turns out this episode's director, Chris Peppe, was an editor on the show for a few years and worked on DP's directorial episode last year. This leads some to think Chris and DP are tight, which may be a reason for the removal of Cisco's name to imply that Cait is more important than she is to Barry. Of course, now we're into to conspiracy territory.

Leaving conspiracies aside, what story telling reason would there be to leave out Cisco when we saw him in the flashforward?

Edited by adora721
3 hours ago, BeautifulFlower said:

He actually does mouth Cisco. You just have to repeated watch it and look closely at his lips.

The only reason its controversy is because some SBs are trying to prove that the writers are baiting them and this proves Caitlin is equal to Iris. And some WA fans are letting them get to them. We all know Iris is Barry's number one and the show has told us that this episode and previous episode. so what if he said Caitlin? It doesn't change anything. Those SBs are the ones making themselves look ridiculous by looking for clues that a crackship that only lives in their head will happen. Some of my fellow WA fans are making themselves look ridiculous as well by feeding into this.

I hate that some WA fans are feeding into this stupidity. Like if the writers think that Snowbarry fans can so easily be baited like this, in an episode where Barry cries out for Iris, tells her that he would willingly die if it means keeping her alive....then it is really not worth it to argue or debate them. It is sad and funny and since I'm not kind enough to feel sorry for them, I will laugh.  

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I didn't even noticed anything any of this during the episode. The Internet and social media really does bring out the worse in some segments of every fandom. 

I don't get how WestAllen fans can get caught up in this. There was never any chance of Caitlin being paired romantically with Barry. It was never going to happen and will never happen. Can anyone even remember the last season that they had along together, maybe season 3? Just snark at the delusion and move on.

I'm intrigued by the group that hired the Big Bad. We know that Barry is one of the founding members of the Justice League. And with Arrow ending, that should probably happen this season.  So perhaps this organization is the proto-Legion of Doom? We finally have the first inklings of Barry developing Gideon, so I'd love for this other Season 1 prediction to come to pass as well.

Edited by smices
double post
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So I finally got around to watching this last night.

Yep. No doubt. Grant is like the best crier. Only his tears can make ME tear up.

And I'm sooooo glad Cecile is leaving the DA's office, because she SUCKS. There is no "preponderance of evidence" in CRIMINAL TRIALS. That is the scale that is used in CIVIL trials. CRIMINAL trials have "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" you moron.

Cecile annoys me to no end.

Just make Killer Frost a full on villain already, why don't you? I'm so sick of her, and so, so, sick of Cisco defending and making excuses for her sociopathic, narcissistic behavior. Oh boo-boo-hoo! She's a "struggling" artist who can't draw for shit, so she shits on everyone else's art. Cisco should have been angrier on Kamilla's behalf with that twat.

Crisis is coming...Crisis is coming...blah, blah, blah. All the hype over this finally happening, and I have a feeling it won't live up to it.

Always good to see Jay Garrick! And they got the same actress who played Barry's mom to play Joan!

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So I don't want to get my hopes up about seeing Cisco in the Vibe suit before he got disintegrated, but my hopes are up. The lack of Caitlin makes me more certain that they don't know what to do with her. 

The clip before he says Caitlin looks more to me like Barry's moving his lips trying to find words than an edited out Cisco to me. 

Good Barry and Iris. I enjoyed seeing Barry staying at home sick instead of at STAR Labs far more than I should.

  • Love 4

I didn't even notice anything any of this during the episode. The Internet and social media really does bring out the worse in some segments of every fandom. 

I don't get how WestAllen fans can get caught up in this. There was never any chance of Caitlin being paired romantically with Barry. It was never going to happen and will never happen. Can anyone even remember the last season that they had along together, maybe season 3? Just snark at the delusion and move on.

Edited by SimoneS

This is one of the first episodes in a while that I have wanted to re-watch multiple times. I think the season is starting off strong.

LOL at Barry turning down the lights in the Time Vault so he could have the appropriate mood lighting for brooding! Also LOL at putting in a story reason to have less special effects for Killer Frost, now that she’ll be here more than Caitlin.

There were a few group scenes, but I liked that everyone didn’t have to converge in STAR Labs unnecessarily. Everyone had their own story or their own part of the story; good job making effective use of the cast, Wallace! Also thank you for making Barry smart on his own again, and not having to lean on the Team just to give them scenes. Glad that Gideon wasn’t destroyed.

I thought we would see more of Ramsey Rosso, but I guess his story gets going for real next week?

It was great to see Jay Garrick again, and Joan. They better save Earth-3 from this Crisis; I like that Barry’s (pseudo) parents are alive on another Earth. Plus Grant plays off of them well.

Iris’ CCC Office might be my new favorite set! I noticed that the family photo of Barry/Nora/Iris is there and at the loft. Speaking of the loft, so happy to see it again and that it was used for several scenes. Plus a WestAllen couch scene! It’s been so long! 😭

Also the return of Iris’ fabulous but inappropriate outfits! She looked great this episode.

Those glimpses of Crisis — So, is Cisco getting his powers back? (Temporarily?) Is it Vibe from another Earth? Another timeline? If Barry’s dying in the Crisis crossover, would they really want to show his death in this episode? I’m still thinking he will die (and come back), but maybe it won’t be the same way shown here.

I guess I’m glad they’re doing something with Cecile, but they suck at writing legal stuff, so we’ll see how this career change goes. Joe had some good scenes. I want more with Joe and Iris.

Allegra, Chester, Rosso, Esperanza — all the newest metahumans are people of color. And they even had some dialog in Spanish. I hope they let Carlos speak Spanish again sometime.

