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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I'm halfway through the last episode and the scene of George singing "He Stopped Loving Her Today" to Tammy brought me to tears. Michael Shannon is killing it! I hope he gets an Emmy nomination for this. I looked it up on YT to see George singing it live. What a beautiful, sad song. Michael did George proud. My library has both the books on Tammy (from her two daughters). I've reserved them.
  2. He did a good job of summarizing all of Lisa’s horrible behavior. In a separate update below, he says Brandi is returning.
  3. Agree. Mine was a vaginal hysterectomy and my recuperation was less than two weeks. Virtually no pain after and it was a relief to be free of the fibroids after 2 years of constant heavy periods. I don’t understand the argument at the end between Karen and Charisse. I didn’t hear Charisse go after Karen’s mother. Was something edited out? Sounds like Mia has some resentment towards her friend and it’s not just financial. Wonder if something did happen between Jacqueline and Gordon.
  4. Agree. I thought Michael’s singing was better as George than Jessica’s as Tammy, although Jessica sounded better in the duets than she did in the solos IMO. I understand Tammy wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea but she had a unique voice and much such an impact on country music. What kind of drug was Tammy being injected with? Gosh, that scene with Tammy and her friend, Sheila, was awkward. Sheila was basically apologizing for Tammy sleeping with her husband. Yikes.
  5. Wonder if Harry's time in Canada will be affected by Lisa not having much to do.
  6. Don't forget Teresa Guidice, who Bravo brought back after her stint in prison!
  7. The story said she wanted $2M per episode, which would've made her the highest paid HW. Bravo said No thanks! Good for them. Don't know if this is true, but Andy Cohen has claimed that HWS rarely leave on their own. It's usually Bravo's decision not to renew their contracts, and Bravo doesn't really care how the HW spins the news. Probably the case here. Considering how vile her behavior was last season, I'm surprised she'd have the gonads to ask for $2. But I guess she thought bringing so much drama made her invaluable. Would love to see Erika go next, but probably won't happen. Would also be thrilled if they finally ditched Kyle, but I seriously doubt it. She's the OG of the show and producers seem to like her. Guess her victim act and constant tears works for them.
  8. I'm so glad the producers are calling out the lies these women are telling. It doesn't happen often but it's nice to see. I laughed every time they showed the "Chris NOT looking" footage. I wonder what Gizelle, Ashley and her friend are thinking as they're watching the playback. I'm glad Candiace did not engage with Deborah. She doesn't deserve to get the time of day form Candiace.
  9. I guess I am clueless because I don't think there is anything wrong with Candiace's nose. I'm so tired of the overly tweaked Hollywood and HW noses. I now Gizelle is messy but she was right when she said Karen's ego is tremendous.
  10. Agree! I haven't always been a fan of Candiace, but I'm with her this season. These women are vile! They are trying to create drama and are throwing Candiace's husband under the bus when he did nothing wrong. I loved Candiace's reaction to muppet face. No, I don't need to talk to you. Don't even give her the time of day, Candiace. Rise above all of it. And she looked beautiful in that yellow outfit while Sesame Street women looked.... well, I won't say anything more because it wouldn't be nice. Team Candiace! And she's right. Ashely is messy. Karen's show seemed like a bust to me. I guess you had to be there? Good for production! I can't wait to see the reunion. How are these women going to rationalize their LIES about Chris and Eddie? She's saying Deborah looks like a muppet.
  11. I grew up listening to Tammy Wynette because my parents loved her. I'm enjoying this series but I have one big issue: Jessica Chastain's voice isn't nearly as good as Tammy's. I almost wish she had lip synced. She just doesn't have the Tammy magic. So it strains credibility for me when people are supposedly in awe of her talent and she's really only average. If you don't believe me, look up Tammy on YouTube. Listen to "Divorce" and "Stand By Your Man" and you'll hear the difference just in those songs.
  12. It did seem like a selfish thing for Wendy’s mother to say. She chose to have children and to breast-feed them. It reminded me of what my mother would say to me as a child. She’d go on about how she “almost died” giving birth to me. Said the same thing to my two sisters. I always wondered what I was expected to do about her horrible labor. Gee, sorry I almost killed you, Mom.
  13. Well, it is clear Juan has no interest in marrying Robyn. That’s been evident for awhile, but I’m now wondering about Robyn’s interest in Juan. Where is the woman who was pressuring him to marry her and who cried a few years ago when he finally proposed? Now she seems bored. Saying the wedding isn’t a priority pretty much says it all. She keeps bringing up the pre-nup and fidelity clause, even though Juan cannot shut it down fast enough. Is this her way of saving face when he walks away? He is so checked out that I’m wondering if the rumors are true and he does have a girlfriend. Whatever the case, can we move on from this dead as a door nail storyline? I don’t need to hear about Mia’s or her friend’s sexual escapades. Please do not give me mental pictures of them with G in any combination. It is not edgy and titillating. It’s crude and disgusting. And if you looked at your friend’s vagina, keep it to yourself. Do these women have no filter? Sheesh. Somehow I blanked on Ashley’s friend, because I’m often doing other things while half-watching this show. Given the comments, I’m off to go look her up. Why is Karen so critical of Gizelle’s house? I don’t think it looked bad. I like Gizelle with the slightly darker hair, the brownish-blonde. It’s more flattering than the lighter blonde IMO. The RS show didn’t look like a roaring success to me, despite what they said.
