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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    *sigh* Heard construction guys yapping about that. Totally forgot about that until now. Is Wilpon trying to make amends to a higher power after signing Reyes? And this isn't going to spill into the stretch drive, right? They dump him off in the Arizona Fall League and maybe he gets to spring training. ETA: Got an e-mail from the Mets. Turns out he will be going to Florida. I'm thinking he's Plan TT for a team with maybe five healthy guys at any time. And one of them is over 40 and looks like he doesn't miss the post game buffet.
  2. The Real World: We Really, Really, REALLY Want Somebody To Get Hurt, Or Worse ETA: Good news: This will air after my temp gig. Bad news: South Park is the bigger priority, so I'll be behind on the snark. And I wanted this season to be the last because I thought it would be released in 2017, which will be 25 years since the original.
  3. In case you're just tuning in, Geoff Britten has decided to call it a career, ninja-wise. With him gone and Isaac probably still mad at NBC, which male athlete will the show hitch to the wagon? Right now, I'm thinking Joe Morvasky.
  4. Anybody want to guess where the show will be going in its 20th season? I'm thinking they might veer from reality and make Garrison/Jenner a winning ticket. "Buckle up, buckaroo!!!" [cue innocent people getting run down]
  5. Bumping up for talk about individual cast members and what they're doing these days. Right now, I'm reposting recaps from Battle Of The Sexes, and I could use epilogues for folks that went into he cornfield . . . like Gladys and Eric, for instance.
  6. Does anybody know if this will be a two-hour finale? Or will it be three? I have to shut off the TV after 10 so I can get to bed.
  7. I'm good with Brent leaving. While I wouldn't want Kacy to be seen deteriorating like Kazuhiko Akiyama (the first Sasuke champion), she doesn't strike me as somebody starved for attention . . . unlike Brent "Hey, Let Me Risk Life And Limb To Congratulate My Girlfriend" Steffenson.
  8. Awwwwww . . . Emily didn't marry James?!? Heh.
  9. Damn, I should be upset with Jake Murray showing off after finishing the run. So why am I laughing? I think he's the only person that can out-crazy Neil Craver. ETA: Jessie finished fifth overall. While I doubt she'll make it to Stage Three (baby steps), that's impressive.
  10. Got spoiled about Geoff. Did not expect that on Snake Run. Holy crap. The past year has not been a good one for him. He's gonna obsess about that until the next time he hits Vegas. Damn. Sure, Makoto Nagano went out in the first stage a few times after he achieved Total Victory, but he didn't go out on the first friggin' obstacle. ETA: Geoff fell ill prior to USA Vs. The World, and his squad didn't make it far on Team Ninja Warrior. I'm willing to bet this family man wouldn't think he had a bad year since winning conquering the course first.
  11. Holy crap. Kacy deserves to be nominated for roughest landing. Barely touched the propeller, did a 540 flip into the water. Damn. I feel bad for her. She doesn't suck, but she doesn't seem comfortable putting an entire gender on her shoulders. Oh, and she has gone farther than I would have. I weigh at least forty pounds heavier than the largest ninja. Anybody else kindasorta wants an award for t-shirt design? One class for rookies and Vegas newcomers, another for vets.
  12. I think Brent qualified, as opposed to getting a wild card. It would be funny if Kacy outdid him on the course. And damn, the guys really piled on Jon Stewart.
  13. Anybody else see Larry on Late Show last week? Given that CBS and Comedy Central are Viacom properties, I'm surprised about that happening. It was funny to see Larry try to hijack Stephen's opening.
  14. I think a few of the competitors put their lives on hold for the show. And I'm thinking that Esquire will run the show throughout the average day like they do with ANW . . . so you can watch a few episodes a day at a time, not unlike the G4 run.
  15. Here are the third and fourth episodes. Does anybody else occasionally miss Ellen? ETA: Apparently, I can find Colin's drug-trip story through Archive. Dunno if I'll bring it up in my retrospective.
