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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. In your defense, it is an easy name to remember. Patrice is considered a celebrity in Germany? What for? I'm legit curious.
  2. I'm going to be reposting my recaps from BOTS1 on my blog. Here's a prelude piece. So far, I've retrieved three recaps, including the hour-long premiere (title: "Jamaica Me Crazy"), and I'll be posting them when I have free time.
  3. That would be logical. I'm willing to bet we'll get Road Rules: All-Stars after Islands or Northern Trail. What seasons would you like to see?
  4. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Four triples?!? Is that a modern record for a single game?
  5. This week: more Luffy vs. Moria and Usopp vs. Kumacy. But the bulk of the episode involves Sanji soundly thrashing Absalom, mostly for finding the Clear-Clear Fruit before he could. Because Sanji wanted to make the world a better place . . . in order for him to turn invisible and peep on naked ladies. And shouldn't Nami be awake by now? What, does Absalom have access to quality roofies?
  6. While checking out Hunter x Hunter, I saw that there's going to be a OPM marathon next Saturday. And I saw a commercial for the next episode, where we meet Puri Puri Prisoner. Because Japan, that's why. Also: more Mumen Rider!
  7. This week: It's the end of the Zevil Island arc, as Gon manages to get antivenom for Leorio and himself. Part of me thinks the kid might be a Gary Stu, what with the lateral thinking and the leaps of faith. But I don't find him that annoying. Anyway, we wind up with eight (nine?) survivors. I'm assuming Tonpa is still tied up somewhere. Good. The head judge guy interviews the finalists and draws up brackets. Looks like the Chunin Exams all over again. Does that mean Hisoka would be Orochimaru? Sadly, Toonami is running a One-Punch Man marathon next week, so we'll have to wait to see how the matches play out.
  8. Takeaways from this episode: Saitama needs to learn about collateral damage, and guys with tank tops are assholes. Also, a lot of people might as well grow wool on their bodies. And the Tony Stark expy is a bigger asshole than the original.
  9. Anybody up for old-school recaps? I know it might be awhile for MTV Classic to get to the sixth season, but I'm willing to spelunk in order to retrieve my recaps. So far, I got the preview for Battle of the Sexes, a fantasy challenge overview, and the one-hour premiere. In my head, I would repost that season, the MTV/BMP hookup special, and my analysis of Puck's departure.
  10. One of the episode descriptions was "Cory falls under Puck's spell." That's something you hope people don't remember. I mean, she's not known for kissing Señor Scabby, so that's good. I hope she's doing well for herself, and that people don't mock her for fashion. ETA: Holy shit, Mark looks so young. I mean, he's probably in better shape today than most of the old school, but damn. And I wonder how much grief Kris will get coming back to the office on Monday. "Were you on TV? Because I saw a girl that looked just like you!"
  11. Cable tech is here to swap boxes, so I'll be missing the birthday. I hope to see the roommate replacement process, just for Mark: Chapter Zero. And does anybody remember Jo aside from her Gauntlet 2 freakout? She didn't appear in Pedro & Me.
  12. Anybody else watching? It usually takes me a week to get around to watching the episodes. Damn, bleeding out in zero gravity is no joke.
  13. Would that make Rachel an honorary Duggar? I know she's a few kids shy of a TLC series. Avoiding the episodes heavy with Puck. Pam's birthday is coming up next. In retrospect, it's funny how Judd stuck her boyfriend in a closet. ETA: Was this show so innocent where piercing a belly button would be scandalous? Also funny to see Pam talk about Christopher, her boyfriend of eight years. And I always forget how Rachel pronounced "Pedro."
  14. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Thank goodness for SNY repeats. I got to see Bartolo's second double of the season. Then Jose Reyes doubled, and Bart wound up sticking to third. Luckily, Wilmer hit a grand slam to drive them both in.
  15. Damn. How long will be visiting NYC?
  16. Bumping up for tomorrow's marathon on MTV Classic. As soon as I figure out how to change avatars, I'm going to use a sketch I got from Judd in 2002. And I'm probably going to focus on the post-Puck stuff, because I don't need to be aggravated again twenty-plus years later. I do like this joke from the finale: "What's the difference between Puck and the pool table? The pool table is still in the house." ETA: Had trouble with the avatar size. Here's the full sketch.
  17. It happened already. Sarah was good in her role, but it took me too long to reintroduce myself to her. She was the one that invited me to Calico Jack's back in 2003, and I was as squirrelly then as I was on Sunday. She still is cool, though. She doesn't do much on her site, but I like reading her tweets.
  18. @atlanticslide . . . I wish I could join you. Quitting this show seems to be beyond me. Maybe I want to see this sad franchise end like I did Smallville. Maybe I want to go out on the happiest ending possible. Or maybe I like snarking on these dipshits all of the time. If there was a recovery program for fans, I would be interested.
  19. From the Media thread . . . I'm trying to get enough momentum to "explain" Johnny. on my blog I think people love a rebel that wins a lot more than he loses. Explains why The Dukes of Hazard was so popular. Here, Wes would be Boss Hogg. My other theory: Johnny has an illness where he'll be perfectly healthy for years, then pass on in a manner more excruciating than Diem. That's why damn near everybody bends over backwards like triple-joined contortionists to let him win. And people like Wes and Sarah aren't let in on that nugget in order to make the show more "real." He would still benefit from an ass-kicking, because people in "real life" would not put up with his entitled bullshit for long. ETA . . . for those picturing Wince as Daisy . . . I am very sorry.
  20. Totally not being sarcastic. I'm expecting the show to replace MacGyver, and we won't have a TAR30 until summer . . . at best.
  21. I hope the crew felt regret after Michelle was killed in an accident. I feel bad for her . . . she was the second BMPer to pass away, yet most people would forget she existed and focus on Pedro, Frankie, Joey Kovar, Diem and Ryan Knight. I'm hoping Battle Of The Seasons gets replayed so we can see Belou go nuts against people who deserved it. I'd tune into RR3 to see if she was as nuts back then. And I hope she became a good "mudder" to Lloje, or however you spell his name.
  22. My chance is we'll get an announcement when a show bombs out, and CBS has an hour to fill.
  23. I don't think that's the Cyclone in the photo. The amusement park area formerly known as Astroland isn't that close to the ballpark. Both can be found in the same area, along with the New York Aquarium and the original Nathan's.
  24. For those who don't watch HBO . . Larry's picture was in the tail end of the opening credits for Last Week Tonight. I think Larry will end up there with John Oliver for election night or the aftermath.
  25. We're never going to find out the deal with the hand-mouths, are we? At least we got an explanation related to the thing he wore on his left eye . . . he was trying to combat the Sharingan. Because, like Sandman87 point out, that worked out so well for him in the past. How are micro-bombs art? I reckon Deidara had more in common with Marvin the Martian, with the love of earth-shaking kabooms. ETA: Was the latest episode the first we saw of Sasuke's snake-wing? That's even creepier than the one he got blown off last week. Nobody near as nice as Nico Robin's stopgap wings.
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