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Everything posted by derriere

  1. He may very well win, but I doubt they'd hide him for that reason. It's far more likely that he wasn't giving them much to work with - not carrying a camera around, not narrating, etc. Whatever the issue, I'm sure they addressed it during the season and we'll see more of him in the coming weeks.
  2. It's not wrong, although I suspect he'd ruin that too. "I'm faHAHAHAling off a cliHAHAHAff. Hashtag cliiiiiiiiff notes!! HAHAHAHA!!!" Piss off.
  3. I'm not going to judge Desmond. It's one thing to know that there are going to be bears, and another thing to be up to your ankles in bear shit facing your own mortality. "Fuck this, I have a family" is not an irrational response to that stimuli, in my opinion. It's just a game. Yes, he took a better man or woman's spot, but that's casting's fault, not his.
  4. I loved the first episode as much as I hated the second; which is to say A LOT! Enough with the kids and sex now please.
  5. I'm trying to care that Laurel died... but it's Arrow. I'm sure that in time she'll make a full recovery :)
  6. I'm finding Matt very unlikeable and his fight scenes too long and repetitive. If I could change the channel and watch 'The Punisher' instead I would; he's by far the more interesting of the two right now.
  7. Every time they're together I chuckle because she's so ridiculously out of his league, bless his heart.
  8. I am not a mixed martial arts fan, but my husband dragged me along to watch Paige get her face smashed to a bloody pulp by another young lady. Horrific! Anyway, we ran into her the next day and she was just the sweetest, most gracious thing despite the state of her face and being quite clearly still raw with emotion. I hope she does well; she's a sweetheart and one tough cookie!
  9. I know, right?! Why is she such a terrible liar?
  10. I'm not worried about Felicity. This is Arrow, so she's definitely not dead. Or, at least, if she is dead, they'll find a cure in fairly short order.
  11. I've been with this show from episode 1 of season 1 and this is the first time I've deliberately spoiled myself. There's just no way I could have watched Justin win. Ugh. Anyway, congrats to blondie and whatshisface, and let's pretend this season never happened.
  12. I was a huge fan of the show (and the two leads) but that was by far the most annoying 20 odd minutes of TV I've ever experienced. They overdid the audio/video distortions to the point where I just couldn't sit through it.
  13. This week's episode was just fantastic. I loved the way the show juxtaposed the two guys talking themselves into going home against the two guys who talked themselves out of it. Really, really terrific editing. I know Lucas and Mitch will say that they could have stayed out there longer (or forever), but I think that totally ignores the psychological component. Those guys lasted as long as they mentally could, and no longer. Nothing to be ashamed of, mind you. The last four are incredibly impressive, tenacious individuals.
  14. I really enjoyed it, though the sociopolitical commentary is the sort of puerile nonsense you' d hear from a college freshman as he passes the joint.
  15. It definitely is. The island is seeded with the sort of things they might conceivably find to make survival possible.
  16. It's not good for Bran or Rickon's longevity that Sansa knows they're alive. She's managed to get a staggering number of people (and a direwolf) killed already.
  17. I hope they redo the opening narration for the broadcast episode because Whatshername did a horrible job with that. Otherwise, I thought it was OK. I'm in for as long as it's got this sunny, lighthearted vibe. It makes a nice change from the near-unwatchable Arrow.
  18. I was also expecting a lesbian twist because Melissa was being so kind and supporive to Carol. That's not how the pretty (and thus evil) girl is supposed to behave in this rivalry trope.But then she specifically said she wanted a dude, so...
  19. It's sort of, "What if the last two people on earth were SUPER unappealing". And for that reason I'm out.
  20. I don't think Laura or any of the women are really that into the guys. I just think they were a) giving the producers what they wanted and b) saying nice, reassuring things to their new partners. They're all just there to be on TV and win a million dollars. So far, loving the lawyers (especially her). Neutral on everyone else.
  21. Haley and Blair are horribly mismatched but I don't think it's all her fault. He was quite the passive aggresshole from the start and I think she's just chattering because she feels uncomfortable. She can't help that she's not the athletic partner he was hoping for.
  22. Having seen nothing of their RW season I'm baffled by this. He's nothing to look at and a bit of a jerk. She could do a lot better.
  23. I liked that period in American TAR where they stopped casting teams of 2 athletic males. It's just too big of an advantage, especially when the leg includes a series of long runs and physical tasks. Meghan and Natalie are amazing female specimens and awesome role models for young girls, but we saw on the horse racing track how they stack up physically to Mickey. I've got nothing against the winners, but I was very dissapointed with the result.
  24. I really wanted to like it but I just can't enjoy a show where the characters solve problems with fake techno-mumbojumbo.
  25. The show has been mindless patriotic (I'm not even American) fun all season and I liked how different the setting was to everything else on TV. But now that it's turning into Revolution/Jericho/Falling Skies I'm out. I can't stand this genre.
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