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Everything posted by rollacoaster

  1. I did too! It was just so goofy.The way it looked like she fell, Fallon should have had some scrapes, bruises, a limp, something. She flopped into that grave like a ragdoll. Cristal pushed her so casually, as if on a whim. Cristal is an interesting character to me. It was a powerful moment when she made clear that her allegiance was with the Carringtons. Also impressive? Fallon being able to deliver her lines while her driver was kissing her boobs. Speaking of him, I caught that hostility he was throwing toward Colby. I wonder is Colby is at all aware of it.
  2. I enjoy Jennifer's energy, talent, and enthusiasm. Watching her figure out how to play this game is entertaining. She and Kelly are a fun coaching team, and it totally feels like they are great friends in real life.
  3. So far, all the singers are really excellent. The winners are bringing just that little bit extra. It has been apparent in each round who the winner will be.
  4. That first battle was epically entertaining! Lucas DID that! Man! He put on a SHOW! Megan sang, but Lucas just killed it. He was extra, and I'm here for it.
  5. This is my new trashy pleasure! It's awesome and terrible, and I can't wait to see where it goes. I like that Cristal isn't a doormat, and watching her skip down the aisle in a delirium of savage, performative joy made me laugh out loud. Digging the bridal pantsuit. That butler is not one to screw with.
  6. Yeah, cuz no strawberries were harmed in making of it, but, for sure, it's red, lol!
  7. We've celebrated Juneteenth in Texas as long as I can remember. Makes sense, though, cuz that date was particularly pertinent to us. I've alway wondered why Black folk don't celebrate January 1, 1863, the date President Lincoln formally issued the Emancipation Proclamation, or Dec. 6, 1865, the day the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified and slavery officially abolished.
  8. This, all day long! That was the dynamic I sensed. Kenya actually voiced discomfort with Amy deferring to her. Plus, Amy was shady on the Runway, what with mocking the designs along with the judges and acting all "Can you believe this shit?" Kenya looked so hurt and angry, and I can't say that I blame her. Amy definitely threw Kenya under the bus.
  9. Just catching up on the episode.... I always feel so bad for the clients when they love and feel great about what's been designed for them, and the outfit gets shredded by the judges. I don't understand why Ayana's model chose to wear a peach satin bathrobe out in public over her street clothes. Battani's outfit was vibrant and beautiful! I don't really find it costume-y, as I know Black women who would rock that look, or similar, on a daily basis. I kept trying to see the cool in Kenya's design. I stare at it, and, just when I feel on the verge of getting it, it eludes my grasp. It did look well made. Brandon's.........I was really concerned that the model was gonna trip on those dangling straps. Samantha's didn't bother me. In brighter colors, maybe it could have been interesting. She put a lot of work in, and some interesting details, but it all got lost in the dark color palette. Ya'll think she might be getting the save? Heidi commented on how bummed Samantha looked.
  10. I agree! She seemed so lost up there. At least Simon went to her, and Mel B.
  11. Man, both those kids are nervous! They both keep scrunching up their skirts and can't maintain their smiles. I did think Angelica was leaving next. I figured Light Balance and Darci for final 2.
  12. Dammit! Angelica just gets me! She really looked scared. So sweet of her to run to hug Kechi, and for Kechi to comfort her when she collapsed. She really is just a little girl. I love Darci and think she is fabulously talented, but Angelica has a spot in my heart. Darci hugged Angelica, too! I'm cool with the final five, and I'd be fine with Darci winning.
  13. The live finale results thread wasn't open earlier. We are an impatient lot. :)
  14. I don't understand what Shania is wearing. Or anything happening onstage around her.
  15. I think Light Balance just took it. Angelica's performance made me cry, dammit.
  16. I have always hated jumpsuits and I don't understand their resurgence. Being basically naked in a public restroom stall is not for me.
  17. I love her, too! The pairing is a disappointment, but, hopefully, Lindsey can overcome it.
  18. The judges seemed to really enjoy this show! I'm gonna go back and watch it again and savor the fabulous designs. Tim had some major stank face, though. I COVET Kenya's suit!!! That was design and tailoring perfection. Loved the drama and theatricality of Batani's design. I love her personal style, and she is a great dancer. Her model didn't seem to understand the concept of snake arms. When Heidi pointed out that she had doubled the fabric so that both sides of the cape were vibrant, that showed just what a thoughtful a designer she is. Brandon's was so high fashion! I wouldn't wear it, but I enjoy it as a work of art. There is a marvelous zen quality with a funky edge about it that intrigues me. Combined with the model's hair and makeup, I could see this on an attendee at AfroPunk Fest. I wasn't offended by either of the twins' looks. They would be so hard to work with, though! Must be so hard to concentrate with that disruptive energy around. I don't think they mean to be disrespectful, they seem immature, hyper and self-absorbed. The designers seem to get along very well and genuinely like each other. They help each other out, like on Face/Off.
  19. I wish there was a laughter emoji for this statement, like on Facebook. This is hilariously true. I found this episode very satisfying. So much tension and personal beef between characters in that dragon pit! So many awesome cutting soap opera glances. Arya looked around that room at all those soldiers like, "Shit, now I gotta kill all these dudes. Ok, let's get this show on the road." Littlefinger grovelling like the worm he is was so delicious! His death pleased me. I wished they had shown Arya wiping the blood off the dagger. I was quite touched by Theon and Jon's conversation. Theon seemed hearten by it, and so grateful for Jon's forgiveness. I'll admit, I am pulling for his redemption, much like Tyra was pulling for Tiffany. Cersei let both her brothers live. Huh! The look on her face when Jaime walked out on her was priceless.
  20. That rollerskating brother and sister would fit right in on Game of Thrones.
  21. I just went to youtube to check out "Fear None". I'm at work, so I watched with the sound off, and this performance gave me CHILLS. I can't wait to watch it with the sound on when I get home for the full effect.
  22. Dassy was my favorite dancer of the night. What she did was so unexpected and well done, and I totally agreed with a previous poster about her dance attire. What she wore totally enhanced her dance. The shirt in particular enhanced the movement, and added a nice sensuality without being over the top sexy. Her style reminds me of a fusion dancer named Anasma. And, speaking of dance fusions...........I was really pulling for the belly dancing cowboy. I wanted him to be awesome. The basic elements are there, but he needs to train with some actual belly dancers and hip hop dancers to strengthen his foundation in both dance forms. He looked good in that hip scarf, tho.
  23. Lol! My daughter totally agrees with you! In fact, she confused Diana with the young female contemporary dancer from the previous week. She totally thought they were the same person.
  24. Ah! Speaking of boosts from comic book movie franchises: Wonder Woman! Her culture is Greek god focused! Rick Riordan's book series have no doubt given them a boost of visibility as well. Roman, Egyptian, and now Norse deities, too.
  25. That solo dancing girl is some sort of sorceress. I'm generally not a fan of contemporary, and I figured she'd be technically proficient, yet emotionless and boring. I was pulling for the group, they had emotion, and a meaningful dance storyline and props, but, I'll be damned if that girl with her creepy, bendy body and crazy intensity didn't ensnare me.
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