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Everything posted by Booger666

  1. I didn't know now there was a TM2 thread and I'm heading over there NOW!
  2. Time to lay off the fillers, Debra!
  3. I got the feeling that Cate was asking and Theresa was not outright saying "no", but that now wasn't a good time. And Cate kept pushing because she talked about maybe a Xmas or spring break visit. C&T repeatedly said "it's been a year!" to us so I imagine they said that to B&T, too. So Dawn got involved because C&T were acting entitled to a yearly visit instead of understanding they can make a request anytime but B&T have sole discretion about when is the best time for a visit. Of course, this is all speculative.
  4. I think I know why Matt doesn't want his mama on the show. Turns out, its mama June.
  5. Does that animal actually have a man bun?! That's awesome! pheebs, I ❤️your snark
  6. I couldn't agree more. And it made me so mad in her voice over when she said "I can't see Leah this wend because we are in LA" when the truth is "I choose not to see Leah because I'd rather go to LA with my old boyfriend". Since Amber refuses to parent I wish we could see at least 5 min of Gary with her because Leah is sweet, smart and funny and I enjoy watching her.
  7. Don't care if I go to hell for this one ?
  8. Happy Monday everyone! If you are in the US be sure to get up off your couches and vote tomorrow.
  9. Since we are out of the C&T thread and now Teen Mom OG I feel obliged to expand beyond C&T. However, orangutans are MUCH, MUCH too cute for Farrah.
  10. Yeah for the new thread!! title suggestion - TM: visual snark
  11. GreatKazu and ghoulina, y'all are making my day!!! Any pics of orangutans with flowers in their hair or wearing ugly hats? Or is that asking too much? ?
  12. Thank you, ghoulina! I'd give you many, many more likes if I could. Next time C "indulges" by eating an apple I hope she puts her foot up on the table just like the orangutan. Please C, if you follow PTV do this in a future ep as a shout out to us!
  13. Hi! Requesting more orangutan C&T pics, please. Need a good laugh today. Thanks.
  14. Agree with so many of the posts above and am not surprised B&T are shutting it down. Ever since Tyler kept repeating how at one visit Carly said "daddy" and B wasn't around so Carly must be talking about Tyler. That was creepy and unhealthy. And stupid. Lots of kids say mommy or daddy just assuming their parents are always around. Im curious, did B&T name Carly or did Cate and Tyler make a name request?
  15. I didn't say it was Tyler's fault she missed the appt. That is 100% on Cate. My point is that Tyler complains and complains and complains while acknowledging he has been counseled not to. She finally has an appt and he could be a supportive husband when he knows there is a good chance that depressed Cate isn't going to get out of bed at all that day, much less at 8a. But he didn't do anything to help her make the appt and then he sits there and bitches. A good marriage partner supports and helps the other, not sit back and wait for them to fail so you can pick them apart. Cate needs to get her shit together, but I'm sick of watching Tyler gleefully pick her apart like he's doing her some damn favor.
  16. Tyler really pissed me off this ep. For awhile he has been bitching that Cate isn't doing anything to help herself. She has an appt that took months to get and does he offer to drive her or bring her coffee in the morning to make sure she goes? Nope. He just waits for her to self destruct so he can bitch some more all the while saying he knows he can't say anything. It's like he thinks he can say all kinds is shit but no one can call him on it if he ends by saying "but I can't say anything". Those words aren't some kind of magical verbal eraser, asshole. Then, Nova is playing with her stroller and he gets irritated and tells her she needs to learn how to turn it around. Dude, if she needs to learn that then you need to show her. Not talk at her in words she doesn't understand, asshole.
  17. Can someone please tell me how Farrah wound up in Austin and stayed? I wasn't watching the show at that time.
  18. I felt so bad for Leah at the batting cage when she was nicely trying to explain what she already knows how to do and what she needs help with. Amber basically told her to shut up and Matt said to ignore her. Leah deserves so much better.
  19. I have two theories: 1. There was a bunch of cardboard that needed to be broken down and removed, and the truck returned. It sounded like there was a costly penalty for returning the truck late. He mentioned it was 10p. If you look at Farah from the scenes earlier in the day and how she looked at 10p she clearly took at least two hours to shower, do her make up and hair. I think he was irritated because he was waiting around for her for a long, long time after spending all day doing her shit. 2. I think there was some flirtation between Farah and Simon in the beginning, and then it fizzled. They decided to continue the farce for TV to promote his staging and decorating business in CA and hers about to launch in TX. So he's been hanging around taking all her shit for this big moment to show what a great staging biz he has, and it looked like a huge clusterfuck because she didn't do things in the order he told her to.
  20. First episode that I really like Tom and Lilly. I thought they were genuine and fun to watch. I couldn't believe Rachel's face when she was counseling Derek. She had a STFU look on her face like she just wanted him to hurry up and be done. Really interesting approach for a "counseling" expert.
  21. Watching Gary make a beautiful wedding ceremony happen . . . something that Maci, Farrah and Amber can't seem to accomplish. Priceless!!
  22. All this talk about where are they now and two moms reminded me of an old ep where a little girl with two moms had a great personality and was super cute. She was contrasted with a poor girl who had an asshole body builder father and body shamed others. The one with two moms loved chicken nuggets and she was so funny getting excited about eating her nuggets and "yes ma'am" to her her mom's questions. Really well behaved kid. Anyone remember her name? Know if she's still in pageants?
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