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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. I have been away since Tuesday and unable to post as while I did have my laptop, I forgot my password (should change my name to PasswordFatigue). In any case I have mixed feelings about the Beny-sur-Mer cemetary being used as part of the race. While I do think it brings awareness to many people who likely have no idea the extent of the sacrifices made by Canadians at Normandy, my mother has two brothers buried there. Geordie was killed at the age of 19, Dunbar was killed at the age of 20, five weeks apart. Both headstones are inscribed 'EVER REMEMBERED BY MUM AND DAD' and go on to include my Mom's name, and the names of her three remaining siblings. While I do think the inclusion of the cemetary in the race was handled with dignity, I just don't know that it needed to be included in the actual race. I would have preferred a visit at the end with the race concluding before the visit. Well put, Kel Varnsen. And very true. My hubby's aunt by marriage has relatives in France on her mother's side. She went to visit the cemetary a few years ago when visiting her relatives. She was very emotional when she saw Mom's brothers' headstones, and even more so when she saw my mother's name. It really brought home the sacrifice of not only my uncles, but Mom and her family too to fight for her family's freedom a world away. That said, I did enjoy the other tasks. I am glad though that the judge of the horse hair braiding was lenient as I don't think the horses should have been subjected to their manes being braided, unbriaded, braided, ad nauseum. So glad that did not happen. Also loved Mickey and Pete going back to say thanks to their horse. I love those two more and more every week.
  2. Someone speculated in another thread (or maybe it was here - too lazy to scroll back) that maybe Ian is Sharon's real father. So he has really been helping raise his granddaughter all this time? I find it hard to beleive though that he would not have cashed in on the Newman name (ala Jeffery) long before now if that is the case. Anyhoo, all I learned today (assuming Mariah and Cassie are twins) is that mother and daughter have the same taste in men. Did Abby really tell Stitch that he should just go away and reinvent himself somewhere else? Really? Like he did in GC which has lead to all his current troubles? The next big storyline will be that Abby and Lilly are twins - they certainly share the 'dumb as a doornob' trait. Not to mention sticking their upturned noses into other peoples business. Hate them both.
  3. According to TARC website, the sibs (32 and 26 years of age) are entrepreneurs both at home and abroad, so I suppose some of their travels may have been business related. Their dad came to Canada with no money and did not know English, so unless he made it big in Terrace (which is a possibility) they likely did not travel as rich kids. I actually didn't mind the sibs this epi since they actually managed (unless it wasn't shown) to get through the tasks without pestering everyone else. I am sad to see Rex and Bob leave, as once they stopped taking the race so seriously they were actually enjoyable to watch. Mind you I guess they may have relaxed a bit too much as there was no sense of urgency during the pierogy making task. I was amazed at how well they took the news that they were not in third place, but were actually last. I will miss their senses of humor, particuarily Bob's. As for the women's vs. men's hockey, I stopped watching regular season NHL several years ago as I find the increase in fighting adds nothing to the game (at least for me). The women's 2014 Olympic Gold Medal game is one of the best I have ever seen (certainly come-back wise) and certainly gave the men's team a run for its money as far as guts and determination goes. I would think the hockey players did overthink the task, but I actually am glad they didn't breeze through it. Love that the hippies got the 5 goals in 9 tries -awesome!
  4. This epi reinforced for me again that the only wife I actually like is Shannon. I love her interactions with her kids, who are adorable. I don't mind Lizzie, but I hate any scenes with her older son. Neither her or her hubby have any control over him, and in general I find scenes with bratty kids annoying (yes, I am looking at you too, Heather). I do like that Vicki is trying to be a peacemaker (who knew that was possible) but I was ticked off that she did not call Tamra on the 'take the Beadors down' comment when the two of them were walking. And it is in Tamra's contract that she has to lie at least once an epi (not that that would be hard - keeping it to one lie might be hard). When Lizzie told Tamra that she was hurt that Tamra waited until the last minute to tell her that her daughter was sick so she wouldn't be able to attend Lizzie's party, now all of a sudden her daughter has been sick for a week. If that were true Tamra, why wait until the last minute? I just hate that no one calls Tamra on her crap!
  5. This show has been so bad lately (who am I kidding - for a long time) that there hasn't even been anything worth posting about in the Cdn thread. But I was wondering about something from today's show. I have been ffing past scenes for ages now, but my understanding of the whole music box fiasco was that there was no clue in the music box, and Jill just happened to throw something at the chandelier which knocked the multi million dollar necklace out of it. Like the writers couldn't think of a way to end the stupid storyline so that is the best they could come up with. Is there something that I missed along the way? Because in Katherine's letter to Jill that was read today, Katherine mentioned the music box, and said she assumed after a year that Jill had found the necklace. How did Katherine think the music box would lead to Jill throwing something randomly at the chandelier and knock the necklace free? Am I missing something, or is this just more incredibly stupid writing?
