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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I liked this too. I enjoyed seeing all of them together. I noticed the symbolism at the end. The queen was in white while her two younger versions were in black, and the queen walked into the light. I noticed the fleeting look of disappointment on Charles' face when the queen didn't announce she was stepping down during her speech. Nice work by Dominic West. Imelda was excellent in the whole episode, but she really moved me during the scenes where she was watching the film of the family. Didn't like the casting of Harry... at all! Cringed every time I saw him. Claire Foy was my favorite playing the queen. It's hard to rank the other two because they weren't close for me. I guess I'd give second to Imelda Staunton. I didn't warm to Olivia Colman as much, but maybe I should watch her seasons again. I will miss this show. I'm a little sad it's over. There is so much material with Harry and Meghan Markle that I kind of wish the show was continuing but I also understand why it isn't. Also that subplot would distract from the queen.
  2. Surprised there are no comments here. Is anyone else watching? I was waiting for Griselda to come back after being robbed and roughed up. I saw an interview with Sofia Vargara and Kelly Clarson. Sofia didn't like that Kelly said she didn't look that different as Griselda except for the nose. I guess there was extensive cosmetic work, so Sofia was NOT happy. I feel sorry for her children. Not quite understanding where she gets the coke. I like that they're speaking Spanish in a lot of it. Seems more realistic.
  3. I skipped at least 3 seasons and went to S10. Agree about Jax and Brittany. I also had no interest in watching another wedding.
  4. He did look happy. He's probably relieved not having to listen to Dorit's yammering. The women's behavior with Storm made me cringe and feel sorry for the guy. Whenever they act like stupid teenagers drooling over a guy I imagine how it would look if middle-aged men were carrying on like this over a young woman. Why do the women think they get a free pass? I didn't understand Erika going on about the earrings. She needs to shut up about it. No one cares. She still looks shallow and unconcerned about the victims. She cares about one person: herself. I don't know if I'm going to be able to stomach AM at the reunion. I hope she's not up there the whole time.
  5. Where did Jody get his money again? I don't remember what he does.
  6. How do you know they weren't in a blackout? It means they can't form new memories. It doesn't mean they are passed out. A person can be awake, walking, talking and appearing to function and still in a blackout. I knew a guy who took a plane trip in a blackout! Woke up the next day not knowing what happened or where he was. Similar to what Shep said about not remembering Bravocon. I've known plenty of people who only drank beer and yes, they blacked out. Yes it probably takes longer than shots but it can still happen. I question that study. How do those students know exactly when they blacked out? If they did, they had no memory of it. Shep is trying to do what many alcoholics do at first. They say they will "cut back" in the hopes of trying to control their drinking. There's a whole section in the BIg Book about it saying at first we decided to drink only on weekends, or only beer or only wine or only on holidays, whatever. What most of them learn if they commit to sobriety is the only option is to give up alcohol entirely. If they could control their drinking, they wouldn't be alcoholics. I'm glad Craig is doing better but I don't believe he doesn't drink at all, despite what he said. I saw him drinking during this season. He has cut back but it doesn't look like he's given it up completely. I'm inclined to believe that there is more to the Olivia and T-Rav story and she hooked up with him years later than she said. That's why she got so upset when Taylor brought it up IMO. Taylor and Oliva are not interesting enough to be the featured female players in this show. They either need to recast or cancel it.
  7. You can blackout on beer and wine just like you can on liquor. It doesn't take that much beer either and it goes down easier for a lot of drinkers than hard liquor. According to this, Taylor is 28. Surprised by Leva's age. She doesn't look any older than Madison to me. 'Southern Charm' Cast Ages — Here's What We Know (distractify.com)
  8. He's a classic mean drunk, which is probably why most of the cast members are fed up with him. I knew Austen was tall but had no idea he is 6'5! It was said quickly so maybe everyone didn't hear it, but Taylor said Olivia told her the hook-up with Tom was five years ago after baby number 2. That would be a diffierent scenario. But given Taylor's a known liar, who knows if it's true.
  9. She looks like she's had cheek implants to me. I really noticed it on the reunion show. Something is different about her face and it's not just the shorter hair. I don't like Taylor.
  10. Definitely could be because we all know Jen has an anger problem and could flip into a rage quickly. Maybe they were horsing around and Heather knocked against her in a way that ticked Jen off, and then she punched her. I've seen this happen when people are drunk. The lack of details was puzzling, especially since this was supposed to be the big reveal. And I can't get past how shamed and meek Heather was acting after, like an abuse victim.
  11. I didn't see it coming either. I don't think Jess is very attractive. She has youth on her side but that's about it. I doubt she'll be around long.
  12. I was surprised she is 23. She looks at least 30 to me. Yes he's short. I get a sense of their height when I see whoever the Bachelor is next to Jesse Palmer, because he is tall (6'2). Jesse towered over Joey. It was harder with Chris Harrison because he wasn't very tall.
  13. I thought of this too but am inclined to think it wasn't an accident or Heather wouldn't have felt she had to cover for Jen. It wouldn't have been that hard to explain how an accident happened between two friends who were drunk and rough housing. Also in the footage Heather looked scared or at least meek. I think Jen got mad and hit Heather. Yes!
