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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I'm thinking they're not making much of an impact. Then again, I'd say that's true for any of the teams that aren't the Greens or Texans. The whip miscue could have been costly, but they were too far ahead of the Dancers for that to make a difference.
  2. "Tonight's episode is brought to you by stray dogs." Still not hating Justin. He's a bit hyper, but he's not as irritating as the Texans. Of course, a lot of fans wouldn't have made the errors Justin did. Always room for improvement. Aside from Tiffany & Krista (local angle), most of the teams aren't making an impact with me. Denise & James Earl resemble a ticking time bomb, though. A bit sad Ernest & Jin got eliminated. They seemed classy enough . . . they just couldn't make up the distance between themselves and other teams. Anybody else not liking Phil trying to fan the flames of the Green/Texans feud? It kinda felt like something Probst would do.
  3. Before I forget . . . Stephen Amell deserves a small trophy for his "Green Arrow" speech. And why wasn't the visual blurred? Shouldn't GA and Ollie be separated beyond a voice modulator?
  4. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Potential match-ups: Cardinals/Astros: Hackers vs.hacked Cardinals/Royals: Rematch of 1985 Mets/Astros: Rematch of the 1986 NLCS Mets/Yankees: Well, that's off the board Dodgers/Angels: First Freeway Series Rangers/Mets: Two of the more star-crossed franchises Rangers/Cubs: See above, to the tenth power
  5. Well . . . this is unexpected. We get a non-elimination leg, but Kitty inadvertently bumps Devin off a cliff. And he and Carrie get to name a team to take their place . . . and they go with the Surfers. Can you imagine this happening on TAR? There would be riots. They wouldn't take place in real life, but it would get so nasty. Also . . . Brody has a thing for Macarthur. Okay, then. I would be willing to bet that chick can wreck guys. On the bright side, Devin finally tells Carrie how he feels. And she reciprocates! Good for them. Nice to have a story where two people fall in love, and it doesn't come out slightly icky (lookin' at you, Ryan & Stephanie). Anybody else flash back to the surfing Fast Forward from TAR25 while seeing the Ice Dancers do the tango? Doesn't seem fair. And they're still cheating their asses off. I'm willing to bet their comeuppance will happen in the next episode. Oh, and the tango action on TAR was wackier, even with all the injuries inflicted on the players. By which I mean "almost always Carrie."
  6. Stupid end to a stupid episode. Peih-Gee should've targeted Abi-Maria in the previous vote out instead of Shirin. Hell, Abi should be cooling her heels in the Losers' Lounge, but she's still in the game. Damn her. And she's become such an obvious goat, Tom Buchanan's shorts are fitting a lot snugger. Seriously, would it have killed the producers to throw in a Reward Challenge so that the new Angkor tribe could have won something substantial? "You like your current situation? BANG! You gotta rebuild shelter all over again." That strikes me as unfair, even with the 2-in-3 shot of winning immunity. How weird is it that two of the most beta of males (Spencer and Stephen) wind up on the same tribe? Almost as weird as both nominees' names having hyphens in them. I can't stand Abi. You're supposed to vote out crazy, not put up with it for five weeks and change. And I'm hoping one of the old school guys (Andrew, Jeff, Terry) gets thrown under the bus soon.
  7. So . . . what was worse? Last year's last minute whacking of Sara, or the flash-forward? I'm thinking the former, since a Lance might die, and I'd be peachy keen about it. Quentin, why the hell are you working with Dark? I don't think we're going to get a good reason, aside from his daughter and her friends have driven him insane. If he still had hair, he would've pulled it out by now. Nice that Olicity can work in and away from the field. Ollie and Felicity are just so cute together, but it's not at all sickening. I really hope Felicity doesn't get whacked. She's just too awesome, and I figure she's the best female character on the show. I mean . . . Thea is a loose cannon thanks to the Lazarus Pit, and Laurel is still Laurel. Does Diggle have a name to go along with the helmet? It reminds me of Tyveculus from Who Wants To Be A Superhero? Show? Don't tease me about Hal Jordan. Also, I did see Grant Gustin's name in the credits . . . as well as John Barrowman. I would've thought Malcolm would be too busy Ra's-ing it up in Nanda Parbat, and Nyssa would be thinking up new ways to murder him.
  8. I don't use my phone to go online. I won an iPad a few years ago, but I never use it. I'll have to wait until I get home to go online. Also, I'll be giving my DVR a workout to keep up with stuff I'll be missing while sleeping. Saturday, I'll have to record most of the Toonami lineup (two-and-a-half hours) and SNL (Amy Schumer!)
  9. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I'm afraid of saying anything negative because I don't want to jinx the Mets. I will say . . . the Yankees' loss will definitely overshadow Matt Harvey getting caught in traffic and being told to turn back.
  10. I thought Simmons would be away longer. I'm betting that she was gone much longer than we have been led to believe, and she'll be a little cracked as a result. Was Baron Strucker on the show? Or in the movies? My memory is not that good. And like Coulson, I still think "Skye" when I should be saying "Daisy." "Skyesy"?