  6. Really? That's funny! If they are gay, I can't imagine why they would hide it. But the last vibe I get from them is two guys screaming "we are hetero". In fact the only thing I even remember them saying in regards to sexual orientation is teasing Nicole about sharing their tent. I have many gay friends and some relatives - some I knew were gay before they came out, others not. But I definitely do not get a hint of a gay vibe from these two. But that is one thing that is fascinating about boards - how posters see teams (in this case) so differently.
  7. So you think they don't have long hair and mellow personalities? I can't imagine that any team, after five epis, isn't showing who they really are by now. Awesome acting job if so. I missed the first epi so did not know the background of most of the pairs (if that info was even given.) Now Mickey and Pete have to be my fav team since I found out on the ARC website that they are from Parry Sound. (I knew they were from Muskoka but that covers a large area). My dad was born and raised outside of Parry Sound, and I have a soft spot for it. Interested to find also that Mickey owns a wakeboarding park, and Pete builds decks. My husband is a general contractor, and one of his supervisors is just like the hippies - long hair, mellow personality, always happy, but a fantastic super and smart as a whip. Oh, and he is in his mid 50s. I was shocked to find the sibs are 26 and 32 - especially Sukhi at 32. And they are listed as entrepreneurs. Now that I don't believe for a minute - lol. I will agree with others that they can be entertaining - at times even on purpose. I did laugh when Jinder was in the dog sled yelling Ha, ha, and then just a string of hahahahahahas.
  8. Personally I can't stand the sibs for two reasons. One because they are continually asking others for help, often when they have not even tried to figure out a task. And second, they not only often think they are better than they are, they think they are better than some other teams for no reason that I can see. Just off the top of my head, in the first epi when they had to sort the fish they said it would be easy for them as they are both biology majors. If there was a class on differentiating species of fish, they skipped it. The second example was when Sukhi said in a very disgusted and condensending tone "I can't believe THEY got it" (to paraphrase) when the hippie guys got the casino challenge (I think on the first try). She said it like she felt they are so much smarter than the guys.Yet they are continually asking the guys for help. I am watching the show again tonight with a friend just to rewatch the footage of the sibs paddling against the currrent and wondering if they were going down stream.
  9. Well that explains why many think Nikki is in her early to mid 60s, several years older than the 58 year old MTS.
  10. Just a note to whom it may concern - the airing date of this epi is incorrect in the heading. : )
  11. Best line of this season! And you nailed it -they are harshing my mellow! I was hoping they would paddle upstream long enough for NIcole and Cormac to beat them. And considering how inept the sibs are, I don't think that was out of the realm of possibility. I don't know them by name either, but I am guessing that when they were having their meltdown over the dancing task in Hong Kong, the mean one is the one who refused to listen to her partner continually insisting that she would learn by watching, and just needed to watch the dance once again.
  12. So sad that Nicole and Cormac are out. Nicole has been an amazing competitor, and while she likely should have let Cormac do more, I did love their relationship and mutual support at all times. That the sibs are still there because they survived a non elim round, and Bob and Rex are still there (after quitting on two tasks in one episode) only because the married couple had to drop out is just annoying. Though at least Rex and Bob are entertaining. The sibs are just annoying - blaming the dogs because the humans were too stupid to figure out the commands, and not having a clue which direction is down stream. There are no words. I can't believe they are having a hockey challenge next week - seriously? I hope sometime down the road ARC has a season where they bring back teams that were eliminated - if any competitor deserves a second chance it is Nicole!
  13. Ah, interesting. I wasn't watching the show back in those days, and my assumptions were based on postings at the TWOP site where several (myself included) thought Nikki was only about 16 at the time she was in the cult. This may have been based on Dylan at least being in his early 40s and Nikki supposedly playing MTS's real age of 58ish. However I still think the judge's comments were totally out of line, no matter what Nikki's age was. Her reasons for not keeping her child are none of his business. Period.
  14. The scene in the courtroom where the judge admonished Nikki for not trying to identify her babydaddy 40 some years ago was ridiculous. As much as I find Nikki to be an airhead a lot of the time, she was a teenager, underage (from what I can remember) and being taken advantage of by the older, married cult leader. That a judge would even utter those words is unbelievable. Not to mention in those days there was no such thing as DNA -the closest thing that could have linked baby to baby daddy would be blood type. In any case not something Nikki would have done anyway since in her mind she was sure babydaddy was Ian. Total rubbish.
  15. Yep, Tamra definitely communicated the comment to Shannon - because she also said it to Vicki. Which is why I think it is just as possible that Terry said it as Tamra made it up. Maybe even more so, as Tamra would have no reason tell a complete lie to Vicki about something that doesn't involve her in the least.
