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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Everything about the ponytail look is wrong for Kim: it's too right, too young-looking, no bangs to soften it at all and her makeup looks harsh. She looks dehydrated and worn out. I hope she's still sober. Having said that, it is clear Brandi is not sober much of the time. The woman needs help. I'm assuming she is getting child support from Eddie, so why is she apparently so desperate to get back on this show? The only positive thing from the scene was that Lisa wasn't there. I really didn't need to see her smirking in victory at seeing Denise humiliated. I heard the reunion was done via Zoom (Garcelle said it took 13 hours!). However, I thought I'd read recently that it was in-person. Was that a different HW reunion?
  2. Sorry I screwed up the quote. I tried to fix it but think I made it worse. It sounds like Leah's mother is triangulating. My mother has NPD and has used this tactic on my sister and me my whole life. As a result my relationship with my sister has always been strained. It's very sad. We both eventually realized what my mother was doing but the damage had been done, and we both still want my mother's love and approval even though we're now in our '50s. So sometimes we will get sucked back in to being the good girl standing in the sunshine agreeing with my mother while she castigates the "bad" daughter/sister. (I'm pretty much no contact with my mom now though. ) I feel for Leah but don't like watching her on this show. I just don't find her likable. Same goes for her sister, so I hope she doesn't become a cast member.
  3. They were both drunk at the spa, especially the sister. She was slurring her words. I like how they were showing a running count of Ramona's girlfriends at the party. These are the things that can happen when people get wasted. I'm sure ER doctors have some vivid stories. Agree. I think they were drunk, obnoxious and (deliberately) rude to Ramona.
  4. In some of the scenes Brandi seems to be on more than alcohol. I wonder if she’s mixing booze with painkillers or another type of drug? Regarding the cease and desist, I thought housewives couldn’t sue each other. In another thread a few weeks ago, someone posted a link to HW “rules” and it mentioned this. But I also remember Tamra on OC shouting about a cease and desist to another HW. I can’t remember her name as it was many seasons ago. Something with a “J?” She had dark hair and was a Playmate at one time. They were at some kind of party and Tamra was drunk and obnoxious. I think they may have come to blows or close to it. I like Denise well enough but can believe she got drunk and made-out with Brandi. What I don’t believe it Brandi is hurt, traumatized, feels guilty about being part of a cheating scenario, etc. And watching Kim coddle Brandi was nauseating. Something seems off with Kim. I hope she is still sober and if so, I have to ask again: why hang out with a drunk like Brandi? I doubt Kim’s sponsor would encourage it. The scene looked like a total set-up. I don’t believe for a minute Kyle and Teddi were shocked by what they heard. I wonder if Harry is pretty much MIA this season because he doesn’t want to be involved in where this show is going. Not that he was a big player in earlier seasons but he did pop up here and there. What bothered me the most about Amelia’s list of apartment requirements was how Lisa laughed and crowed about it. I guess she is proud to have raised an entitled brat. In the scene with Lisa and Amelia, Alexia’s voice sounded a lot like Kyle’s. I was looking away doing something and looked up when I heard Alexia. At first I thought Kyle had come in for some reason. Teddi’s nose looks more refined to me. I think she had a good (subtle) nose job. When is the reunion? I wonder if the C&D will mean it’s shorter.
  5. Is Lisa's other daughter as insufferable as Amelia? I can't remember her name. I wonder what Harry thinks of Amelia's behavior...
  6. I was horrified at how bad she looked in her TH. Usually they look better in the THs, but gosh... Brandi looked absolutely awful! What did she do to her face? It looks like her face is swollen, nose shrunken and eyes are off-kilter. Yikes! Kim also looks really bad, haggard. And I do not think it's a good idea for her as a recovering alcoholic/addict to be hanging out with a drunk like Brandi. Didn't she have a facelift a few years ago? What the heck happened? I had never watched it and binged it during the shut down. It's now my favorite HW show! I don't know why Bravo doesn't do a better job of promoting it. It does seem like it's not given the same attention as the other shows. I'm looking forward to the new season next month.
  7. Hi. I wasn’t sure where to post this so thought I’d try here. I’ve watched several of the HW shows but never Atlanta, but I’m desperate and bored! (I’ve resisted until now mostly due to Nene. I found her obnoxious when she was Celebrity Apprentice.) I also tried NJ lately but got bored by the time I got to S6. Can anyone recommend a good starting point for RHOA? I started at beginning today with S1/E1 but these forums don’t pick up until several seasons in and reading the forums is more enjoyable to me than actually watching the show, so I’m wondering if I should start later? Suggestions appreciated!
