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Everything posted by Cowgirl

  1. I just wish they would write a scene where Dan and Lucifer bro up by watching one of those movies together that they both admired a couple of episodes ago (Body Count?). I gave up fretting about all the many many legal problems with the cases in this series a long time ago. It would make me crazy.
  2. I'd forgotten all about their public campaign. Thanks for the reminder, which makes me enjoy the magazine joke even more! I like the "real" Eleanor because she does seem truly good but not annoying, in that she doesn't harbor resent against "fake" Eleanor for not revealing herself sooner and thus subjecting her to more of the Bad Place. She honestly seems to want to help "fake" Eleanor, along with Chidi. I completely missed that she said that there were clown paintings in her home at the Bad Place too -- love that it's our Eleanor's idea of hell, and the other's idea of heaven. So, I was wondering if the jalapeno popper eating contest Jason told Janet about in this episode is the same eating contest he mentioned in a prior one, just before he told Eleanor that he then came in first in a barfing contest? Since we have an awesome Ted Danson, can we please please please have a delightful Mary Steenburgen? Maybe she can play Shawn?
  3. Now I bet they use that as Chloe's plot point for at least half of the remaining season, if not all of it -- she will put all her efforts into solving her dad's last case. I was much too entertained for my own good by the self-coined term "Douchefer." I was intrigued by Luci's blowing off Maze when he came to the apartment. "Oh. It's you." Then he refused to acknowledge her the rest of the time he was there on that visit.
  4. I agree. It was annoying me how they kept portraying him earlier as afraid of Topanga and afraid to discipline Riley. I like it MUCH better when he and Topanga work together and he's not written like Eric 2.0.
  5. What about her brother Matt? When she filmed her confession, she didn't know he was dead. Now that he's dead and she's not, she's afraid she'll get all the blame. She doesn't need to protect him anymore.
  6. I've been marveling about that too. I chuckled when they actually addressed it this episode by having one of the characters (Audrey, I think?) mention that they couldn't believe the phones haven't died.
  7. Ditto. It was pretty boring, but could have been really good if done right. I want to know how/when they went back to the hospital to pick up their cameras, too, and if anything bothered them then. Also I wanted to know if the owner still has the building and, if so, still plans to turn it into storage. Oh, and why did the guy who saw the little girl on the elevator not tell the rest of his team!?
  8. This episode was a great blend of humor, horror and all the crunchy center in-between. I wonder when we will start seeing the newly dead come back as ghosts? That would add a whole 'nuther level to this rollercoaster ride. Will Agnes be allowed to hang out with the real Butcher's posse? What about Sydney? I bet he'll make one pissed off ghost. He'd probably still try to direct. Will Rory haunt Aundrey? Or hang out with the real Mott? Will Matt keep boinking the forest witch for all eternity, or will she "cure" him of his head bashing? And will he haunt the hell out of Shelby and Dominick? Or get bloody revenge on one or both (him for the adultery, her for the murder)?
  9. Oh wow, I must have completely missed that. Thanks! (I have a concussion right now, so it doesn't surprise me. If I were able to, I'd probably be producing cacti instead of folders this week myself.)
  10. The crow noshing on Sydney's intestines was gross enough for me, let alone the rest of the episode's shenanigans! I wonder if they are savoring the irony that the bad crazy lady from Misery (Which I am too wussy to have ever watched) gets dispatched here with a cleaver herself, right down the middle of her skull, even more brutally than the evildoing in Misery. Count me in with those loving how the real versions of the butcher and Ma Polk are even scarier than the reinactors. There was some speculation that Taissa Farmiglia (sp?) would come back as the real forest witch, but we barely saw enough of the witch's face to be able to discern whether or not it was her. I figured Agnes was so obsessed with "being" the butcher that she researched it. Also, it could have been that she was just recycling her lines from the original show. I completely missed the fact that Finn was one of the Polks. Will have to watch for that next time. I wasn't sure that Audrey and Angela Bassett's character (Monet?) knew they were eating human flesh, let alone that it was Lee's. I wondered if they just thought they were eating something gross prepared by the Polks. I had trouble hearing and understanding all the Polks' dialogue though, so maybe they mentioned it.
  11. I'm with Chippings -- I love how awesome lines just zip past and you're left thinking, "Wait a minute! Did they really just say that?!" Besides Tahani's lines last night, Eleanor's telling Michael that getting hit by a boner pill truck sounds like a way she would go (there's more to that line, but I can't recall all of it) just cracked me up. I just wish that someone would tell Michael that Janet was murdered to protect him from eternal torture. They kind of alluded to it tonight, but I want that to be taken into consideration as part of Eleanor's defense.
