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Maximum Taco

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Everything posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    Did it really get that bad? It's only been like 10 days since the playoffs started. Are you dating the wolfman?
  2. For Major POV characters you mean. They've already killed off two minor POVs who have yet to die in the books (Barristan, Hotah) and just didn't include a bunch more (Arianne, Quentyn, Arys Oakheart, Jon Connington) They've also drastically changed three major POV arcs (Jaime, Brienne, Sansa) Personally I think they're going completely off book here. Maybe the major POVs will end up in the same places as the books, but I haven't bought into that yet. I know several minor POVs will not (I mean some don't even exist in this world.) I'm certain several other minor characters will end up in different ending spots.
  3. Does anyone think Davos and The Jon's Watch (I'm calling them that from now on) are selling Ser Alliser short by believing he wants to kill all of them? I mean I get that he killed Jon, but Alliser has been, for the most part, largely honorable. I could easily buy him pardoning the men who really didn't do anything wrong yet. I mean all they did was take Jon's body in from the cold and barricade themselves in and missed a meeting. They haven't fought or killed anybody or disobeyed any important orders. And what does Alliser care if Davos (and Meli) leave Castle Black? Nobody seems to care about the business of the Night's Watch, it's not like they could raise an army to fight for the honor of a dead Jon Snow even if they desperately wanted to. I just don't buy that he wants to kill all of them and is completely committed to doing that even if they surrender. It seems like too big of a heel turn. Now if The Jon's Watch wants to fight for Jon's honor because they feel that's what they want/need to do? Fine, but dont play it off like Alliser wants you dead, he needs every sword he can get, I don't think he'd waste 3-4 on a petty grudge against a dead man.
  4. There is no point. D&D only included Dorne in the show because they wanted Oberyn (and his horribly shocking death) and the Sand Snakes. Those are the things about Dorne that they think are "cool," unfortunately both are superfluous to the larger story. They're nice spices, but that's all they are, there's no substance there. Once they decided to eliminate Quentyn and Arianne, there is no Dorne storyline. Quentyn is necessary because Doran needs to be planning something. He can't just be happy with marrying Trystane off to Myrcella (like Show!Doran seemed to be), the whole point is for him to be bringing horrible vengeance upon the Lannisters. What's the point of introducing a pragmatic long thinking planner who ISN'T PLANNING ANYTHING?! Arianne needs to be there to disrupt Doran's plans, and nearly ruin everything (thereby creating a second scenario where things get even more exciting.) But if Doran isn't planning anything (like in the show), then Arianne is effectively useless too. Doran, Arianne and Quentyn (and probably Aegon) were the meat of the Dornish storyline in the books, they don't just lift out. Just having Oberyn, Ellaria and the Sand Snakes is like eating a spicy Dornish dish, but all the meat is gone and they've only served you dragon peppers.
  5. Gotta say, I'm a little glad Doran's dead. Alexander Siddig, as awesome as he is, was not portraying the kick ass Book Doran Martell that I loved. That's not to say that's his fault, he was working with the worst material, but suffice it to say Show Doran sucked. Book Doran had like 8 irons in the fire, and several decoy irons so nobody knew what the fuck he was doing. He saw Sand Snake trouble coming from light-years away, so he locks them up in a tower, so they can't mess with his shit. Then when he finally figures out how they can be useful, he gives them all awesome tasks to do so they can further his awesome plans instead of messing with his shit, like he knew they would do if left to their own shitty devices. Show Doran was a terribly ineffective ruler whose only goal was to preserve the status quo, and frankly couldn't see the most obvious coup in the world coming. When someone tells this Doran they want to sow discord and start wars all he does is say "Ok, don't. I'm not gonna follow up on this by the way. I'm just gonna trust that me telling you sternly not to do it is enough." If this is the Doran they're going to give me, I'm glad he's dead. Good riddance. George, for the love of god, write faster so I can have a better story, and forget this bullshit.
  6. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    Poor Panthers. That's a heart breaker. Tying goal in the last minute and the loss in double OT. Johnny Tavares would not be denied though, that's why he's a superstar.
  7. It's just your viewing order, or maybe they specifically scheduled a bunch of episodes about Jake's puppies? Anyway, there's only been 5 episodes about Jake's puppies, 6 if you count the one where they are born. And only 2 per season. Jake the Dad - Season 5, Episode 6 (aired 1/7/2013) - Where the puppies are born One Last Job - Season 5, Episode 23 (aired 6/10/2013) - Where Jake has to save Jake Jr. when she is kidnapped. Ocarina - Season 6, Episode 12 (aired 7/17/2014) - Where Kim Kil Whan buys the deed to the Tree Fort The Diary - Season 6, Episode 30 (aired 2/26/2015) - Where TV finds an old diary. Summer Showers - Season 7, Episode 16 (aired 1/7/2016) - Where Viola is in LSP's play. Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension - Season 7, Episode 30 (aired 4/16/2016) - Where TV eats a magic sandwich and runs afoul of Lady's ex Lee. Also of note: Charlie is the only one of Jake's puppies to not have a major solo appearance in an episode, and TV is the only one to have 2 major solo appearances (in The Diary, and Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension)
  8. Can't be Wunch. His sister specifically calls him 'my brother' she tells Amy that she dates "all her brother's friends from the mob" Doubt she would be smart enough to hide the fact that her brother is female and dumb enough to spill the beans about his FBI contacts. We can probably safely conclude that Figgis is male. I agree, I don't think Figgis is someone we know, they're just keeping their casting options open.
  9. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    Have fun! Don't underestimate the Flyers though. The Bruins made that mistake in 2010.
