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Everything posted by gik910

  1. I would love to see Tony developed more- that was really the only thing I did not like about their romance. Specifically, about the stuff you mentioned. I thought I saw a flash of hurt when she made the comment about the boys- but I think it was a deliberate choice on the actor/directors part to not have him react. I think the character gets that Laura wants to move slowly- he is letting her set the pace. I would love to see him voice his concerns about Jake too!
  2. I mean- Tony is seriously perfect. Like, beyond perfect. Breaking them up (and going for Laura/Jake redux) might actually make me stop watching. The thing that made this stand out from other procedurals for me, was how they were portraying the divorce situation. She was a mother with a job moving on from this sad thing that happens to so many people. I liked it because her romance was a bit to the side- where it is irl for many women, but it was a well developed, responsible relationship. They talked to each other, there were not any dramatics, just two people falling for one another. It was nice. I like Jake when he is being a good dad and a good boss- not a lovelorn puppy trying to win her affections back. I thought for a second last week they might go that route with Frankie and him, but I doubt that now. I just don't want Tony to go...but if he does, please let it be because Laura decides she is just not ready yet. Not because she is considering Jake.
  3. Did anyone else get the sense that this is actually an episode they filmed earlier than the other that have aired? There was just something that felt a bit different about it to me... Chrissy was way toned down, tolerable even, and made a few actually funny cracks. It seemed like everything was relaxed. LL did a slightly longer sign off. It just felt like this may have been one of the first few they actually filmed. While the Houghs are not my favorite people (really I wish Julianne would stick to dancing, because she is a stunning dancer) I kind of love that she did a Lonley Island song.
  4. Laura figured out Frankie had lost her husband in the first or second episode after she had been introduced. Frankie asked her to not to bring it up with the others. Not sure how I feel about Jake being shot. One of the aspects I really enjoy about this show is the portrayal of divorced parents still raising children together but being their own entity. Also, I really like Tony, so I don't want to see him and Laura break things off because she has unresolved feelings for Jake. They have done such a good job of showing her moving on.
  5. Just found it today and I am a few episodes in. Pretty enjoyable actually. Lots of great guest stars! ETA- Ok, ended up marathoning. Really enjoyable, a little bit twisted, and filled with a ton of likable if strange characters.
  6. I have no great love for Skye, but are we honestly supposed to feel sorry for the tac team that was sent to capture/eliminate her? While other Shield may have some points about how things went down & Fury's style- they have to know that committees don't inspire loyalty. Also, their agents leave a lot to be desired. How many people did it take to overrun the base and Coulson & Sky still got away and May is obviously only still there by choice... I was excited by the ending, Hunter is becoming a fun character! Man, Nick Fury is going to be so pissed when he comes back.
  7. I am so glad that they decided Beks should not be alone, but maybe think about actually looking for the kids that the witches say are missing. Like, someone at some point has told them what Eva was actually doing, right? She is using the kids as a battery, so clearly she is getting stronger... I did love Klaus' giant sigh when Haley said we need to talk. Cami didn't suck. That's something.
  8. We watched on our Roku via the Yahoo Screen Channel and there were no commercials (my husband actually pointed out how awesome it was) and no freezing/cutting at all.
  9. Just finished watching both episodes and I have to say I am really happy! I genuinely laughed out loud a few times each episode. Frankie's intro was handled well, being able to leave Greendale was exciting, it was awesome to see some of the other bit players again, & everyone really played to their strengths. I would totally watch The Butcher & the Baker (Yvette looks great!), Hard Drive & Wing Man, and Portugese Gremlins. I hope we get little absurdist bumps like this every episode. I feel pretty great about this season!
  10. I love it when Dembe actually speaks!!! Would the detective even be able to keep investigating while Keene was in chambers with the judge? Also, as others have pointed out, much of what the task force did would have made national news- the FBI involvement just would not have been mentioned. Plus, is it so hard to imagine that there are major criminals that the criminal justice system does not know about? This episode was so frustrating. Harold kicks ass. I hope he doesn't die.
