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Everything posted by escatefromny

  1. Thanks BlackMamba for the Omarosa/Bethany clip! Goodness, I forgot she had a talk show. I know opinions vary, but I just never found Bethany all that compelling and think there are plenty of other spunky NYC girls out there who would enhance the show and who don't carry a steamer truck full of hostility and negativity in the same way Bethany does. It is painfully obvious, and Bethany admits it, she behaves like someone who was raised by wolves.
  2. I am no fan of Martha Stewart but boy, she really had Bethany's number. Watching yet another "what the fuck is wrong with her" performance by Bethany made me think Martha must still be patting herself on the back for distancing herself from this shit show of a person. (If you don't recall, Bethany's first reality TV turn was on Martha Stewart's horrible version of the "Apprentice". Bethany was a "finalist" and lost to a smarmy, reality tv villan stereotype. She is that awful). Bethany's style - fast talking, tells it like it is, doesn't back down - is a dime a dozen in NY. Her level of rage, irrationally and narcissism is less common. She is truly just awful to watch. Please Bravo Gods, cut her lose, this is not fun. Bethany believes her own hype and all I see (or hear) when she is on screen is a trained seal barking. If I remember the time line correctly, she arrived at Dorinda's at about 5:00 p.m., did her first "show" immediately as she walked in the door - her coat was still on when she started her tirade at the Countess. She did another "show" around 7, then called it a day at 9:30 p.m. Shift the showtimes and she runs on the same schedule as the barking seals at Seaworld. Don't know which is worse though, her three act "private" shows or her "public" skits where she shows up at an public event, claims a time limit, seems put upon at need to do her "job" by interacting with the others, feins being overwhelmed by the others and flees. Please just go now you lantern jawed harpy.
  3. Good bye Stella, your dated wannabe rocker looks won't be missed nor will your sour attitude. Been waiting to share this tidbit about Stella for years .... On a brutally hot Summer day in NYC years ago, who do I see lumbering around Chelsea with a GIANT dog, but Stella. The dog was covered with sweat, the entire coat soaked or was dripping and panting uncontroably, it looked beyond miserable. It annoys me to see folks out with their dogs on hot days with no water for them but the state of Stella's dog was heartbreaking. (She tied it to a handrail as she entered a Chinese restaurant, so it was just stuck there panting and half dead). Anyone who treats a dog with such indifference and cruelty strikes me as someone with a screw (or two) loose. Stella comes across on TV as really odd and slightly delusional, the dog incident confirmed for me that it wasn't just editing, she seems to be a nut job in "real" real life too.
  4. All of this plus, I'm wondering if she is just a fame whore and drama queen. She was awfully dramatic a standing on her log, arms out stretched like Evita on her balcony. Jeff didn't really prod her but maybe the attention was like catnip and she just couldn't resist "good TV".
  5. Edmond, is that what you had in mind for that fabric? Poor thing, he seemed totally blocked. I hope Tim saves him. http://ll-media.tmz.com/2015/10/23/1023-katy-perry-cosmo-cover-4.jpg
  6. In the first few episodes of her first season the Shirin we saw was obnoxious, clueless and incompetent (no puzzles for you!). She did get a golden edit that never quite jibbed with the strong feelings so many had against her. As much as they tried to hide it last time, she seems truly insufferable. She is arrogant (I told you I'd align with you, what more do you want?!) and seems to have no empathy or self awareness. Her hubris was off the charts, really, a super fan who is surprised the game can change on a dime!??I can almost hear everyone from last season collectively saying ... SEE.
  7. I can see Sonja saying that Kristen should have "spun" the question and replied with some canned response about how fabulous Sonja's international, heritage, private plane, smoky eye lifestyle brand is. The Sonja Morgan PR handbook is obviously based on staying on message and repeating untrue things endlessly to make them real. BTW, Kristen mentions in her blog the interview was before the fashion show so at that point, she had't even witnessed Sonja's huge "success".