  16. Just saw this epi and without wading through ten pages of comments, I just have to say that I really like Shannon and David. And I hope she does not do another season of this shit show. I was struck when watching the Beador family how nice and normal they are, all things considered. The parents obviously love their kids, and the kids seem like respectful, well mannered children. Not to mention they have table manners, and know how to eat with their mouthes closed. The Hibrows on the other hand and too busy congratulating each other on how fabulous they are to teach their children manners. Or pay much attention to them at all, particuarily in the restaurants they frequent. But then the kids mirror their parents, so it is no surprise that the Hibrow kids do not seem particularily likeable. I would say it is a 50-50 toss up as to whether Tamra made up the taking down comment, or Terry actually said it. They are both disgusting human beings, so either is quite in the realm of possibility. What I don't understand is why Heather and Terry do this show. It can't be good for either his business or her (almost non existent) career to be seen week after week as such narcissistic assholes.
  17. NewBaku, congrats on your considerable achievements! And your story reminds me of an Ann Landers letter I read years ago. Someone had written for advice on going back to school as an adult. From what I remember, the person would be in school for 8 years, and 42 when he finished (I think it was medical school). He felt he was too old to consider the idea. Ann Lander's reply was "And how old will you be in 8 years if you don't go back to school?" I don't consider Meri's wanting to go to school at all in the realm of a 'normal family decision' to be made. This family files for bankrupcy like it is no big deal, has a 'business' that they think an investor would give them hundreds of thousands of dollars for, and insist on living in 4 McMansions when in reality they likely can't afford even one. The ship sailed long ago on this family being responsible, if the ship was ever even in dock to start with.
  18. The siblings have bugged me since the first epi, so I am very disappointed that they were not eliminated. They are the classic example of book smart, but not particularily smart where real life is concerned. Love Rex twirling the judge around after they were awarded the next clue. I am bored with the hockey players being first again. Even though they deserve it. My favourite team is still the hippies - love those two! I knew (as did most I am sure) before the show aired that the title had to come from them. So glad the show is returning to Canada.
  19. I have no problem with Meri wanting to return to school. It isn't like she will living away from home - which some kids are doing even though they are going to school in the same town where they live. I am impressed that Meri wants more for her life than raising the other wives' kids, and wasting time with TSWC. In any case no one else - least of all Kody - is concerned about educating the 17 kids he already has. He is too busy trying to create more spawn.
  20. If you have never wanted kids, I doubt you would have a hard time with it. I have never met anyone (as I said before, including mothers) who didn't think it was the best thing they ever did. Why go through all that pain (for many of us) and inconvenience for no reason? I have always maintained that if men got periods, hysterectomies would be elective surgery. Totally agree with this. With Robyn a close second, but I definitely think Christine was not happy about wife number 4, and would be as upset as Robyn over the thought of wife number 5. It is funny how much, for the most part, Christine's kids look like her and Janelle's look like Janelle. I reailly don't see much of Kody in any of the kids.
  21. I wondered that too - if they were just trying to make nothing into something. Just watched the last 1/4, and found a couple of things Christine said interesting (and hypocritical). When she said she gets annoyed when people continually ask if there are going to be more wives or children, I wondered why? Isn't she the one who always waxes poetic about how wonderful polygamy is, and feels sorry for the poor monogomists who are missing all the fun. Wouldn't more wives and more kids just add to that fun, Christine? Also Christine was the one who commented on how open and accepting the kids at the Brown childrens' schools are. Maybe you could learn something from them, Christine. It is also something that, at least 20 years ago, was a theory that was totally pushed. Before my hysterectomy I read several books and every.single.one told me that I would go though a depression relating to no longer being able to have kids. It was impossible to find a balanced opinion. Since I have never had or wanted kids, I thought it was doubtful. Turned out that the books were wrong, and I also found out that many women felt it was the best thing they ever did - even mothers. We had a club at work called the Hyster Sisters -lol.
  22. Is it just me, or did they bleep out some words in two different parts of the show- once when the interviewer asked if the wives complain about not having enough time with Kody, and again when she was interviewing the older kids? In general the show was a waste of time (in fact such a waste that I haven't even finished watching it) but I did love the look on interviewer's face when Kody said their business plan and presentation for TSWC was sound, or some such nonsense. Thank goodness the investors came to their senses. Gotta love that Kody still thinks the money may come. Which of course is why they have claimed bankrupcy several times - wouldn't want to actually have a life plan B.
  23. Yep, if anyone deserves to be in jail for first degree premeditated murder, it is the writers of this show.
  24. Of course it doesn't make sense. Except in the minds of these pea brained writers. Because you are only really scum if you spend time in jail. If you are just the run of the mill resident of GC who, say, gas lights people or holds them hostage at gunpoint you can carry on with your charmed life and continue to a pillar of the community.
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