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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Didn't buy anything this week. I wanted to see the Rebirth titles, but the shop was sold out of the latest issues. Good sign for DC, right? You know who should be brought back? Bart Allen. Turns out the "new52" Kid Flash had a radically different origin, and I'd like to see the knucklehead back in continuity. Shit, I'm convinced the Waid/Ramos run on Impulse could make for a fun anime. Only title I'm eager to buy is Deathstroke. I keep imagining Priest starting issues with "THE STORY THUS FAR." Does the current title have a buttmonkey on par with Everett K. Ross? ETA: Chris Sims reviews the new Detective Comics. My takeaway: the cast is G.I. Joe circa 1986, and Batwoman is Sgt. Slaughter. In the months again, keep an eye out for a villain made up of the DNA of Batman's rogues gallery. "THIS!!!!! I COMMAND!!!!!!"
  2. Another week, another wack ending. I mean, awesome that Simone is out, because she's reprehensible, but I wanted her to suffer in the Jungle (or whatever the endgame is called). How fucked is it that we've only had two teams eliminated through conventional means, and one of them came back? And I was expecting TJ to ask Thomas for a doctor's note in order to appear in future seasons. Because Teege hates quitters. Brandon had "QUITTER" in the cold open, and I suspect nobody will let him hear the end of it. I'm really hoping Sarah is insincere about wanting to remain friends with Johnny. Aside from supporting Diem, there is nothing redeemable about this asshole. At all. I can joke about how the mission wasn't the first time he had balls in his mouth because he's a douche, and because he slagged Tonya on behalf of Kenny, which . . . do the math. Next time we have an After Show, they'll show talking head clips where Sarah is laughing and making quips about needing tweezers to jerk Johnny off, because she wouldn't use her hands. And once again: Johnny & Nany had already lost in that Challenge, and the stupid "Battle Of The Ex-iled" "twist" brought them back. "Whatever" to Wince. Jenna deserves better, but she's probably never going to get a good partner. Nice mission, even though it seemed very Survivor and The Amazing Race to me. Given Wince's resemblance to Mac from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, they should have been given the options to eat the ingredients of a cake. I'd do that over getting naked. It would get the taste of cow brains out of my mouth. ETA: Read the recap. Forgot about Teege's eerie wardrobe choice. And nice to see Camila turn the dial towards 10. Again.
  3. I think the episode suffers from the preview. "Monday night. Indianapolis. A DUDE WILL RUN THE COURSE ON ONE LEG!!!!" I mean, The Beast and Real Life Ninja kinda pale in comparison.
  4. Bumping up to see if anybody else has plans. I will be attending Heroes & Villains in July, and I bought a three-day ticket to an anime con in NYC in August.
  5. Chopper is bright, but I think he's the youngest Straw Hat and, like Luffy, is a little gullible. Sniper King, anyone? Bon Clay from the Alabasta arc could change his face. Dunno about the fun bits. There's another character I could mention, but this is a non-spoiler thread. ETA: Here is the spoiler thread link for those who would be interested.
  6. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Bring back the old ballots! Voting doesn't feel the same.
  7. If the show was running on Mondays to start, I would've been out tonight. Oh well. And I think this is the closest I've been to an ANW course. A few years ago, I passed by Turner Field on the way to the zoo. I'm surprised they didn't shut down the course and move it to Cobb County. Damn, JJ Woods going out on the second obstacle had to be the shock of the night. And I don't know if I should be impressed or concerned about Neil Craver practicing with fire. ETA because I don't know where to ask: How can you get in an ANW audience? Or is it strictly friends, family and other ninjas?
  8. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Because there is no thread for Japanese baseball.
  9. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    See, that's when you gotta toss somebody. If Noah had thrown a pitch at Utley's eye level, on the other side of the plate, would he have been run out? With the Mets' luck, probably. Damn, I thought Robin Ventura was involved. "Ventura in a headlock" brings back fond memories.
  10. I have to share somewhere . . . Bill Simmons is starting a new show on HBO, Any Given Wednesday, at 10 p.m. beginning June 22. That's at the same time as The Challenge. I wonder how many HBO execs had to dogpile on him in order to have his show air opposite the program he regards as America's fifth national sport.