  16. Went to Hot Topic to see if I could get a blind box. Wound up getting this: "The 11th Doctor Good Man Collection." I think this covers Matt Smith's final two seasons. I like the picture of Amy with the hashmarks on her hands. I wound up with Dorium, who probably wouldn't have been thrown in at 2/20 quantities if he wasn't so damn blue. Also, if you get a box at Hot Topic, you'll have a 1/20 chance of getting Rory in nurse scrubs. Does anybody have word about new items? I checked the website, and there wasn't anything listed for blind boxes. I'll be going to New York Comic Con next month, so I'm sure Titan will have something to offer.
  17. Esquire is up to Sasuke 23 now. Forgot that Yuji didn't ace Stage Four on the first try. The network will be running the rest of the G4-run seasons, as well as the final Kunoichi. ETA: Caught the last Kunoichi, with the weird format and Rie and another lady achieving Total Victory. It would have been three, but that woman wound up grabbing a part of the obstacle she wasn't supposed to. She took it a lot better than I would've expected. If it had been a guy, I would've expected tears. Right now, Esquire is showing Sasuke 24. You'll never get the joy of seeing a comic risk a hernia on Twelve Timbers on ANW. ETA2: Just saw Mr. Octopus's blurred butt crack. Has the show ever resorted to that before? Yikes.
  18. Bad news . . . I checked the MTV Classic schedule. The Real World: Las Vegas will be taking up September 17-18. This might be how other RW seasons might be viewed, as opposed through one day.
  19. I think he referred to Hibari -- "The World's Toughest Transsexual" -- as a "mysterious hormone cocktail" or something along those lines. Matt and/or Ackbar would be taken out and shot if they pulled something like that.
  20. I showed my mother an online clip of Hiromi Satake (the sumo lady) falling on the first obstacle, then getting hauled out of the water. Just now, we saw her jumping like a chunky bullfrog from pad to pad, only to wind up wet again. She's such a gamer.
  21. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I though the weather from Hurricane Hermine would create problems and/or solutions for the Mets. As always, they're never that lucky.
  22. I got excited that @scarynikki12 was coming to my neighborhood until I checked the H/V site. Apparently, the show in NJ is scheduled for what would be the same time as NYCC . . . the weekend before Columbus Day. I have to figure out which panels I can attend and/or write about. One of the big ones for me is that the mangaka for Assassination Classroom will be there. Minimum, I'd like to show him this sketch of the main character I got a few weeks ago. ETA: At the very least, Priest will be doing three panels, including one for Black Panther's 50th anniversary. That excites me a bit.
  23. Was Chicago syndicated? I'd hate to think about Cara hooking up with Kyle's friend and "Come On Be My Baby Tonight" not playing. That was an awesome moment. "See, this girl is such a slut, we had to bring out a song from the biggest he-slut we know to score her score!!" Anybody else thinking of Keri's little chipmunk teeth? Kinda sucks she never did a Challenge. She did hook up with Blair from The Quest.
  24. I'll have to check the MTV Classic schedule to see what will air on the 18th. I'm flipping between MTV Classic and Esquire . . . did we see a commercial for All-Star Challenge? Seeing the gang invade the Miami house. Funny to see Dan and Cynthia again. Were the pranks funnier when RR wasn't well known? I still remember the time RR9 swiped the Aibo dog, and Melissa's reaction was, "Is this some Road Rules bullshit? Because I don't want to play!!"
  25. Just saw Paul Hamm clear Stage One. I liked it when Americans would crash the course. Remember the decathlete who nailed the Jump Hang at the very top? ETA: Heh . . . this was the season Paul cleared Stage Two, but failed to hit the buzzer to officially advance. He burst through the gates and activated the smoke, but he didn't do what he needed to do. ETA2: Just saw Nagano achieve Total Victory. That's always awesome to watch.
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