  8. I didn't like the slap either and thought it got too much attention. The scene with Brad in the chair and Michelle Money ordering him around... it was just as awkward on second watch LOL. Brad's body language showed how uncomfortable he was with the whole thing. I think MM was a bit too much for Brad. He struck me as the pursuer type, which played well with Emily as she stayed a few steps back in the beginning while the other women were clamoring for him. I remember Brad doing an impromptu picnic for her during a group activity. It took everyone by surprise and showed me he how interested he was in Emily. I know he has moved on but when he mentioned the "200 voicemails" or hang-ups (something like that) he left there was a note in his voice that made me think he's holding onto some feelings for her.
  9. I've always liked him. I also think he's the best-looking bachelor of all, a real hunk! He still looks good although I don't like the beard. I never understood all the flack and hate he got for not picking either of them first season. So is it better to pick someone you aren't really in love with only to break up with them weeks/months later? Yes, I guess so according to the producers and The Bachelor Nation. Anyway, he isn't the only one not to pick someone is he? Didn't Jen not pick anyone as Bachelorette? I can't remember if there was anyone else. Brad was really into Emily. It was apparent even at the start of the season. I remember how he kind of chased her and she was this demure southern belle type. She had it down pat. I liked Chantal better but figured Brad would pick Emily. It was clear he was smitten with Emily. I remember when they did ATFR there was a lot of tension between them. Some of it was Emily still being really angry after watching him with Chantal during the airing of the show, especially the treehouse. They didn't get into it during the update but back then they said that caused a big rift between them. Emily would call him furious after an episode of the show had aired. IIRC, she also didn't want to leave Charlotte and move to Austin, which was another problem for them as a couple. Emily is stunning but I was surprised when she said she was 34. I thought she was older than that. Michelle and Chantel both looked really good, as did Ashley. Actually, all of them looked good. Was there a filter over the camera LOL? I'm glad Brad found someone but I wouldn't call the fact that he's dating someone a "stunning announcement." Typical hyperbole from CH. thejuicer, I'm right there with you! I feel a little guilty because I'm married, but I guess I still have a little crush on Brad LOL. (It's also depressing because I'm older than Brad and his girlfriend looks like she's 15 years younger than him.)
  10. Agree. I don't think there is anything wrong with Aaron speaking up to these women. If Denise doesn't want him to do it, then she should tell him to stop, not them. They just don't like being called on their mean girls' gang-up. They claim to be empowered, strong women and then shrink away in horror when a man dares to challenge them. Why? He wasn't looming over them or physically threatening them in any way. If he was condescending it's nothing they haven't heard before from each other. They've actually heard worse than condescension. If you truly want to be treated as an equal, then buck up. If you don't like what he's saying to you or how he's saying, then shut him down. Don't go whining about how he doesn't have the right to talk. I think Eileen is beautiful but didn't like her hair color or style. She looks much better blonde with softer hair IMO. Camille still looked thin me unless I missed something. Has she gained weight? I think she held her own with Lisa. I don't really like Camille but I appreciate anyone who stands up to LR. (Although Camille has a slow way of speaking that makes me wonder if she was on some kind of medication or was drunk.) By the way, I didn't see Lisa eat a single fry during her meeting with Denise. She seems like a nice person but I'm not sure what she adds to this show as she's frequently in her own scenes or not at group events. When she is around the others, it doesn't feel natural to me but like it's a filming obligation. It's hard to understand why she was cast if she wasn't going to be available to be a full cast member. Perhaps they should've just made her a friend? It seems like Sutton is around more. Why not make her a cast member instead? Brandi looked bad and all the hair extensions didn't help. Too much fake-looking hair. The cheek implants and/or filler combination was a mistake and ruined her face. Looks like she may have had a (bad) eye job too. Yikes. It's mostly the latter for me. I've never liked her and this season isn't changing things. I find her cold and off-putting most of the time. I think PK's comments were dead-on. I'm having a hard time finding anyone to root for on this show. I can't stand Kyle and Lisa. Not crazy about Erika or Dorit. Denise is the only one I can tolerate but I do think she's not being honest about everything. As another poster said, I do sense her holding back and perhaps trying to revamp her image in a way that rings false. Having said that, I will side with her over this gaggle of witches every time!
