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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. The show is good. It borders on great. It doesn't rank as the very best of Adult Swim, but it deserves to be mentioned for the top ten, though a lot of that is on longevity. Also: Dana Snyder in a starring role. He's very good at voicing cartoons. Two episodes have aired in the new season, right? The one with the model car racing and the one with the Confederate flag getting shut down. For some reason, I keep thinking that I'm forgetting one other.
  2. I could see Johnny boning Sarah and retiring afterward. Would a $275K payday be the biggest in the history of the show? It would be a helluva note to go out on.
  3. Rachel can raise all those kids into respectable adults, and the first thing anybody will put on her resume is "Puck Kisser." Oh, and during a montage on Last Week Tonight, Sean and Rachel were briefly shown. Sean announced that he grew up as a lumberjack. I don't know what to think . . . it's a battle of Monty Python's Lumberjack Song vs. wondering if his kids read Lumberjanes.
  4. I like Trevor not disguising his contempt. Problem is, he's fucking with the DVR. Now I gotta watch @Midnight "On Demand" because TDS went long. I'm okay with getting 40 minutes of "The Snuke" from South Park tonight because I'm expecting it. Couldn't the entirety of Trevor's (justified) rant have been edited and displayed in full on the website? ETA: "The Snuke" is a fun episode from 2008. Sweet 24 parody with Hillary's ever-changing accent and Cartman's casual racism. Makes a nice companion to the ep shown last week, "Where My Country Gone." ETA2: Comedy Central ran "Douche vs. Turd" from 2004. "Vote or die, motherfucker! Motherfucker, vote or die!" In the future, I'd rather TDS be scheduled for 11:30 and the other stuff getting pushed back if the show hinges on live stuff. The video with Desi narrating was nice, but it paled to the one on Trump from last week. Trevor has stepped his game up
  5. Happy Ending (My Version): Sarah and Johnny win the final mission, and Sarah has more points. She takes a deep breath, offers a half-hearted apology to Johnny, takes the $275K for herself, and promptly announces her retirement from the show, because that money would cover grad school and at least one kid. Knowing her, she'd name the baby "Johnny" because she's all about staying friends. Happy Ending (BMP/MTV Version): Sarah and Johnny win the final mission, and Johnny has more points. Johnny mulls things over, and out of the kindness of his heart, decides to split the money with his rival. Because he is a benevolent Banana, you see. Also. he can trick his cousin out of his money by giving him beans. Not even magic beans . . . just a can he found at a bodega. Sucky drive for a sucky season. I hate cumulative finales, because it's so easy for the producers to fudge the times to where they would want the ending. I still can't give Johnny credit for winning Free Agents because I'm convinced skulduggery was involved. Also, Cara Maria & Jamie to a lesser extent on Bloodlines. And we're also down to a team that was eliminated in the first fucking round and the perennial third-placer and her punk bitch of a partner. Credit goes to Bitchio and Nany's plus-one for making it all possible. Well, maybe just Bitchio. Personally, I'd give the money to Cheyenne's mother. All of the money. I'm guessing Cheyenne is a nice person, especially when she's apart from Budget Wes, but she still has AYTO stank on her. We shouldn't get corks involved unless it involves soaking them and having Jimmy Fallon and Horatio Sanz try to keep a straight face. Good times. Anybody else find it funny that Johnny got sucked into a final endgame through chance? That's how he survived CT on Free Agents.
  6. Dare to dream. And I threw in Frankie because BMP persuaded her to pass up Starting Over for The Real World, with the carrot being a potential Challenge appearance despite her condition. BMP would've saved a lot on wardrobe with her funky outfits.
  7. I try to articulate this season on my blog. I wrote this on my iPad, so the formatting needs to be installed. A lot of it is stuff rehashed from this forum, so I won't blame you for letting it slip.
