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Everything posted by Aim123

  1. The humble contractor is also a model...
  2. Tyler does sound like a meathead, but if this was in a kilt, rolling on top of me...
  3. Camille's friend was totally sucking the last of the coke up into her nose and brushing up her nostrils when they were walking up that driveway. Edwin looks so so creepy! When I get my mammograms here in California, I wait while the radiologist looks at the picture and then she comes out and lets me know the results. Within probably about 5 minutes. Denise is a badass.
  4. I don't know why but I do not care for Chelsea. I know she portrays herself as a low drama 'guy's girl', and I'm sure she probably is. But she still annoys me. She's one of those 'I'm not like other girls' type of girls. Her slow drawl kind of has a whistle in it, with over pronounced s's, and it drives me insane and makes my eye twitch.
  5. I have a crazy theory...Patricia most likely wants grandchildren and she probably advised Whitney to get Kathryn pregnant. Patricia would want that Calhoun family bloodline, (even with all the messiness with Thomas). I could see Patricia feeling like she can have her way with her to mold her, and get a lot of time with the grandchildren.
  6. "I feel like the luckiest guy in Vietnam..." --Colton. Yeah, you are, dummy. Not that the country is terrible, but it is definitely not a very wealthy/glamorous country.
  7. Yes--many red flags! But the craziest thing, which I haven't seen mentioned, is the very end scene where the youngest boy was having his piano lesson...the guy has his hand so close to the kid's bottom...and she shuts the door. I know I'm in the minority, but I love the show. I'm about to start episode six, and I've loved all five so far. I like that I have no clue what's going to happen, I like that the episodes are a little bit weird and off. It's different. I think the episodes are all beautifully cinematic; the shots are gorgeous. Even the parts that are cliche, it's like, they *know* they are and there is still a little spin on it. I am very entertained by this show!
  8. Morello looks different, and it's not just less make up...looks like too much Botox around the eyes. Flaka also has too much filler in her cheeks. I can't unsee this...
  9. Alicia is over annunciating her words, which I think is supposed to portray that the character is well-bred in some way, or proper. But it is very jarring, and I agree, coming off as unnatural.
  10. I saw that too! Not sure. I thought the Charlamagne and Joel McHale ep was full of tension and super awkward. It seemed all four of them (Andy and Twitch (?), who was tending bar) felt uncomfortable.
  11. I love the costuming and the hair, but this show is embarrassing. The agent was supposed to be Sue Mengers, who was a very interesting character in real life.
  12. Bekah: Teri from "Just One of the Guys"....
  13. Dakota Johnson from Fifty Shades...
  14. I agree with this. I think this is the new thing girls with eating disorders do. Watch someone else eat, because they "can't."
  15. Watching the Sarah Jessica Parker episode. I am cringing at how anxious she is. I don't know if it is faux-humility, or some strange tic, but I am crawling out of my skin listening to the way she is stuttering.
  16. Selhars I live near the Shahs right now, and have grown up around many L.A. Persians. There is a lot of leasing and renting going on. My Persian friends, God love them, no disrepect, would always be living in a rented house and driving a leased BMW. In our twenties, they would have the most expensive clothing but no health insurance, or no furniture in their places. It is a very Los Angeles thing to do, to flaunt "wealth" and not have any real assets. I think most of these Shahs do work and certainly could have their own money, but their culture is very flashy. Some (and I say some not all) Persian women in our town will roll up to the mall in a black Mercedes, then get out and go work behind the counter at Bloomingdales, to pay the lease.
  17. Just watched a little marathon of this show, this being the last episode I watched. My thoughts are this: Noelle: Don't like you. You come off as calculating and phony, and bitchy, Angel. You chose a dude in a complicated situation- why are you surprised that he can't/won't get married again so quickly? And he clearly doesn't want to, after that mess he has just been in. You are just the sort to try and take any money he has left! So he is also a fool. And can't stand Noelle saying press as "Prass"- no one is interested in your *ss sweetie, have a seat. Marisa: Seems nice enough, like her. Juliet: a little brash, but I can see myself behaving just like her out of boredom and a few drinks when things get stuffy. Caprice: Sort of boring. Sick of hearing about the press. Get over it sister. But she does look great in her pregnancy. Annabelle: Fierce. But a bitch as well.Wouldnt cross her. And last but not least Caroline. Love watching her. Snarky and b*tchy, love her life/clothes/hair/job. She doesnt care about being nice to anyone, is playing the game. Sure I would hate her in real life, but fun to watch.
  18. I am going to miss this sh*tstorm. I watched a DVR'ed recording of the previous days show every morning while getting ready and drinking my coffee. *sigh*. I have been watching this mess since, what, 1998? Oh, and can I just say that when I am not looking at the screen, I cannot tell who is speaking when Ross Matthews talks? He sounds exactly like Jenny! Well, here are my thoughts on these people: Whoopi: Know-it-All- but I still like her. Wish she wouldnt give her WTF looks to the audience when she doesnt like a comment- it is so rude to do to a guest. Also, don't want to hear about her freaky deaky bedroom life. Not interested, lady. Sherri: Didnt bother me too much. She was excited as f*ck about New Edition- I thought her head was going to fly off. Jenny: Liked her. Happy for her and Donnie- cute couple. Barbara: Creepy. A super creepy stepford alien grandma. Can picture her coming for me in my sleep with those eyes. Best thing about this show was the TWoP forums- and I happy to be here with you all. What will we watch now?!
  19. SO TRUE about Jenni being so boring- this is her on 11? Really? She has gotta be on Valium or something- a total lack of personality. Poor Roger, with those waxed eyebrows. I like him though.
  20. Whoopi is interesting and talented. But I WISH she would stop making references to her sex life- it completely grosses me out. She was cracking up and talking in a "valley girl" voice the other day, when talking about a study that said that women who sleep with men on the first date don't always have a long relationship (or something like that.) She thought that was sooooo hilarious, because of all of her "one night stands" where she does it like a man, has so many orgasms, blah blah blah. Okay woman, we get it. Kudos to you for getting yours. Enough already. And this brings me to the second thing that annoys me- her laughing at things that *she* finds ridiculous. Just announce the topic, and then lets get into opinions/discussions, no need to crack up while you are telling the next topic.
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