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Everything posted by wintrygal

  1. BB Canada, both seasons were enjoyable, and not just saying that cause I'm Canadian. Granted there was some (ok, quite a bit on the 2nd season), manipulations, but it was very satisfying, to me anyway as it allowed for all the Peckerheads like Frankie to get voted out very early on.
  2. Can you just imagine the over the top histrionics should Frankie make it to final two and actually win, if he makes it to the end? If he does make it, I won't be able to watch the finale either, can't watch the broadcast shows cause just looking at Frankie makes me want to get drunk and play with really sharp objects. These people are sooo stupid.
  3. Ha Ha! Victoria looks like she's on a treadmill and the belt just broke! Thanks for that laugh!
  4. Poor sweet Donny, he could be the love child of Gomer Pyle and Forrest Gump, only much smarter. I think he will go tonight, and I hope the audience is not just cheering loudly but yelling Donny's name over and over. I haven't watched any of the televised episodes lately. I cannot abide Fakey Frankie at all, and I agree with other posters who've noted that his every word and move is very calculated, he has ruined this season for me.
  5. Yes, poor Donny, I don't think he would have been in tears if he'd walked out of that house tonight. I hate Frankie, hate everything about him, and yes, I have seen people flit and fling and prance about like that, but they're always 9 and 10 year olds excited to be heading to the toy department at the freakin WalMart, grow up for pete's sake. Did I mention I hate him? why yes, I did, but it's worth saying twice, and I was about to hit the mute button when Julie asked Victoria that question as I expected it to be about his sister, but then she didn't bite, and I laughed. Rached did look pretty tonight, I don't hate her, but her voice volume button is always set at maximum shriek isn't it?
  6. I would like something interesting to happen also, it is incredibly boring. I don't really have a favorite, tho I do like Donny, Nicole is ok, but man her voice almost busts my ear drums. Would love to see Frankie blindsided, he's the one I find hardest to watch, why can't he just be himself, or can he even remember who he is anymore, with all the fake over the top phoniness. I hate his hair too, tho it's a matter of choice I guess, and why pink? Good Lord, there was one overhead shot of him in last night's show, ugh, honestly it looked like he had a used napkin on his head, a feminine one at that, why would anyone think that's a good look?. Sorry if I grossed anyone out with that comment.
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