  8. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I shave twice a week because the hair drives me nuts. On-topic: Mets start a four-game set with the Rockies tomorrow, starting with a day game. Anybody get the rationale for that? I won't be going for Mike Piazza weekend. Thankfully, SNY should cover the number retirement ceremony on Saturday. It would be nice if John Franco was recognized, like how 8 is retired by the Yankees for Yogi Berra and Bill Dickey.
  9. Sorry for the Chicken Little impression. It's just that I like TAR, flaws and all, and I consider Big Brother to be its antithesis. Why should that show get more exposure? And then I fret about CBS making TAR an online exclusive show, which would suck on many levels.
  10. CBS to air BB in the fall. My first reaction is that this is a huge "Fuck you" to TAR fans.
  11. All I really know about that anime is the "It was me, Dio" meme.
  12. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Cute tweet. Reminds me of the first time I saw the Blue Jays in Toronto. The dome was closed, and I came out to a heavy downpour, complete with lightning striking the CN Tower. And guess who left an umbrella back at the hotel? Here's my account from 2011.
  13. Saw the trailer. I'm piqued. Bringing back the Floating Head Of Dr. Stein is a good thing. And Dex-Starr! I reckon he was the most notable absent Lantern on Green Lantern: The Animated Series. I'm guessing we're getting fifteen-minute episodes because it'll be geared for the kids. For those of us who cut our teeth on hour-long JL episodes, it'll be an adjustment.
  14. "Well, we got four minutes left in the show, it takes about six to qualify, and we're not gonna do a profile piece on Lorin Ball. You do the math." "I see you, math! I see you calculating!!" "That's nice, Akbar. Truly." Bright side: Roo! And Angus! He'll probably get the WWWA treatment in Vegas, but I'm glad he made the cut. Nice run by Meagan. I think a camera should always be trained on Kacy, just to see where she hides the doll and the needle. Ah, I kid. She's happy for all of her fellow female competitors. If her ex fails next week, though, I won't be unhappy. Yeah, Jake is a goob, but he's a likeable goob. You can see how he and Brian Arnold won TNW as Party Time (sorry, I don't remember their female member). Damn, Yamauchi is short. Shorter than Dustin McKinney, and that dude is short. And he had about an inch on Kacy in that photo.
  15. I keep meaning to blog about the current Challenge and how Johnny is lucking out yet again. I have a question for his "peers," and it's a little gross, so I'm spoiler-tagging it. ETA: I'm missing the obvious, and I hate myself for it.
  16. Forgot to mention this last night . . . anybody else expect the editors to slip in clips of Peter Capaldi pounding on a crystal wall at the end?
  17. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    And here I was wondering what would happen if Reyes came up to bat against Chapman In the Subway Series. "Reyes is 2-for-4 with a run scored tonight. And it looks like half the crowd is headed to the exits. It's the ninth inning, the game is tied, but some people can't hide their disgust."
  18. Looked more like a cyborg gorilla. So . . . Ape-X from Squadron Supreme, perhaps? I'm going to an anime con next month. I'm thinking of getting Mosquito Girl sketched.
  19. What happens when a rubber-man eats too much cheese? Helium farts? This week: flashback time with Laboon, and Brook takes some damage in his fight with Ryuma. Good thing Brook doesn't seem to have organs, or he'd be in so much pain.
  20. "HELL" Thanks, show, but I think more than half the audience could have pieced that together. Good episode. I probably should be following the show closer . . . who was the "basket case" in the tub that Hugo mercy-killed? I guess you can't go to aitch-ee-double-hockey-sticks with an online travel agency. Good to know. Kinda reminded me of the DMV from Reaper.
  21. Here are the pics. Short story: Not many people showed up to see the Baby Bombers lose, 8-4. I was one of the last people on line to get my bobblehead doll autographed by Tony Reali.
  22. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I think the induction should be held when it's a little cooler. You watch the crowd, you can see the melanoma form on their faces. I'm okay with Cooperstown, even though a NJ-based HoF would be way easier to visit. Right now, it's a 4-5 hour ride away, and you have to go by chartered bus so you can nap through upstate New York.
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