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Everything posted by HeySandyStrange

  1. I'm not sure the show is ready and willing to go quite so dark as having Alak kill his pregnant wife. That would be straight up Game of Thrones territory here and I'm not sure Defiance is the cable show to pull that off. Would be a hell of a shocking twist of events though. Hell, Christie killing Deidre would be a shock but it would give Christie something to do over then grind on creepy Casti crossdresser, so I could get behind that.
  2. Stahma strikes me as either a full out psychopath or pretty near it, so I'd say it would be heard to guess how genuine her affection for anyone is. As a non-professional I have read that psychopaths tend to feel something similar to affection for those who the "like" on some level and most importantly, who they feel ownership and control over. So it definitely seems that Christie is screwing with her dynamic with Stahma by stepping out on the family and talking out of turn.
  3. Honestly, I can't see that Stahma and Datak would be thrilled to have Alak dump Christie for Deidre. Deidre is a sex worker with a spotty past, unknown parentage, and most importantly, she is still a human. I think whether she was to get pregnant or not, Deidre would be safely put in her place as a (paid off) baby mama, and if Christie was taken out of the picture Alak would be set up with a proper Casti wife. Thinking about it I wonder what the elder Tarrs really think of Christie being in their family now that she has no value to them,other then her after thought of a pregnancy. I might have missed it but I haven't remembered them expressing any thoughts on that this season. I'm guessing if and when they find out about her Casti roleplay one of them (Stahma most likely) will give her a wake up call. And if Stahma and Alak turn against Christie, I wonder if Datak's loyalties will be skewed at all now that he has a budding bromance with Rafe happening. Regardless, I am liking what they are doing the Tarr/McCawley cluster fuck that is brewing.
  4. Keeping with the Leah discussion, apparently despite all the financial and emotional difficulties of raising 3 kids, she is saying now she wants another. This one a boy. http://www.wetpaint.com/leah-messer/articles/2014-07-18-leah-messer-jeremy-calvert-want-baby-boy?utm_campaign=repromote&utm_medium=fnpg-network&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_term=140595932399442 LMAO I hope she isn't seriously thinking about having one soon, and she didn't mention that, but who knows with the drama queen. Either she is seeking some attention or she is trying for a band-aid baby, is what I'm thinking.
  5. While Joe isn't my favorite either, I have to give him a little respect because a) he has actually learned over the years how not to make a total ass of himself on camera and b) has limited his time on camera so he doesn't have as many chances to make himself look like a jerk. Some of the other people in the Teen Mom franchise could take pointers from his example. He also has to deal with mopey Kail and bitchy Javi, a fate I wouldn't put on almost anyone.
  6. Finally caught up with the mess that is this show. Same old, same old. I mostly agree with this, except I think an honorable mention needs to go Cory's handsome dad. Not saying he is an intelligence powerhouse but on top of being a loving grandpa he struck me in the past as having a decent amount of common sense. He's given some decent counsel to Cory before, anyway. Ali is a very smart little girl and I really hope she can achieve some great things. I also have to climb on the Javi was an ass train, which pisses me off b/c I've defended him in the past. He was acting like a spoiled child about watching his own child. Then again, I shouldn't be so surprised because I got the impression he is the youngest boy from a big family. I also don't see how a toddler is easier then a baby. I have found the opposite to be true, seeing as how babies as young as Lincoln mostly eat/sleep/ and want to be held and that's about it.
  7. Overall an intriguing episode. Bring on the Rafe/Datak allience. Those two grumps working together is made of win. Graham Greene was great this episode. I liked the fact Christie was finally getting her voice and I hope that means she will stop bowing down to her in-laws and start appreciating her own heritage. I can't wait to find out what her and DJ girl are getting into. I find this is what makes her interesting. Otherwise, she would just be the wise-cracking doctor. And at least she and her dead lover did show regret about the horrible things they did. Though, of course, I am waiting for the doors being blown on the Indogene secret and cause all kinds of new anger between the humans/votans.
  8. Datak should've taken Stahma's deal. I think it is interesting that the rest of the Casti gang didn't seem to have a problem ganging up on him. I get the feeling he wasn't as popular before he went to prison as he thought. Feared, maybe, but not popular. Stahma seems to be employing the speak softly and carry a big stick form of leadership. Smart use of it on her part. Pottinger is so shifty. I get the feeling he used (or made up) his sob story to get Amanda to play right into his hand. I feel she is being set up for something bad.
