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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. "What part of 'Don't come in here!' did you two not understand?!?" "You could have shouted, 'I've been poisoned! Keep away!!' Dumbass." While the Panzu/Bourbon scenario makes the most sense, I can see Hisoka killing Bourbon and leaving Panzu to rot with the snakes. For the "lulz," you see. At least Killua got a win. He got to screw with four people. I'd like for him and Hisoka to meet. The sarcasm and menace would be off the charts.
  2. "Why aren't you moaning?!?" "You're putting it in a pocket." Does anybody remember how many RR seasons were syndicated? I'm thinking we would get subsequent editions with unaltered soundtracks. And maybe the casting specials. Maybe not the two-hour Maximum Velocity Tour recap ep, where BMP let Theo riff on the season.
  3. I figured as much. I got the letter saved on my blog's dashboard. Basically, I showcased the flaws of the two shows, and I pointed out pulling the plug 25 years after the original season might be for the best. The only other show I watch on MTV is Ridiculousness, so I can't honestly use the flattery angle. All I want is to be free of programs that I can't pull away from. That, and to see a new report of Johnny panhandling for attention.
  4. I haven't seen the episode yet thanks to an anime con. I did get this nice chibi sketch of Oars. It's missing one critical detail, but that's a bit of a spoiler. Zoro has to stick out, lathspel. He wields up to three swords and he's got teal hair. And they got a friggin' boy-reindeer. That knows medicine! ETA: Saw the arc again. Could've used more Brook, though seeing Moria annoy the shit out of Luffy was necessary. As was the Usopp/Kumacy chase scenes. Watching Absalom and Sanji get sprung over a passed-out Nami was a little icky.
  5. ". . . and you're gonna watch them faaaaaaaaallllllllllll . . . " Sorry if it sounds like I'm hating. It's just that shoving the "Fantastic Four" down our throats gets exhausting. The real story is that nobody completed the course. Shades of the one Sasuke when 98 contestants wiped out on the first leg, and the other two couldn't handle the Salmon Ladder. I'm thinking that the course designers don't get bonuses for making that hard of a course. If one or two people make it? Then the money is earned. Holy crap, "Flex" Labreck killed it. I kept expecting Matt and Akbar to stop cheering long enough to change their pants. Well, maybe just Akbar. Watching Joe Moravsky before 9 is like seeing Nikki Glaser playing "Tindr Tapout" on her show. You know he's going to screw up, because no way would we see a finisher that early in the show. Imagine my pleasant surprise when he made it to Invisible Ladder. Downside: his kid stayed in the stroller. She is very cute.
  6. Another heads up: This week from Monday to Wednesday at 4 a.m., [as] will be showing old pilots. Tonight. Saddle Rash will air, followed by Stiff (which I don't remember). Wednesday: Welcome To Eltingville, which I can't recommend enough. Even though I can find it online, I'm thinking of DVRing and saving it. Even with Evan Dorkin operating at PG-13, it's still a must-see. And Thursday? Korgoth of Barberia.
  7. RW: London is slated to air on September 3. If RR: Europe was syndicated, I'm sure MTV Classic will air it. I'll try to catch that and Islands, a season with a limited Chalenge legacy.
  8. Heads-up: RR2 will be aired in thirteen days. So if you wanna see Christian, Devin, Effie, Emily and Timmy, you have been warned. I don't remember much, save for the Christian/Timmy friendship and the Devin/Emily showmance. Showmance-adjacent? Also, I want to see if Timmy was as corny as a Nebraskan's stool even in 1996.
  9. Is it weird that I like seeing the developments for Pokémon: Sun/Moon, not because I play the games, but that I want to see it animated? Right now, we're getting into Ash trying (and failing) to get his eighth badge, and the only real slots that have to be filled are when Greninja achieves Mega-Evolution, and when Ash gets his sixth Pokémon to join his team. Normally, he'd have six by this time. Would he import one or more for the inevitable League? Anyway . . . I know that the anime is mostly older stories told to new audiences with a little variation (Clement is a goob like Cilan was, but for completely different reasons; Serena is the one girl on the show who maybe has feelings for Ash), but it's entertaining. And yes, that's with how tired Team Rocket comes off in every version. In real life, Giovanni would've had them shot in the heads and buried in shallow graves. I hope there are others reading this with the same viewpoint. New species of Pokémon, weird variations (Ice Sandshrew! Psychic Raichu! Fancy-looking Meowth!!), and weird cheerleading moves from trainers to boost their critters' efforts . . . I'll keep coming back. And it doesn't feel as painful as each new version of Yu-Gi-Oh! That should have been stopped once Yami passed to the next realm. ETA: Speaking of YGO, here's the trailer for the next movie, set for a 2017 release. Looks like Yugi will be dueling for himself, unless he gets another spirit buddy. And for anybody who's too into Pokemon, here are cross-sections of some of them.