  14. Gaslighting is a form of manipulation. It’s about questioning someone’s perception of events and accusing them of being irrational or crazy. Oxford: manipulate (someone) using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning. Newport institute: Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition. I do see gaslighting going on, especially with Cameron and Ethan. Cameron was clearly flirting with Harper, yet when Ethan called him on it, Cameron started making comments that he was nuts. The whole situation between the two of them is bizarre. I thought Will Sharpe did a good job of showing his character unraveling. Even when he was watching Harper eat the pineapple. It was tense. Ethan looked ready to snap at any moment. I don’t know what happened in the hotel room, but it certainly looked bad. Either explanation isn’t good. She either cheated or she’s screwing with Ethan’s head. I couldn’t believe Portia didn’t push to leave even when she and Jack were at their long lunch and he was getting plastered! I would’ve been out of there. Sheesh. She needs to be more cautious. I was nervous watching the coke-fest party. I was afraid Tanya was going to OD or something bad would happen. It looked like she did a lot of coke. I thought maybe they had laced it with something. Glad that wasn’t the case. There are multiple people being taken advantage of on this show. It is weird they don’t leave the hotel much. My husband and I went to Italy several years ago. We were rarely at the hotel. We went all over the various cities we visited. It was beautiful!
  15. Is Farrah still engaged or did they get married? I thought I remembered hearing Kyle talk about Farrah’s wedding on RHBH, but I don’t see anything online. I wonder if her boyfriend will actually marry her. I wish the show focused more on the agents who aren’t related to Mauricio.
  16. Excellent points! It absolutely could be all of this.
  17. Kyle must have a contract with RHBH prohibiting her from being on this show. They had a big party at their house, so surely she was around but not shown. I’ve seen this on several other occasions when Alexia or Mauricio is at the house. If Alexia wants to find herself and be taken seriously, perhaps she should start by moving out of her parents’ house and doing her own laundry. She drives a Porsche and is employed. Seems like she could at least afford an apartment. I think demonstrating some independence would go a long way in resolving her identity crisis and making her feel empowered. Too much was made of the Melissa grading Alexia incident. Not that big of a deal. Alexia did do a poor job. Farrah’s boyfriend wasn’t that receptive to the marriage talk was he? Seemed like he was kicking the can down the road. I don’t know if it’s the Botox or something else about Farrah’s face, but she looks sad or depressed much of the time to me. I can’t put my finger on it, but something seems off with her.
  18. Alexia is in over her head! No excuse not to even know the year a house was built. It's on the listing sheet and is in the MLS information. Anyone can look that up. The realtor should absolutely know the basic details of the home. If she doesn't know, she shouldn't guess with the sing-song uptick in her voice. So annoying! Alexia comes across unprofessional and clueless. Agree that Farrah looks older than her age. She also looks "done." This is a shame. She is a pretty woman. I cringe every time I hear Alexia's voice, because I think it's Kyle. I started watching this because I finished Selling Sunset and Selling the OC, but I don't know if I'll finish it. I don't really like any of the agents. I'm not that interested in Mauricio and his family.
  19. I thought Rowan and Kique were the weakest and are probably out. I like Rowan but don’t think that was the best song for her. The judges were understated in their comments, which on this shows means it wasn’t a great review. They rarely ever criticize anyone directly here. I liked Bryce and Brayden the best. I think both have wonderful voices and a lot of charisma on stage, effortlessly cool. I also thought Morgan was excellent. She owned the stage. I didn’t like Omar’s version of I Want to Know What Love Is, but it’s one of my favorite Foreigner songs so I’m biased. I didn’t think the arrangement was good. Why did they skip the second verse? He was ok but sounded Broadway to me. I like Foreigner’s version so much better. I really like Bodie but didn’t like the song choice. When I hear Kim I think “great back-up singer.”
  20. Agree. I think Regina is an example of good writing for a strong female lead. I wish the writers of Alaska Daily would watch this show, because they’ve used the standard bitch-on-wheels mold for their female lead. She is so over the top she’s not relatable. Regina has a steely kind of strength and no-nonsense attitude, and she’s still likable. I think the actress is doing a great job. I love Jimmy Smits and wish he was used more on this show. Watching this makes me want to go back and binge NYPD Blue again or maybe even LA Law.
  21. I’m almost finished with the first season. Echo a lot of your comments. One question: why is Jason so heavily featured and not Brett? Same thing on Sunset. I thought this show might be more Brett’s, but I didn’t see him. Is he the invisible brother? Agree there are too many cast members. I can’t keep track of all of them. Not surprised about Tyler and his wife.
  22. Melonie77, thanks for the recap. I also read your post in the Spoilers thread. Wow, they left out a lot of stuff that sounds interesting. I wonder why. I would like to have heard from Sierra. I wondered how she really felt about Michael gushing over Danielle when he dumped her and said he wasn’t ready. And why would they try to make Victoria look better by leaving out the glass-throwing bit from Johnny? Do they really want to invest in her on the Bachelor franchise? I think it’s a mistake. She is a user and not likable. I guess the producers want her around though, because she’s featured on the next Bachelor. Makes no sense to me.
  23. I knew there would be a brawl as soon as they started talking about going to the cowboy bar. Her real hair does look similar but a little better than the wig. I wonder why they didn’t just use her real hair given there’s not a big difference. The wig is awful and distracting to me. Websites I searched said she’s a natural redhead. I had no idea she was English! I thought the new woman’s hair looked good in the scene with Jamie. I liked her outfit too and thought it was classy until I saw the slit almost to her crotch. Here’s Kelly Reilly on the red carpet so I’m assuming this is her natural hair. Another interesting bit: Rip refers to Beth as “110 pounds” but according to internet, Kelly Reilly is 5’6’ and 128 lbs. I wonder why the show writers thought they had to make her smaller. Here she is as Beth wearing the wig, which is less red. It’s more strawberry blonde.
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