  11. Nice to see Barry happy again. Brooding is more of an Oliver Queen thing . . . and even he's taking time off from that. Has nobody wondered how Wells/Thrawne would have existed in the first place after Eddie (stupidly) shot killed himself? It's like we never left Central City. Sure, Ronnie is assumed dead (again), and who knows how much a badge would inflate Cisco's nerd boner, but we still have a fun show. And now, we're going to get Jay Garrick. Can a man make a Mercury-like hat look cool? Here's hoping. I hope they bring back the stingers . . . I missed that tonight.
  12. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I don't know how much of the NLDS I'll get to see. I'm commuting to New York Comic Con, and even if I make it home in time to see the games, I have to go to bed early so I can get up early to go to the con.
  13. RIP Blueno. Bluto? Heck with it . . . "Bro." We wound up getting three deaths of Imperial Arms wielders, which feels like a high that's not going to be topped for some time, if at all. And Tatsumi got some kickass armor. . . which is great, since part of me couldn't take him seriously wearing his "normal" clothes in fights.
  14. Anybody catch the latest episode? Zoro has a filler episode dealing with a woman and her unruly adopted children. It's a cute waste of a half-hour, I'll say that much. And you have to feel for Zoro, wearing the too-tight "MOMA" t-shirt and three babies strapped to him, dodging crewmates and assorted supporting characters only to run smack into Robin. We have one more week of Water7 filler before we go back into the canon.
  15. Here's a preview of the episode. I don't think we can glean who goes where. I'm hoping something bad happens to Andrew . . . like, Lillian and Ryan Shoulders sneak up behind him and whack him with machetes. Or maybe Jeff breaks his big head.
  16. Is it me, or would the Ice Dancers have their asses kicked if this was an actual reality show? I mean, somebody would snap and pummel them senseless. Maybe that's what we have to look forward to as the show hits the stretch run. Remember . . . Macarthur possesses Chekov's Taser. She wouldn't have mentioned it if she wasn't going to use it down the line. As for the latest episode? Carrie and Ryan bond some more, but he winds up getting in some kissing time with Stephanie, which we haven't seen since the start of the show. Also, he winds up agreeing with her on all sorts of stuff, which annoys her to no end. Ice Dancer skullduggery does in the Cadets, but it's a non-elimination ep. Oh, and Macarthur's carelessness gets Sanders' arm broke, but the saner of the two decides to fight through it and keep racing. ETA: Nice that a penalty can be assessed for tampering with a train. I don't think Phil has ever hated teams the way Don loathes the Ice Dancers. Also: I don't care how they raced in their last leg . . . Ryan & Stephanie are not healthy for each other. At least they didn't break like some TAR teams did in India.
  17. So much for the Noker. Nothing against the character, but I feel that we don't need a Joker or proto-Joker at this juncture. Damn, Barbara is insane. And I'm liking it. Or maybe I got a thing about girl fun, and Montoya's been wished into the cornfield with Allen. And is Theo's master plan too obvious, or does it seem like that because we're in on his secret? I see a lot of "personal time" in the cave for Alfred. Poor bastard . . . he seemed smitten by Leslie. And I wasn't sure he swung that way. Live and learn.
  18. I saw the Mets play the Nationals in the final regular season game. Here are the pics.
  19. About the sun . . . my mind went to Soul Eater.
  20. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Here are the pics. Kinda wish I was better at the camera. I missed out on lots of stuff, including Curtis Granderson's homer bouncing up to the section before falling back down to the field. For a spilt-second, I didn't know what was happening.
  21. Season finale! Rick reluctantly goes to a wedding with the rest of the family . . . in space! Rick manages to let his guard down just long enough for Birdperson's new bride to reveal herself as an undercover agent of the galactic government, of which Rick is wanted. Big-time. In the end, Rick drops a dime on himself and gets hauled off to jail, while Nine Inch Nails' "Hurt" plays. The only way it could be more depressing? If they used the Johnny Cash cover. Oh, and Mr. Poopy Butthole drops by after the credits to be enthused about the cliffhanger. A year and a half to the third season? Here's hoping we won't have to wait that long.
  22. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Had an interesting day out. Six Mets pitchers (including Bartolo Colon!) teamed up to throw a two-hit shutout over the Nationals. The Mets, being the Mets, waited until the eighth inning to score a run . . . from Curtis Granderson's solo shot. I overspent on the ticket and food, and it took me a while longer to come home, but I had a good day. I'll post pictures when I get them from my camera. ETA: Turns out it was seven pitchers. I guess Terry pulled deGrom after four innings to keep him fresh for the start of the NLDS. Sadly, Terry pinch-hit for Colon. Seeing the big man at the plate would have been fun to watch.
  23. One of the final episodes is titled "Last Tango In Buenos Aries." How funny would it be if there was a tango-related challenge? It would probably be wackier than what TAR showed on Friday.
  24. Off-topic: I'm going to NYCC as well next week. Maybe we could meet up. On-topic: Was it just me,or did Miley borrow the furry band members from Taylor Swift's video for "We Will Never Ever Get Back Together"? Also, Hillary did a bang-up job. She's a better actor than next week's guest, because she played somebody who didn't share her name. Sorry, Amy.
  25. Why do I feel that this would be a mere dark comedy without all the murder and gore? I mean, the guy wakes up to find his arm drastically morphed, surfing online . . . and there's no huge reaction? I like the credits because of the Engrish lyrics. They were featured in this compilation of English-sounding opening credits. "I killed my baby while we're in China!" Parasyte : Corgis :: Cujo : St. Bernards?
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