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Everything posted by Cowgirl

  1. My favorite line of the night was when Zayday looked at Chamberlain and said something like, "You're gonna need a whooooole lotta stitches."
  2. And, I forgot to mention that his comment which was something like, "And, for future reference, the polite response is 'Thank you for noticing.'" backs up even further the idea that he was there, peering at her genitals, and not just reading it in a file.
  3. I was just wondering whatever happened to Francis Conroy, and lo and behold! She shows up on this episode. Love her. Love Evan Peters. Wonder why they had him dye his hair red for this season, only to have it covered by a wig most of the time? Like posters above, I noticed and loved the skeletal quality of his face in the torchlight in the tunnels. Glad the recapper captured it in a GIF. Am also glad someone mentioned that Lee was in the not-so-burned car. I somehow missed that fact and was left wondering where she got the car. I thought maybe she'd stolen it from the sheriff after knocking him out or something. I also wonder if poor Dennis O'Hare's character will also survive the skull bashing? Heck, he's survived everything else. I'm looking forward to next week's plot-turning episode. So, was there some tie-in to episode 6 of Hotel in this episode? (Other than the fact that they finally made it to a hotel?)
  4. Yeah, the movies' quality slacked off with each new addition. I still like them much better than the series though, except for the last two movies which were kind of cruddy. The earlier movies at least kept up a balance of "is she magic or isn't she?" much better than the later movies and the series. I really miss how the music in the movies integrated perfectly with the plots. It really added to my enjoyment. In the t.v. series, it's just the same musical theme over and over again, inserted where necessary. The series doesn't have the cozy feeling that the earlier movies had, and those movies even had more conflict, so it's not like they can't introduce some believable conflict that doesn't turn off the audience. Even though the quality now stinks and the magic is gone, I still own all the movies and each season on Amazon Prime. I was grumpy though that last Halloween's movie, which was treated really as a T.V. special, and part of the series, rather than a stand-alone movie, wasn't available until the end of season two. I hope that this year, when I buy season three, the Halloween special is included right away. Otherwise, parts of the plot get skipped.
  5. After reading all the comments I am surprised that no one has mentioned Raj's creepiest behavior to date: his comment that Bernadette has a textbook cervix! I was looking down at a hem I was sewing when that comment was made, and my head snapped up in disgust, wondering if I'd heard it properly. I rewound the DVR, and indeed that was correct. What the hell???!! He couldn't have gleaned this information from looking through her file -- there would not be pictures of her cervix, and no doctor would likely write something like that. Not only is he in the gynecological exam, he must be down at the business end of Bernadette, peering around the doctor to get a view! Still highly inappropriate even if you're the son of an OB/GYN!! I could maybe see allowing him in while the ultrasound is being performed and her hoohah is not on display. I could even suspend disbelief that they would let him in the room during the gynie exam, if he were made to stand by Bernadette's head, looking towards her face, for the sake of a t.v. sitcom plot. But this? Ew! Super creepy and inappropriate.
  6. I agree that the writing on this show is of poor quality and it's such a wasted opportunity. Cassie's enigmatic smile is maddening. I too noticed the differences in her clothes and in the shop. And Grey House is a boring home now, instead of a mysterious B&B. The garden, which was beautiful, magical, and a bit threatening, by turns, is just a dull yard now. Season 1 recycled several plotlines from the movies, but season 2 is just convoluted, confusing, and disappointing. The writers will introduce a potentially interesting conflict, then merely let it peter out. The storylines they did pick up and continue throughout this season (Who will Cassie choose? Will Tara have a baby or drive Brandon away?) were simply awful. I too miss the magic!! It's as if some religious group threatened the Hallmark Channel. "No sorcery. Sorcery is banned in the Bible! We will boycott all your sponsors!" Gahhhh!!!! Why have a show about a witch if there is no mystery? In the very first part of the season with the man in the scarf, it's as if that story was the product of bad editing. Something seemed to be missing. Martha's ne'er-do-well son could have been a great addition to the running plot, but that petered out. I love Martha though, and her husband. And, where is Grace's friend who seemed to be set up as a rival for the doctor's son? He just seemed to disappear, like Gail, George's wife. Honestly, the stupid country house plotline was useless. We thought we'd get a glimmer of magic there, when Cassie found the location, but she brushes it off as just being lucky, and we believe her because they've made her completely pedestrian. I also agree with the poster above who said that she and Grace never seem to interact, other than that stupid dinner with Sam and his son. Oh, and what happened to Lori? And Cassie's ability to communicate with animals? One thing I did like this season is the continuity when Martha said "I accept your challenge" in a corny French accent, like she did last season when she signed up for the race after she thought Sam was goading her. I miss how the music used to add to the mysterious ambiance of the movies. Now it's just the same musical theme used over and over again for everything. I hope the move scheduled for October 22 can get this series back on track, but I don't hold out much hope. I'll keep watching though, even if it doesn't, because I loved the movies so much.
  7. What I don't get is why Tom's bus is so manky looking. He's a luxury yacht interior salesman, right? He ought to have access to suppliers and be able to get discounts. So, why does his tour bus interior contain so much ugly plywood? Maybe he's a really bad luxury yacht interior salesman and never makes a commission. Or, maybe it's because the economy is still tanked and who is still buying luxury yachts? The interior of that bus looks more like the palace of a crazed hippie than the home of a luxury yacht salesman.
  8. I liked that couple too! I just wanted to hang out with them. One thing that's missing this season is that they don't bring the couples to their office and show them both designs at once. Instead, you get snippets of the new floor plans while the couple is still touring each potential house. I don't like that change and wish they would go back to the design reveal and the couple's decision in the office.
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