So, secret organization that’s turning metahumans into assassins — they’re taking a page from Black Lightning? In any case, looks like another set-up for post-Crisis. I liked the little bit we saw of Ultraviolet; I wouldn’t mind seeing her again.

I know they wanted to introduce Allegra to the Citizen and Iris, but it didn’t make sense for Allegra to show up at the office that same night.

(Going to do a separate post for Barry and Iris later.)

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I really liked that they let Barry & Iris have some quality alone time together (but I've got a nitpick...). They had some great scenes together at the beginning middle and end, while also having other subplots apart. I think Wallace, and co. are doing a pretty good job so far of dividing up characters plots and screentime.

Barry's disappearance in Crisis didn't have to be a Team issue - yet - and I appreciate that they let them work through their reactions to the news as a couple.

Of course Iris would the one who would fight this 'prophecy' the most. She's seen the future change, but also -

On 10/20/2019 at 6:43 AM, Quark said:

"To save the lives of billions, The Flash must die, what kind of crap is that?"

I love Iris so much.

Hey - Iris has lost or almost lost her husband too many times to just be listening to some muttonchopped doomsayer who destroyed one of the last remnants of her daughter! So yeah, she's going to fight this.

Loved the continued theme that Barry always thinks about Iris - especially in dire circumstances. After seeing her die (billions of times?? 😢), it makes sense that he would want to see her (alive) right away. The scene on Earth-3 was gut-wrenching!

As well as Barry accepting his death would save Iris... and the universe. The loft scene at the end was really nice, and again with the good lighting.

My nitpick:
"Then whatever we do next, let's make it count."
*Barry starts talking about the team*
Me: Gaaahhhh! Read the room, Barry! (/Writers!) I mean, the couch and fireplace were *right there*. The setup for the next episode could have waited. 

Edited by Trini
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On ‎10‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 9:53 PM, Maverick said:

 I know it's one of things you just have to accept, but I was annoyed Barry didn't just side step Ultraviolet's blast.  He didn't have to outrun, he just had to get out of the way.She didn't move at the speed of light; he could have just zipped around behind her and knocked her out.

Prometheus School of Running Away from Things!*

(I somehow missed your post during my first read through, but yeah, I absolutely hate this trope. Just move to the side. Or duck. C'mon, Barry.)

  • LOL 1
1 hour ago, Brinny said:

Prometheus School of Running Away from Things!*

(I somehow missed your post during my first read through, but yeah, I absolutely hate this trope. Just move to the side. Or duck. C'mon, Barry.)

As Gideon explained, Ultraviolet's blast travels at the speed of light, which is still 80 times faster than Barry's top speed. In other words, he couldn't have ducked out of the way because even his reflexes wouldn't have been fast enough.

Edited by legaleagle53
5 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

As Gideon explained, her ultraviolet blast travels at the speed of light, which is 80 times faster than Barry's top speed. In other words, he couldn't have ducked out of the way because even his reflexes wouldn't have been fast enough.

Honestly? Just poking a little fun. 

But, also, they literally show Barry just moments earlier both whooshing away Cecile and Allegra from one of Ultra Violet's blasts (after she's shot it, mind you) AND then ducking her next one when he runs to face off with her. And he actually starts to duck her final blast that ends up hitting him, but instead, decides to turn and run away. Thus the Prometheus School of Running Away from Things joke.

Of course, after Barry is hit, Gideon decides that this is the best time to let him know that he cannot outrun the ultra violet light. So, that's pretty useful. Come to think of it, I believe she also lets him know about whole anti matter destructor of worlds thing after he full on runs into it. So, while it's possible that even though Barry is now smart enough to have made a mobile Gideon, he may want to have, like, a warning setting built in, instead of having to keep prompting her about what happened. 


"Gideon, what happened?"

"You died. It appears you lost connection to the Speed Force and were unable to outrun the gunfire/bomb/whatever."

Isn't super helpful. 

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On 10/16/2019 at 1:57 AM, blugirlami21 said:

I too forgot Harry existed. I actually don't mind the character I just think he's often poorly used. I think a lot of that had to do with the old showrunner though. Everyone is being used equally and properly this season.

Except for Caitlin. Why are they insisting on this Killer Frost nonsense? What is the point? Does anyone care if she exists? Or if she has a life? It just feels like time better used elsewhere.

Same with the new big bad. I feel like he's in a totally different episode when they cut to him. 

Loved Barry and Iris being a team. Joe giving Barry a much needed pep talk. I too wish that he had seemed a bit more interested in Barry's actual problem though. 

I love Joe as Captain but I miss Captain Singh. 

I too peeped that Cisco was back to being Vibe in Barry's vision. Im hoping that maybe the cure doesn't work as well as they hoped. Kamilla's fine I guess. I still feel like we just met her and all of a sudden she's everywhere. I don't see anything special about her or her relationship with Cisco. Not like I did when he was with Gypsy.

I'm in love with everything you're saying here. I miss Vibe so fucking much and Vibe and Gypsy even more! I shipped them hard. This has been tough going for me Cisco-wise. I never agree with anyone removing there powers, gives me Mystique/Rogue flashbacks and I'm not down. Also is there a chance we could get Earth 2 back? Why haven't we heard if Harry and Jesse are okay. I would rather lose Star City than Earth 2.

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Message added by Lady Calypso

So, there has been a lot of discussion about some Flash-related content that happened recently on Arrow. That type of discussion does not belong in the episode threads. If you would like to discuss these non-spoiler events that still relate to The Flash, please take it over to The Flash and Other Superheroes thread. Thanks!

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