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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. NO. Given Maxie's history of faking a pregnancy to keep her hooks in Lucas's cousin Lucky and then lying to Lucas's other cousin Lulu about her pregnancy/infant Georgie until she was backed into a corner and forced to tell the truth, she is not the right person for Lucas to talk to. She is also too self-absorbed and would ultimately empathize with Brad because she is like Brad. I still remember that she quickly empathized with how Patrick must be feeling after finding out that he had cheated on her beloved cousin Robin. The best person for Lucas to lean on in this situation would be Robin. She watched his family lose BJ. She later witnessed how Tony lost control from being invested in unborn/baby Michael and then having his invested heart become a casualty of Carly's drama with AJ and Jason. Robin can speak with authority about Tony's love for/pride in Lucas and how he is a strong young man for being a whole person after both his sister and dad's deaths.
  2. I laughed at a half dozen characters' faces today. Somehow I don't think that was the writers or actors' intentions. I felt for Charlotte when she was crying, though. Also Genie Francis is fun to watch when Laura is smug/getting digs in and the receiving end of the gloating deserves it.
  3. She initially said they were together briefly - 3 months - but it was "intense." My impression from Kim listening to the CD, and the way she spoke to Drew (when Oscar was dying) about the night they conceived Oscar, was that it was more serious to her. She told Drew that had fallen in love with him back then, but didn't say the words because he was deploying and they had acknowledged to each other that when he left, the fling was over. She also told Jason she was "hurt" that Drew was marrying Sam. So it appears she clung to the memory of her fling with Drew and built it up in her mind to having lost the great love of her life when he deployed, but didn't want to appear desperate/pathetic to Drew or the people close to him after the "Oscar is your son" reveal. What I got from FrancoDrew's reaction to seeing her for the first time was 'hey, there's the lady I had fun flirting with and dating - let's get outta this hospital, catch up, go somewhere!" When Kim didn't automatically get furious about the kiss and started indulging his delusion, he turned the "I am madly in love with you, we must be together" intensity that is Franco's personality (seen from the early days of his relationship with Elizabeth) onto Kim.
  4. For sure. That's been pretty clear from the moment she "heard" a baby cry and then it was coming from ghost!Oscar's mouth. I was incredulous when she and Elizabeth were arguing and she said you can no more get Franco back than I can get Oscar back. As soon as Kim started hearing from FrancoDrew the words she had longed to hear from the real Drew 16/17 years ago, she decided Franco was dead/no longer existed. The "I'm glad Oscar is dead" line from Cameron to FrancoDrew (in the park scene, after he witnessed FrancoDrew and Kim making out) should have been directed at Kim to illustrate that her late son would be ashamed of her behavior - it's an insult to his memory. Then maybe Kim would have felt some sort of shame for five minutes for her role in the breakup of Oscar's friend's family. Since we're in Halloween season, can a medical professional explain to Kim that essentially she was having sex with a possessed body/time capsule: there is no "Drew" here because his fingerprints, photo identification, finances and professional background are all Franco. He only has Drew's memories - not skills. I read today that the claim is that Franco "identifies" as Drew. Okay, well, I can talk about history while showing off a genuine head adornment from Egypt and claim I'm Cleopatra, but that doesn't make me Cleo.
  5. The writers haven't made her forget what Robin endured; they've made her glaze over it. In a recent scene at the Floating Rib, Maxie said something like she knows Leisl did terrible things in the past, so she's glad that Leisl has a crush on Jax because that means Leisl has something going on that doesn't mean trouble. Whenever something negative is said about/is possibly going on with Leisl in recent years, Maxie used to say "she's Nathan's mother" and has changed that to "she's James's grandmother." It's the Show's lame attempt at whitewashing, but also exemplifies how utterly self-absorbed Maxie is. I wish someone would point out to Maxie, "so what, Nathan didn't know his mother until a few years before he died, and he died because his mother protected and enabled his father's sociopathic behavior for decades due to her sick infatuation with his father. By the way, do you remember that she helped torture and hold prisoner your beloved cousin Robin because of that same sick infatuation with his father? Sharing Leisl's DNA means nothing to your son."
  6. Motivation for Ryan to conspire with Nelle about breaking out of prison now that he sees Ava is a total mess who "needs" him (in addition to his revenge motivation re: Kevin, Curtis, Finn etc. for the stolen kidney). I say sure go for it, because Laura and Kevin should have storyline that doesn't involve stupid Valentin.
  7. Interesting. CW Nina's reaction today was the first time I thought, wow she's really trying to channel Stafford while performing. That acting really made me think of how MS's Nina behaved with several characters.
