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Everything posted by HeySandyStrange

  1. I have to give Kail credit for one think, she does have some hustle in her. She is one of the only teen moms, after Farah, who is using the fleeting reality show fame to reel in some side cash. I doubt it will extend past TM2 end date but she might actually (gasp!) have a college education by then. Which is more then can be said of Leah,Jenelle,Amber or Caitlyn.
  2. Now I want a very special Barb Breaks it Down, featuring a round table discussion with Corey, Miranda, Randilicious, Hot Dad Jeff, Jeremy, Jo and Vee. They could shoot the shit and give their sides of the story, with Barb serving as moderator and the boxed wine flowing freely while they all chill poolside. I can only dream of the juicy tidbits that would come out of it.
  3. Kail may mean well by wanting to give her kids better then she had, but she comes off as more focused on material things as a marker success. It is all nice and good that she wants her children to have the best of the best, but her constant need to buy bigger houses, more expensive cars, and put her children in unnecessary private schools is going to eat up her TM2 money. Unless she manages to save some of that money and reel in some more based on what little name recognition she has, she won't be able to maintain that lifestyle after the show ends and the money stops flowing. I think that's what people mean when they say she lives beyond her means. Kail is comes off as pretty shallow with her need to show off her new found "wealth". I'm sure she likes sticking it to others-Jo and his family, her mother, etc.-that she made it and doesn't need anyone now. He children would benefit more if Kail would grow up a little more and stop with the bitterness and entitlement.
  4. Having watched Leah's 16 and Pregnant not long ago, I'd also say it is pretty right on to say Corey's pressuring the marriage with Leah was an act of insecurity. I also think that Corey is possibly a bit of a romantic, in his own mumbling redneck way, and truly wanted the house with the picket fence, 2.3 kids with his cute "first love" of a wife making a home for them. In other words, he idealized the situation and definitely idealized Leah, whom I'm sure played into that idea so she wouldn't be alone raising two babies. I'd even say Jeremy thought the same thing, that Leah would be this happy and sexy little homemaker and he could still go out and be a man about town. Really, Leah should take her act on the road, she is one of the best hillbilly illusionists I've ever seen. Or perhaps the schools are really, really unwell there for the dudes to fall for her act. The biggest reason I'm so disappointed that Corey cheated on Miranda with Leah is because of how badly Leah has treated him in the past. He has always been her second choice, she has all but said that to his face, she acts like he his so beneath her (when I don't see much of a difference between Jeremy and him, tbh), and would drop him as soon as just about ANY other prospect came along. I get it, the heart wants what it wants and it doesn't always use common sense, but I wonder about Corey's self esteem and common sense if he lets this crap happen. I truly hope by now Corey realizes this because I'd hate to see him screw up his life by fooling around with Leah. Miranda must be the most forgiving person in the world, because I think I would've left Corey for a long while and considered my options. She doesn't seem like she needs a man, unlike Leah. Corey should damn near kiss the ground Miranda walks on.
  5. I'm all for the high road, but considering what absolute crap Miranda has been put through and seen her husband put through I can't say I blame her for having a breaking point. It hasn't just been Princess Pill Possum that has bad mouthed Corey for all the world to see, but her, her family, and her rabid "fandom" have bad mouthed Miranda when she wasn't saying anything at all and tried to maintain some dignity. When I consider all that, I'm shocked she hasn't punched Leah square in her "monkey" face. So I'll give her a pass on being sarcastic. I am pretty disappointed in Corey for basically admitting something happened with Leah in the early days of his relationship with Miranda. Especially because it was with Leah, seeing as how she treated him like crap when they were together. Hopefully he got that out of his system and fully realizes what he has in Miranda. But Leah didn't even need to get on her high horse about it, since the timeline would've had her with Jeremy at that point.
  6. LMAO is Mama Dawn serious?? Leah almost died from stress and anxiety?!?! Stress and anxiety are life threatening conditions for for young, healthy people now? Crap, I guess since Mama Dawn says it, it must be so. I guess the next time I'm feeling stressed or panicky I'll use that as excuse to get out of things. Children need to be fed, washed, clothed? Too stressed, I might die y'all. Confronted by my old man cause I cheated? Panic attack, hun, I could die any second! GTFO Messer clan. Oh, and her highBP is probably due to an unhealthy lifestyle. You know, a crappy diet of cheetos, redbulls, and pillses. Thank you. I don't for one second believe Leah has deep feelings Jeremy, hell I'm not sure she even has depth. She "loved" him because he had a really good paycheck and he seemed to give in way more then Corey did in the beginning. Plus Jeremy is still a viable option until he gets married again, in her mind. I'll bet if Corey wasn't married and totally over her she'd be talking about their great love.
