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Everything posted by wintrygal

  1. This, a hundred times over! Really big move Kuzie, that will go down in history! I've seen this so many times, the women are their own worst enemies, talking a big move and doing the opposite won't get you anything. Why do they all freak out over 'rogue' votes, God forbid someone dare to think for themselves! I literally can't stand the sight of Ty's face, that arrogant smirk and the practiced slighty bored look he has all the time, he has a very high opinion of himself, gag. There's something off about him, I'm glad Claudia sees it. Glad Jonathan was voted safe, (Go Maritimers!) I don't know what to think of Santina, she did say she was going to let the boys just think she was still with them, and I think she meant it but whether any of the women know her plan is a question. I will be amazed if she leaves, the guys will save her. Didn't she find some kind of power or advantage in the library while snooping through the books? Nothing was ever shown about it since? I feel bad for Vanessa, she'll be an easy vote out this week, then back to the status quo. I remember way back when BB Canada first started, they actually had Canada vote to evict a player, was fairly early on in the game, and it was a Bro who got the boot, I did feel bad for him at the time I must admit. But I would love to see them do that again just to see how it would go.
  2. I agree, almost didn't watch as I get so frustrated with these people! Yay Vanessa!, you go girl, blow that house up! I am hopeful I will get to see Zach's ass handed to him sooner rather than later, and he can take Ty with him, what Claudia sees in him I don't know, he talks down to her, and is very dismissive, not good signs. I get such a bad vibe off him, really and truly. Glad Santina is seeing the light and hope Dan listens to her. Poor Jonathan, I get it tho, some people aren't cut out for the backstabbing and lying, I hope he dosen't leave, he hasn't had much screen time and I wanted to see more of him. I will find it funny if Hope gets sent home, I think he only wanted on the block to be able to play in the Veto and win something, but his good friend Zach took the money on him, wake up dude.
  3. I felt really bad for John Michael, I know he came out too strong, but for them all to fall in line like a bunch of sheep, come on people, wake up! I wasn't really surprised that he went home, as they always edit it to look like there's going to be a surprise at the vote, and alas, just more of the same. Why do I watch this I wonder? They formed a whole cast of very similar people/personalities, no one really stands out much at all, can't tell some of them apart, well I John Michael stood out, see where that got him. Could have done without the Junior High smooch giggle session with Claudia and what's his name, I would rather watch the game playing.
  4. My prediction the first epsiode was right, Zach is so annoying, good Lord, just stop talking, definitely coming on too strong as the rest of the 'bros' already appear to be tiring of him, you can actually see them zoning out when he's droning on and on. I'm hoping he'll be going out the door sooner rather than later. He seems to be a bit older than the others to me, too lazy to go look him up to find out. I found the conversation between Ty and Claudia a bit disturbing, he's known her all of five minutes and has issues with her wearing Roberto's sweater? Run girl run.. This season is looking predictable, the girls doing the bidding of the guys, for f...ks sake, play your own game idiots. I fear John Michael is toast, but I would like to see some of his gameplay, tho I don't know about him being the smartest one since he put the target on himself right off the bat by declaring to the boys that he was coming after the boys. But I but still want/wanted to see just what he would do should he get HOH. I wondered too about zach's comment about JM being in love with him, really? I saw no indiciation of that, have they even had a conversation?
  5. The boys alliance will most likely blow up, people were picking up on it before they were all properly introduced, not a good strategy. Zack is going to be annoying I think, pretty much already annoying me... Roberto is rather pretty.
  6. So happy for Keegan! What a great competition for him, he can sure get the audience going. That was worth staying up late to watch the live stream, something I never do. Holy smokes tho, thought some of them were going to collapse on the ice, they were so winded, especially Boyang Jim, he was actually unsteady coming off the ice, nice to see him back and he did pretty good.
  7. I agree about Keegans long program, so well skated, wish he could have landed that quad in the short program. I will miss him next season, he's been fun to watch, I hope he plans to carry on doing Stars and other shows. I loved Gilles/Poirer's free skate, it was skated perfectly, didn't think the marks were too high at all. I didn't see the short programs for any of the ice dance, did they not show it on CBC? I taped all of it tho, so maybe not. I kind of agree about Shoma, always loved him, he's adorable, but am starting to find his prgrams always look the same tho, just to different music. I was surprised that during Madeline's skate there was a glass flower stem on the ice, I thought they banned throwing flowers on the ice ages ago, for obvious reasons, personally I don't think they should be throwing anything on the ice, too risky for the skaters.
  8. Sorry should have clarifed, they're a media corporation company in Canada, Tv, internet etc, also owners of the Toronto Blue Jays baseball team, so yeah, huge company.
  9. Apparently Rogers will now be charging people in order to watch AMC, but only certain shows, the old reruns of movies etc, are still free, but if I want to see the final season of The Walking Dead and Dark Winds, I have to pay $8 and something. Unreal.... I'll wait for the reruns, this makes me so mad. I have followed every season of TWD, and can't watch the last one unless I pay extra, I'm on a pension and pay more than enough now, you can't see me but I'm giving the finger to Rogers.
  10. The brothers doing the happy dance after coming in fourth makes me wish they'd won, what great attitudes they both have, their families must be very proud of them. Winners were ok, I would have liked to see someone win who wasn't aided through part of the race by being in alliance.
  11. B&V are caustic for sure, but they should concentrate on the fact that they are still there by their own merits, no express pass, no alliance like Frenella, who honestly make me grind my teeth with all the shrieking. They also put B&V up for a delay in the race tho I can't remember what type it was, and I'm too lazy to look.