  8. THIS, although I would edit the end to include "or Franco." I will give the Show points because I was not expecting nuNina to literally run into Jax's arms. I figured he would come in and catch the end of the drama, or her vehicle would not start as she was leaving the church and he would have her hop in his and they would take off. Hey, does anyone know what set Jax's new house used to be? I felt like I should immediately recognize it from the past but I don't. I will not feel sorry for Maxie when Jason/Sam/Spinelli burst her bubble about her relationship because she's deliberately shoving her head up her ass regarding both Dr. O and Peter. I will also not feel sorry for Ava in the next steps of her storyline since she gave Ryan exactly the attention he wanted. Credit goes to JL for being so awesome at playing both Kevin and creepy Ryan. Aside from Maxie, my one eye-roll moment of today was the two Pentonville guards just standing there silently letting Ryan and Nelle have an entire conversation rather than forcing the prisoners for whom they're responsible to quickly walk down the hall past each other.
  9. I really thought I heard "Dawn" when Joss was in the kitchen and mentioned her baby sister. Anyone else? Yet Carly, Sam, Spinelli etc. all clearly enunciated "Donna." The audience is going to get alcohol poisoning if people take shots every time someone says her name. Ugh. Also, I'm just annoyed that Carly gets a daughter and soon a grandson/Michael will get his kid whereas her brother Lucas will lose his kid and Carly will glaze over that loss. Lucas deserves a daughter too (regardless of what happens with Wiley) and for his sister's music box to be gifted to his daughter. BJ meant nothing to Carly, so that Bobbie-Carly scene today really annoyed me. Sure Bobbie, your late daughter would totally want you to hand over her music box to the woman who played a vital role in the destruction of her beloved father and her brother's family life after her tragic death. Seriously, BJ's ballerina music box should be intended as a gift Lucas for his future girl child or to Maxie for Georgie at this age.
  10. A)The whole bridal gown and veil is not uncommon for women who feel like they didn't get to have their grand wedding in their youth. Nina missed most/all of her youth due to being in a coma. My aunt got involved with her first husband when she was a teenager and he was married. Fast forward to her 50s (now with adult children and grandkids), she got re-married wearing a beautiful white bridal gown and white veil to go with it. B) Best snark I've read in a while! LMAO FYI to anyone who loves to see Sonny get called out - Jax was awesome today! Loved the mentions of Robin and Brenda. Sonny couldn't say very much in response, because he knew every single thing Jax said was accurate. I liked that he is clearly nervous about what Jax intends to do now that he knows the truth about Dev. I almost laughed at Jax asking him, "do you hear yourself?" when Sonny said "bounty." Jax dear, Sonny has been a selfish thug for so long and has relied on Jason so long, plus he has such a selective memory, that he genuinely believes dangerous situations he created won't *actually* kill anyone he loves. After all, Michael survived the bullet to the brain not to mention prison and Morgan's death was really *the Jeromes* fault. (Gag.) So, "BJ would want her niece to have it"?! Someone should ask Bobbie why Carly's FIRST-BORN DAUGHTER Josslyn with Jax wasn't good enough to be gifted with BJ's ballerina music box? And how did Carly recognize it? She came to down during the aftermath of BJ's death. The more sentimental thing would be for Josslyn to have had it and want to give it to her baby sister because she and Grandma Bobbie agreed that Aunt BJ in Heaven would like that idea. Some of you all should FF the Jason/Sam/Spinelli scenes because they're just blah blah-ing about Peter being deceitful, smarmy, etc.
  11. Joy's blunt approach comes from her attorney background. In situations like the season premiere where having that authoritative "I know the law" background is helpful, her demeanor works. In general with the God Account cases though, I don't see how her "tell me what I want to know/do what I tell you NOW" approach cannot work with strangers with any sort of realism. (I would tell a person like Joy to get lost, and would not speak to her again if she approached.) Miles and Cara approached the people in need gently and with compassion, speaking to them as potential friends they wanted to help. So those people 'let them in' to what was going on regarding their current troubles. They don't come across as authoritative as Joy did. The only reason this 'case' worked out okay was Joy had some perspective knowledge of the guy's thought process re: gf's pregnancy was because she chose to give up her child for adoption. I thought most of this episode was very contrived, for example the guy shrugging his shoulders 'oh well' that the business he had worked hard to build was gone, because 'I have a chance to know my son.' Also, why does the writer of this episode assume that a child would one day go to the birth mother for answers, and the woman would need to justify/defend her choice? The implication is that a woman is a bad or selfish person for choosing adoption.
