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Everything posted by HeySandyStrange

  1. I agree with this. I don't see Lane as all that bad, really. She hid some cd's and candy bars from her mother, she wasn't out drinking, drugging, or doing anything remotely wild or even that rebellious. Mama Kim was extremely controlling and fanatically religious, so she wasn't exactly perfect herself. I also never viewed Lane as ungrateful, maybe a little spoiled and naïve, but she seemed to overall love her mother and respect her too.
  2. On the one hand, I think it is for the best that Leah won't be on the show anymore. She definitely has issues and I think the "fame" and easy money went to her head and made it worse. I do wonder, if Germy is really going to divorce her, what she will be doing for money. Not that I care if she actually has to struggle for once in her life, she could use it. I will miss seeing awesome little Ali and I do hope they update us on how she is doing in the next few years. They should just cancel TM2. Chelsea is boring, Kail is a drag, and Jenelle is just a loser and I don't like thinking she is getting paid good money to be a loser.
  3. While I don't disagree that Kail should've respected the rules of the Rivera household, I hate to say it but I understand why she would chafe at the double standard being displayed. Yes, Joe is the blood family member, but he was nowhere near prefect at the time and wasn't making the best decisions himself. IMO, both Joe and Kail should have been outright discouraged/forbidden from dating until they got their lives together and got the hell out of the house. Those two were toxic together no matter what the circumstances. Of course, Kail's best option would have been to just remove herself for the situation and lived her own life on her own rules. Kail is nothing if not petty and pigheaded.
  4. I wasn't a full time viewer when the whole thing went down with the Rivera's and Kail, so was Jo also dating around? I know the rule was Kail wasn't supposed to date, were the same restrictions placed on Jo? What I did see at the time it aired led me to believe Jo was pretty spoiled then and Kail, of course, always had her out of proportion temper. It would really tip my opinion one way or the other to know whether the same rules applied to Joe under their roof. I think the Rivera's were basically trying to do the right thing but they and Kail came from two different worlds and different sets of values, so it was doomed from the start.
  5. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. I'm hoping sarcastic. I'd hate to think Jeff or any of Corey's family really cared about the cameras, they seem like good people. If anything, I'd think he would feel overall it is best for the girlses (and the other kids) to stop being showcased on tv.
  6. I would say Lorelai and Max were together around 6-8 months before he proposed, give or take a few of their breaks. Depending on how you look at it, that doesn't seem very long knowing someone when you are talking about making a life time commitment to them. Not that I can talk, I married my husband after knowing him 7 weeks, give or take a day;) . I think Max was a decent guy but Lorelai obviously wasn't passionately or deeply in love with him and apparently hadn't considered that until the whole key/ role in Rory's life situation came up. If both of them had been looking for more for friendship/companionship with their marriage it might have had a better chance of working out.
  7. Freaking adorable! He must be a laid back baby, to keep the hat and glasses on for longer then ten seconds. My son would have tore them off in an instant.
  8. I noticed that not only do they look better groomed and less messy with their dad, they also have a healthier color to their skin (well Ali does and I'll assume Gracie does to). They really do look beautiful and radiant, even. I guess the are getting a more balanced diet with Corey and Miranda. I always noticed the pallor to their skin during the show. Leah really doesn't seem to know what is important, does she? If I was making the kind of money she was, the ONLY thing I wouldn't be skimping on is good food for my family. As Ali would say, lunchables aren't food, Leah.
  9. I find this is something of a generalization. I know plenty of country folks and outright rednecks who would be disgusted by Mama June's behavior. Hell, it is pretty telling that NO ONE in her immediate family is coming out to defend her, and I know how "us or them" extended families in the South can get and it isn't happening here. Having money or education is in no way an indication that people will not tolerate terrible behavior. Most definitely. I know, as someone who struggled with my weight since I was young, that school can be hard enough, and I didn't even have the cameras recording my life for everyone to see and pick apart. Alana just loses all the way around in this, and that is sad.
  10. Wow...what the hell was that? Does no one on Leah's family tree have a grasp on basic grammar?
  11. This has puzzled me from the beginning. Leah has always been about average to me-average features and (barely) average personality, yet the guys in her town lined up to her like she was the local beauty queen. I guess there is something to be said about having a decent body and a blond rat's nest on your head in attracting men. Now, however, with her bad rep, fading looks, and expanding group of children, I bet she is not going to be the catch she used to be. She will probably have to downgrade to even get a third sucker. As for her being a prisoner in her home...well, she was the one who just HAD to have the pony ranch next to the in-laws. So, no sympathy. She really isn't that important to anyone but her family. I wonder how many times she has lifted her lock down conditions to go trolling for her girlses back up stepdad?
  12. Finally got to watch the show. Where to begin? I find it sad Chelsea is throwing herself at the pond scum known as Adam. It is hard to believe that she is doing it for merely booty call purposes. She is an attractive girl and has some name recognition, she should be able to find someone else in the state of SD to hook up with. Rumor has it that she has had her fun to, in the past few years. I think she is a sweet girl but pretty shallow and still has the white fence fantasy with Adam. I also totally rolled my eyes when Jenelle told her sob story of trying to do her homework and deal with Jace for the one or two days she has him a week. I'm a mother of a toddler and go to school full-time, but being a mom is my first job. You either have to do your homework between doing things with/for your kid or have to find downtime to do it. Or, I don't know, every other day of the week you don't have your kid Jenelle? Leah and Kail...same old, same old. I actually wasn't to offended by Kail, she was her usual high-strung self. Leah was her usual whiney ass self.