  10. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I'm not following that story. Too depressing for my tastes.
  11. Didn't Belou come close to killing Antoine in RR3? I'm only really familiar with their Challenge work. Here's hoping Allison didn't have a boy and name him "Kermit."
  12. Also, this was the first time a cast member could be considered "heavy." Sadly, after Sharon, the only other heavyweights we got were Donell and Eric "Big Easy" Banks. I think the other thing viewers would associate with her was the time Mike/Miz dry-humped her on Battle Of The Seasons.
  13. Thanks, Bob Sambob. RW4? And the crowd goes . . . zzzzzzzzzzz. Seriously, were there any memorable moments beyond Neil getting his tongue bitten off? Worse, we won't get "Made In England" in the opening episode.
  14. Here's hoping the Koreans make sure the doves aren't in the cauldron in 2018. Daisy . . . I don't think she did that many this year. Here's an article about it.
  15. What would be the American equivalent of the Japanese Prime Minister turning into Mario and popping out of a pipe? Obama digging out of the dirt and declaring that he should have made the left turn at Albuquerque? And, of course, Hello Kitty made an appearance. Is she going to be co-opted as the mascot for the 2020 Games?
  16. My mother watched some of the marathon. I would've recorded it all, but I don't think there was enough DVR stuff. She called Los "a piece of work." That sounds right, right? I mean, he's probably a prince compared to the toads we've been presented with, but he could have been better. I still have the theory that BMP wants somebody to die on-camera. That almost happened when Mark's chute didn't deploy right away. Dude's hair looked like somebody who almost perished. ETA: I don't know how many seasons we'll be getting. The end credits and "MTV" add-ons means that we're looking at the syndicated copy. I think that would cover RR1-8. And I did check next week's schedule. . . MTV Classic will have stuff devoted to the VMAs. I would like to see Christian and Timmy again. It's been too long.
  17. He did three; remember, he was sick and got cut loose during Free Agents. I'm happy he's gone, because he might be bigger scum than Johnny.
  18. Anybody flashing back to the first episode of The Tick? So many goobers in costumes. At least here, we have a few with genuine powers, like Terrible Tornado (the floating shorty). On the downside, Genos doesn't have to do anything to be popular aside from looking really, really cool in photos. Meanwhile, Vic Stone has spent decades bitching about being less than a man (at least pre-Flashpoint). Did I miss the part where the monster was looking scared and de-whatever-ed? That was in the manga. Also, nice to see Hammerhead trying to change his ways. Did he lose the kunai Sonic stuck in his head?
  19. Before I lose track: I brought HxH references with me to an anime con. Here are the results: Gon and Hisoka.
  20. There was no "Nick" on South Pacific. You're thinking of Jeremy, but did two Challenges, but was about as memorable as Charlie. Who? Exactly. I think there was a Nick on the following season. Before I forget . . . Here's my interview with Sophia from 2001. ETA: Sarah Grayson is in a play running at the Fringe Festival in NYC. I'll be going on Sunday.
  21. Not really news, but I thought this is too cute not to share.
  22. Downside of the sudden cancellation: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog had to be canceled. Bright side: Lewis Black! I bet Larry feels good because if Lewis had the post-TDS slot, he would've been tranquilized inside six months. The guy played Anger in Inside Out for a reason. Any word as to what was up with Ricky Velez's hand? I hope it doesn't affect his new gig next week, where he parks cars. #ikidbecauseilove For some reason, I would expect Jon Stewart to send a pony keg for tonight's finale.
  23. Comic Book Resources rank the top DC Comics cartoons. Can't argue with the top picks, but should Beware The Batman and Challenge of the Superfriends be there? ETA: "Woke up with film this morning . . . I'm still alive . . ."
  24. FYI . . . since MTV Classic will be airing episodes of Road Rules starting this Sunday, a forum has been established to talk about that show. Check it out here.
  25. While I'm thinking about it . . . if Deidara's arms are transplants, where would the hand-mouths come from? Or would I be better off not knowing?
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