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Everything posted by Twopper

  1. Poor Truly. I hate seeing this. I agree she should have been told first or at least not last. Kody needs to shut up.
  2. We did day trips to Salem when we were at Hanscom AFB, but this was before Hocus Pocus came out. I would love to get back, but not in October. I hate crowds. Mr. Twopper was in a production of The Crucible a few years ago
  3. I gave the back a second look. I like the low back, but I just noticed the straps and how much they do not leave to the imagination. What a difference from the wedding gowns the four “wives “ had !! I do wish them well. At the rate this group is unraveling, they will all be together only at weddings and funerals.
  4. For some reason, I thought Garrison bought a house, and Gabe got an apartment; I am probably wrong, but this comment reminded me of what my BIL did with his RV. He bought a really, really nice one which he and his wife used to take their 3 boys on cross country road trips. When the oldest boy was in his second year of college, they moved it to an rv park near the university so he could live rent free off campus. The rv park was filled with students. I think the second boy joined him 2 years later. The third boy lived in it for a year or two, but he decided to join the military, and the parents took the RV back. They retired, and did a lot of traveling before giving it to the oldest son Last I heard he has put in on the market as his wife has been diagnosed with very early dementia. So I was thinking maybe Gabe could live in, but maybe not on the property. It will be interesting to see where Savannah ends up after graduation
  5. I like the dress from the back but this clueless old lady is an old fogey who finds the neckline too revealing. I am guessing the wedding was not in a church.
  6. I need a gallon of eye and brain bleach. is the wedding still scheduled? I forgot the original date which I think had a connection to Leon’s birthday. I can’t believe I remembered that they discussed the date. I am so ashamed of myself.
  7. And also perpendicular ! Oh,never mind. Someone beat me to it
  8. One of the things that makes me sad about Savannah is that I remember how excited she was about Robin’s girls—especially Breanna— joining the family because they would be close to her age/grade. At Ysabel’s party, Ysabel mentioning being close to one of them; I think she was in the class with Aurora. Maybe these four get along better than we think? Or not? For some reason I found Meri’s crackle about breakfast funny— maybe because she has been so unpleasant to watch. Sure, she could have fixed breakfast, but then they were drop-in type guests so they should have offered to take everyone out for breakfast. I have no idea the distance so maybe they needed an early start. I am glad to see I wasn’t the only one concerned about two women out in the middle of nowhere on that lot, although I am not sure how far it is from civilisation and inhabited homes
  9. Thanks for the update. The timeline on this show makes my head hurt. so living in the RV was basically for the show. They should have just gotten a new rental when the house she was in sold, although I guess if it was still during the academic year maybe she did have trouble finding something Nothing else is going on in this show except a bunch of talking heads
  10. One of my favorite state parks-Grayson Highlands—has yurts. They really are just glorified tents as they have no amenities. We haven’t had a chance to try them out. does someone know where Janelle and Savannah are living now. I understand the RV is stored for winter. It seems silly to use it for 2-3 months then need a rental for the winter. I don’t understand any of these people.
  11. I am gobsmacked about this retreat. I had thought it was on a cruise ship, but I just realized it is at her bandb. I just peaked at the info on her web site. I wonder how many people she is expecting. The house won’t hold that many people and she mentioned putting the overflow in rooms elsewhere. Where? Does she have a block of rooms reserved at a hotel? I see applications close next week. It will be interesting to see how many people sign up. Is this for other Lularoe coaches? Do they all hold these retreats and people attend each others’ retreats. Seems possibly sketchy. Will TLC be filming part of it?
  12. I seem to recall a discussion about the loan she took out having a clause that she couldn’t live in the bnb. I think it was in this thread, because I doubt it would have come up in the episodes where she was pitching this to the fambly as a group investment. I cannot imagine she would want to live there anyway especially with Bonnie gone. speaking of Bonnie, the book makes it pretty clear that Bonnie was a big believer in polygamy. Maybe I am reading too much in between the lines, but I came away with the impression that Meri was under pressure from her mother to stay. I came away with fairly negative feelings toward Bonnie. That being said I know how painful losing a mother is. Also I think much of her anger is at herself for bringing Robin into the nest and not standing up to kody when he brought Janelle in. Also I don’t think she is all that close with Leon. these people are all a mess.
  13. I rilly think the RV life with Janelle and Savannah was 80% plot device because it gives them a reason to focus on coyote pass which is another plot device since the idea of building the Polygamous Mansion was never going to happen. It also gives them something to comment about. I have a comment about Mary but I will take it to her thread later. Christine cannot sing; I was not impressed with any of the singing. it was interesting to hear that Ysabel feels close to Robyn’s girls as I would’ve never guessed it from the show.
  14. I forgot the name of the school, but I think it was a state school so I thought she would be on the hook for out-of-state tuition. I was expecting him to flip out. No spoiler. My bad.
  15. Why are kody and Janelle sitting together with Robyn and Christine doing the Covid distancing
  16. Are they talking about Ysabel going to school in fall 2021? Spring semester 2022?
  17. Well, she didn’t know his truck can’t pull it. I thought it was one that she could drive, not a trailer
  18. These people are never going to build anything
  19. Haven’ t chatted in forever. The time line for this gives me a headache since so much is such old news.
  20. Ha!! I think I am heading over to the live chat for the sister wife idiocy. It is so behind real life events it is almost unwatchable. I am ready for Janellexit.
  21. The vegan oatmeal cookies from Publix are better than their regular ones. You’re welcome.
  22. This is why I am recording the show so I can watch it in 15 minutes by skipping everyone I hate the most. At the moment we are watching Perry Mason.
  23. I want him to get together with Angela. Then they can both get off my tv. She seems to have violent tendencies.
  24. Larry’s episode is playing. I was channel surfing for something to watch before football. Our daughter is now a professor at Alabama, and they don’t play until later. I occasionally stop at the cable news channels to see if they are showing stuff from London. Anyway, I didn’t see a regular thread for him—I did not look hard—but it sounds like he didn’t do so good based on the final page of the live chat. I am sure I must have seen this when it aired, but so far my memory is blank. His narration and music is making me sleepy.
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