  13. SMH really? The Lady doth protest to much, me thinks. Nobody is perfect and nobody is the perfect mother, but I think we have all seen very little evidence that Leah is a "great" mother. Its like she doesn't realize the viewing public has seen her dirty house, messy children, her manic spending, and the junk food she shovels to her kids. Not to mention half the time someone else is watching the "great" mother's children we she lays around or just gets laid. The fact that she has "fans"...ugh.
  14. I think it is possible that Jenelle does love Jace, but more as a little brother then as her child. I don't think she ever really bonded with him on the level of a real mother or had any motivation to be a mother to him. She pretty much checked out and left that to Barb from the beginning. She likes to babysit and have fun but she gives him back without much hesitation. I doubt she really wants custody and even if she was to get it, I don't she her being able to handle the stress of Jace along with the baby and Nips breathing down her neck. Hopefully, she is more ready now and whatever happens will actually put the effort in to be a real mother for Kaiser. Time will tell on that one. I think the best case scenario for Jace would be for Jenelle's relationship with him to stay on a casual basis, with Barb firmly as his mother figure.
  15. I'm curious why Leah's sister even brought Corey and Miranda into this. Miranda resents the girls? Doesn't like them? Is immature and controlling? She must be a damn Academy award worthy actress, then, b/c I have seen nothing of this. If she truly resents the twins, why hasn't she had her own child with Corey then? I guess the Messers don't know a mature decision when they see one. I hope Corey is aware of this and saving this shit for the court hearing. In fact, I don't know much about the law, but could this not be considered deflamation? Victoria needs to keep her mouth shut about people she doesn't even know that well and talk about her own trashy ass family. And no, sweetie, I don't think Corey for one minute still has feelings for Leah or else he would have taken her back the first go around.
  16. I know right? I know some peeps liked Leah before her trashy ways came out, but I haven't liked Ms. Messer Sims Calvert from the beginning. She has always come off as being, as they say in the South, too big for her britches. She thought she was a hot piece before she was famous and even more so with TM2 and Germy's money. It's funny now because all this crap, with her STILL chasing her loser druggie ex, shows once and for all what she is: a trashy loser who comes from trash. I have never heard it directly stated it is, so I tend to believe that she is lower on the food chain then that. Nothing about Mama Dawn screams RN or even very educated. If she is an RN, I wonder how she didn't set a better example for her lazy daughter, since Dawn also had 3 children at a young age.
  17. Y'all, found a pretty hysterical article that puts together some of the facts of this case of the dick chasing Leah http://theashleysrealityroundup.com/2014/10/17/exclusive-behind-the-scenes-details-did-teen-mom-2-star-leah-calvert-really-cheat-on-husband-jeremy/ Let me just say, mugshots and deercam are involved, plus Leah's hillbilly defenders.
  18. On top of not being hot I saw a picture in a magazine and Robbie was tricked out in McDonald's gear. I don't know if it was recent and reflective of his current career, but if it is he would not be the provider Leah is used to. Though probably what her trashy ass deserves.
  19. One thing I have to give to Wrap It Up Robbie (I thank my husband for that) he hasn't gotten that loser pregnant and he hasn't made her is girlfriend/wife. Other guys should take his example in that, at least.
  20. The hell? Was this today? And Robbie is the possible culprit? I hate to be the one to say this, but why is Jeremy surprised? If he didn't watch TM2 before he meet Leah he must have heard the story. She has a track record of not keeping it in her pants. I agree with the one twitter response he got, where does stressed a mother of 3 find time to bone other dudes? How does (possibly) cheating on her husband fit in with her SAHM of the year image she is trying to promote? Man are these people train wrecks or what.
  21. LMAO at that damn video! It takes a lot to make Leah look like the rational one but pouty faced Germy sure did it. I guess he missed the fact that every guy has seemingly come in 2nd place to the elusive Robbie in Leah's mind, so I agree that Corey is not the one he should fear. Plus, has he not noticed the smoking hot wife Corey has at home? I doubt Corey wants to ruin a relationship with a good woman to revisit one with the irresponsible cheater that hurt him the first go around. Those two really should just do themselves a favor and call it quits, because they are just beating a dead horse if there is not trust or respect between them.
  22. So apparently Jenelle and Nipples took Jace and possibly Kaiser to Disney in Florida and got into a big fight and just might have broke up. Here are Jenelle's tweets: http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/10693371_350202411810305_1026883192_a.jpg I doubt Nips is gone for good, he still wants to milk this Teen Mom cash cow I'm sure. Glad to see Jenelle is staying true to type and firmly crying over this loser instead of thinking of her probably really upset children.
  23. I thought the baby looked pretty normal. I know lil'Strange had red stuff on his face as well, especially as a young infant. I will be more worried for him in regards to abuse as he get older, because older kids are much more difficult then babies and I know Nips and lazy ass Jenelle will have a rude awakening then. If either of them have him in their custody that long. Seriously, though, how freaking cute is Kaiser?! I just want to pinch those chubby cheeks! I know, hypocrite much Leah? Her whole story line this season basically came down to bashing Corey. I've read the article and he doesn't even speak directly in it, if he was involved at all (other then his lawyer, who was possibly just fielding the question for his client). That dumbass doesn't have one ounce of self-awareness at all.
  24. Tyrese just got his awesome card back. Kill that baby threatening redneck!
  25. As far as I ever heard, there is a very small chance of an IUD coming out. I have one and have had it for a year with no troubles on that front. I think there is more of a chance of it going into the uterus. According to what I've read it is more likely to fall out if you haven't had kids yet. I seem to remember when Chelsea's IUD fell out that there was speculation on the TWoP forums that either she was a) lying, possibly to have a story line or b) she and/or a friend "helped" it come out since those suckers don't usually come out that easily.
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