  7. Because she is a fucking idiot and doesn't realize that implying she cheated with Corey when they were both married makes her look just as terrible. Only her most delusional fans (ie her hillbilly relations) can try to justify her hand in that. The sad thing is, I almost am more disappointed with Corey IF he cheated with Leah, then just cheating with any random holler girl. If that is true, Miranda is a saint for not punching Leah in her smug face for acting like she is the pure Virgin Mary in all of this. This episode was boring as hell. Even Dr. Drew seemed semi-comatose. I can't blame him, though, because I suspect MTV tries to keep a tight leash on this shit show and they really think most of us don't see this "cautionary" tale for what it is: reality trash about trash. So of course no serious questions. The only thing that made this worthwhile for me was watching my husband try not to break the screen every time Jenelle Evans, fake MD opened her mouth. I believe the words "fake ass Katy Perry looking bitch" were thrown around in my home. What a nasty human being Jenelle is. I almost have to agree with Nips on this, she likes to play the victim card to the hilt but can't even produce real tears or facial expressions like someone who actually has emotions. Christmas will come early the year I read about Jenelle having to beg for a Walmart job because the TM2 money has run out.
  8. I seconded Iyanla! She is can do the whole new agey spiritual side while calling people on their shit. I can see her bamboozling these girls with her big bag of tricks into a false sense of security and then bam! They realize she is dropping a truth bomb on them.
  9. I'm all for understanding and sympathy for people struggling with addiction, but sometimes forthright honesty is needed. Especially with addicts that are so in denial of their problems like Leah and Jenelle. Leah, especially, has ben coddled and enabled her entire life. Forget life coach or therapist, some of these girls need a drill sergeant in their lives.
  10. Plus she is obviously very spoiled. I'm guessing she barely had to lift a finger growing up, despite the fact she was the oldest daughter of a single, working-class teen mom. And she is apparently too dumb (or wrapped up in drugs) to pay someone to come in and clean her house once in while.
  11. I sort of figured Cole was a college athlete. I'm guessing he got a full or partial scholarship and was possibly a middling student.
  12. Listening to "Life of a Teenage Father" right now. I'm not a huge listener of rap, so can someone who is give me a review on this? It seems at least average, but I don't have much of a basis to judge on. I wonder if MCing is his new potential under the table money earner?
  13. I agree with most of this, only difference is I tend to think Jo&Kail are more alike then Kail&Vee are. Both seem to have the need to dominate and have tempers. Certainly Jo seems to have grown up more but he strikes me as being more of a traditionalist as far as gender roles. I think their similar personalities is why they could never work out, among many other reasons. Conversely, I'd say Vee&Javi fulfill similar roles in their relationships with the other two. Both seem to be more passive, go with flow types. Luckily Jo isn't as angry Kail and seems to treat Vee much better then Kail does Javi, but I do think he wears the pants like Kail does. JMO, but I've found the similarities between the couples interesting, to say the least.
  14. I'm pretty sure that I read an article that said that Cole is a college graduate and he does something with traffic light systems. Forgot the source but it could be plausible, it is possible to be a bit of an air head and graduate from college. Or it was just a piece of pr. edit: here's a link calling him a college grad http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/09/chelsea-houska-new-boyfriend/ I think it is possible that he is a college grad and is in a decent career field. Maybe because he just started out and is possibly at the bottom of the ladder he isn't making a lot of money? It isn't unusual for recent college grads to struggle for a few years. To be honest, Chelsea wouldn't be where she is now if the only money coming in came from her job. I agree that if he was just a gold digger he would've probably tried to move in earlier with Chelsea and made his small screen debut much earlier. I really hope he isn't a gold digger, in any case.
  15. I want to give Vee the benefit of a doubt, since so far she has seemed sweet and low drama. Plus I was impressed that Jo and she didn't start another family right away. But recently they haven't been coming off as mature as I thought they were. No jobs, new house, one kid and another on the way doesn't come off as a having a cohesive plan. And I thought Vee was better then fighting with some randos online. Leave that to Leah and Jenelle.
  16. TBH I think the children themselves have become bit players in the dramas of their train wreck parents a long time ago. I think it is possible that even if her girlses on screen time was limited or cut off entirely that MTV couldn't resist Leah's entertaining brand of screwed up. Jenelle and Leah give this trash the steam it needs to keep on going and some silly thing like not having their kids on screen isn't going to stop MTV from displaying the trash.
