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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. To insult her in the most public way possible? Not that Mom doesn't deserve it--she probably does--but how petty and nasty do you have to be on your "love-filled, joy-filled" wedding day? Get over it, you're fifty-plus years old. I'm a little confused about Eduardo's ethnicity. He has a Hispanic first name, his mom's in Spain, the family has a house in Mexico (which I'm pretty sure they don't own, but they seem to want people to believe they do), and he doesn't know how to pronounce "flautas"? Everyone who's ever been to a Taco Bell knows knows it's not "flootas." New Kary looked like she had some significant plastic surgery between the show and filming her talking heads. She might be getting ready to put herself on the market again. Based on that dinner, I can't say I blame her.
  2. So embarrassing that I didn't know this! Especially considering my father worked his whole life for that "get the red out" company. I'd always heard the worst that would happen was a nasty case of diarrhea. Is my face (not to mention my eyes) red. We always buy the pet-safe antifreeze, so I don't even know if I could poison anyone with that.
  3. I think if a troll doll and Cousin Itt from The Addams Family had an actual baby, she would be itt.
  4. Well, no, because we almost never see any of the HW nannies, as I'm sure you know. That doesn't mean she doesn't exist.
  5. It probably didn't hurt that he looked just like Saddam Hussein.
  6. We saw her hire a nanny after they adopted Bruin. Do you know that she no longer has that nanny?
  7. I'm not the poster you're quoting here, but I would point out that the words s/he used, "be kind to," are very different from "have a relationship with." If the son were really the man he thinks he is, making eye contact with an old man who lost his son probably shouldn't be beyond his abilities.
  8. This is just what I was coming here to say, but you said it so well that there's no need. In his address to the judge, Philip the grandson said that his mother made him the man he is today, which is probably truer than he realizes now. Maybe someday he'll think of those words in the fullness of their meaning and want to walk them back a little so he can reach out to his grandfather before it's too late. Frank Pilmar, by the way, was pretty amazing for being ninety years old.
  9. This guy's name is really Rich Super? If he's not an actual comic-book character, he may be the perfect man for our girl Lulu.
  10. Pink dog food that turns your dog's shit pink, too, is such a good idea on so many levels. I would add that if your dog's dumps are already pink because there's blood in them, this will camouflage that so you don't know your dog is sick till it's too late and it dies. Always a strong selling point.
  11. No, no, it's fine. All these people aren't confused for no reason. Your theory never occurred to me! It's very imaginative and probably as likely as anything else. I'll buy you a drink if it turns out to be true. 🍸 (Couldn't find a vodka emoji.)
  12. Yeah, I get that. I even mentioned it in my post. I just can't see how that dual timeline continues in a way that'll be coherent. And I'm still wondering why there are young cicadas if the program was shut down forty or fifty years ago. But we'll see! (I hope.)
  13. I feel better knowing I'm not the only one who's confused! My main interest is what things are going to look like when the past and present intersect. Are all these cicadas from the '70s going to be senior citizens when they wake up? And what would the point of that be? Has the project continued training operatives and putting them to sleep down through the decades? The Korean woman who's so young--when was she trained and put to sleep? It couldn't have been in the '70s, obviously, so that would suggest that the program's been ongoing, but it's talked about as if it was shut down long ago. Or do we continue to have some kind of split timeline going between 1973 and 2019? In which case, who are they going to be "waking up" in the present time? I may be overcomplicating this--or totally misunderstanding it all. But I'm hanging in till it gets too ridiculous. Which is a distinct possibility, I guess.
  14. She reminds me of the Martian Madam character in Mars Attacks! Not the attitude but the way she moves, kind of like she just learned to walk about ten minutes ago and she still doesn't have the whole balance thing down yet. Court (rhymes with Martin Short) better watch himself. There's a very different face under the one he sees, I'd bet on it.
  15. I admit I've stopped paying close attention whenever D'Andra whines about how her mother tricked her, so I could be wrong, but was it the company books she wasn't allowed to look at or was it the contents of the family trust? I thought it was the latter, because if Mama Dee administers the trust, that seems plausible. On the other hand, letting the company be signed over to you, debts and all, without knowing its financial condition is just moronic. We can't really say sight unseen if she actually worked there for however many years! Poor dumb D'Andra is learning Oscar Wilde's old lesson: "In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." I also have a feeling that when she finally finds out what's in this family trust she's staking her whole future on, she's going to be sadly disappointed. If there ever really was a fortune in it, Mama Dee has probably sucked it dry by now. How else is she financing her fancy life?