  8. I am by no means a John fan but I sure do hope he broke up with Dorinda after seeing that the footage of her humiliating him made it to air. WTF?! That was really painful to watch. What a condescending, cold hearted cow. What did it for me was John saying she "fell hard" for him and her denying it. (Let alone being unable to resist her base urges for two minutes to considerately listen to her boyfriend who was pouring his heart out to her!?!) The fact that she is still on and on about her loss makes it easy to see how a sad, hurt, venerable Dorito would have really welcomed the effusive and demonstrative affections of a guy like John. She acts like she was "slumming" and is bristling a little now at his somewhat overbearing nature and at the figure he cuts in front of her new "friends" (and America). Fine to have second thoughts BUT you don't get all pissy and nasty, say such hurtful and demeaning things and behave in such an dismissive, inconsiderate and rude way when a TV camera is filming your conversation. She added insult to injury in the talking head with her shit about a PIZZA PLACE. And the: "How's I gonna take yous to fancy places" .... go fuck yourself Dorinda. She is crass and sloppy and 100% hauled her ass to Queens a million times when she needed comfort or a hook up because you know she wasn't getting down at home with the brat of the daughter underfoot in her tiny, tiny apartment. Don't love Kristen but adored her for tuning out then turning her back on D when she made her grab for camera time - complete with wagging finger. Yea Dorito, you're certainly quite the refined lady.
  9. Sure, this may be a plausible explanation however, I'm not so sure I would appreciate it if my boyfriend considered me so mentally unstable that I could possibly be suicidal. Either way and back to Vanderboom's original comment -was it sweet or weird - I still vote weird.
  10. I vote for weird. Extremely weird, controlling and child like. So she forgot to call you when she arrived (or she ran out of battery, or she forgot to activate roaming). Was there a big news story about goings on in London that concerned you - plane crash, IRA bomb, toxic gas leak in Mayfair - no? So what's the big deal. When you called the hotel, asked for her room and (presumably) were told she made a do not disturb request were you satisfied to know that she arrived and checked in? No, you went full on psycho and asked the security staff to wake her at 5:00 a.m. .... and for what?? Not to confirm she arrived (you obviously knew that) but to basically bust her balls for not calling. WTF?!?! Sorry, for me this type of red flag would have resulted in immediate break up. I don't think there was anything sweet about it or about John's insecurities and need for attention and control. Yuck!
  11. It sort of was stunt casting/inside joke. The actor who played Candace's lover is Frank Pelligrino. He is the co-owner of Rao's, an Italian restaurant in East Harlem where it is notoriously (and ridiculously) hard to get a table. They also sell a line of sauce (and maybe pasta). Frank has popped up in some minor TV/movie roles, usually as a "mob" type.
  12. Bucky and Dorito's London adventure just didn't do it for me. How could someone who lived in London not recognize that they were on Bond Street? And what on earth was Dorito talking about with regard to the "light" ... was it the glow from Picadilly Circus that had her facinated? Has she never been to Times Square. Another thing about Dorito that bugs is her inability to use the correct words at the correct time. If you didn't know better you'd think English was her second language. (Don't even know what to say about Bethanny's mangled metaphor "Romona has a bounty on her vagina" how does that even make sense?) I admit to just cringing at the thought of Dorito representing Americans in London, ugh!
  13. I'm so confused by the fact that it was such a big surprise to Heather to find a straggler from the previous night's party still hanging around in the morning. At the very least, summer share houses are very popular for NYers and this dynamic (close quarters with partying strangers) is something familiar to anyone lives in NY. Heather makes a big point of saying that she was disturbed by the loud music, she must have heard male voices - it doesn't take a genius to figure out what would come next for the hot to trot ladies. See which way the wind is blowing, secure your valuables, lock your door and get on with your life. I just don't buy there was any element of surprise to finding someone still around from the party that started a mere 6 hours prior. Also, can we please talk about Heather trapping Dorito in the corner of a bathroom while physically fending off Ramona? Yea, I get it, Ramona is a batshit crazy, vicious harpy but Heather and her uncontrolled controlling nature and her physicality is beyond anything on the spectrum of normal. Girl seems to have some very serious issues. Glad she's gone and think it shows her recognition that her ugly side can't be adequately disguised .... A business woman doesn't need that kind of "publicity".
