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Everything posted by HeySandyStrange

  1. Not to mention with the million and one friends, family and hangers on she has, Leah could pay a few of them to at least help her around the house. Or hoodwink them into doing it for free, like she does seemingly with childcare. If I was pulling in MTV money I'd be getting housecleaning help.
  2. Not that we have much to go on, since Jo and Vee aren't featured often on the show, but I also haven't seen a super tight bond between them. I've also gotten the feeling that Vee is way more into the relationship then Jo seems to be. And I'm not some prude about marriage--hell, a few years ago I would've laughed at the idea of marriage, personally. But I agree, marriage license or not, it still seems like a good idea to be really committed to each other before a couple starts procreating. I know, perfect world scenario and one that most of the couples haven't followed, but still. And I really feel for Vee because she comes off as a pretty sweet person, but I really don't envy her having to deal with living next to Kail's toxic bs and having her own baby to take care of.
  3. Last I heard Vee was working at a daycare. Whether it was a career or more of a minimum wage job I don't know. I wish these girlses (and some of the guyses) would put more thought in to education or job training before setting themselves up with these Suzie homemaker fantasies (looking straight at you, Leah). There isn't anything wrong with wanting to be a stay at home mom, but with the divorce rate and who easily breakups happen, I wouldn't put all my eggs in the basket of my partner taking care of me forever. You can easily end up a single parent struggling to get by if you so limit your options.
  4. I tend to agree with this. Of course it was known months before it aired that Vee and Jo were expecting, but I small part of me hoped Vee would choose herself instead of following Jo and putting up with the baby mama drama. Especially considering she looked downright depressed at the idea of moving away before she got pregnant. I foresee Vee giving up a lot her wants and needs to try to support Jo in his constant drama with Kail over Isaac. Which, if Javi stays in the military or Kail keeps on keeping on with her vindictiveness, will be a move every few years and constant court battles. Even if you love someone that is a hard life to deal with and then you add your own child into it...ugh. I wish the best for them and their baby, but the cynical part of me wonders how long that situation will last once another child is involved.
  5. To each their own. Personally, I see both of them as possessing psychopathic traits, which is were my snark of "good match" came from. I find Jenelle to be a cold, emotionless person and Nips is twisted and super aggressive. And if you want to go by mental illness, Nips probably has PTSD or a TBI, both of which cause severe mental disturbances not unlike what he has displayed. I really have no excuses for either of them and find both of them to be assholes in their own unique ways. I'm no fan of fat shaming or bashing someone's looks, but Kail doesn't do herself any favors with her bad attitude. I'll bet if she was a better person without the entitled attitude she could look like a toad and (most) people would have much less negative things to say about how she looks.
  6. I don't know, to me Jenelle is just as manipulative as Nips. I mean, she has accused just about every guy she has been with with abuse. While I'm sure some of the peaches she has had have been assholes, she is also a huge lier (and thief going on her credit card stealing a few years ago). Plus she can be pretty violent herself, going by all the cat fights she's been in. Really Nips and her are a good match.
  7. Finally caught up. Too much Kindzi for my taste, though I loved Yewell calling her out for her evilness. Kindzi...what an annoying brat. I'm hoping that at least some of the Omec she awakens have some of Papa Omec's nobleness, I can't take too many more psycho purple brats running amok. So Andina is angling for Alak? Will be interesting to see how that plays out. Stahma looked suitably pleased with that prospect, probably because she sees now that handmaiden has game and is a proper conniving Casti girl. Here's hoping Irisa throws a wrench in those plans. Nice to see Nolan back in fighting form. Also, love when Amanda's practical side comes out in force.
  8. I don't know, I was a normal sized baby and skinny toddler who became a chubby child. My husband was the opposite, a fat baby and skinny kid. With Kaiser it will probably depend on his genetics and if anyone bothers to feed him a healthy diet. Which knowing the gruesome twosome is unlikely.
  9. Isn't that the truth? Granted, Javi is a needy clinger at times, but Kail's behavior towards him and their relationship isn't very comforting. If Javi had some common sense and pride he'd be running away from her, not throwing himself at her.
  10. Hey everyone, I was wondering if I could get some good pre- series recommendations? I've read a couple of good ones and I'm really fascinated by anything involving what happened after Lor moved to Star's Hollow and before Rory started Chilton. Preferably fics where the focus is Lor and Rory and not necessarily shipping/romance focused (though I won't be against it if it is really good!). Thanks :)
  11. I vaguely remember Corey sounding a little sterner then usual, but I didn't take it that he barking at his wife. Plus Miranda didn't seem disturbed by it and she doesn't seem like someone who'd take a lot of unnecessary guff, gentle though she appears. And anyway, even a great person like Corey is going to have his off days, especially when you add Leah's stressful BS on top of it.