  14. Yep. I was a little frustrated that Heather didn't give any details. What happened? I'm assuming they argued and Jen lost her cool, but I would've liked to have heard Heather say it. She did admit they were drunk, but even drunk a normal person doesn't go off and pop their friend. But I did believe Heather when she said she was afraid of Jen. I think all these women were and that's why they defended her for so long. Monica is ice cold scary to me. Some of her expressions--or really non-expression--just a blank stare--gave me chills. I do too. I think it's why they cast her. My main takeaway from watching these reunion shows on Peacock: most of these people cannot speak without rampant use of the f-word. It's the new like, except it hurts my ears even more.
  15. Even if he was drunk, Gizelle admitted he didn't do or say anything inappropriate. it was more like she was uncomfortable being alone in the room with him drunk. Fine but she didn't have to make such a huge deal of it and turn it into her big storyline, thus implying Chris sexually harassed her. I don't blame Candiace for being ticked off. I thought she sounded pretty good. She's no Whitney Houston but she wasn't bad IMO. Robyn annoys me. She lives in denial. Fine if she wants to look the other way about Juan's cheating, but I'm weary hearing about it. The two of them always seem "on" for the cameras and the least authentic of any of the others on this show. This is a low bar as they are all performing to a degree. Too bad Mia's mother doesn't come. Sounds like a strained relationship. I've been there and feel for her.
  16. I don't really like JT but I also don't like jokes about someone's appearance. I think it's a low blow and tacky.
  17. She's the new Katherine. It hasn't stopped him from making cheap short jokes about JT, which he does all the time. This bugs me. What is JT supposed to do? Yes, he is short. Move on. Or maybe JT should make cracks about Austen's weak chin or muppet mouth. How would Austen feel?
  18. Yes and she admitted she likes "bad boys" who don't treat her well. She said "women" like this, but obviously she was talking about herself. It's sad. Craig and Shep both have smoker's voices. I've seen Shep smoke on the show. Does Craig also smoke or is he just aging rapidly? Taylor doesn't seem very bright to me. Olivia seems angry.
  19. I also wondered if Mou Mou actually said all those words to the press or creative license was taken. (There are many people online who are still buying his theory. One of them blasted me when I commented there was no proof of this.) I was surprised when William suggested Kate move into the house. I'm not sure of the timeline on their relationship. It seems to have sped up on this episode. I liked the scene with William and the Queen. I don't like any of the scenes with Harry, mostly because I think the actor is miscast-with an atrocious haircut and looking too old. The actor playing William was a little better in this episode, although he's still not wowing me. I'm not really feeling the actress playing Kate. She's ok but doesn't remind me at all of the real Kate. I liked the balcony scene with all the family.
  20. Crystal is also slim. Maybe Erika and Kyle's new bodies triggered her, especially Erika as she has lost a lot of weight. Sometimes with eating disorders it becomes competitive with women who are around each other. I remember reading about it happening on the set of Ally McBeal. Some of the female costars got really skinny in reacting to Calista Flockhart's thinness. I'm waiting for this season to be over. I want to hear how Kyle explains her relationship with Mauricio at the reunion.
  21. She has those two nailed! There is no reason for these two women to be so hateful to Nicole. Their jealousy is showing. As someone else mentioned, they were nasty to Karent too. They are both mean girls. Yep at least two and it also looks like she may have had cheek implants, which might be why her face looks wider. I don't think it's just filler, although she has a lot of that too. I didn't understand why Julia was so covered up during the fashion way when they showed her trying on swimsuits earlier. Kiki also wasn't wearing swimsuits in the show. They are both stunning. I agree that Julia is naturally pretty. The shorter hair emphasizes her beauty. I can't figure out what Marcus sees in Larsa. He seems like a decent guy, but I wonder what he does all day. I'm assuming he doesn't run the sneaker store but has staff. Does he just hang around her most of the time? I wonder about this too. Why is he producing Adriana? The woman not very talented.
  22. I believe so too. I had a similar childhood and my mother did the same thing in pitting my sisters and me against each other.
  23. I still can't believe Annmarie made the eating disorder comment about Crystal and then 10 seconds later said she didn't say it. Either she's incredibly manipulative or she has the memory of a goldfish. Agree with all of this. Kyle is a mean girl in disguise. I was uncomfortable watching her look in Sutton's refrigerator. She was probably doing it so she could report back to the others that she has proof Sutton doesn't eat. As someone who had an ED for years, I can't tell you how uneasy I am with this storyline. It's flat-out cruel to challenge someone about this or allude to it in front of other people. You are playing with someone's mental health. I cannot stand Kyle. I didn't think it was the best look for a charity even either, but she looked beautiful. She probably wore the dress more for her Instagram photos as she seems obsessed with IG. Looking back at the older clips of her reminded me that I preferred her as a blonde. I thought she was more striking blonde. I realized most of you disagree about this though. Erika's dentist was hitting on her. He told her she looked great at least three times. I don't usually like what Sutton wears, but the pink dress was pretty and perfect for her.
  24. Yes! Why couldn't the woman simply say, "I'm sorry I pried into your medical history. It was none of my business." She is awful! No way is Crystal jealous of her either. Agree. They look awkward together and like they're barely speaking or only for the cameras.
  25. I think they are afraid of her as they were of Jen Shah. They don't want to get on her bad side because she's a hateful bully.
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