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Maximum Taco

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Everything posted by Maximum Taco

  1. That'd be awesome. House Seaworth of Storm's End. He could put some crossed forks of lightning on the background of his current sigil of the Onion Ship to make it look like it's sailing through a storm.
  2. So Normal Man is King of Mars now? Ok I guess. I still prefer him as Magic Man though. He was a jerk, but such a hilarious one. Also Finn is using the Root Sword again, I guess that means he's lost control of the Grass Sword since it tore in I Am A Sword.
  3. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    They all thought I was mad! Well who's mad now!?! I think I might actually win my bracket! C'mon Pens! 8 more wins!
  4. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    Being a Raptors fan is so freaking frustrating. We probably win this game if we have JV, or if DeRozan is even half the player he is in the regular season. That's why DWade is a superstar though, he elevates in the postseason. Gotta think all Toronto/Miami is doing is wearing the opponent out for Lebron and the Cavs. Each game this battle continues it makes the Eastern Final outcome more and more assured. WOW, Portland is just rolling with the Warriors. Not quite there yet, but they are close. They told us: Never Doubt Rip City. Maybe they were right. Blazers are gonna be scary very soon.
  5. Gotta say, I do not think Phoebe is very good at freestyling. I mean she's probably better then I am, but that's not a very high bar.
  6. I agree, also if they're going in accordance with the books, Ned doesn't like to talk about the Tower of Joy, and Howland Reed seems like a very private and inscrutable man, doubt he's spreading around any news (true or false.) It's highly possible that everyone just assumed Ned slew Dayne in single honourable combat, because he delivered Dawn to Starfall, and it seems like the type of thing honourable Ned would do, and in Winterfell and the North, it's good for the people's morale if they think their young new Lord slew the best knight in the realm (preferably in the most spectacular fashion.) It's something the Northerners would want to believe, even if untrue ("That's right, doesn't matter that he's the Sword of the Morning, one Stark is worth 10 Swords of the Morning!") It's like having a championship sports team in this day and age, it makes everyone in the city walk a little taller.
  7. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    Preds and Sharks in Triple OT. EPIC. I was waiting for the first really long game of this years playoffs and these guys did not disappoint. That was probably the best game all playoffs, except maybe Blues and Hawks in game 7,
  8. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    I don't mind this at all. Drake is a fan when he's at the game, so as long as he doesn't touch anybody or get onto the playing surface I feel he's free to say whatever he wants (within reason.) When you go to the game do you not yell and mouth off at opposing players? I know I do, I've never done it from courtside cause I don't have thousands to burn on courtside seats, but if I had the means to sit courtside I probably would continue to yell and mouth off, it's what fans do and how you make home court a hostile place for opponents. Why is it different when Drake does it?
  9. Unless they are drastically departing from the books, Faceless Men don't work like that. They can't take any face they want, it has to be a dead person in their collection, who has been specially treated to be added to the Hall of Faces. Jaime or Tommen would need to die at the Temple in Braavos (or have their corpse transported there) for Arya to have access to their faces. Also Faceless Men cannot change their basic body proportions, Arya could concievably take on the appearance of Tommen or another child, but she cannot gain 100+ lbs and a foot in height and put on Jaime's appearance.
  10. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    Fair enough. Drake was a jerk, we can agree on that point. Posting that Paul George crying pic was just stupid and "I knew you were scared" as a caption? That was even stupider. George had just dropped almost a 40 spot on us (and flirted with a triple-double getting 8 rebound and 8 helpers) and the only reason he didn't take the buzzer beating shot was because George was double covered and Solomon Hill was totally uncovered and was 3/3 beyond the arc. He made the best play and it just didn't work out by 1/10 of a second. It doesn't make George scared, it makes George smart, and it makes Solomon Hill get the shot off quicker next time. Even Drake knew that post was stupid which is why he deleted it less then an hour later. The fact is the Raps were lucky to escape the first round, I fully believe we're a better team then the Pacers, but we weren't playing like it and Paul George was playing like the All Star he is. He just needs a little help and the Pacers will get real scary real quick.
  11. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    The 6 (sometimes stylized as 6ix) is a nickname for the City of Toronto. Toronto is made up of 6 boroughs that all used to be separate cities, Old Toronto, York, North York, East York, Etobicoke, and Scarborough And Toronto's area codes are 416 and 647. Drake popularized the name (in songs like Know Yourself, You & The Six, 6 God and many others) and he attributes it's creation to another rapper, Jimmy Prime. The Drake ties are probably why the Raptors embrace the name so enthusiastically, but the Blue Jays also use it a lot, their preferred phrase being "It's hot up in the 6ix" (a line from Drake's 6 God) when things are going well and the wins and hits are coming fast.
  12. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    This sounds so weird to me. I don't know about other fanbases, but I think Toronto treats playoff basketball the same way we do playoff hockey (and for that matter playoff baseball), someone else has come to our city to try and steal a game and end our season, and we don't like them. Until the series is over, we hate those guys. And we're gonna boo their star players, we're gonna boo everybody who makes an impact on the game that hurts us, especially when they hot dog and throw down (admittedly sick) 360 dunks, even more especially when it takes the lead away from the Raptors. What did you want Raptors fans to do? Cheer Paul George giving his team the lead in a game that could end our season? We don't do that in the 6.