  12. Nina attacked Ava and induced labor, then kidnapped newborn Avery (with Franco as accomplice). Nina constantly defends and is re-marrying Valentin, the man who (for now) murdered Carly's cousin Lulu's brother and took away the home and fortune of Spencer, who is both Lulu and Sonny's nephew as well as Mike's grandson (the late Courtney was Spencer's mother). I assume she also dislikes Nina's loyalty to Valentin because he deliberately kept Lulu's daughter Charlotte away from her until recently, but who knows.
  13. I have no problem with that considering that Liesl has mocked or belittled a bunch of characters on this show. (I especially hate her repeatedly calling nurse Elizabeth a little mouse.) She reminds me of Sonny in her entitled, look-down-on-everyone even though I'm a conscience-less criminal attitude. Just because Liesl has/had a medical license, is smart and well-educated, has a foreign accent and is relatively attractive doesn't make her a catch. She would be a good fit for Jerry. Jax should never be interested in her because it would be totally beneath him. If the Show wants Jax to be interested in an older woman, it should be either Anna or Monica - quality women who have not made his friends or daughter suffer. Also, Jax getting involved with either Robin's mom or AJ and Jason's mom would really make Carly and possibly Jason twitch so that's a bonus.
  14. I'm happy that it's being played for laughs because in some ways Jax being genuinely interested in her would be worse than him falling in love with and marrying Carly. At least Carly's not that bright and unlike Leisl, her schemes/lying didn't involve shooting a hostage (a friend of Jax) in the hostage's own home, holding someone prisoner long-term and torturing them (also Jax's friend!), lying about a not deceased baby - Jax's daughter's nephew - for her own selfish reasons, etc. I would rather Jax get involved with Anna, Laura, or Monica rather than Faison's former lover and accomplice.
  15. Good point, but it was unnecessary given that she has a business, the Metrocourt. She could have a storyline there, like it looks as if someone is trying to sabotage the hotel or she clashes with Olivia as Olivia seems to be neglecting important stuff at the Metrocourt because she's so focused on fighting with Julian about obtaining the Charlie's bar, installing a pizza oven, etc. I could see Carly saying something like "I know you're trying to keep busy so you don't have to think about your son being ill and abandoning my cousin and Rocco, but Metrocourt business shouldn't suffer because of it!" Although this show is more likely to turn the Dante leaves topic between them into "You raised a son who abandoned his family! Things might have turned out differently if Sonny had a role in raising Dante! Sonny would never abandon his children!"
  16. I would believe that if not for the many S&C scenes we've had of them worrying about/discussing Josslyn's grieving and constantly bringing up Morgan, Mike's illness, Avery and what a bad person they think Ava is, and most recently bringing Dev into the household. Except for Dev, all of these topics have kept them busy on-screen both before and since the surprise pregnancy news. Either the Dev storyline should never have been introduced, or there should not have have been a pregnancy. It is ridiculous to add a teenager with an unknown background to your family just months before welcoming a newborn into the family, especially when you have two minor daughters in the home and have no idea if said teenager could pose a threat to them (through the kid's thoughtless actions or circumstances, e.g. someone is after the kid and when targeting him hurts one of the daughters instead).
  17. Yes! I felt so sad for her in that moment. I was also wondering, "is this really a conversation you want to start when your young son is in the house?"
  18. This step kid is also her son's half-sister, so she's going to have to accept the baby in their lives in some way. Katherine is angry and hurt and could certainly do better than Eddie - BUT it seems like she's not sure she wants to walk away from their marriage/family life. That's not unrealistic. My aunt was pregnant with my cousin when she found out my uncle was cheating on her. They separated. After the birth of their son, she decided to take him back. Several years later, they had a second son. However, my uncle cheated again (with other women) after that while my aunt was focused on their two young sons. She wisely chose divorce upon finding out. I can understand why she took him back the first time: years of investment in this marriage and having a child with this man. You want to believe you can get past the betrayal, rebuild the relationship and have a happy family life. I know she doesn't regret her choice because she has two wonderful sons and now cool grandchildren from them as well. She will acknowledge that she and her ex were unhappy for a long time before they officially divorced.
  19. Going fully off the rails is basically a repeat of what the show did when Lisa, a doctor/old fling of Patrick's, came to Port Charles and wanted to reclaim the "great love" she felt she once had with Patrick, esp. after Patrick's ultimate mistake of a ONS with Lisa while Robin was out of town. The way Kim is dismissing the Friz marriage now and talking about Elizabeth being unfair to Drew reminds me of how Lisa would trash talk Robin and the Scrubs marriage. This is just crazier/sicker because the man is literally not the guy from the unhinged doctor's past and she knows it. Did I hear correctly that Hayden is not telling Finn they have a daughter because he moved on and got engaged after she left, and because she's afraid he'll try to get custody of the daughter? Nina's happiness means the world to Dr. O? Since when? There is no reason for her to care unless this is somehow about her late son Nathan's adoration of his beloved sister (really bio cousin) when he was growing up. Dr. O is showing more concern for Nina than she ever has for her own daughter Britt. So. much. WTF. Hey Michael, do you remember when "the best mother in the world" lied to your face for months and helped your adoptive father cover up the fact that he murdered your biological father at point blank range? Or how about when she asked you to participate in her planned wedding to the guy who got you raped in prison?!
