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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Haven't seen last week's episode yet. I do know what's being homaged today: Oregon Trail! Honestly, I don't remember playing that.
  2. I don't consider Matt and Trey to have the final word on relevant issues, but they do have distinctive voices. JJ Abrams rebooting the National Anthem by waiving the part about standing in attention? Nice. And I'm sure Gerald is trolling for a reason, though I can't figure out why. Blackmailed by Cartman?
  3. Adult Swim announces their plans for New York Comic Con. I might have to miss this due to another assignment. Interesting there's no Robot Chicken this year. I always catch Seth, Matt and Friends. There's also going to be all sorts of stuff at their booth as well.
  4. I like the summer format. I know that Sasuke was held twice a year, but ANW works as seasonal entertainment. I think Kacy's biggest problem is her lack of height. Three inches taller, maybe she grabs the bar. I feel bad that she's been eclipsed by Jessie, who has set the bar higher for everybody AND she's a stuntwoman on a popular show AND she has a cute pet pig.
  5. I'll have to check if you are correct. The moves tend to blur in my mind. From several episodes prior . . . is it bad anime sportsmanship for Usopp to call out an attack, then do something else? I kept forgetting to ask.
  6. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Maybe the Braves were in Milwaukee when the divisions were conceived, and they wound up moving to Atlanta before 1969.
  7. I think Sam went out extra hard in part to make up for Larry Wilmore's absence from the scene. When Last Week Tonight comes back, I expect John Oliver to start his show by punching random people. Forgive me if this has been answered here . . . does the show film in NYC? If so, how can I get in?
  8. The same thought about Whitesnake popped into my head. Now I got the image Karin grinding on a car hood. And she's basically Nicki Minjai in Lonely Island's "The Creep." Somebody make a joke about how the Rain Village is surrounded by Earth, Wind and Fire. At least that's how I remember it.
  9. Back to the slightly unhappy endings of having no winners. Everybody goes home to train for next year's show. Well, that and Team Ninja Warrior. And maybe another all-stars competition, though I'd understand if Japan declines to send anybody to the States. "Jessie Graff has gone further than any woman in the history of this show, and most of the men. But she didn't clear Stage Two, and you know what that means. Akbar is gonna eat her pet pig." "I see you, Sammo! I see you on my plate going into my stomach!!!" Seriously, though, Jessie has a lot to be proud about. Really hoping she can live up to her own hype in future seasons. Sorry, Kacy. I can live with Daniel Gill as a perennial contender. He's religious, but he isn't obnoxious about it. And Drew may have made the leap. Flip might have as well, but he screwed up the obstacle. I think he could have cleared Stage Two. I don't care how punishing the course may be . . . three-and-a-half minutes is too long. I know that Daniel and Drew had to set off the warning buzzer on their runs, but I think the first two stages should be similarly timed. I'll be rooting for The Amazing Race at the Emmys on Sunday night, but part of me would be curious to see what would happen if ANW wins. Would the camera stay on Matt and Akbar for their reactions?
  10. Well, I've been reposting recaps from 2003. I'm almost up to the hookup special hosted by Dan Renzi, where Mike/Miz and Malik are connected through seventeen alumni. When I post that, I will let you know. I think my favorite part was seeing Kyle/Keri, and the producer puts in Jimmy Fallon's "Idiot Boyfriend." Because fuck the fivehead, that's why.
  11. Heads up . . . if you missed RR2, MTV Classic will be airing the whole season from 2-10 p.m. on Wednesday.
  12. I think in 1999 after RW8, or the week before the casting special for RW/RR9. And Ruthie was the signer of the foot.
  13. Bumping up because I won't be up late to check Comedy Central's site every ten seconds to see a description of Wednesday's episode. If you see it, link or post it here. ETA: Here's what I found on CC's site: On the front page, there's a shot of Cartman wearing a t-shirt that says "Token's Life Matters." It's not a well-fitting shirt, because a bit of his stomach is exposed. ETA2: Here's another clip.
  14. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    That was the game where Dave Parker muffed the third out, and Ray Knight sucker punched Eric Davis. Davey also had to put Gary Carter at third because the lineup was stretched so thin from ejections. IIRC, Pete Rose was pissed that Jesse and Roger got eight warmup pitches anytime they took the mound.
  15. If anybody didn't like the latest episode due to a low tolerance of Usopp, I can't blame 'em. He winds up fighting a losing battle with Perona. Then Kumacy comes in and has his way with him. Luckily, Usopp has an episode, because he puts on the Sogeking/Sniper King mask back on, "purifies" Kumacy, and figures out Perona's trick. We got the theme song in the background. Even if the original version is better (no slight on Sonny Strait), it's still a bit funny.
  16. I don't see anything on the Classic schedule two weeks from now. Maybe we'll get alternating weeks of BMP repeats. Here's hoping we get something better than Vegas . . . or any Vegas season, for that matter. Let's say that MTV Classic was to do a block of single episodes under a "best of" banner. What would you want to see there? I'm thinking the RW1 debut and ender, Pedro & Sean's wedding (even if Puck is in there), the Miami threesome, the trio of Seattle episodes spotlighting David, the Mardi Gras episode, 9/11 . . . what else?
  17. Fell asleep watching the new episode. That's more on me than the anime. Anyway, I DVRed it. I think it's the first multi-episode arc with a featured villain, as Deep Sea King messes up everybody's shit, including Class-S hero Puri Puri Prisoner. Try to get away with making a character like that in the US. He ends up naked, Sonic winds up naked, and a Class-C guy pisses his pants. Also: more Mumen Rider! I really hope that he's got more than "riding a bike," because that's just sad.
  18. And here's the recap featuring David/Ayanna, Breath-Hold Bungee and Bogart. Bonus: video of Teck's Bud Lite commercial that only ran once because it sucked so hard.
  19. I like to think that the writers like to cater to the parents of the target demographic. And by "parents," I mean "single guys that should have outgrown this show after the original version finished up." Yes, I am in that latter group. Hence, Cyborg's deep love of Eighties shows.
  20. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    But isn't Tebow talented, even marginally? I'm trying to see the bright side, but I feel bad for the Mets fan walking into the office filled with belligerent Yankees rooters, the kind that wear t-shirts with the name and number on the back, which just bugs me because the jerseys don't have names.
  21. Archer panel announced for New York Comic Con. I hope that I can make it, even though I'm not sure how to get to the Hammerstein Ballroom. The subject of the e-mail: "Lanaaaa, We’re Going to NYCC"
  22. Or hearing "Come On Be My Baby Tonight" when Cara was hooking up with Kyle's buddy. Yeah, David hailed from Chicago, but that was not only an unexpected bonus, but also an indictment as to how "easy" Cara was. BTW, if Cara was Cliff Notes, David would be Cliff Notes for Cliff Notes. I'm saying he's a slut, and "playas" deserve to be shamed as women are. Also: the 9/11 episode. BMP got so lucky to break away from their usual schedule, and they wound up with a moving episode. And nobody can forget Aneesa's birthday anymore.
  23. Here are the finalists for the Staten Island nickname thing. Aside from how subversive "Killer Bees" is, it's not a list that inspires confidence.
  24. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Maybe he'll be a reliever, and the knee thing would be his signature after saving a game. Got another e-mail from the Mets. Preliminary games for the World Baseball Classic are going to be held on Coney Island in a few weeks. Didn't think that belonged on the minor league thread.
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