  10. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    Woo! My Raps are good again! Rolling the Pacers at home. That's what I want to see all series boys!
  11. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    That seems excessive to me, he's apologized publicly and said he won't do it again, and he's been fined and he's been suspended for an elimination game. I think the NHL has very effectively sent a message that this is a big deal and will not be tolerated. Punishment shouldn't just be for punishment's sake, it should be used to make Shaw understand that what he did was wrong and based on his apology, I think he does understand that. It could just be words, but until/unless he does it again, he deserves the benefit of the doubt. People make mistakes. If they learn from them, they don't need to have their faces rubbed in it, they need to be forgiven. This should move away from punishing Shaw, he's been punished enough. This should move towards changing the culture. What the NHL needs to do now is maintain consistency, any future hate speech needs to be treated the exact same way as this. If Shaw (or any future offender) does do this repeatedly then punishment should escalate.
  12. How would that make sense? Why would Figgis/Pimento take a hit out on himself? Why would Figgis/Pimento out his own operatives in the FBI? Why would Figgis/Pimento agree with the Nine-Nine taking down his own operation? Why would a crime boss personally introduce himself into the NYPD only to extract himself a few weeks later? Also, Pimento was inserted into Figgis' operation as a UC operative, that means that Figgis was already an established crime boss at time Pimento went undercover in his operation. how could Pimento both be Figgis and then also be the UC cop assigned to go underground in his already running operation? I agree that Mantzoukas probably won't be around for good, but I don't think it makes sense for him to be Figgis.
  13. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    April 4, 2016: The Chicago Blackhawks partner with the group "You Can Play", dedicated to fostering tolerance and equality and fighting homophobia in the sporting world. That's nice. April 19, 2016: Blackhawks F, Andrew Shaw twice directs homophobic slurs towards NHL officials after being assessed a late penalty. Oh right, this is why we can't have nice things. http://www.secondcityhockey.com/2016/4/20/11465754/andrew-shaw-homophobic-slur-video-2016-nhl-playoffs
  14. What I loved the most about Rosa's alternate persona "Emily Goldfinch" is that she is ALWAYS smiling and TOO chatty for her landlord's tastes. Awesome that Rosa would change her entire personality in pursuit of privacy. Either that or Rosa is the alternate persona.
  15. Holt: You don't work with Jake Peralta for 3 years without knowing what the Funky Cold Medina is. Jake: Oh hell yeah! Ask the guy "Why you so fly?" Holt: He said "Funky Cold Medina." Jake and Holt: Funky Cold Medina. Jake: Zero rehearsal. Bob: I know Figgis, and you're in far more danger than I. He's coming for you, and I guarantee his soldiers find this place. Rosa: Not gonna happen. I rent it out under a shell corporation. Jake: Yeah. Rosa: My mail goes to a PO Box in Queens. Jake: Yeah. Rosa: My neighbors think my name is Emily Goldfinch. Jake: Oh yeah. Rosa: The people I work with all think my name is Rosa Diaz. Jake: Yea-- wait what?! Rosa: Don't worry about it.
  16. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    If he was he added a LOT of people to the old naughty list.
  17. Yup RBI is correct, RBIs is incorrect. It's Runs Batted In, not Run Batted Ins Also it sounds right. "He drives it hard into the gap! The runner at 3rd will score, the runner at 2nd will score, it's a 2 RBI double!"
  18. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    The original plans called for it to be a multi sport venue that could accomodate a hockey team. But during construction, they realized it was costing too much and they cut costs. It's a shame the Isles fans have to pay for it now. Yeah, but the you are the devil the Blues know. I actually agree with your husband, I think the Blackhawks would've matched up well against the Stars. The Stars are a powerhouse offense, but their defense is highly suspect. A physical game like the Hawks play would've ground them down. Especially since Tyler Seguin came into the playoffs hurt. A couple Duncan Keith checks, maybe a little tap on the ankle, and he'd be feeling it. The Blues on the other hand play a gritty LA Kings style, offense by committee, defense by everyone style. No matter what they'll take you to 6 or 7, and grind each game out. Round 2 is gonna be hard for whoever comes out of that series, especially since it looks like the Stars are aiming to sweep the Wild.
  19. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    Ugh, Toronto cannot win a game one. They just can't, I used to think it was possible, but it's not. Home openers (and playoff home openers) are Kryptonite for a Toronto team. It seems like everyone gets the jitters when the crowd roars, like home field/court/ice almost works against us to start off. My only solace is the Raps actually kept it close with their two best players playing awful. I can't see DeRozan and Lowry having too many more games like that, I could be wrong, but I'm still confident they can get this series back in hand.
  20. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    They're one of the only recognized Dynasties in NHL history. It would take a lot to get the Islanders to change their name.
  21. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    Great first game for the Pens. Too bad about Lundqvist though. I wanted the Pens to win a good series, it's always a little hollow when their best player goes down in game one. Oh well, looks like the Pens will probably make it to round 2 at least.
  22. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    Well my brackets locked, I had time to change it and I didn't. Let's Go Pens.
  23. Hey look at the bright side, you could be a Braves fan. That's my mentality anyway, my Jays are similarly limping into the season, 3-5 and at the bottom of the AL East, weren't our teams defending Division Champs?
  24. Your brother's crazy! I've been to a ton of American Stadiums, and the only ones I've liked more then the Dome are Oriole Park, and Citi Field. And both of those are really only nice on a nice day. Although I will say I kind of wish we had a permanent outdoor stadium. I really wanted to be outdoors during the playoffs last year.
  25. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    I just picked the Pens to win my bracket. I think I've gone insane.
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