  11. It seemed like a drunken argument to me. Speaking of drunken, I'm no longer enjoying watching these women. As someone else pointed out, there is too much drinking and not really a storyline for any of them. There is also too long of a gap since filming. Last week was the Halloween party--over eight months ago! Why does it take so long to edit these Housewives shows? I think they would be so much more interesting if the shows came out maybe 2-3 months after filming, so we haven't all heard through social media everything that has happened in their lives. The new THs are jarring, both the audio and the stark differences in how some of them look. Luann looks gaunt. Sonja looks a lot better but also so different she's hardly recognizable. She's obviously had some work done. I'm guessing a facelift, lip injections and probably some filler. She also looks a lot thinner, so perhaps she slowed down on her drinking and dropped the alcohol bloat. Ramona looks a little "surprised" in her THs, as if she had a brow lift or something. It is clear to me that Dorinda is the successful bully of this show. The other women are all intimidated by her to such a degree they're putting up with her horrible behavior, even Ramona. (Agree with Leah's TH comment.) It was unsettling listening to Ramona make excuses for Dorinda in her pathetic need for Dorinda's approval. (And Elise did the same thing with Ramona with the lap-sitting and desperate hugging.) I haven't warmed to Leah, can't stand Dorinda, am disgusted by Sonja, irritated by Ramona and don't care about Luann. That leaves me no one to root for on this show and not even anyone I find watchable as far as good TV goes. I'll finish this train wreck to see if they make it to the reunion. But if they don't do a major cast overhaul for next season, I won't be back.
  12. What happened with them? Did Aaron dump her? I can't remember the details. I think I saw part of the breakup show but I missed the regular season. I wonder if they've tried to reach Aaron.
  13. I remember how much chemistry she had with Charlie. When I watched it all those years ago, I was surprised she didn't pick Charlie. I also cracked up then and now at her reaction to the one guy's postage stamp apartment in NYC. It was so clear by her expression that she has horrified. It did not bode well for him! And I still think Jamie is hot! Charlie looks ok now but needs to ease up on the hair dye. Yikes. Very obvious. Trish looked really good in the update. Ryan... gosh. What happened to his hair? Agree about Cassie. I don't understand why she did the interview. It seemed like a waste and Chris Harrison didn't really know what to do with her. I got the impression the Alex/Amanda connection was mostly sexual attraction. Not surprised it didn't last. I wonder what Alex has been up to? Has he ever married? Had children? I'm kind of impressed he has stayed under the radar this long. I'm looking forward to seeing Brad's season(s) again. I watched both and liked him as the Bachelor. I wish they'd do Aaron from the second season because I never watched that one.
  14. Yes! Something was off with friend. She didn't seem upset about it at all. She had a smirk on her face for much of the interview. It creeped me out. I do not trust her and think she knew more about what was going on than she let on during the interview. Either that or she was more of a follower of Chad and Lori's than she wants people to believe now. Regardless, her demeanor was odd and off-putting.
  15. Just read the Clare's season will start filming shortly after July 4th.
  16. Love Ben Z! What a hunk! I wish they would've made him The Bachelor.
  17. Ok I must have a bad memory because I can't remember what Olivia did that was so awful. This is not counting the super-embarrassing jumping out of the cake and skulking around. But what else happened? Why were the women vicious to her? Why was she so traumatized? Despite what she said in the update, she doesn't seem quite over it to me. Can anyone refresh my memory?
  18. I don't understand it either and am now wondering if her season will even happen. I never got the feeling Chris Harrison and company were that excited about Clare (based on some interviews I saw with Harrison, in which his tone was kind of tepid). It seemed more of a stop-gap measure to me. Regardless, it doesn't seem right to make her wait while they go forward with the the new Bachelor. But maybe they can use the time to find men who are closer to Clare's age? I'd like to see them cast men in their mid-30s and 40s.
  19. I've looked everywhere over the years and haven't found it. ABC hasn't released it on DVD as far as I know. The only place I found it was someone wanting to sell it to me illegally, which I won't do. My DVR is recording this but I'm going to wait until they get to one of the later seasons. I wouldn't mind seeing Byron's again too. I remember it as being entertaining. But my all-time favorite bachelor was Andrew Firestone! Maybe it was just that I liked the show more then though? I don't know, but it seemed more romantic and unless obnoxious and manipulative then, but maybe I'm just being nostalgic. I also liked Brad and enjoyed both his seasons, even the first when he picked no one. I think he's a hunk: tall, handsome, beautiful blue eyes and I love his Texas twang. I didn't watch last night because I wasn't really a Kaitlyn fan, but now I want to check the DVR and see what Clare looks like. I wonder if her season will actually happen? It's been delayed quite awhile now.