  12. I love it when the evicted person just jumps up and walks out, I always hated all the phoney hugging I love you guys, gag me with a spoon.. I wanted Miichael to win, so don't really care to even watch it now, will read up on here tho, love these posts, wouldn't be too upset with a Turner win, he's done more than the rest that are left I guess..
  13. I'm rooting for Brendan and Connor also, they tend to be upbeat most of the time, and seem like nice guys. That road block was one of the toughest I've seen in a while, would have taken some teams out of the running for sure. I liked Court and Ali also, and am sad to see them go.
  14. I agree someone must last the 50 days, or they wouldn't bother to show it, at least I assume so. I tend to cut them some slack, I can see it would be tempting to try again, when they were approached, I think once they recovered from their first experience, they would..I don't know, not really forget what it was really like maybe, but being offered another chance I could see would make them think it would be easier the second time around, but then they get there, and the reality sinks in, really fast, building another shelter, hunting for food, freezing etc. I honestly think some of them forgot how hard it was and how much they suffered. I felt tired just watching them this time, I mean even more tired than I usually feel in the previous seasons, that's why I watch it sitting in bed, with snacks... you could almost see some of them thinking, what the hell was I thinking? I just can't critize them and why they decided to do it agian, as I could not do anything like that, ever. We had Rogers shut down for 2 days and I nearly lost my mind!
  15. I hate this twist, generally I do sometimes wish for them to shake things up when a large alliance is rolling through, but this alliance to me, is different, they are/were actually enjoyable to watch, great acting skills by all of them. The people not in the alliance were so self absorbed and nasty stupid I cheered each time one of them left. Kyles' parents must be so proud of him, especially watching him hop around on the ground on all fours like he was. I have a nephew who does that sometimes, he's 3. Did Alyssa actually think that was cute?
  16. Great group of Racers, hate to see any of them go home. Canada is so beautiful, sometimes I forget😍.
  17. Only got to watch this today due to Rogers being knocked out all across Canada since Friday. I agree with whoever said above that they had a hard time surviving without the TV, internet etc. I record any shows I want to watch and that was the last thing to start working. I think I'm very spoiled. I am really enjoying this cast, have they ever gone this long (42 days) with so many still in the game? The contestants pretty much are all determined to stay till they are forced out, tough bunch. Did anyone notice when the guy who has the big stone fireplace/stove had the gloves sitting on it, it looked like some kind of creature sitting there with it's hands in its lap, it struck me as funny. I'm rooting for the Canadian guy but like all the others too.
  18. Well I watched the whole thing, cause I don't have a life I guess, but must admit most of the time I didn't have a clue what was going on. If I did drugs I would be wondering if it was me that was high or the people who wrote this script, what a downward spiral, oh, and where did they get all those boats?
  19. Oops, I was a bit off base with that one, sorry.
  20. I want Josh to win, can't stand the other two.
  21. Kevin is an amazingly good actor. I think if I were in that house tho, I'd be wondering just how much of his personality is just acting... I like him but find him kind of annoying at the same time, like lying about being married, who cares? Bitter Betty needs to go, working my last nerve.
  22. I'm glad Jace didn't use the secret power because I like Marty, plus he's from my home province, so there's that, and I also don't want Gino to get his way, how dare anyone try to play the game for themselves Gino, he's actually quite boring I find. I like how he & Jace think they are running the game, seems to be Kevin who's doing that, the guy is smart. I hope Summer goes, does she ever just speak normally, all the posturing, face twisting, finger snapping is so tiresome. I don't really get the outrage of these people whenever they are put on the block or at the mere suggestion that they might be, guess you have to live it, but it's like they all think everyone else is there to play the game for them. Happy for Heleena!
  23. Yesh, Betty to Moose, "I don't even want to talk to you!' then yap, yap, yap, "don't talk to me!", yap, yap, yap! No self awareness whatsoever. It was funny watching Moose try to get a word in, he's pretty laid back it seems. Can you imagine her as HOH, House meeting would be called every 10 minutes while she reams someone a new one.
  24. I can't remember what Kevin did to Betty that caused her to hate him, other than being his annoying self. She does seem to be under the delusion that everyone in there is playing the game for her. with her outrage at being nominated, why shouldn't you be Betty, you are such a threat after all, joke... When she accused Kevin of 'coming after her', (how dare he), I was waiting for him to tell her that everyone was coming after everyone else, it's Big Brother and only one person can win, she can't go fast enough for me. Good episode tho, most of them are so flip floppy it's comical. It will be interesting to see what Gino does. I like Marty, think he's quite smart, and has a pretty good read on the house. I hope he gets to stay for quite a while. Loved the big eyeroll from one of the girls, Meleena maybe, after her conversation with Kyle.
  25. That house would give me a blinding headache and I'd be constantly running into things as it all looks like mirrors, mind you I do that at home, with no mirrors but still.... I was glad to see Jay go, he wasn't very likeable at all. I'm starting to warm up to Jess a bit, tho expect she could be sent packing this week, and I'd be ok with that too. Sumer is over the top, just on all the time, folks like that can be tiring to be around. I can't believe that most of them don't see through Kevins act, comes across as really bad acting, and not sincere at all at least to me, but I guess I know he's putting on an act, and they don't have that advantage so there's that. We haven't seen too much of Kyle so interested in seeing how he handles being HOH.
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