  9. Hee. I need to work ten miles of bad road into my everyday speech from now on. But yes, Jeremy was the one pushing to accelerate the relationship with marriage and a baby so he apparently likes his girls rough and whiny. He certainly got that with Leah.
  10. I am really happy about all nods the show got this year, particularily Kate Mulgrew and Adubo. To be honest, I am a little puzzled by the nominations for Laverne Cox and Natasha Lyonne. I love their characters and all, but I feel they (especially Ms.Cox) have had a reduced presence this year compared to some others. I am somewhat disappointed that Samira Wiley and Lorraine Toussaint weren't recognized, since I felt they were standouts this year. But otherwise, YES! Can't wait for the Emmy's!!!! YOU GO OiTNB!!!
  11. -I want about as much of Piper as we had this season. -More Alex. I find her vastly more interesting then Piper. -More of everyone else, like my girls Sophia,Poussey, and Yoga. -For some reason, I'd like to see another mental health professional/counselor other then Healey brought in. Someone no-nonense, actually non-judgemental (unlike Healey), who doesn't take crap but is compassionate. -In total agreement for togetherforgood, Fig in prison, pregnent by her gay husband. Man oh Man, that would by a juicy story. Hell, the complexities of that situation would go a long way to making her somewhat sympathetic.
  12. I don't know, between Rafe, Christie, and I think she might have a tough time at that, though I wouldn't put it past her to try. Hell, possibly Datak will try to subvert her scheming in regards to the grandkid just to piss her off and maybe even show some growth past being a quick-tempered thug. THAT, I would love to see.
  13. I think the E-rep is basically doing what the Votan Collective is: promoting and protecting their respective species and cultures. I would assume the Votan Collective has little to no humans living or working with them. I'm hoping we see more of the Votan collective and what makes them tick.
  14. For all the the E-rep are supposed to be the big bads, I'm starting to sort of like them. I really appreciate that the Mayor isn't your typical evil idiot. Now if only we could find out what is obsession with Amanda stems from, because that part puzzles me. I can't help but think that it is not what it seems, though. Liking Berlin too, she definitely has good points about excepting things for the greater good of all. Not to mention her cape was pretty cool.
  15. I really, really hope Barb doesn't get stuck with this next child because bless her heart, she is A) is not the youngest and struggles to keep up with Jace as it is and B) not to be judgmental, but she did raise Janelle. And according to what I've read around the internet, two other kids who have 'issues'. I just want Barb to be able to retire from child raising, Janelle to magically never be able to have kids again, and Jace and his brother to be adopted to loving families. I know, it's a pipe dream but one can hope.
  16. I don't know. While there is no denying that race is a huge part of it, I can't help but thinking Suzanne would have had difficulty no matter what family or envirnoment she was a part of. Suzanne has some deep (if undefined) mental and social issues. If her childhood was any indication, she had them from a very young age. I would think ANY family would have had a hard time dealing with it, black or white, rich or poor. I mean, even in prison Suzanne has a hard time fitting in. She seems to be seen as a "special" person by the other black imates, a freak or weirdo by most everyone else. And Vee the master manipulator saw that a mile a way. I worry about Suzanne now that she under Vee's spell. I don't know if the show is against interracial adoptions in particular, but one could come to the conclusion that the show is against families in general. Piper's family is uptight and repressed, Aleida wasn't a great mom to Daya and the rest, Vee and Taystee, and probably other examples I forgot or have yet to come. Really not much in the way of positive family dynamics. I give Suzanne's family points for effort, I thought in the beginning they were going to drop her after the birth of their daughter but they all seemed to really care about her.
  17. Not a bad openner, if a little slow at the beginning there. Piper still doesn't know when to shut up and keep her head down, no surprise there. I really did feel for her in the end when Alex effectively screwed her over, though. Otherwise, I missed all my regular girls. Can't wait to see them in the next episodes.
  18. I was very surprised during Sansa's confession scene. Mouth on the floor surprised. Talk about a divergence from the books. I think I can get to like this more calculating, wary Sansa. Her convo with Pervy Uncle Baelish on why she helped him was awesome, imo. THAT is the girl I wish we saw more of in the books. They had me going for a second with Oberyn. I almost had an inkling of a hope that he would get out alive. Some intense acting there. I was also impressed by Ellaria's reactions, mostly by that proud smile she gave Oberyn right before he bit it.
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