  11. So I have decided that I just want to listen to Cruella dish on stuff. "Sheriff Chisel Chin" had me rolling (I see how the blood diamonds thing is in poor taste, but I will admit I laughed). I am willing to overlook the fact that she does not belong if she keeps getting to say stuff like this. I am less taken with Ursula and my biggest issue with Mal is how flawless I know the actress can do campy and how Pam was a thousand more times awesome than Mal. Also, she roasted those guards with no issues to what? Avoid taking a longer route...I can't say I blame Snow for choosing not to work with the QoD to stop the curse. I just do not understand why any of these people think not telling Emma the truth is the best possible path- especially after the Frozen storyline. It is so unbelievably frustrating. However, Snow and David interrupting Emma/Hook was hysterical. My guess is Maleficent lost the baby due to the Dark curse (wether the baby died, or she had to send it away is besides the point.) It is all technically Regina's fault. The bs about them having to do something in order to make sure Emma was good is ridiculous. Everyone has potential for both great darkness and great light- everyone. No matter the circumstances of their birth or who their parents are.
  12. I forgot how attractive Tom was. I'd watch hours of him getting ready for various assignments. Also, that German cover that way playing while he prepped was awesome. Red bidding on himself was a delight. I don't like the story for Harold- but I do like dark Harold!
  13. We liked it. I can actually see my husband doing some of those things if he were alone on the planet. I like absurdist humor so it works for me.
  14. To be fair, there really is not much to like or respect about Luscious as he is presented now. He let his wife rot in prison (and then divorced her), has let his eldest son cover for him on numerous occasions while berating his perceived lack if talent, his relationship with Jamal can speak for itself, and he is trying to mold Hakeem into a version of himself but ignoring how not having his mother around has effected his development, oh and he is a murderer. If I were Andre- I would run to someone who was nothing like my family as well. I think the thing that really bugs is that Luscious has moments where I can see the man underneath the superstar. Like when he intervened with Cookie and Hakeem. But Andre does not experience those moments. As the CFO, he is tasked with keeping the dream financially afloat, which will always put him at odds with "the music" in Lu's eyes. (Which again is such bullshit because you do not build an empire like that without making sound financial decisions.) RIght!?!?! Andre is not exactly a puppy dog or easy to handle and Rhoda does not seem like the type of woman that is all about the leisure life. From what they have show us so far, she works hard herself.
  15. When did Rhonda try to pit Andre against his family- without his directive? Luscious basically told the boys all right one of you is getting control of the Empire so have at it. Show me who wants it more ( but told Andre he has no soul, told Jamal he can't because he is gay, and seemed to put his money on Hakeem. A teenager with mommy issues.) The only time Rhonda did something actively was when she called Andre to her shoot, to show him Tianna & her girlfriend, and then post the pictures. Which Andre was fully aware of. She was the one who hesitated when Andre wanted to send those idiots over to Jamals' studio session. All of her actions have been that of a supportive wife. They may have a non-traditional marriage that others don't understand, but everything else shows a woman who loves her husband, understand his needs, is aware of and actively trying to help him with his mental health, and fully has his back when his own family (the people that should already know about stuff like that- and at least it seems Vernon does) constantly put him on the outside. Because he is not a musician. The way Andre is treated did not happen over night- and if my husbands father used him like that, you can be damn sure I'd work my ass off to make sure my husband got his piece. Hell, I'd burn the place to the ground. As usual, loved Cookie in this episode, especially with Hakeem! The coming out was fantastic - loved the song. I also don't buy for a second that the Legacy project is dead. Way to much of a show stopper for Lu to ignore- the press around it alone would be a gold mine. He can bitch all he wants to about the truth and the music, but the fact is you do not build an empire without the business (or profit) behind it.
  16. I love how all those comments are basically- "Why didn't the show runner stick to his gun and his vision. He let the fans change his vision!" Look I am all for sticking to an artistic vision. Tell the story that you want to tell. However, if the people watching the show are no longer interested for whatever reason (super lame family drama when there is an apocalypse happening)- yes in tv you have to course correct because you want another season. Also, wasn't Katrina supposed to die in the pilot episode? Wasn't that the original story they were going to tell? I tuned in for a genre show- I got an awesome revisionist history, a kickass villain, 2 leads with incredible chemistry (chemistry is not just romantic chemistry!), and a solid supporting cast (Jenny, Irving, Andy). They went away from that in the second season- there were a variety of things that contributed to that, but the CFD was the main one (that is not just on Katrina- those jerks made me not love John Noble who played like 500 different versions of 1 character and I loved them all in his last show...) So yeah, a course correction and clean slate are the way to get back to the basics.
  17. I'm just going to hang out here for the rest of the night I guess. Again, I have to second this. I started this show because I love genre television. Revisionist history, magic, fantasy, all that is my jam! I didn't know who Nicole or Tom were (I did know John & Orlando- who was the biggest acting draw for me.) When I started to read about it- after I was already hooked, that is when I realized what a big deal it was as a diverse cast. And then they tried to kill it. And they utterly misused John Noble (which might be a bigger crime for me than Katrina...no. She was the worst, but what they did with him was close.) So this hard reset is a good thing. I'll be waiting for the renewal!