  20. I give Michael a pass on the threat to Valentin because he was reacting to Valentin threatening him and Sasha, because he mentioned his Quartermaine and Corinthos families having his back, and because Valentin asked Sonny to deal with Cassandra, implying that Cassandra was a danger to Michael as well as Sasha. Assuming Kim gets pregnant, it will most definitely be Franco's because a) there's no drama if it's Julian's and b) Kim and FrancoDrew went just a few feet to her couch to have sex, and there's been a lot of emphasis on the spontaneity of it: 'got swept away in the memories of Drew/I don't have control of what I'm feeling," blah blah. Whereas right before Kim tried to rape Drew, she was asking Julian to have a baby with her. That indicates to me that they had been taking precautions in their relationship up to that point to not get pregnant.
  21. My point was she was out of line walking in to his place of business and demanding that he fight for Kim like she's fighting for Franco. Franco is her husband, whom she has pushed and encouraged her sons to accept and think of as their father figure. They all lived together as a family prior to this. Julian is in love with Kim yes, but they did not have a multi-year relationship/were not married nor living together, and Kim does not have the role of stepmother in his son's life. Elizabeth doesn't get to demand of a man she hardly knows that he take immediate action to help her get the life back that she wants. Also, she should be smart enough to realize that Julian physically dragging Kim away from Port Charles wouldn't actually solve the Kim part of this mess for Kim or Franco. Of course she controls her actions. He wants to believe her mental state is out of control as she is grieving Oscar, and so Franco talking as if he is Drew and wanting to hear about Oscar causes her to behave irrationally. That is far less painful to think about than "my girlfriend is disregarding reality, our relationship and my feelings because she wants to cling to wish fulfillment for a do-over of her past when she was in love for the first time."
  22. Especially considering that the teenager is Lulu's family. I assume at some point he will learn that Josslyn's mother and Lulu are cousins, and also that Lulu is Cameron's aunt. However, since Cam is not Lulu's bio nephew, he and Josslyn could date in the future.
  23. Terry attributing the behavior to Kim losing Oscar is understandable because all of Terry's scenes with Kim or Kim and Drew were about Oscar's treatment(s) and preparing for his death. She did not know Kim in the past and has not seen her interact with FrancoDrew to be taken aback by how extremely unhealthy Kim's behavior is. Also, who would willingly look at the mother of a recently deceased teenager and think, "Wow, she's just a really shitty person - her behavior is not just because she's mourning my patient/her son." It seems like Julian does not understand the extent of Kim's unhealthy obsession with her past relationship with Drew because Kim has barely tolerated Julian and FrancoDrew being in the same space - so he hasn't heard the creepy way she speaks to him. Despite Kim saying in the beginning of their relationship, "I'm in love with a man who doesn't remember me," Julian did in fact fall in love with Kim. He is still in love with her and is heartbroken for her that Oscar died, so it's easier/less painful for him to think or at least publicly say that when she was young she fell in love with Drew and doesn't want to let go of a man who remembers those times including the conception of her now deceased son. I can understand that it would just hurt too much for Julian to acknowledge to himself and others who know Kim, especially after he's been so devoted to her and their relationship, that she's inherently a selfish, emotionally unhealthy woman who is incapable of truly caring about other people's feelings. Elizabeth can shut up because she's not entitled to go to Julian. She made vows to Franco and is his legal wife, with sons who are attached to Franco. Julian is not married to Kim, Kim has never lived in the same house as his young son Leo, and Julian does not have any obligation to make Elizabeth's life easier.
  24. That happened because Felicia let her young daughter name the baby sister, and didn't suggest well we could remember him by calling her Georgia or Georgette instead..
  25. The problem with that is that Bobbie's real name is Barbara Jean, and the daughter Bobbie and Tony lost (recall the "Not Barbara Jean's heart!" storyline where Maxie got her cousin's heart) was named after Bobbie. BJ was the little girl's nickname. That tragic death is still a painful memory for Bobbie, Felicia, Maxie, etc., plus Carly didn't know BJ - she came and played an important part in the destruction of the Jones family when they were dealing with the aftermath of BJ's death.
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