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Everything posted by MadyGirl1987

  1. Awesome! So glad we are getting another season of thIs awesome crazy show. Side-note; Just tonight at work a customer came in with a Beebo shirt. Coincidence or proof of the magic of Beebo. You tell me...
  2. I agree. Nothing comes without cost, and it’s Harry’s cost, and Meghan’s by the fact she married him, that he can’t be 100% the person he wishes he could be or just do whatever he wants to do. They have enormous wealth and privilege, the attention of the world they can use to bring attention to causes they feel passionate about. They will never have to worry about paying the rent, saving for college for Archie or what they will do for retirement. Now that’s not to say their lives aren’t without trouble and that they have to just take whatever is thrown at them, especially the racist stuff. I just wished they would realize how it seems when they are very public in talking about how hard they find their super-privileged lives. Talking about stepping back to “make their own way” while relying on the connections they got from their positions, privilege and wealth. Especially during a pandemic. It just bugs me for the same reason seeing celebrities doing messages about how “we’re all in this together” from their expensive, luxury homes. We’re not. The fact is some people have it way worse and are more effected by current events then you. I don’t care if you’re rich or privileged, but acknowledge it, try to do some good with it and, for God’s sake, read the room! I know it seems like I’m piling on Harry and Meghan, but I actually don’t mind them leaving and finding their way. Harry never did seem entirely comfortable with royal life. I just wish they knew how they came across sometimes.
  3. That does, at the very least sound dismissive of her, but I would be wary of taking a book like Finding Freedom at face value. I work at a library and tell all books like it claiming to give the “real story” are a dime a dozen and often of dubious quality and authenticity. People are quick and all to happy to cash in. And has he totally cut off William? I mean, people move and lead separate lives from their siblings. They can still love and care for each other even if Harry stepped down from being a senior royal. We haven’t seen them visiting, true, but I’d put that more down to Covid then anything else...
  4. Apart from rumors and tabloid gossip-mongering, how has William ever been racist to Meghan? The only credible thing I’ve ever heard of is William saying something to effect of “slow down” with her, and even that seems to be more a a big brother asking Harry to take his time, not rush into things and be sure she’s who you want. I mean, that’s the path he himself took with Kate.
  5. Funny episode. I loved Jonahs reaction to Cheyenne at the end and also his, “I just stocked those blenders...” The Carol lawsuit at the end came out of nowhere, even if, as Dinah said, a lawsuit over electrocution makes sense. Is this setting up how the show will end? The store closing due to a lawsuit?
  6. I don’t think they are showing they will be ready on time at all. They are all wrapped up in their own stuff. When he talks about getting to the event on time, they just blow him off. It makes me mad on his behalf and if I was him I would be just like, “Forget it! Thanks for nothing! I’m going with all of you jerks since you obviously don’t care about this thing that’s important to me.” I know how frustrating it is to set a time to be ready to go, and the other person shows no interest/urgency. In the past, for example, me and my sister have made plans to go to a movie, and set a time to leave. My sister will agree to the time, only to be getting into the shower 5 min before, making us late.
  7. Really enjoyed these first episodes! I was born in 87, so after these TV eras, but I grew up watching Nick at Nite. I loved I Love Lucy, Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie so this took me back. Great cast all around. Olsen and Bettany were awesome and the supporting cast was just great as well. Watching Olsen I just can’t help thinking; in the 90’s when the Olsen Twins were everywhere, who would have thought it was their little sister who had the real talent in the family. I’m really looking forward to seeing where this goes and learning more about what is actually happening.
  8. Sweet movie. Perfect animation and great voice acting. Liked they differentiated between spark and purpose, even if I thought Joe’s conclusion was that his purpose was to teach, seeing him both with the trombone student and 22. A cute touch was in the credits where, when they normally list the name of babies born during production, they had the section titled “Recent You Seminar Graduates.”
  9. I am sure I will get flack for this, but it has to be said; I find Meryl Streep annoying and overrated. Every thing I see her in becomes “The Meryl Streep show” and not in a good way. Like in Big Little Lies. You don’t see “character,” but rather “Meryl Streep playing character.”