  20. Just finished S3 and these women are now my favorite housewives. They are hilarious. Karen is delusional and clearly in denial, but at times is still entertaining. She had a very loose relationship with the truth though! Loved the pizza scene and wonder what happened to it? As Andy said, Robyn seems to be saying the same thing about Juan she said at the last reunion. BTW, I don't like her new hairstyle/wig (it looks like a wig to me) not the cut or the color. It is a harsh look for her IMO. I think she looked better during the regular season. Candiace is very high maintenance and, I'm sorry, but "Princess" seems to fit based on what I've seen. If she wants to have her own life, she needs to move out of her mother's house and stop letting her pay for everything! The wedding planning is ridiculously over the top. Is all that really necessary? It seems like just another way for her mother to control her. I'm glad her dad isn't giving her more money for the wedding. Candiace seems insecure. I don't have a good feeling about her and Chris lasting. I also don't think she adds much to this show. I could easily see them replacing her with someone better, perhaps someone a little older and more established. I'm glad Chris wants to establish a relationship with his oldest son but inviting him to his wedding is not a good first move. Too much pressure, too big of an event, too many people around. Also it's something that's about Chris. He would be much better off just trying to start talking to him by phone occasionally and then maybe move up to an in-person meeting with just the two of them. This is assuming the ex will allow it, of course. Sad situation. I wonder how often he sees the other two children? They aren't talked about much and not even their names or ages have been mentioned that I can remember. Do they live in the same town as Chris? Lots of unanswered questions. I feel for Gizelle and wonder what really happened with Sherman. I get the impression we weren't told the whole story about the break-up. I could detect his distance earlier in the season though. I know Gizelle attributed it to the People article but that doesn't make much sense because he allowed himself to be filmed for the show. (And during the picnic scene when she said "Love me?" to him, he seemed a little grudging in his response. I wondered then if they'd last.) I think Gizelle is beautiful (the prettiest of them all IMO) but that ponytail wasn't a good look for her. I'm not sure if it was her hair being pulled off her face or her makeup being too heavy, but overall the look didn't work for me. It hardened her appearance. Ashley is a pot-stirrer but I still like her. She looked beautiful at the reunion. One thing that confused me is why Charrisse was brought on halfway through the reunion as if she were a friend instead of regular cast member. She was in the opening credits as a cast member. Really like her shorter hairstyle! Wondering if Karen and Ray are still married and if so, actually living together. I hate to break this to you, Karen, but if you're married it's difficult to keep everything separate and that includes your husband's legal/tax issues. Just ask Theresa Guidice. I also don't believe Karen was clueless about what was going on. Not sure how much this has affected their relationship, Ray doesn't look into her at all. Having said that, I feel sorry for Karen losing both her parents. My father has struggled with dementia for years. My mother is also not doing well, so I certainly understand Karen's emotion over losing her parents. I'm surprised Monica didn't get a DUI from that car crash. Did the police come? She is very defensive about her drinking, which suggests there is a problem. Also, did anyone notice that scene in which she was drinking from a flask in her room when they were out of town? It seems like she wants to present a certain image to everyone as everything being fabulous in her life, but I get the feeling there is some tension with her husband... more so than we've seen.
  21. I hope it works out but it concerns me how many times they broke up and got back together. I never got the impression Scott was as into Tinsley as she was into him, but maybe that was just the show's editing. We didn't see that much of Scott. It didn't seem genuine to me. I took it as them trying to save face now that they realized Tinsley was leaving the show. They are cowards. When Dorinda was there, they aligned themselves with her and piled onto the Tinsley bullying train. Horrible behavior. ITA. I fast-forwarded it. I'm kind of surprised Dorinda's doubling down on social media. I guess she's content being the villain of the season. Her jealousy is so apparent. I'm assuming Tinsley won't come to the reunion (if there is one). I'm glad, because she'd get pummeled by these hateful women. I hope she and Scott actually get married. Assuming there is another reason, if Dorinda comes back, I won't be watching.
  22. Yes, it was strange. Even if he'd been gone working, they seemed kind of distant with each other. More friends than husband and wife. I wonder if they are separated and just haven't announced it? I've seen this happen with other celebrity couples. When they do announce it, we find out they'd actually been apart for some time but kept it quiet.
  23. I don't know the real story but something seems up with Lisa and Harry. It's hard to tell on these shows as they only show us what they want us to see.
  24. I wish they would do the first two or three seasons to highlight how different the show was then. It was before social media became so huge and people began coming on the show to be influencers/celebrities, promote themselves and their products, go on Dancing with the Stars, etc. I started watching season 3 (Andrew Firestone, sigh). I've seen an abbreviated version on DVD of season 1 but have never seen season 2 (Aaron). I would like to see that one. I've seen every other season but Rachel's. I skipped hers because I need a break from it at that time. Gosh, Chris Harrison looked so young on one of the clips they showed.
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