  12. Wow! I had no idea. Thanks for letting me know. So now the jokes about his accent are even funnier!
  13. Is the actor who plays Sam's son British?
  14. They made a point to say that Nana worked at such a house, but didn't say that she lived there. Yeah, I'm with you on the position of the hole in relation to Stephanie's kitchen. Then again, I just realized, that Derrick punched holes in two walls, so I guess the hole they passed through wasn't the one in Stephanie's wall. As an attorney, I cringed at all this, thinking that Martha was likely incurring some liability for smashing through people's walls. Maybe the town owns the property and leases to Stephanie and Abigail? And some sleazy lawyer included a clause in their lease allowing damages "for the public good?" Yeah. That's what I'm goin' with -- implausible though it is. On the up-side, they did do more to make Cassie a bit more magical-seeming this time around. Nothing like the first three movies though, but more than the t.v. show. Color me happy that the son and annoying-baby-hungry wife were missing! Yay for more George this time. Boo for the fact that Gail still is never mentioned. Boo for the underuse of Derrick. Yay for Martha! I laughed at her apologizing to Cassie when she thought she'd offended her "witchiness" throughout the episode. I liked Sam's son's attitude this time (Yikes! Can't think of his name right now.) -- it was less surly and more charming. Though, how many girls does Grace have to throw at him? What is this, like, number 3? At least he seemed to take to this one, setting it up for conflict later when Grace realizes she lurves him.
  15. I wish they would include the fake Cricket in the house party. Who on earth would they get to play the real Cricket in ghost form? Then again, maybe the real Cricket wasn't as flamboyant and unique as the reinactor. I noticed the producer's mimicking of Cricket but couldn't figure out if he loved the character or hated him.
  16. Ditto to all of this! I am really bothered by the fact they dropped the Murray-like guy.
  17. I wasn't as surprised by the fact that he had a girlfriend, as by the fact that he slept with someone whom he didn't love. That seems like something that would give Chidi a terrible moral crisis. I love Eleanor's little "I love you man" before she made her confession. "Attention! I HAVE BEEEN MURDERED!" All delivered with that serene, slightly bemused expression on her face. I love how Janet 2.0 "woke up" wearing different clothes.
  18. Ah, but when slimy Sydney told them to hide the production trailers somewhere back in the woods, I thought, "UH OH!" I got a belly laugh out of Agnes' collection of stolen props. Me too! Crispy Mason made me shriek a little though. But, when Diana was grabbed through the roof of the car, I didn't realize that was the Pig Man. Did they show his head, and I missed it? I thought the arm had some small branches on it with leaves attached, so I thought it was some sort of tree creature. My theory is that this "found footage" is just another gimmick, and everyone will be alive in the end. This is just Sydney's way of amping it up for a new season.
  19. I'm on board with this theory. I have been mulling it over for the past couple of episodes and think that everyone is here to overcome their flaws. The chef needs to learn to be less angry (even while she's happy doing what she loves). Chidi needs to learn not to be so single-minded and to enjoy life and pull his head out of academia (or learn to write better!). Tahini needs to learn to be happy with herself, and with her own accomplishments, and not be so judgmental. Then again, there are several holes in my theory, the least of which is not that Michael also needed to be taught how to have fun. Well, maybe not that so much as to take breaks and decompress.
  20. I agree that this show is very reminiscent of Pushing Daisies --which was my all-time-favorite show! I was SO angry when they forking canceled it. The Good Place is now a happy spot in my week.
  21. Yeah, I was wondering if he was possessed or just had some really weird side effects from his cancer or treatment. Or rabies. I am a prosecutor who handles involuntary commitment cases. In cases such as Casey's, we might choose not to criminally charge her since her mental condition (well, here here apparent mental condition -- I've never had a demon possessed patient before) makes her incompetent to have formed the mental intent to commit a crime. Therefore, we wouldn't have charged her as long as the involuntary commitment was pursued -- not even when she was released. We haven't had one where someone was hurt as badly as the jerk on the train was though. Guess I'll chalk this up to television's poetic license.
  22. So, at first I thought Dr. Cassidy was supposed to be the Silver Surfer. Today, I'm thinking he's supposed to be Ryan Lochte? I laughed at Zeyday's Isis the goddess v. ISIS the terrorist group gag. Also, loved all the Hamiltons. I laughed so hard at the morgue groping! (Pun possibly intended.)
  23. Zayday to the bleeding Chamberlain: "You're gonna need a whoooooole lotta stitches!"
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