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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Before I forget . . . was there a p.tv recap of the episode? Or is that not being done anymore?
  2. I confess (heh) that I haven't been paying my utmost attention to this show. Why did Quincannon shoot those people? What sort of loophole did his subconscious figure out to circumvent Jesse's whammy? Damn, the show is so sllllllooooooooooww. Watching Jesse the rock star isn't that interesting to me, as he solves all of Annville's problems. And most of the people suck ass for their treatment of Eugene. Anybody else think Jesse was mean to whistle a tune while driving with Eugene? I mean, the boy's whistling days are long, long past. Cassidy/Tulip? Ew. Maybe this is from watching all of True Blood, but that didn't seem healthy for either of them.
  3. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Meanwhile, the Reyes signing made the front cover of the News, while Lenny Dykstra got the Post's cover for revelations he made. I gave up on the Post years ago, for reasons I shan't go into here. Not a fun time to be a Mets fan, especially with series against the Nationals and Cubs on the horizon. Thinking about statues . . . I only remember those from Camden Yards (a few) and Wrigley Field (Harry Carey). Does anybody have favorites, or are we past that now? ETA: In second runs with the Mets, I forgot Lee Mazilli being brought into the fold in 1986.
  4. This week: Nami, Usopp and Chopper go on the run again. Honestly, it doesn't bother me, but I can see where it would bug others. They bug out after Moria revives Oars with Luffy's shadow. Oars immediately wants food, so you know he's got Luffy's essence. N/U/C wind up getting saved by Robin and Franky, both of whom are exorcising shadows with salt. Bad news: no "new" episode next week, because Toonami will be running a Hunter x Hunter marathon. If anybody has seen ahead of the Toonami schedule, feel free to post on the All Episodes thread. I've seen the first three DVDs for Season Six, and I'm up for reminiscing.
  5. This week: the sociology of the majority! Also, Leorio almost violates the Hippocratic Oath (if that exists here), and Hisoka is still in god mode because it's still early in the anime. Of course he'll take out an ex-examiner with four blades and reach the bottom of Trick Tower. He probably also killed four other guys to do it. If you want more passengers on the HxH train, spread the word: there's going to be a marathon next week.
  6. I work on Metro North these days, and I saw an ad on the train that I just had to share. I guess that I can never truly escape The Challenge.
  7. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Moose135 . . . I figure those were Negro League throwback uniforms.
  8. Missed Otaku Lyrics 501 by three weeks . . .
  9. The only ones I know are Biscuit (fat guy) and Mikazuki (hero). The rest are a jumble to me. And Jacked Hitler. In case you missed it, here are the opening credits. Now with random English lyrics!
  10. I'm willing to bet Bobby Jon turned down invites, because a. He made for good television, and b. He went out in the least typical ways possible.
  11. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Jose Reyes got signed by the Mets, and they shipped him to Brooklyn. Aside from Rusty Staub and maybe Ed Charles, has any second tour of duty with the Mets ever worked out? I mean, the Mets are in dire need of pop, but the spousal abuser? There's gonna be carnage on Coney Island. Forget to mention . . . a few weeks ago, the Mets visited Milwaukee. I was unaware that the old Brewers logo has an "MB" posing as a glove. Very clever.
  12. Just wondering if Toonami will be running a block next week for the three-day Independence Day weekend. ETA: Yes, they are . . . a Hunter x Hunter marathon. ETA2: I read the first volume of Tokyo Ghoul. I'd be surprised if that wasn't picked up by Toonami down the line.
  13. Jenna needs an intervention. Like, yesterday. Jay was a putz, albeit one with a brain. Zach is basically all muscle and no hustle, and Sam still owes him a punch. Wince? Ewwwwww. At least Johnny has a veneer of charisma he can claim to have. Wince? Not so much. ETA for luckyroll3 . . . This link is for you.
  14. I vote "no" on CT's beard. He looks better clean-shaven. Still nice to see him, even though he's in the minority of assholes evolving into respectable citizens. Tony is an asshole. That said, would anybody have blamed him if he stood up and coldcocked Johnny?
  15. Johnny regrets his actions? Bull. Shit. He probably rubbed one out after Tony and Camila left, and so did Wince when his cousin explained what happened to him. Tony's a Section 8, and Camila is basically a Section 64. At least she isn't a parent, Tony. And do you think Teege would shut everything down if there's one more non-Jungle elimination? Mixed feeling about the mission. While I feel that there should be a Geneva Convention thing preventing torturous missions like that, I was kinda/sorta hoping the mariachis played "Tiny Bubbles." Not that any of the players are fans of The Mole, but it would have been funny. I hope there was a shower nearby, at least for Jenna's sake. Nobody deserves to be that close to Wince, not even the women he probably pays to do just that. Next week: I've said it before . . . watching Wes scheme to get rid of Johnny is like watching Wyle E. Coyote in action. You know everything is going to blow up in his face, you know he's going over the cliff, but you just can't look away. Fucking Johnny.. ETA: From the Twitter of the StopBeingPolite guy's account: "I bet this isn't even a challenge. I bet they just had to have the house exterminated." I laughed.
  16. I keep missing Rebirth issues because I'm working. What happened? DisneyBoy . . .what about the gorillas? Did you like 'em? How about the Khund fangirl?
  17. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Right. But we're talking two teams in the same metropolitan area. Scheduling two day games at the same time is a recipe for congestion.
  18. I heard MacGyver is reshooting its pilot. Like I'm not pissed at CBS enough already. ETA: Burnie is going to be on @Midnight tomorrow night.
  19. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Dude. I dare you to come to Citi Field and bring up Generation K. Who are the geniuses that make the schedules at MLB? My current job is to walk through Metro North train cars. The Mets and Yankees have home games starting at 1 today. About 80 percent of the folks I squeezed past were baseball fans from Connecticut. I can't imagine the traffic.
  20. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Daily News is making the statue thing an issue. It made the front of today's edition, with Nancy Seaver saying its a shame her husband doesn't have a statue. The story itself was in the back pages. The News needed the room to shame Congress.
  21. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    At the base of the statue: "Don't bother, Casey. He missed second, too." How about Johan Santana, with a list of all the pitchers who lost no-hitters from 1962-2012 at the base? ETA: Here's my near no-no experience: one time, I saw Doc Gooden pitch seven no-hit innings. Bottom of the seventh, he gets a huge ovation at the plate . . . and he homers. For real. Bad news: he gets too amped afterward, and he loses the no-hitter and the shutout in the eighth.
  22. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I got the pitchers confused. I thought Thor was pitching, and when I tuned in to SNY and saw Hansel Robles on the mound with the Mets in front, my first thought was, "Did Noah get run again?!?" But no, Bartolo got hit by a line drive. It'll suck if he's out of action, because he's more or less America's Fifth Starter.
  23. Dude. DUDE. Isn't Sean a Congressman? I would think he'd be passing laws instead of plowing Rachel without protection. I mean, those two with eight kids is a better picture than Puck with one, but seriously. Let her breathe, man!!! And how old is the first kid, the one Ruthie tried to sign at the Reunion? Seventeen?
  24. Heads up: Jamie Chung is heading to Gotham. For those unfamiliar, it's a pre-Batman take on the mythos, and it is batshit insane.
  25. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I would have thought the same as a kid, going to Sunday home games at Shea with my parents. I've been to Citi Field a grand total of five times, and I took pictures like a tourist for most of them. Off the top of my head, the Mets should consider two statues: Tommie Agee on one knee after recording the last out of the 1969 World Series, and Jesse Orosco on his knees after striking out Marty Barrett to end the '86 Series.
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