  12. I'm not a stranger to mental illness or mania by any means, but even I was freaked out by Nips behavior. I'm guessing he was at least high, if nothing else. I do not envy the crew members who have to film Nips and Jenelle. I'd demand a bullet proof vest and the right to carry my own firearm if I had to be in a house with them. BOTH of them are psychos, imo, and both are trash. Yes Nips, that means your gold-digging, nasty, Jenelle impregnating ass is highly suspect as well. I also find it sickly amusing that super daddy Nathan was more worried about his ring going out the door with Jenelle rather then his baby. I'm so happy that Jace has Barb to go home to, if only the Roll was so lucky. Feel bad for Chelsea with Taylor jumping ship. I know Taylor claims to have a long term boyfriend and no interest in Adam, but I wouldn't be shocked if she was caught riding the Adam train in the near future. Someone needs to do serious academic/scientific study into what makes Adam so damn attractive opposite sex, because low self-esteem is hardly an excuse at this point. I almost have to admire MTV for editing right around the whole Robbie issue during the Leah and Germy's talks. I'm no fan of Germy and I think he was an incredibly immature guy who got hypnotized by a decent piece of ass with a hefty MTV check, but I kind of got where he was coming from. Leah is obviously a wreck who, because she has been spoiled and enabled her whole life, doesn't see the need to better herself. No sane person would want to deal with someone who wants a pass to wallow in self-pity and let the world go to shit around them. Leah is pretty damn toxic and I don't foresee her changing any time soon. Kail is...herself. Moody, demanding, and ungrateful. I'm surprised Javi's sis, who seems to have good sense, was advising him to work on things. Granted, I understand not throwing in the towel when the going gets tough but it Javi's family must know how she treats him. I'd be advising my sibling to get away from that shrew. I guess they all could be afraid of the bs custody battles that would come from Kail after a divorce, though.
  13. Well thanks Jenelle, for making me see red yet again. I thought it was basic human knowledge that if a baby hits their head you should monitor the situation closely, much less is the baby is sick, in pain, or vomiting. I was taught that when I was barely out of childhood. Poor Roll, I hope she surrenders him to Nip's parents soon to commence her loser safari. In her custody he will be lucky to make it out of toddlerhood.
  14. Funny thing is I tend to really like Kurt Vonnegut's work(Cat's Cradle is a fav). I also like Tom Robbins, who's books read like a gentle acid trip. Heller's work is somehow tedious to me. I might have to invest some more time to try to get through it.
  15. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. Really, on paper it sounded fantastic and right up my alley. A satirical anti-war tale set during WWII, written by a war vet? A modern American classic? I wanted to be all over that but it all fell apart about halfway into it. It felt like ever 20 or so pages it was another random story about random people, none of which were truly interesting. Then the story (or joke) spun around and around into nothing and we leaped to some other random scene. The constant meandering and pointlessness, while possibly a commentary on war, was just too much for me.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing Leah ever sought to accomplish was to be a trophy wife, complete with a life of luxury and ease. And really, with the income she is pulling in with TM2 and Jeremy's paychecks, she could've had a decent life if she was smarter and more mature. I think, though, she deluded herself into thinking she should be living in a mansion being waited on hand and foot and having ten or so live in nannies minding the girlses while she screwed the pool boy. She was shooting for Kardashian and ended up at Peg Bundy, except pillses are her bonbons.
  17. There is definitely something to this. I came of age in a smallish, southen town and some people tended to have narrow worldviews. Even people who went to college stuck close to their roots, which included staying in town and marrying young. Leah and her fam appear to take that mindset to a whole new trashy level, though. Guess thats what a lack of education, ambition and common sense gets you.
  18. I've questioned this as well. My only guess is that she makes a decent first impression, plus some people are attracted to domineering personalities. The few times I have seen her truly appear happy or in a pleasant mood, her appearance was improved. She has beautiful hair and pretty eyes and when she isn't pulling a sour bitch face her features aren't terrible, either. Really, Kail had the opportunity to be the most sympathetic girl in the franchise, with her sucky upbringing, but she has squandered that by being a bitter, entitled asshole.
  19. The sad thing is, I've know people much smarter and more educated then Leah pull this kind of crap. So it is no wonder Leah, with her lack of common sense or real self-esteem, would invite every Tom, Dick, and Harry around her girlses before even getting to know them. Risky behavior, to put it mildly.
