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Everything posted by Spicymustard

  1. I don’t buy deluca and Meredith as a couple at all, for all the reasons that have already been posted. This story line is the most annoying one to me Meredith just comes across as so much more mature with much more life experience than him This might be unpopular opinion but I have always liked teddy. I’m glad to see her back.
  2. I thought will would win but I always liked Keith. He has a good personality and took okay pics. I’m confused by all his talk about helping his family. I thought guys make a ton of money in the NFL? I saw a few comments about Kari up thread. I’m also confused by her makeover because IMO it made her look like a stripper while I thought her original look when she came into the show was much cuter.
  3. Wow, wow, wow. So I know this is 2019 now but I only just now finished this cycle and this is very sad to read. Also not a fan of her behavior on this show but how horrible to see what her fate was.
  4. So piper was in for about 13 months? In 13 months daya got pregnant and had a baby and Lorna got pregnant after and had a baby? Am I missing something? what did end up happening to co baily? I thought for sure he was going to commit suicide but he just fell off the face of the earth?
  5. Somebody remind me again the story with Ariel? I remember she made an appearance last season. That’s about it.
  6. Glad the show is back though I was really rolling my eyes at all of rob Lowe’s super hero antics during the drug bust.
  7. We had thunderstorms in SoCal that night. Not sure how much they got in that particular area.
  8. Are the house guests allowed to sleep on the floor in the have not room? That seems like the best option in that room.
  9. I am so sad for them. I actually cried when I read it. Total animal lover here.
  10. My favorite scene was watching kyles dog swimming in the pool.
  11. I was so surprised to see yet another character killed off. After the episode ended I was just wondering if this is the series finale and if it ends would the entire cast dying? That would be an interesting ending.
  12. At first I was a bit disappointed that we wouldn't be seeing Michelle but I don't really miss it at this point. I'm on episode 2 season 2 of fuller house and they have enough other interesting stuff going on where it's just not a big deal to me.
  13. I thought the same thing! When he first started talking I thought hey it's Penn! But no way can he look that old it's amazing what make up can do. And add me to the list of people who didn't get the young doctors reaction. She's new but not new enough to be acting like that. Wasn't her friend shot and killed just a few episodes ago?
  14. Ben drunk on that blueberry wine as Leslie tries to call him is one of my favorite scenes ever. Him trying to jump the fence is hilarious and Leslie's are you having a seizure line there. Hahaha
  15. I knew that Olympic gymnast looked familiar! I spent most most of this episode pretty confused. My dvr listed it as season 2 ep 1. The girl still being pregnant I just couldn't get past that since I thought she gave birth the last episode. . I forgot they walked out at the end of season 1 too.
  16. For some reason I didn't really enjoy his story line in season 6. I liked Ann and Chris when they were first together but this whole lets have a baby together...I don't know. It's probably one of my least favorite storylines the show did. I'm in the middle of rewatching the series right now and I'm in the first half of season 4. flu season in season 3 pops first into my head of favorite Chris episodes. Also, citizen knope (I think that's what it's called) when he is over the top depressed to find out about Leslie and Ben. One of my favorite lines from him "my mouth is a spaceship" is from that epsidode. I also laughed probably way too hard at his relationship with Jerry's daughter. I think it was April and Andy's Halloween party in season 4 with his over the top dancing with her and all of Jerry's reactions.
  17. I'm rewatching this and I orginally rated season 4 next to last but I'm really liking it more on rewatch. I love how the whole team is working together on one goal ...Leslie's campaign. I still really enjoyed the later seasons but nothing beats them all focused on one task. It's also why I loved episodes like harvest festival.
  18. Awe. Is her speech on youtube? I'm going to have to look it up.
  19. I liked it best for the introduction of it and also bens reactions to what they were doing. "I've never been so stressed out" and also Ben in the batman costume was pretty awesome.
  20. I guess I'm in the minority and actually didn't mind bob as host. I loved him as a trainer too though I admit all his omg's were a little much. The twins winning both prizes was annoying. I don't wish them ill will or anything but predictable and annoying. I thought a lot of the contestants looked great at the finale. The women in particular. Usually I find the men much better looking at the finale. Maybe they had a better stylist? I was amazed at Sarah and was hoping she had it in the bag. Jackie looked great. Lindsey (i think???), the crossfit person had some great muscle. Whitney I thought looked great in her outfit so I was surprised that her percentage weight loss wasn't as high as I was thinking. Oh and Colby, I was chanting at the tv hit the buzzer, hit the buzzer, so I was really happy that he got some money.
  21. I never minded mark. Yeah he wasn't the funniest character but they had enough other funny characters where it wasn't a big deal to me. But once he was gone I didn't miss him either like I thought I would. Sort of like the thread title.
  22. I actually laughed a lot at this episode. The square dancing at the gym had me cracking up. I've hated the four short story format since day 1 though. Everything seems too rushed.
  23. I was really excited to see adam scott! I only wish he could have been in more of this. It seemed the episode was over in a blink of an eye which for me is a good gauge of how much I enjoyed it.
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