  10. I really liked this! It did a good job sending up the Hallmark Christmas movie tropes. It’s funny they mentioned Jingle All the Way, because I was growing up in Minneapolis when it was filmed there and I actually saw some of the set since they filmed the scenes in front of their homes near us, fake snow and all. I still remember how weird that was for me to see snow when it was late spring/summer at the time. Also; the first toy store they go to was in a neighborhood near us and was a store we went to a lot growing up! My mom actually got a picture of Arnold reading a script the family still has somewhere. This episode was extra funny for me because of all this...
  11. I got the impression she had been in a slump and gotten discouraged.
  12. Well, that started the season off with a bang. I’ll show myself out... Seriously though, this episode got me even more excited for the season then I had been, which was already a very high level. Mountbatten’s death was well done, even if would have been nicer to see all the British/Irish tension boiling up as it did in real life. I am also intrigued by the relationship between the Queen and the Thatcher. Two women in power in a mans world who came to their positions in two very different ways should make for great interactions. I thought Diana’s portrayal was spot in, even if the first meeting had vibes of manic pixie dream girl. You can definitely see what attracted Charles to her, even if they were wrong for each other. I loved Anne getting back on the horse and was glad she did well. It was cute to see Elizabeth and Phillip cheering her on like normal parents at their kids school sporting competition.
  13. Definitely understood where Tess and her friend were coming from, but the video was the wrong way to do it. The issue became about their video, not what the teacher was doing wrong. Really glad Randall and Beth were on the same page with this. Was afraid they were going to pull some drama about them fighting over how to address it.
  14. I really liked Garrett in this episode. His goodbye was sweet and I liked the interactions between him and Jonah, especially at the end when he was checking if Jonah was okay. Sandra cracked me up when she blew up at Amy over her breakup with Jonah. Her “I hate 2020!” is a definite mood.
  15. Didn’t she say she was clean at the beginnings when she announced her pregnancy? She only used after because of the pain. I’ve been trying to figure out why Randall and Kate’s conversation bothered me so, and I think I can put it into words now; it seems like he is talking more to a random white person then his sister who genuinely loves him and cares for him and his family. I know probably many people do act like Randall says when there is a big news story about violent acts against black people; their white guilt causes them to make such overtures to one of the few black people they know. I wasn’t getting that from Kate though. And if I did, maybe I would feel he was more justified.
  16. You can tell the interactions between the Queen and Thatcher are going to be fascinating. I have often wondered what the Queen REALLY feels about the public figures she has met. I would just love to be a fly on the wall when she’s talking to Phillip about people, you just know she must be so candid with him. In a way she can’t be with others.
  17. Thank you! She really bugged me in how she just ignored Zach and his needs. Losing a child is horrible, but you have another child still here who needs you!
  18. Willful ignorance? She would believe what she wanted until it was pointed out to her. MeeMaw seems like that kind of person.
  19. I doubt that Charles will be portrayed as the misunderstood victim. Even though I’m hoping for a nuanced perspective, since that whole marriage was a mess from all sides, it’s more likely she will be portrayed as the victim, since that is the prevailing narrative about her. She’s been elevated to a kind of Sainthood in many eyes. Just look at how many people to this day think the Royal Family had her killed.
  20. Nope, and I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks like that. I wouldn’t even say just season 4. Rachel is my least favorite of all the friends because I can’t stand how spoiled and entitled she is. She does so many awful/stupid things without getting called out on it. People hate on Ross, but at least when he does something wrong it’s portrayed as wrong. Stuff like hiring an assistant because she is hot for him, sabotaging Ross’ relationships(including going to his wedding to tell him she loved him!) and the catty way she treats Julie is horrible and makes me dislike her.
  21. What about her? Has see been anti- fan fiction?
  22. Joey knew, he just knew it as a “nubbin.”
  23. Eh... I can kind of see it. How often would they be eating kiwi? Probably doesn’t come up too often, so it’s realistic it’s not something she’d think about too often.
  24. I think any recast/bringing in a new character would have to be done carefully, but could be done. I hope they do continue on with the BP part of the universe though. IMO it would be a great disrespect to have the thing end with Boseman. It would be ending a big part of his legacy for this to be the end of Wakanda for the foreseeable future...
  25. The Office had a pitch perfect finale. It has so many highlights for me. So many moments get me each time I see them.
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