  20. Seriously, this is what should've happened a long time ago. If Leah would stop worrying about being perceived as the Mom of the Year and would let Cory and Jeremy have full custody for a while, she might be able to get shit done in her life. First by swearing off dick for a while, then getting tons of therapy and maybe taking a stab again at Beauty school or some kind of gainful employment. She seems to be caught somewhere between delusion, depression, and low self esteem. I want to feel for her but for all her real life issues, she also comes off as spoiled and ungrateful considering how many damn people have been in her corner since the beginning. Kail was her usual disagreeable self. I know the general consensus is that she probably has a guy waiting in the wings. I don't know or want to know what she is doing to attract dudes. With her average at best looks and her sour, overbearing demeanor, you'd think she'd repel men from her. Jenelle almost looked affectionate and happy with Jace!!! WTF?? Are the end times upon us?!?! Jace was super cute when he was explaining fishing to Jenelle.
  21. I will miss Corey, Miranda, and Jeff but applaud them for walking away from this mess. I wonder if the reunion was the last straw, what with Leah running her mouth and Miranda getting fed up with her lies. Good for them for keeping their soon to be baby off of tv. Also a plus, this move might lessen the girlses time on tv as well.
  22. I've also been of the opinion for awhile that something is up with Jenelle, more then your average bout of depression or anxiety. I'm no expert, but I also have two close family members that present signs of bpd and narcissism (one of whom I believe has been diagnosed). I see the irrationality and black-white thinking in Jenelle that my relatives have. She goes beyond the pale with her lack of empathy, though, especially to her animals and children. If I was a betting person, I'd say she'd score high on a test of psychopathic traits.
  23. The ending was super awesome. Datak badassing his way out of certain death, plus still taking out the bad guys and restoring his honor in the process-that was worth the price of admission. Hell, taking out Rahm Tak would've been enough for me, I'm glad that arrogant psycho is no more. And using an actual Doors song was an excellent choice. I'm wondering know if this is setting up Datak for a bigger redemption story arch. I could see him transitioning from one of the series "bad guy" to more of an anti-hero. Compared to Stahma, who I think does things to do them, I've always believed Datak when he said he does the bad things he does for the sake of his family and standing in the new world. I'm starting to sort of like Papa Omec but his daughter is a crazy drag. I could deal with him sticking around but she has got to go, unless they give her a little more character development then angry and childish. I'm loving that Papa Omec and Stahma have got each other's numbers. Old man Nolan is off his game a bit, trusting strangers and getting his ass pushed around. I'm continuing to like the tentative friendship Irisa and Alak are forming, and how it really isn't romantic/sexual at this point. It is sweet to watch them bonding over the baby and Datak's suicide mission.
  24. Nothing like Saturday morning and a cup of coffee to enjoy the cluster fuck known as TM2! Seriously. Reflecting on it, Chelsea wasn't just sad for poor Aubree, she actually appeared to be empathetic. Something neither Kail nor Leah have seemingly demonstrated to their children (I'm semi-convinced Jenelle doesn't have emotions, so she doesn't count). If Adumb was any kind of man he would walk away now instead of dragging it out, but MTV money is more important to him. He shouldn't even be paid, the loser. Yeah that was a laugh, MTV and Jenelle tried to smooth that over, despite it being all over social media back a few months ago. Mr.Strange, a combat Vet, told me if we ever meet Jenelle I'd have to beat her ass for him. I'm more then game for that, at this point. I can't even feel sorry for her when Nathan was playing his mind games with her. Karma is a bitch and apparently it comes in the form of Nips. Poor Kaiser, I'm sure he'd love to spring out of the rocking car seat and crawl to freedom and a loving family. At the very least Jace is still with the one stabilizing influence in that scenario. I can't with Leah. It is so obviously the something is seriously "off" with her. She's never been particularly sharp or anything but she used to have some life to her in previous seasons, 5 pounds of makeup and all. Know she is some pale shadow of her former self. Keeping those kids out of the house and up till midnight is ridiculous, yet Mama Dawn has the nerve to bitch about Cory working and not being there for the girlses enough? Dumb bitch, I'll bet they'd still be fed and in bed by a reasonable hour with the Sims, something her precious Leah can't do. The scene in Leah's car would have been almost funny if this was a sitcom and a real baby wasn't being drownded under all that crap.
  25. Usually I would agree to keeping quiet and classy, as Miranda has been doing, but everyone has a breaking point. I wouldn't want to be in Miranda's shoes, pregnant and still being attacked by the trash known as the Messer's for trying to do the best for her husband and stepdaughters. I really wish MTV had the balls to let the audience ask the girlses questions, I bet they would get a much harder line of questioning then what Sad Panda does. Dawn needs to sit down and shut up. Yelling at a pregnant woman who is calling out your hillbilly princess for being the lying, lazy, irresponsible fool she is making Dawn look even worse then Leah. It would be great if InTouch would get an exclusive with people in the Messer's community, if not the Sims themselves. I'll bet there is a lot of dirt on them.
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