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Maximum Taco

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Everything posted by Maximum Taco

  1. All Sansa thinks about is what was taken from her. Could we finally see some Frey's biting the dust?
  2. Agreed, Sophie Turner definitely benefitted from that storyline last season. Her career has taken off after it. There's a big reason Margaery could never play opposite Ramsay though, we all know what would happen. Margaery's protectors would find a way to get him out of the way. Just like Olenna never really left her alone with Joff, they would've never let Ramsay lay a finger on her. Sansa was compelling because she had no protection, other then Theon/Reek.
  3. I'm sure Littlefinger will stay alive and probably in power (relatively) until the final season. Then Sansa might exact her revenge.
  4. Her Uncle (who is already dead in the books) is the Regent. And her son, the King, probably still trusts her. All it takes is one little death (again which has already happened in the books), and Cersei will be back to her power mad ways.
  5. There's also the fact that everyone else in his family is dead. If my family is doing alright and something terrible happens, I could be convinced that my duty is more important. Especially if I have a brother my own age who I think is pretty capable. If my parents, and most of my siblings die and the last one (who I also thought might be dead) needs my help? Yeah I'm dropping everything. I'm sure Jon would've rushed to the rescue of Bran, or Rickon or Sansa as well. It's the same reason why Bran made Sam promise not to tell. He knew Jon would come after him.
  6. I don't buy it. The whole thing about Littlefinger is control, if he can't control you he kills you (Dontos, Ros, Ned etc.) He thinks he can control Sansa, so she's his favoured target (creepy crush on her cause she looks like Cat notwithstanding.) There is no way he believes he can control Cersei, he might be able to predict what she'll do, and maybe even manipulate her into certain actions, but in the end Cersei's gonna do Cersei. My opinion on his telling Cersei about Sansa was he's trying to, at least, sow discord between the Lannisters and Boltons, and, at most, incite Cersei into a land war in the North. If he can lure the Lannisters North, he can smash their entire host. The Northern armies would form the anvil at Moat Cailin, and then the hammer would be the Knights of the Vale taking them in the rear.
  7. Just watched "Don't Look" So Finn sees PB as a teenage boy? I guess it's supposed to mean that he no longer sees her as a crush, and their relationship is more casual and comfortable? Like he sees her as an equal or a peer... Maybe? Or maybe it was just weird. Really heartwarming that he sees Ice King as Simon and BMO as a little angel. Really wish we could've seen some other characters in this one though, would've been enlightening to see Marcy or Flame Princess as Finn sees them.
  8. That is why they (meaning the Old Republic Jedi) failed.
  9. According to their Wookieepedia pages, Maul is 1.75m (or 5'9'') and Obi Wan was 1.82m (or 6'0'') In either regards you're right, Maul is not exceptionally tall, I don't think his cybernetics made him significantly taller.
  10. If you choose the quick and easy path, you will become an agent of evil. Jedi use the stairs baby.
  11. Seems like this Edward Nygma is becoming the Arkham Asylum video game version of the Riddler, who really thinks he's doing heinous terrible things that the authorities care about, but really nobody cares. Riddler: You'll never solve my riddles Dark Knight! Batman: Will you leave me alone Ed?! The Joker is threatening to blow up the entire city. I'll handle your dumb riddles later! Riddler: Ah! So you admit I am smarter then you. You are far too feeble minded to contend with my villainous genius! Batman: Oh you're probably right. See ya round Ed! Nygma: You'll never bring me in for the two or three murders I committed Gordon! Gordon: Will you leave me alone Ed? I've got a billionaire kid with a death wish and a club filled with anarchic killer clowns in the making to deal with! I'll handle your dumb riddles later! Nygma: I'm a million steps ahead of you Gordon! You are far too feeble minded to contend with my villainous genius! Gordon: Oh you're probably right. See ya round Ed!
  12. In Prison. (Orange is the New Black) Glad she got out to be a Proto-Joker though.
  13. Another one of Holt's perfect basketball analogies Holt: You're acting like little children playing basketball, who've fallen behind by several 2-pointer buckets, so you just take your basket home, and now no one else can play! Terry: I know it's not the time, but you gotta basketball if you're gonna try and reference it.
  14. And there was that episode where the day kept replaying until she (and Mulder) survived because it was fated to happen. Does Scully think she's immortal? I doubt it. As for myself? I want to believe.
  15. This is awesome. Oh my god I love the ridiculous X-Files episodes so much.
  16. He says this at Castle Black upon his arrival, and the first half seems to me FreyPies! Though I have no idea what to make with the crabs... I think this more refers to Davos as the starfish. When Davos is left on Sweetsister he is brought before Lord Godric Borrell whose sigil is the white spider crab, Lord Borell allows him to continue to White Harbor to see Lord Manderly, the merman. No idea why Davos is referred to as a starfish, maybe something to do with his missing fingers?
  17. Prismo's boss must be someone far more powerful then him. I don't think we've encountered a character like that yet. Maybe an entity like the Purple Comet? Any I loved this episode. I love all the episodes that hit me right in the feels. You could hear the longing in Finn's voice when he saw Farmworld Finn with his family. Meanwhile all Jake cares about is how dumb Farmworld Jake is. "Woof woof woof, I eat stuff off the ground!" What are dogs even into these days?
  18. I think you mean S06E10, an episode called "Remand."
  19. Tommy has a form of his Great Grandfather Arthur Petrelli's (Peter and Nathan Sr.'s Dad) ability. Arthur Petelli could steal powers with physical contact. But while Arthur could hold multiple abilities at once it seems like Tommy can only hold one at a time (e.g. he lost Claire's regeneration, when he stole Hiro's space-time manipulation). There was no exception for Melina, Tommy's power simply matured as he grew. When he was a baby he'd just steal any powers he came into contact with automatically, that's why they had to be separated, because they were worried if they grew up together he'd steal Melina's ability accidentally. Once he trained his power he wouldn't do it automatically, he'd need to consciously trigger it. That's why Angela could bring them together later on to test their powers. I have no idea why his power didn't revert to "auto steal" when he lost his memories. I would say that maybe he didn't touch any evo's in that time but it's probably just a plot hole.
  20. Well that was terrible, and made absolutely no sense. On the plus side I can actually appreciate Season 4 of the original run a little more. Cause as bad as it was, it wasn't THAT awful.
  21. It's Hiro's whole Butterfly Effect thing. Go back in time and try to make things better and in the best case scenario things end up the same (e.g. he tries to save Charlie from Sylar, but she ends up having a brain aneurysm) or he makes things worse (e.g. he tries to help Kensei complete his mission, but ends up as a contributing factor in his arch nemesis' origin story)
  22. I don't think we ever found out exactly. I assumed Otomo added his name to the list, just like he gave him the necklace/key.
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