  17. I was under the impression that Miranda quit because her job was located pretty far away from where Corey lived. Plus, just an assumption but perhaps she was burnt out. Law enforcement seems like it can be a very stressful career field. Even though I have my issues with Leah as a person, I can see where it might have been more appropriate from Miranda to stay out of that particular situation. However, on the flip side of that coin, if Leah is going to make Miranda' presence an issue in co-parenting discussions, she needs to put on her big girl panties(es) and learn to deal with these things on her own as well. No hillbilly posse, no Mama Dawn and no flavor of the month backing her up on what is supposed to be between Corey and herself. I do see, by her peeling out of that parking lot without so much as trying to talk out a solution with Corey and Miranda that she hasn't gained an ounce of maturity while in "therapy". Honestly, I don't envy Miranda one bit. She seems to be in a situation where she can't win. If she was to say nothing and even try to distant herself from the girlses on some level, the Messer clan would cry foul and if she tries to be involved they still cry foul. The Jo CS/Unemployment situation is very confusing. Why would Kail seek more CS when she knows Jo is unemployed and possibly wouldn't have it raised because of that fact? I can only guess that Jo either has some serious savings, got a decent amount of money from his parents, or has some under the table money coming in (or all three). Maybe Kail suspects he has unearned income and she feels she deserves her cut. I'm not sure what to take away from the whole situation, because for once I'll say the neither side is coming out looking great in this. Kail&Javi are their usual vindictive, petty selves and Jo&Vee are coming off as whiny and clueless. It is a pretty big cluster fuck imho.
  18. With Jo, I think it could be any number of things working together. Kail&Javi's petty shit, I'm sure, isn't helping but he has been going through some huge life events: moving to a new state, buying a home, possibly quitting his job and starting/looking for another, dealing with child support/custody issues, another baby on the way, etc. I'm sure Vee is also stressed about everything at the moment and he is trying to be there for her as well. I don't put all the blame on Kail either, though with her attitude it is very tempting lol. I'm pretty sure Jo has gotten his shit together at this point and time, so I don't think the last few episodes indicate a bigger problem.
  19. I watched mostly because this was on after Big Bang . I'm glad I wasn't anticipating this, because it was very, very stilted and awkward, imo. I'm no prude but I was surprised at the all the sex talk, which was both unfunny and crude. Obviously this show is trying to be more cable then network, but it didn't come across well. For a rip off of Modern Family this show didn't even blend the different members of the family and their storylines together as well as MF. I know pilots aren't know for being very good, but this pilot was a very poor setup for the characters and the show. I might tune in again to see if it gets any better, but I'm not holding out too much hope.
  20. I've also never thought was anything but average in the looks department. I suspect because they are living in such a small, insular community any young woman who is average and "always willing", so to speak, is considered a catch because the pickins are slim. Personally, I've always thought Leah had chicken like features and the only thing really attractive about her was that she was thin and blonde.
  21. It is sad the Leah is so desperate for male attention that she jumps on the first guy who gives her attention and brings said guy around her girlses almost before the first date. For right now, I'd say most men who case after Leah are after their 15 minutes and a possible paycheck. In a few years, when she is no longer has the fame and money to reel them in, that's when I would be worried for her kids if she keeps this up. Unfortunately, Leah is a predator's dream: desperate, dumb, and careless. I'm really glad Corey and Jeremy are decent dads, those girls are going to need them.
  22. There's the million dollar question. My guess is that Jeremy, by fighting down and dirty and letting it all hang out, is giving Leah what she wants: drama. Plus when he attacks her she can always use it as a way to get pity from others. Corey, by taking the high road and not saying much, doesn't give her that. She ends up looking like an idiot when she attacks him because it is all one sided. He was also the one who wouldn't take her back when SHE wanted to ditch Germs for him. HE moved on from the supposedly irresistible Leah to a loving marriage to a stable, nice woman. That must really, really chap her ass. I also tend to think Leah&Germs are cut from the same or similar cloth, ie. white trash rednecks made good. Corey is kind of rednecky but the Simms have always struck me as a bit more classy then the Messers, anyway.
  23. "That don't make no sense" is being said on a daily basis in my house. I should probably be ashamed but...nah :)
  24. The next day? Kail would sense a disturbance in the force days before Jo would be awarded his millions and camp out in front of the courthouse, paperwork in hand. Leah and the Messer clan have been clamoring about "the truth, the truth will come out!" for the three or four years I've been watching this mess. I swear, nothing sort of them revealing they are aliens from another galaxy that have been coming undercover in white trash sleeper cells to take over the planet will be worth all of this bull crap they've been spewing about the truth.
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