  18. This! So much this. This episode was a callback to early season one, in more ways than the obvious parallels. All the little character moments (Ichabod's interaction with technology), the comedy (Franklin), the holy crap! moments (Franklin beheaded), and using the natural chemistry Tom & Nicole have together. Which means Goffman knows it is there! You do not have to ship them to appreciate that they work well together. I am so enjoying the comments in that article now though....the Katrina fans are there to defend. Also, I miss Andy. Can John Cho come back for Season 3?
  19. http://tvline.com/2015/02/23/sleepy-hollow-season-3-spoilers-mark-goffman/ Goffman's take after the finale. Here is the first Q/A So, I am going to call bullshit on this answer, BUT I'll give it a pass because I am so relieved about what happened. But yeah- bullshit answer.
  20. So, I usually watch on Hulu next day- shorter commercials, pause/rewind etc, and my antenna does not always cooperate but I figured I would do my part and watch live tonight. Despite all the missteps I really do love this show and I want a 3rd season. I love, love, love that Abbie gave 0 fucks when she was in the past and all the mirroring of the pilot episode. So many solid Abbie/Ichabod moments but I wish the time travel was a bit more important. Still that end gives me hope. Those 4 are the ones I want to see together! DH happened to be eating with me when Katrina bit it. My reaction was a very emphatic "Good." Him- "Not a fan, huh?" Me- "Not so much." Him- "How will the internets react" Me- "Pretty much the same as me." Him- "Well, then. Want to tell me about it?" Me- "I don't have that kind of time right now." Him- "You wanted to build a bridge out of her, didn't you?" Me- "That's why I love you."
  21. They did not really mention it but I don't think that event takes away from this one. Her father dies after abandoning her, coming back to torture her, and sort of coming around. While she may have forgiven him for everything he did- that emotional connection was nowhere near the relationship she had with her mother. Sometimes the loss of one parent does effect a person more than the other, but it is not because they don't love the each parent. Plus, after her dad dies she still has her mom, who is Caroline's anchor. I am cautiously curious about where they are going with the (predictable and well worn) switch-flip. At the very least it will Candice some different stuff to work with. She has been knocking out of the park lately but I imagine it has to be exhausting. While I hate the Gemini story line (aside from Kai- he is fantastic), I did laugh when Jo was basically STFU to Alaric at the initial proposal. So happy Bonnie is back. Let's hope the writers remember she is here now!
  22. http://tvline.com/2015/02/23/sleepy-hollow-season-2-finale-tom-mison-ichabod-abbie-katrina/ Interview with Mison. I am optimistic!
  23. I have been saying it from the start! I do want to know more - but I am ok if they draw it out. One or 2 scenes like the shower one (maybe not that dramatic) every episode or so should add even more depth. I also want to point out that to me it seemed Rhonda's was legitimately sorry about Luscious' diagnosis and Andre's reaction to it. Plus girl was rocking that dress. Also kudos to both actors- with some big names in this show and some great acting their scenes really did stand out tonight. That is exactly the way I expect someone like Andre to react. Grief is such a crazy emotion- and with an ALS diagnosis it just drags that out. I know this is a night time soap- but it really is the strongest when it actually focuses on the family and their dynamics. Like everyone else- Anika did lose any and all sympathy I might have had for her. Screwing with someone's sobriety is just not cool, man. I honestly thought she was smarter than that. Cookie openly flirting with Malcolm - perfect. His non-reaction was hysterical. I really did love Hakeem & Jamal's song tonight- Dire Straits make everything better.
  24. I could not find it- but yes to Elijah moving in with Marcel & getting with the hottness of Gia. That one training scene they had was full of more chemistry, passion, and desire than any scene he has shared with Hayley (including the sexy-times). I need Elijah to be less emo- he is making me sad. I don't want emo Elijah, one perfect manly tear or not. I do so enjoy Klaus when he is being Machiavellian. That shot of him above the ceremony was just pitch perfect. If we could get that Klaus, along with the one the was with Kol when he died I would have nothing to complain about. I do echo the sentiments that the wedding was really beautiful and baby Hope is adorable! Cami as babysitter is the roll she should stay in.
  25. Loved the Raven reveal. I am pretty firmly on Rhonda's train- I just want to follow her around and listen to her comments about everything! Asking about the engagement was just the best. Poor Michael. Just a decent guy trying to hold on to his love.
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