  14. I recall Carol confessing/admitting/saying, sorry the Kristen blow up was a result of me telling her you said she was dumb. Then Betheny says that she never said Kristen was dumb (then both "in person" and via confessional) Bethany says maybe I said a decision she made wasn't the most intelligent decision, in my opinion but I didn't say she was dumb. Then Carol says, well I took it that you said Kristen is dumb and then blew the whole thing off as if it didn't matter to her if she mislead Kristen. Then Betheny made a crack about the fact she can start her own shit implying that Carol didn't need to help her. Perhaps "lie" wasn't the right way to characterize it but it seemed Carol gave no shits about getting what Betheny said right before running to Kristen with it, packaging in the phrase "Betheny said you are dumb", then feigning surprise when Kristen immediately blew up and went to confront Betheny.
  15. Boy, Carol is a piece of work. I appreciated that she took responsibility for starting shit between Betheny and Kristen but I was kind of surprised that she was so blatant about basically making up a lie. Naive me, I thought Carol's flakiness gave Betheny a perfect opportunity to neutralize Kristen. A quick call to say I spoke with Carol, she misrepresented our conversation, I never said were dumb, good luck with your nail polish line. Would have taken less the. 5 minutes and gone a long way.
  16. Agree, Heather really crossed the line when Heather left her seat and tried pull Bethny away from the table. WTF?!?!
  17. Silly random thoughts (aiii, these people have sucked me in): When a gentleman sits down, he unbuttons his jacket. WTF with Thomas & Craig all buttoned up? Well Craig doesn't know how to say the word lapel so there is that. I hate to admit that I did like Andy's shout out with his (unbuttoned) seersucker suit. Whitney seeming so disgusted by the discussion about who has the best "game" like he is above all that. Yet, this is a 50 year old man who alludes to the sex act with infantile hand gestures and doesn't have a better euphemism for sex than "sticking it in". Perhaps it was the thought of hetero sex that so disgusted him. Andy trying to shit stir on how great the K&T sex must be but getting shut down. ... This is the one thing these two bozos can be discrete about!?!?
  18. From the Spec & Spoiler Thread There is seriously not enough WTF in this world for these two.
  19. I can appreciate that Jamie's entire ordeal is important to story and his mindset afterward, but the two parts felt very unbalanced. Why go through the ordeal in such agonizing detail and short change the aftermath? It did feel rushed and didn't do justice to that part of the book. Since we weren't going to really get into the "after" (what all of 5 minutes?, 10 tops) there was just no point in spending so much time on the details ... For me, it was just too much.
  20. OK, being a real cynic, Katherine just isn't playing her hand (or her role) very well. Thomas couldn't keep his hands off her and has repeatedly spoken about his intense attraction. Girl needs to work that. She had him eating out of her hand tonight and squandered the capital by getting all serious. All she had to do when he suggested that they get the hell out of there and hook up was say no (gently with a subtle hit for next time, and say no then too). Instead of leaving him wanting more (and that thought being stuck in his head) as Thomas acknowledged, all she did was remind him that she drives him crazy. As I understand it, the gold digger gets her claws in by strategically withholding the fab sex, I'm sure Patricia went that route with at least one of her husbands. Katherine is not leveraging her "best" asset, which isn't 'I'm the mother of your child' ... no way she meets expectations in Thomas' big head there, but she seems to have found the right buttons to push to appeal to the little head.
  21. My friend (not a Survivor fan) was in Koh Rong Cambodia last month and could see the beach where Season32 (and Season 31) were being filmed. She said there was a lot of activity with boats (and people going going back and forth). She also said it that while it is a beautiful location, it is brutally, brutally hot. So sorry she's wasn't plugged in enough to get us some spoilers!
  22. This has me scratching my head too. But it seemed Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dumb finally remembered there is a jury and realized Sierra was more likable than Carolyn and, amazingly, were correct in thinking Mike preferred to keep Carolyn, so Sierra was an easier sell.
  23. Poor Halie with her pink eye at the FTC. My first thought was that Dan probably pee-ed in the pool.
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