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  1. I apologize for the obvious path my opinion takes. Man, that was sad. So sad. And pathetic. What a sad, pathetic creature. I am, of course, talking about Frankenstein. *rimshot* Weasel's backstory was also sad, but it's blunted by the kids that died being really stupid. Everyone involved in that flashback was a special kind of dumb. The teacher for leaving the door unlocked, the kids for stumbling in and setting a small fire, that one guy for barreling in with his gun, the police for immediately assuming Weasel was trying to get that one girl that wound up getting buried in the rubble . . . just a sad situation all around. Frankenstein is funny. He's an incel dope, but he's funny. Circe's vision seems a little too straightforward, especially when the country that would rule the world and kill the major superhumans is barely technologically advanced. I wouldn't be surprised if all that mech armor was borrow Rocket Red gear form Russia. One plus side: given that the Superman trailer dropped yesterday, I'm glad we didn't get a dead Krypto lying on the ground. Perhaps James Gunn learned a lesson from the criticisms of Guardians of the Galaxt Vol. 3.
  2. I like John Mulaney’s take; that he’s basically what a hobo thinks a rich man would be like.
  3. I feel like screaming. They won. They fucking won. Donald Trump has failed in every major thing he's ever done, and a slightly larger amount of voters decided to give him another chance. He doesn't lose with grace. He doesn't win with grace. His hangers-on will enjoy the ride as long as they can because he's basically the means to their end . . . like the end of certain folks having all the rights in this country. I get it . . . all are created equal, but some are more equal than others. Why the fuck does Trump, Dipshit Musk and the GOP keep hammering that into the souls of the people they despise them? Years ago, I heard schoolkids used Young Donald as a latrine. In a way, I get the rage. If I had that kind of money, I'd probably be fighting my bullies until the day I died. But I don't have that money, so I've learned to deal with shit in other ways. Is it wrong to wonder what would have happened on that July day had the absolute worst had happened? I reckon the Republicans would have crept their way into power, but they wouldn't have been a cult of personality. ETA: To balance out my little fit, here's a Tucker you wouldn't be ashamed to see. He's such a goofball, and so is his son, Todd.
  4. Is there any word as to when the season wraps up? I think it might have been better if they put off this episode until January. Then again, the finale might take two episodes. Also, I'm thinking S40 will be forgotten once AS5 starts up. Johnny has always been an asshole. Why stop now? Rachel flashback to The Gauntlet with Sarah? Good times. I still think Rachel lucked into her first win because no one on her team saw her as expendable, even though she didn't live up to the hype. I'm not caring who wins. It'll probably be Jordan. Kyland winning might be nice. Derek winning would be unexpected. I'm glad Jenny didn't do her confessionals in a bra like when she conducted the interrogation (or whatever the hell it's called). I think her chest can compete with Olivia's in terms of being mesmerizing.
  5. Another season in the books, and it will probably be forgotten two weeks into S48. Probst should just admit that he's just treading water until S50 rolls around. Like I said in the live thread: the last challenge should be firemaking between all four players, in front of the jurors, with the vote taking place immediately afterward. Those that didn't win would vote, and if it results into a 1-1-1 (as opposed to 2-1), the person that won the challenge would cast the deciding vote. The last challenge here was impressive, but it could've been held at any time. At least we didn't have yet another endurance contest. Seriously, in about 2-3 months, we're not going to remember how good Rachel was, how dumb Andy was, how old Sue was, and how the wind totally hosed Teeny. Hell, it might be 2-3 weeks.
  6. Herschel couldn’t spell “Bahamas” if you spotted him the consonants.
  7. Off to watch The Challenge. See y’all in February! I think!
  8. That one lady looks like she’s got two nails going into her nose. Chocolate milk gives you muscles? Got-damn! Also, I hope the lady on the spectrum doesn’t let me down.
  9. Well, in terms of placement, she’s the best Sue to play the game. Unless you’re talking about number of days played. I dunno.
  10. Rachel wins. Seems right. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  11. Or maybe they’re watching The Floor finale. 🤷‍♂️
  12. Ah, right to the BS. Oh, it’s just a tease.
  13. Is it too cynical to think that industrial fans were used to help Sam and hurt Teeny? Teeny has been injured, now here’s Probst with the (figurative) insults.
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