  11. Is that the same pony that was in commercials for Last Week Tonight? Is it a status thing for TDS alumni?
  12. I have two questions, since the only Marvel title I'm reading is Spider-Man/Deadpool: 1. Has anybody figured out Peter Parker is Spider-Man? I mean, Tony Stark had Iron Man as his "bodyguard" for years before he went public. Now we got Peter running Parker Industries and he's got Spider-Man in a similar situation. Even if Hobie Brown puts on the webs for the cameras, what prevents people from putting two and two together? 2. Why is Quicksilver in that outfit? I know that lightning bolts are out of the question, but the emblem . .. no. It looks like it belongs on a remote. Maybe he lost a bet. Or all of the bets. ETA for benteen: The story was supposed to be funny. Evan Dorkin did two pages of Red Skull and Baron Zemo carrying on like Milk & Cheese. Good times.
  13. I gotta catch up. I feel compelled to mention that the "Baseball Blues" episode of Samurai Champloo will air on Saturday. I'm a sucker for sports-related episodes, and the show is nuts enough already.
  14. Well, Absalom has no problem going invisible and kidnapping Nami to marry her . . . so fuck him. Getting chased by Lola is the least he deserves.
  15. Maybe Archer was Luigi longer. Maybe he gave Pam road head to keep his cover. That's not a pleasant image, I know, but the show would totally go there.
  16. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    If not for the bazaar that was the Marlins, Mike Piazza would never have become a Met.
  17. I'm thinking an intern at BMP found tapes of Road Rules: Maximum Velocity Tour, saw James say "Go big or go home" a few times, and took the notion to a supervisor. I do understand the vote to keep Jenna, since she was too hurt to compete. I'm convinced she would've been replaced by Dylan, so we should consider ourselves lucky that didn't happen.
  18. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Of course. And I'm guessing that the crowd is at least half retirees from other cities.
  19. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    How much is Miami paying for the park? I read Field Of Schemes, and it is disheartening to see taxpayers go on the hook for neighborhood-wrecking stadiums.
  20. It was "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!!" Sorry for the nitpick. Two questions: 1. Was Go Big Or Go Home the worst RW season ever? The premise went over like a lead balloon, we saw plenty of . .. um . .. Autobot Medic behavior, and a sane woman got driven to beat the shit out of somebody, even though Jenna probably needed it. It's certainly the worst of the gimmick seasons, because nobody got sent home via failed mission. 2. Was the GBOGH finale the worst ever? The one I compare it to is Austin, which had a fight and the worst departures ever. I don't remember if we got the montage of the kids hugging and kissing before departing for their respective homes, and I don't care.
  21. Brook makes a dramatic entrance, sings a song, and messes up the monkey spider. Franky makes a killer set of nunchuks (he just takes his regular ones and sticks 'em in pillars). And we see how Sanji, Zoro and Luffy were abducted, as Moria stays in the shadows for the most part. Oh, and Kumacy turns out to be the perfect hiding place for Usopp, Nami and Chopper, and Kumacy can't do shit about it because nobody respects his opinions. Just remembered the "Namizo" lie. Oh, Japan. You so crazy,
  22. I think getting the first trade paperback from the library might have been a mistake. I reckon the concept works better with Jesse not being a preacher. In terms of Garth Ennis, it's like how Tommy Monaghan wasn't called "Hitman" after he got his own series. I don't think I want to see Jesse try to save Annville. I wanna see him, Tulip and Cassidy have adventures . . . blasphemous, blasphemous adventures. At least this isn't the misery porn that The Walking Dead turned into. I'm hoping "Cowboy" is who I think he is. As much as I'm okay with the show going in its own direction, I'd like to see canon sprinkled in. I know that . . . . Eugene has subtitles in the comic, but do we need those here? Like Tai on Survivor, I can understand him for the most part. Of course, his face is a lot more fucked up in the comic.
  23. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    xaxat . . . is it available online?
  24. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Found out after the fact that Bartolo Colon got his second hit of the year. Why can't he do this in New York? It might be the first time a guy gets a demand for a curtain call after a single.
  25. This afternoon, MTV ran a history about their programming and the LBGTQ community, MTV’s Proudest Moments. I'm betting you can find it on their site, because I don't think it's getting rerun. They started off with mini-profiles on Norman, Pedro, Genesis (though most of it was Kameelah talking to the girl), Danny and Katelynn. We got commentary from Aneesa, Rachel Robinson (I made the sign of the cross with my fingers because I still find her repellent), and fucking Frank Sweeney.
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