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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Look at that face. How could anyone think he'd ever do anything naughty?
  2. Is the title really decided? If not, I have another suggestion: First Let's All Go Fart
  3. Look on the bright side. Now they all know when and where to send you birthday presents! But seriously, maybe the pharmacists could learn to be discreet if when we handed them our Rx we also said, "If you shout out any of my details, I will hit you with a HIPAA violation so hard your lab coat will spin." I can't express how much I hate when that happens.
  4. I have one of those as well, but the gang didn't think he was cool enough to pose with them, so he stayed in the drawer. 🧄
  5. I couldn't edit for some reason. So here's the lineup: Left to right: a mincer with a built-in container, a fancy mincer that doesn't really work, a grater like the one @theredhead77 posted, a sliding slicer that the Goodfellas might appreciate, a medieval torture device that pushes out garlic worms, something with a crank and a spiralizer that I don't know what it does, and a smoosher that resembles what the kids use to grind up weed.
  6. As promised, with luck, the notorious Garlic Gang (I forgot to add in the peeler tube):
  7. I'll look it up and get back to you. But first I have to go fart.
  8. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to tempt me with a garlic gadget I don't already own. I have a version of that one, and if I'm not too lazy tomorrow I'll line up all the others I have and provide photographic evidence. I'm a lefty--horrible knife skills. But I agree--it's great! (Grate?)
  9. I just bought a set of four tiki torches (they're more stainless steel than tiki, but the same principle), and they work off a reservoir of citronella oil. My opinion so far is that they do make a difference. Mosquito population here has been blessedly low because the weather's been gray and rainy and windy, and today it's cold. But if there's still any real summer left, maybe we'll have a better basis to judge. The Internet gods have been known to be wrong. I love that thing! And Mr. Mo, who never has anything nice to say about kitchen gadgets I buy (till he actually finds one useful), says that the person who invented the silicone garlic peeler should be nominated for a Nobel Prize.
  10. For sure. It's just another Sumit-manufactured hurdle to keep him from having to marry her. It's kind of amazing that such a zhlub could be such a calculating scam artist in disguise. I don't think it would work on anyone with a molecule more brain power than Jenny has, but he found his mark and he crafted his game based on what he needed to work with.
  11. It's not that hard to figure it out. We (and by "we" I mean "he") actually mapped out all the circuits in our house so we don't need to keep reinventing the wheel each time we want to know if we can plug something in in a particular spot. But you don't have to map everything out to know if you can plug in an Instant Pot. Just turn off the breaker for that circuit and then see what does and doesn't work while it's off. Then all you need to do is volts x amps = watts (the amps are whatever number that breaker--or fuse if you still have those--is marked for) and you'll know how many watts you have to play with. Remember I'm not an electrician, so don't sue me if the worst happens. These guys apparently are, though: https://sanfordelectric.net/calculate-circuit-loads-overloading-circuits/ You can also just unplug something else on the line whenever you want to use the IP, since it's not on constantly.
  12. The parents probably used the money they didn't spend on orthodontia.
  13. He also doesn't scratch his balls on camera. Looking at you, Andrrrei. Or trying not to look at you.
  14. If rubbing at your eyes to wipe away tears that aren't there were an Olympic event, Ellie'd get a gold medal. Maybe not for excellence, but for perseverance.
  15. I think that in the long run, when you're past the initial slam of shock and grief and loss, you never really regret making the decision to end an animal's pain and suffering. Because it's like an iceberg--the part that they let you see is a tiny fraction of how bad it is. What you do regret is letting it go on too long because you make it about yourself and pretend you can keep them with you forever. I know this because I always let it go on too long, and that's the regret that stays with you. If you saved her a day or an hour of suffering, then you made the right decision.
  16. So very sorry, @GaT. What a gorgeous girl she was.
  17. I have a frontloader machine, and that awful mildewy smell has been an issue since the beginning. I tried vinegar, which didn't do it for me. Also baking soda and several other remedies. No dice. Then I tried some odor remover meant to treat hunters' clothes so the animals they're after don't sense their presence. It didn't work on the washer, but my husband never knows when I come into the room. (That's a joke.) Finally I got some commercial treatment thing, and that seems to do the trick. I think it's Tide, but I'll check the name tomorrow. I find that the best thing, though, is just to leave the washer door open all the time so it doesn't start to smell in the first place and wipe down the rubber gasket around the door where water tends to collect. If you don't have a frontloader, then all the above was completely irrelevant.
  18. Sorry, my bad, I was skimming and I thought the whole post was a synopsis, so I skipped over the channel info. You buried the lede as they say in newspaper lingo. 😞
  19. I Googled, since I was curious, too, and no one answered your question. There are four seasons, available on Amazon Prime but with a subscription to something called MHz Choice, which I've never heard of. There's a free trial, and then it's $7.99/mo after that. I may try to binge-watch during the free trial and then cancel. Enough with the subscriptions to a new streaming service every time you want to watch a single show.
  20. They totally bought something like that! And Skyla had one the same color as her mother's, despite her hair being about ten shades darker. It's funny, I'm a native NYer, so I knew exactly where they were when the two of them were outside for Angela's healthy-regimen smoke break. And I couldn't help imagining that people passing by must've been thinking, "Gee, the caliber of the streetwalkers in this neighborhood has certainly taken a nosedive."
  21. Sunny and Windy. I wouldn't be sad if they took their act on the road. I wish he would stop auditioning. Whatever he wanted to be, this is his gig now. Calm down and grow up already.
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