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Everything posted by Booger666

  1. Cate picked up the pig at the cargo area at the airport. So the pig was flown in. Which means it was in the very, very, very loud and poorly climate controlled underbelly of an airplane. Shaking my head in disgust. Pig was stressed out. I worked for the airline industry for 15 years and beg people not to ship animals that way.
  2. Now I have to go google Megan Fox thumbs. This will be a waste of a day ?
  3. I caught the Rumble in the Jungle rerun yesterday and that reminded me why many people don't like her. The mom has always been over-the-top, but so have many other moms. In this episode Eden's talent agent ran the pageant and it was rigged but they acted like the audience was too stupid to figure it out. In addition, there was a scene where Eden acted like she didn't want to do the pageant and her mom said she didn't have to and then Eden gave her mom a sly smile and wanted to go on stage. People thought Eden's mom was staging everything and it was all fake and annoying.
  4. Does anyone know what Mario is up to these days? Is he still with the girl he left Ramona for?
  5. I understand Tom wanting a postnup bc it is the general understanding that the prenup only protects the assets they each had prior to the wedding. I bet Tom gets paid out or a bonus per job. In the 6 wks of the marriage he may be signing a contract to get $$$ to do a yacht. Without the postnup she would be entitled to some of that bc the assets came into play post prenup. On the other hand, Lilly is working less during the 6 wks bc of filming so likely selling fewer condos and less $$$ coming in for her. It all may be due to the timing of how they get paid for their normal jobs during the "experiment".
  6. Last ep was so much fun to watch and this was such a downer. Jeff was awful. I know many here think he will be a good father but I disagree. His constant need to be in control and right is more important than other people's needs and feelings. That won't change. I felt so bad for Matt getting called out like that at a celebratory dinner. Jeff constantly crosses the line with clients and if he doesn't want his employees to do that he has to set the example or make it a clear rule for his employees to follow. I don't think Matt did anything wrong. If Chaz had invited him I'm sure he would've told Jeff. But Chaz didn't, Matt was just LC's plus one. That's all. And Jeff knew LC and Matt were friends so if he had a problem with it he should've said something to Matt at the onset of their friendship. It was interesting that Jeff read Zoila the riot act about admitting she made a mistake about lunch, which was so insignificant as problems go, but he himself would take no ownership of driving Matt, their best employee, away when Vanina said "we drove him away". Vanina was so careful to say "we" when it was clear Jeff was the only one to cause conflict for Matt.
  7. New topic - Ramona's face. What is going on with her nose? It's always been a little off center which I assumed was a bad nose job years ago. Lately it looks like it is swinging far, far left. Almost looks like it is trying to escape her face. Has anyone else noticed this or is the bad boob job totally distracting from her nose?
  8. My DVR cut out before the end of the ep. Did it run longer than an hour? Agree with all the comments that the new format with the focus on the coaches is terrible. It's interesting that the editors for the prior seasons highlights reel realized that the best moments were the kids, moms and directors. Lots of those kids had coaches, but those aren't the funny and watchable moments.
  9. So I haven't finished the episode yet, but Bethany is driving me crazy with her constant judgments of Luanne staying with Tom because she has no self-respect, is in love with love not Tom, has nothing going on in her life, etc. And then in the next TH she says it's completely textbook that you tell a woman or man is cheating and she stays with him. The "truth teller" tells whatever "truths" are convenient for her at the time. Hate Bethany!
  10. I forgot how much I liked Annette Hill! Watching the lead in show for the new season and she was so awesome about giving the Directors Award to the less favored twin. Didn't Annette show up on the old TWOP site once or twice to say hi?
  11. Heather is the biggest joy vacuum. Like a mega industrial size Hoover of joy. Nick is very hard to read. I like how playful he and Sonia are with each other so maybe there is a chance. I'm suprised about some of the speculation that he may not be attracted to her because of her body type. When I saw her I immediately thought he told the experts his celebrity crush is Kourtney Kardashian and he likes petite and curvy. I don't think she has a weight problem at all. The experts so far are doing a better job with advice and exercises. I hope they keep it up through the season.
  12. A couple of posters have said the woman Tom made out with is a playboy bunny. Was that mentioned on the show or somewhere else? I must've missed it. Thanks.
  13. Wasn't it just last episode where we were told gypsy tradition is the guy MUST ask the parents first or the wedding can't happen? This ep Dalton asks Hunter and then they tell her mom. There are only two storylines per ep and they are the same damn storylines each time. Why can't lazy production keep its gypsy tradition lies straight?! Does anyone know what happened to the EU version of this show? That one was the best.
  14. My hubby saw the first scene with Ramona in the khaki shorts and said "Which one is that? She looks awful! Who wears flesh colored sausage casings as shorts?!" He cracks me up.
  15. I think the others that disappeared were the lab workers and the town didn't know anything about it. In the beginning they showed the rope and pulley that had been anchored to the lab floor ripped up. Later they screwed it back into the floor and sent in another lab worker who got eaten by the monster.
  16. For me what was interesting this season was the theme of group think / mob mentality. Caputo knows MCC (and Linda) are not good and put him in uncomfortable situations, and he goes along. Some guards know other guards are bad and put them in uncomfortable situations, and they go along. Now a prisoner has the power with a gun. Do I think Daya would shoot Humps if it were just the two of them? No. But the camera focused just as much on the screaming and taunting prisoners as it did on Daya and her reactions. I have no idea if she will stay true to herself or go along with the mob and I will be turning in next season to find out. (Personally, I hope she does shoot Humps as I would be OK with seeing less of those characters.)
  17. I was so excited this show is back but it is like watching the worst backwoods community theater show ever!! Bring back the fun gypsies and get rid of these poor chumps who can't act!
  18. This is the first episode where I actually liked Jules. I thought she was spot on calling out Bethany for being mean to most of the girls. Jules has an actual eating disorder and Bethany thinks her 30+ year old baggage about someone else's eating disorder is more important?! Good grief, Bethany! Get over yourself!
  19. Bethany going on about her bleeding reminded me of an episode a few years back where Sonja had a photo shoot and had a heavy period. Sonja went into way too much detail about her periods. She went to the bathroom and I believe compared it to "a murder scene" and then made one of her interns go after her and clean it up. Enough with these ladies and their TMI! Too bad Bethany and Sonja aren't talking, they could tell each other their bloody stories and leave us out of it!
  20. When Janelle was going through her long list of made up symptoms I kept waiting for her to add "And my balls hang too low".
  21. I liked it more than most of the commenters here. I wonder if it is a bit of a generational thing? It reminded me of the movie Singles and the relationship between Matt Dillon and Bridget Fonda's characters. They were not meant to be in terms of a great romance, but were definitely meant to be for the moment. An inexplicable and stupid attraction that can't be avoided even though you know the person is all wrong for you and likely a bit of an asshole.
  22. Has there been anything on social media or elsewhere that all of them don't want to film with Sonya And LuAnn? Just curious if it's all of them or more because Carol won't film with Lu and Andy likes Carol better.Really good point about Bethany not liking John because he's a hustler and it hits too close to home for her. I hadn't thought of that but it makes a lot of sense. I too am bothered by all the talk of who is skinniest and them targeting Jules. I think Bethany looks the most unhealthy and has for a really long time. Carol is a close second for me. Their skin and hair doesn't look that good and they just have an air of being malnourished. At least with Jules she's had two children so we know she is healthy enough to have her periods.
  23. It likely could have been said and edited out. I'd like to know the truth, but I doubt we ever will.
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