  16. If this was a panic attack, it lasted like . . . 36, 48 hours? I used to get them, so I have firsthand experience, and I looked it up to confirm--supposedly they never last more than about an hour, usually much less. I agree with those above who've said this was no panic attack.
  17. Thanks so much, @Schnickelfritz! I'm very relieved to know that.
  18. I don't know what happened afterward, since I FF'd through the rest of the show once they abandoned those dogs in the house and went away because THE FIREMAN SAID THE HOUSE WAS GOING TO GO UP. I was hoping to see some update or caption at the end saying the house really didn't burn and the dogs were fine. Are you kidding me, fireman? And girl who looked old enough to know better than to leave your dogs to die a fiery death? Even if the house didn't catch fire, imagine the terror of those poor dogs trapped alone with chaos and flame all around them. Don't California firefighters have some kind of plan in place for situations like this? By now?
  19. My (I'm guessing minority) opinion is that Captain Lee should've shown some spine and refused to allow Brandy to board in the condition she was in. It's one thing if someone gets completely wasted and incapacitated once s/he's on the boat and under way, but it's entirely another if she's already a slobbering, incoherent zombie before even boarding. The one you can't foresee, but the other is a very easily solvable problem, especially considering the possible consequences. I can't imagine that losing his son to an overdose hasn't given him some serious second thoughts about his judgment, or lack of judgment, on the Brandy issue. I guess she survived whatever that was, and I hope that seeing herself in that condition was some kind of wake-up call for her. And with friends like those . . .
  20. I'm not surprised. Candy-Ass seems to have serious rage/violence issues. Or at least that's how she's choosing to play it for TV. I kind of believe she's not faking it, though. This might be what she really looks like when she doesn't get her way.
  21. I'm embarrassed to say that I now have three food processors in three different sizes: the full-size (13-cup?) Cuisinart I've had since dinosaurs roamed the earth (but I bought all the blades, and the motor has a lifetime guarantee, so I'll use it till the universe explodes), the tiny Cuisinart Mini-Mate, almost as old as the big one, and I recently bought this one (because I liked all the colors that it came in). Kidding aside, it's very useful to have one that's smaller than the behemoth, not only because it's easier to handle but also because it does a better job when all the ingredients don't just go flying off to stick to the sides of the bowl because there's too little stuff in a too-big container. I bought mine on eBay for about the same price as the one on Amazon. It's very basic, but if all you need is to chop things up, it's perfectly fine. You can't beat the price. And it's a pretty color. ETA: Well, I guess you can beat the price. I just saw Ninja and Proctor-Silex models at Target that are under $20. So a lot I know. On an unrelated gadget subject, I'm just about to cave in and finally buy the Butterball electric countertop turkey fryer. There's a long sad story about how we never get turkey leftovers at Thanksgiving, but I'll spare you. I've watched a ton of YouTube videos and read even more Amazon reviews, and everyone seems to love this thing. Has anyone here had any experience with it?
  22. You're right. I'm an idiot (and I don't know why I'm so fixated on this). Just watched the beginning again, and that's apparently who they were. At first I thought one of the bodies was a woman, so I figured they had to be different people. I'll shut up about this now.
  23. Couldn't they just be two unrelated operatives? They were both white men with some facial hair, but that seemed to be the extent of the resemblance. I don't know any of these actors (except for Michelle Forbes!), so I don't know which are the stars and which are the lesser-knowns. If the very good-looking guy from the first scenes comes back, I'd assume it would be in his youthful form, or else what a waste. So then they're two different guys (although still possibly father and son, with father reanimated as a young guy). I'm obviously just talking out of my butt. I guess everything will become clearer in the fullness of time.
  24. I just watched the first half of episode 1 (will watch rest later--interrupted by dinner). Are we supposed to assume that the agents who were in suspended animation, if that's what it was, won't have aged when they're reactivated? I'm dubious, since actual suspended animation would probably mean more than just lying on a steel table. If that's how to stay ageless, I'm going to sleep on my kitchen prep table from now on. So far I'm liking this a lot.
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