  13. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    Woo! My Raptors pulled the win out, despite their best efforts to let the Pacers back in in the 4th. Hard fought game, hats off to the Pacers, they didn't give up, even when down 16. Paul George is some kind of machine, he played 46 mins, that's insane. I know it's Game 7, and the Pacers were trailing almost the entire game, but still that's insane. Raptors are gonna need to tighten up if they want to stand a chance against DWade and the Heat though, this kind of effort will not do.
  14. I don't think that is the case. He's already stopped doing things he reportedly likes doing (writing episodes for the show, editing projects, attending cons etc) and has said he won't take on any projects until Winds is done, that doesn't sound like "When I'm damn good and ready" it sounds more like he's struggling with ability, not motivation. If he was saying "I'll do it when I feel like doing it" he would just give us the old ADWD spiel when he was like "I'm not gonna chain myself to my desk, I'm a person who has other things to do. It'll be finished when it's finished, now shut up"
  15. Usually the episode title has multiple meanings so. Home - Bran returns to Winterfell (in his dream) - Sam and Gilly arrive at Oldtown/Horn Hill - Theon (and Yara?) heads for (and arrives at?) Pyke. Side question: Is Yara still in the North (Deepwood Motte) in the show? - Cersei asserts herself at King's Landing (after Kevin asks her to return to Casterly Rock?) - Tommen tells Jaime to bring Margaery "home" to the Red Keep.
  16. Yeah, I gave up. I thought maybe it was just Talking Dead I found stupid, no I just find shows about other shows stupid. I want to talk about the shows I like, I don't want to sit and listen to other people talk about them. Especially when I know as much or more about GoT and ASOIAF as them.
  17. I think D&D are always looking for shortcuts around George's story. Which, honestly they have to, since adapting a series like ASOIAF completely faithfully is just an unfeasible task. They think, "Oh let's give Dany ships, and then maybe we won't even have to introduce the Ironborn at all!" then later on when they decide they either have to, or want to introduce the Ironborn then they have all her ships burn so they serve a purpose in her story. It's a smarter way to do things, as opposed to the Dornish storyline, when they cut out essential characters and plots and then had nothing to build on there. They can always burn ships down, it's lazy and contrived, but atleast it makes sense; they can't introduce Arianne and Quentyn as previously unseen characters when they've already established Trystane as the only son and heir of Doran.
  18. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    WOW! What a comeback by the Raptors, or a choke by the Pacers, whatever you want. That was one of the most exciting games I've seen all year. I'm so pumped my Raps found a way to get it done, but I gotta feel for Paul George, plays all but 7 minutes, puts up 39, flirts with the triple double, and his team just gives it away in the the 4th while he's trying to catch his breath.
  19. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    Holy Cow! Hawks and Kings both out in round 1. We're in a Brave New World people. A world where someone other then the Chicago Blackhawks and LA Kings can win the Stanley Cup. Maybe my Pens prediction isn't as crazy as I thought...
  20. Not to mention (IIRC) this is the first and only oath of fealty she has ever had to accept. She may have been taught the words, or heard her father, mother or brother say them, but hearing and learning something and doing it are different things. Some people just go blank when things are real.
  21. So you think he's gonna leave the series with one book left? That seems really weird to me. Typically it seems like the last book in a series is the easiest one to write. All the characters are pretty much on their rails, and he's been adamant that he knows where they end up. I believe that too, GRRM to me seems like an author who plans big events (Ned's Beheading, Red Wedding, Battle for Meereen, etc) and tries to write his characters towards that. He gets stuck when they don't fit properly. After Winds all the characters should be easily positioned for a finale. If he finishes The Winds of Winter, I'm even more confident we'll get A Dream of Spring. Unless of course you think the series will not be complete within 2 books. I don't think that's the case though, seeing as the show says they only have 13 episodes of material left.
  22. I think he will finish, I agree with you that his motivation has been low recently, and I think that's because the series did a pretty good job of adapting his work through the first 3-4 seasons. That's no longer true though; I think he's more motivated now, because he's annoyed with how the series is departing from the books. He's been on quote recently saying things like "The books are always better," which to me feel like backhanded criticisms of how they are adapting the more recent material. Martin has always been fiercely protective of his work, to the point where he'd attack fanfic writers, I think these departures are eating at him, and he won't be willing to let the series become canon. He's also said that he's dropped all of his current projects except for The Winds of Winter and editing for Wild Cards. Unless he's quitting writing that (IMO) speaks to his motivation as well. You're right that this has never really happened before. I think this is the first time where an adaptation has started before the original material has finished, and will also end before the original material finishes.
  23. The only reason I thought it in the books was because she uses glamours in the books. In particular she uses a glamour to make the Lord of Bones look like Mance Rayder and vice versa (and Mance is even given a ruby to maintain his glamour when he's away from Meli.) They don't do that in the show though, so I wasn't sure if she had this power.
  24. I don't think she'd wonder too much about Tyrion. Everyone in the kingdoms has probably heard that he killed Joff and then somehow escaped the dungeons. Pod doesn't know any more than that himself. I hope that's the case, Loras dying in glorious battle would be an end befitting him. But I can't help but have the feeling the show is going to just marginalize him again to try and (poorly) make a point.
  25. Stray thought: How bad of a feeling do we have about Ser Loras? For some reason I get the feeling that he's going to hang himself in his cell or something. It just feels like they're setting Margaery up for a tragedy by her continually asking about him and being rebuffed by Unella and the High Sparrow. They've already destroyed his character absolutely in the show, I wouldn't put it past the writers to just have him give up and go the suicide-route instead of requesting a trial by combat he could probably win with one hand tied behind his back.
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