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Everything posted by applecrisp

  1. Granny's place is interesting-open all hours, a coffee house/diner/bar and also a romantic spot for dates. I would have thought she would have kicked out the evil threesome.
  2. I know off topic but how did you like Being Erica?
  3. It ran late for me so I deleted it. Hope they show it again.
  4. I am just glad everyone thought the detective was a jerk. Sometimes when I watch these shows I have a strong reaction,like with the cop. I come here and mostly everyone agrees. Makes me feel better.
  5. The way Becca was portrayed was disappointing. She really did seem to jump from guy to guy. I just did not see why Lolly was so upset, she had told Becca she was OK with her dating Kevin. Also, she did not end up with Kevin so what happened? Even if she sought him out after she split up with Sean, she ultimately ends up with Andy.
  6. Just wanted to say, I really like Web of Lies, too, Maizie. The one with Texas A&M professor was heartbreaking. His poor wife. Also, the latest Vanity Fair Confidential with J.R. Robinson was crazy. So sad nobody looked for the Dr.'s ex wife.
  7. There is a thread for the ID network under Misc TV talk , then it is under networks. Paula Zahn's show is on ID. Also, sorry about the change in Dateline's schedule. They pulled the episode for Aspen. Web of Lies,too.
  8. The Dateline episode is going to be shown this Friday.
  9. I think anger management classes would be great for Harry. Now if there were only a way to parenting classes for Rosie...
  10. You do have the right to remain silent. I guess I would want someone with me. But what about the bill.
  11. Very sad about this and also Nimoy. Von Bargan was in a lot of good stuff and was a great character actor. I remember him fondly as George's boss, Mr. Kruger on Seinfeld. He was only on four episodes but I remember them so well and have not watched a Seifeld show in years. So sad.
  12. What does Hector think a lawyer would do to win this case? Of course you would have to look at the child's family. The gloves are off. It was Rosie out for blood.
  13. AGEE! Caananite2. I wish I could give you 100 likes. Just a rant. I really want to see a show that highlights these cases. We have seen it happen over and over. Look at all the hours that were spent on the Casey Anthony case, people protested in front of her parents home, for pete's sake.* I have read that there are websites devoted to Amanda Knox, pro and con. Time and energy wasted IMO. The Peterson case, the baby in the hot car case-sorry forgot the names-so much time spent on one case. Of course anything Nancy Grace is obsessing about. She is too pro-prosecutor to care about these cases. Even in this forum you see it. There are always more comments about these cases than the ones where the person is clearly guilty. We want to see justice. We are invested because unless 48 hours misrepresented this case, our legal system is broken and innocent people are paying the price. So many lives ruined and I do not think the streets are safer because Melissa is in prison. *Just wanted to add, where do people have the time and energy to make posters and stand out in front of someone's yard. Who has the energy to devote a website to one person?? This will forever baffle me. Off topic, I feel the same about people who take time out of their day to tweet a celebrity to say "I think you are ugly."
  14. Good for you Lordonia! I could never be a cop and I think there are good ones out there. Maybe their needs to be more laws for interrogating a person, like they have in Maryland. So many states now have Innocence Projects because the police and prosecutors have railroaded people. The human toll is incalculable but it also ties up our court systems and is very expensive. I was very impressed with the reporter who had to change her job.
  15. This thread has been slow. Have been watching some shows but the same old stories. I tried to watch Mind Of A Murderer but have a hard time listening to these people. They seem like regular people and I just don't want them to get any more attention. I still want a show about the exonerated. I think it would be fascinating and may help others. On 48 Hours they had a case where they are trying to get a new trial for a young woman who gave a false confession. They do exist and I want the public to know.
  16. I think Melissa is in good hands with Zellner. Why are there no rules when interrogating a suspect? We have seen time and time again that people will make a false confession if kept in a room for long hours being told you did it. Also, she was a little slow and did not know her rights. So much heartache, time and expense for not getting a good outcome.
  17. You have a very interesting take on religion. There was an HBO show called Enlightenment written by Mike White who is gay and grew up as a minister's son. On one episode Laura Dern's character encourages her ex- boyfriend to go to rehab and he talks about a higher power. He decides that he has no faith but he can hold on to hers. That is enough for him. Mike White the writer said the same thing about his relationship with his dad. I found his take somewhat comforting.
  18. Glad so many responded and I am glad I watched this. I thought WOW this guy is really something. I,too, wished they had not given Tyler so much air time he was sooo manipulative. What has happened to religion in this country? So many crazies! I just can't believe it. I hope they know they are pushing people away. Bethany was a devout, probably conservative Christian and was not equipped to deal with the situation. That doesn't mean she committed suicide, though. I know what you mean. The police still have to prove the case. It is almost to the point I side-eye anyone who proclaims to be religious and I don't want to be that person.
  19. Life is tough for everyone, even the privileged. What bothers me is these people have resources that many of us don't have. Caregiving is always hard, some people do it and keep down a job and may have other obligations. I am more and more disgusted by this show and all of the conspicuous consumption. Lets all whine because we have to take a limo to Malibu, it's sooo far away. I think their priorities are all screwed up. It used to be fun and light or so I told myself. I think I would watch this train wreck and feel a little better because even rich people are not always happy. In a way,I felt a little superior to them because I am not so shallow. I am a little embarrassed to say that because it is no different from watching Hoarders( who I think have mental issues). I think reality TV has made us a little less compassionate and a little meaner. How many people watched Honey Boo Boo to see people who were on the margins of society - fat and stupid. I would like to say I won't watch any more, but I can't be certain I will. I just think it is not the best thing for me. I am becoming a little less compassionate and a little more jaded. RHoBH is not the only reason though. I think I need a little soul searching.
  20. Apparently the writing staff was as well. On the AV Club website Adam F. Goldberg posted that, he explained it happened very clearly in the '90's so they did not use it.
  21. Loved me some George Segal and his banjo. I used to love him on Johnny Cason.
  22. Agree. A lot happened in that month. Adam was a coward. What is Hannah going to do about the wall.
  23. Anybody watch on Friday the 13th? I just could not believe the ex daughter in law. She got away with murder and I kinda feel the prosecutors could have made some charge stick.
  24. I know the ancient text seemed unbelievable. I see all those rare books and think they should be handled with more care. I did like that the fire happened on Nero's watch. Was he not responsible for the fire? I just love the houses they show. I love the craftsman style and would take that any day over the Mcmansions we see. How bland they are.
  25. auntjess sorry to hear that. I have a friend who is getting the runaround right now. They seem to think her ex is an okay guy.
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