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Everything posted by wintrygal

  1. I'd pay to see that happen, it would be so funny, I think there are people who want her gone!
  2. I know, I thought the same thing! He's wandering into Survivor Jeff's territory sometimes.
  3. I am officially sick of Keifer, come on, what more proof do you need of where you stand in your alliance, when they're the only people who tried to vote you out last week--you're on the bottom! It dosen't matter that they did it to save a stronger alliance member, you are dispensable to them. His speech was terrible, and Kiefer? Respect is earned and works both ways. No one owes you a 'heart felt' apology, it's Big Brother, they're playing the game same as you are. Does he also realize that even tho there are a lot of duos in the house, there is also a trio right under his nose, and within his so called alliance, with Beth and the Bros? God these people are so frustrating to watch.
  4. I'm enjoying this season so far also. I like that no one is bowing down to the presumed stronger players in the hope that they will garner favor in the weeks to follow and be dragged along. Victoria plays without fear, which is refreshing. I expect she will be a target if the bros win HOH. I love how they caved into her demands tho, don't know if I've ever seen that. I didn't care for Latoya at all, so glad she's gone, she came across as very arrogant in my opinion. Her saying over and over that Victoria was never her target, how was Victoria supposed to know that?
  5. I did feel bad for Josh, he was rather lost the whole time, tho he did seem to be one of the few who realized that the Bros would most likely be forming an alliance, he just didn't see how many were aligned. I'm glad the team thing is done, gives more options for nominations.
  6. Is this the screechiest bunch of houseguests so far or is it just me? Good gravy! The HOH reveal was ear piercing. I find Austin as irratingly loud as Beth & Victoria, they seem like they sing their sentences, annoying as hell. God, I'm old..
  7. Freighttrain was looking more like the 'little engine that maybe could' for a while there, but he got it done in the end. I'm kind of rooting for Dirty Hands, can't warm up to Scott at all, tho he's likely a nice person.
  8. I'm amazed more of them didn't slip on those steps or even on the dock as there was slime everywhere, I don't care for that guy, but would hate to see someone incur a serious injury, didn't seem well thought out to me.
  9. I enjoyed it also, enjoyed the whole season actually. Congrats Will & James.
  10. I get D&G's disappointment, and how it would make a person feel, no problem there, but, they were a willing part of that alliance all along and in part, helped and got help in staying ahead of the other teams who were eliminated, anyway, it is what it is. I watch so many shows now where alliances are a big part of the game, I've become desentized to it, so it really didn't bother me that much. I wouldn't mind seeing Gary on the race again, he's a very well rounded person, seems like a great guy.
  11. D'Angelo's shitty attitude towards Phil at the end was rather telling, perhaps giving a clue as to why they fell to the bottom of the alliance, we don't get to see everything. I'm sure there were lots of other people who would have loved a chance to be on the show, even some who could afford to 'pay for it themselves'.
  12. I really thought Vanessa would finish higher than 4th, that skate last night was awesome, and got a 6.0 from all the judges, but I guess the fan votes let them down. I'd love to see her and Asher skate together, they'd be wonderful. All the teams were so good, I wouldn't want to be put on the spot to pick a winner actually. Seems like this show just began and now it's over🙁.
  13. Eladje was looking particularly handsome tonight, so rocked that plaid jacket, just had to mention that in case anyone missed it, lol..
  14. A couple of these hockey players could have had careers as Figure skaters, they're so natural, I do wish as someone stated above that they just accumulate points throughout the competition and announce the combined scores at the end, that way we'd get to see some more great skating and how all the teams improve. Sad to see Katelyn go, she and Andrew have always been one of my favorite Dance teams.
  15. Thanks for this info, I only saw one epidsode here (Canada), and couldn't figure out what was going on, happy I'll get to see it next week!
  16. CBC nees to figure out their schedule, Dragons Den taped for both hours, and God I hate that show! Battle was on in the 2nd hour, would have missed it if I'd been out.
  17. Vanessa is currently doing Battle of the Blades here in Canada, she ended up in the skate off tonight against Eric Radford and his partner but the judges scores tied it, so they all got to stay, really fun to watch.
  18. I was happy to have it end in a tie, tho I imagine it was planned. I like and am impressed by all the skaters, and I'm just so happy to have some skating back on my TV, something I looked forward too every fall, I miss it. Covid sucks...
  19. He'd still be sitting there trying to eat his way through them!
  20. One move I never liked in skating is the 'headbanger', can't believe that Kaitlyn Weaver did that the second week, with a hockey player! I actually yelled out loud..nooo!
  21. I wonder if they'll be having a double eviction soon? Most likely it would be two of the four not in the big alliance who would go, mercy killing in my opinion, even if these four could win a power I predict they'd go running to the Douche Alliance to tell them what to do with it. At least with double eviction nights, the main players would have to start picking each other off sooner rather than later. I only watch the eviction night episodes now, as these people are as dull as dirty dishwater.
  22. I like all the contestants this season, they all have the potential to win, barring any disasters. I actually have the book Joe mentioned as his inspiration, called 'The Hatchett', about the young boy being stranded in the wilderness, it's fiction but a very good read.
  23. I think Tony just tripped over his ego, don't care for him, he has an almost maniacal laugh.
  24. What happened to Daryl's dog? Has it even been shown lately, can't remember.
  25. Yes I see it now, it is Wednesday, tks!
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