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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. ^^^ Joke but no joke. We have a bell mounted near the front door that I taught our cat to ring when she wants to go out into the breezeway, which is the closest she gets to being outdoors on her own. (There are screen portions of the windows in that space, so she can hear and smell the woods and the birds.) The bell seemed like a good alternative to her letting us know she wanted to go out by jumping onto a piece of furniture next to the door and progressively knocking ever more breakable things off it. The catch is, she never lets us see her ring it. She waits under the furniture till we're both seated comfortably. Then she rings it. So if you have a plate of food on your lap, you have to remove it, set it down on a side table, get up again, and go to the door. And a lot of the time she doesn't really want to go out (say, it's too cold)--she just wants you to prove your willingness to serve her. We call my husband the cat's butler.
  2. Especially impressive considering I squeezed my eyes closed each time right before I inserted the needle. (I'm kidding.) My experience was with a dog, so it's probably a bit different. But I think they can sense themselves starting to feel better as the fluids enter their system, so maybe an association with the whole process and the feeling better develops over time. I just remember being surprised that there was so little resistance on my girl's part. I chose to believe she knew it was good for her. And she liked that it made me so queasy.
  3. I can ditto this. And I didn't stick myself even once (a true miracle). I gave my beloved dog at least six more months of a good quality of life. Every day when the time came to put the needle in her, I'd tell myself that I couldn't do it, but every day I did, and I knew that she knew I was showing her how much I loved her. So if it's an option for you with Blake, you can do it, too. And those of us who have will cheerlead you all the way. 📣
  4. I think TLC is seriously overestimating how invested we are in these people. I have no interest in watching any of them on an ongoing basis. Alexei is the only person of the four who seems like a decent guy, but his choice of spouse casts some doubt on that, too. It's the fish rule: All of the 90D couples start to stink after three seasons max. Hard pass for me.
  5. Do you think so? I personally have no idea if there's an inheritance or not, but I'm curious to know why you guess they're successful on their own. Nothing about them reads that way to me, but maybe you're seeing something I'm missing.
  6. Beautiful boy. May his memory be a blessing, @Bastet.
  7. Make a dip! My mom had a good one, but I never got her recipe. You can't really go wrong with Ina, though. And then hire armed security to keep me from eating the whole bowl.
  8. The recipe on the FN site says: Melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add the garlic, stir to coat with the butter, and cook, covered, for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the garlic is very tender. I'm guessing that because there's so much butter (a stick and a half), low heat, and a covered pan, there's not much chance the butter would burn in 20 minutes. But it looked really good!
  9. I was going to say she forgot to switch to her inside voice when she came back indoors. Then I remembered she never had an inside voice.
  10. Thanks, you two. I haven't done my due diligence in keeping up with all these revolving doors, obviously! Appreciate the info.
  11. I've skimmed the J! boards here but not seen any mention of this. Does anyone know why they introduced Ken as "hosting" and Mayim as "the host of"? Has some decision been made that I've missed? Seems like a fine verbal distinction if there's no reason for it.
  12. Well, that would cover Blake, then. 💀
  13. I hope you don't have an angel at the top of that tree, @Scarlett45. Because having one at the top and another one at the bottom would be redundant.
  14. I just Googled, and unless you're talking about something other than what I'm picturing, you can buy them separately. (Scroll down for different brands, other than Medela.)
  15. He'll probably say he meant it in religious terms, like the Holy Trinity--as per St. Thomas Aquinas, or whoever else he drags out of his handy pile of quotable quotes for all occasions.
  16. Well, yeah, but it was your idea in the first place. I think I have a few more in me if you want to go another couple of rounds. I may have to squeeze in some work, though.
  17. Do you prefer those to Baked Zits? (This is too much fun for something so disgusting.)
  18. I considered it, but since I'm in Maine and it's cold out, I decided to have a nice steaming bowl of Lobster Spew. 🦞
  19. I should probably get off this dung train, but first I want to get some Cheese Turds at Culver's. And then a Spiny Chicken Sandwich from Wendy's.
  20. Is there a housing authority you can report this building to? Or, failing that, can you move? It's a pain in the ass, I know, but if you can afford to and you can find a place, it's less of a pain in the ass than this death by a thousand cuts you go through in the current apartment.
  21. Someone else also had the same idea I did! And they're earrings! Froot Poops
  22. I knew that's why they got married!!! Do you think I could sell them my title, Monkeyshines with the Singhs?
  23. This is me, 100%. I don't get it. We had a computer years before anyone we knew. It's like the tech section of his brain shut down. So now if he wants to watch something, I say, "Give me five dollars." Or whatever else I might want. "Make me dinner." Or "Fold the laundry." It's working out pretty well for me, I have to admit.
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