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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. I saw it! Definitely more creepy and darker than 90 day Fiance'!
  2. I was curious about the same thing. I thought it was interesting at the end when she said something to the effect of, "apparently it doesn't matter what I think", when Anthony asked her opinion of the whole mess. I cannot imagine anyone who would walk into one of those cabins and actually choose to stay there - unless they were previously living in a cardboard box on the street or were a serial killer looking for a hideout. Seriously.
  3. I don't have one ounce of pity for Danielle. She deserves everything she's inevitably going to get. The ones I feel and FEAR for are her teenage daughters! Seriously - you have no idea if this man is a rapist or God knows what! Mike and Aziza appeared to be getting along waaaaay better than I imagined. Re-watching their season yesterday, I had almost forgotten how cringe worthy their interactions were. Pao was a disappointment. I liked her the best but now it seems like she's over the whole thing and maybe wasn't sincere to begin with?
  4. I have sooooo many questions about Jenna. It must be a horrifying fate to find you've inevitably become an aged, drugged-out, mentally ill, used and abused, plastically altered, retired porn star. Bleak. But I'm torn with where the blame lies: is Jenna responsible for her own demise because of her lifestyle choices or were her choices really not her own because they were a direct result of the abuse she suffered as a child/young woman?? I've heard things through the years about how intelligent in fact she really is and how she was an awesome debator against the critical conservatives. Where is any remnant of that woman? And am I mistaken or did she or did she not have children with Tito (maybe twins)? Why aren't they being mentioned? Dr. Jenn makes my blood boil. What an idiot. The pat responses she gave to Jenna when she revealed she was raped where nothing beyond what my teenaged niece would know to tell a friend. "It wasn't your fault". Really? "Professional", you can't offer anything more than that? We posted at the same time RockyHorror64 so thank you for answering my question about Jenna's children!
  5. A new wife doesn't do those things but you know who does? A stalker. Seriously, I can think of no man that I know of who would be agreeable, let alone in "love", with such behavior. Derrick may appear "normal" but I have to give the dude a huge side eye. He has voluntarily tied himself to a woman with no education, talent, personality, or opinions.....this is by choice! The entire meaning of her life is to serve him and have babies. The only type of man who would find this type of woman desirable is a control freak, chauvenistic pig. Add to this enticing scenerio a couple of looney toons, overbearing, meddling, controlling in-laws? Again, what type of man would agree to this freak show? There have to be some serious, serious issues going on with him. If he were willing to overlook all of this crap simply because he fell in love with Jill, then I believe a sensible man would also advise that they were going to hold off on the baby-making, get to know each other, get her some exposure to life in 2014, and open her closed off little mind. And since she is a complete and total subservient robot who isn't allowed to form a thought of her own, she would have no choice but to agree. But that obviously is not what happened here. The charade of perfection perpetuated by this family has gone on waaaay too long, but in my experience, frauds are always revealed to be what they truly are. A big downfall is in the future, it just may take longer than most would like.
  6. Love Ken Marino. Absolutely hated the chick. Not sure if I can tune in again because of her. Blech.
  7. He's a sperm donor, possible bread-winner and that's about it. Regarding the wife, this is so mean but I cannot stop myself.......spoiled, bratty and cute is unacceptable.....but spoiled, bratty and ugly - wow, intolerable!!! The Mother-in-law should have been kissing the butt of the husband for taking poor "Mask" off her hands.
  8. I didn't watch Dick on Big Brother so I have no knowledge of him but man, I felt for him last night. Why is the ex-girlfriend so against him telling people? Do you think she really is positive and they just aren't saying so? She obviously doesn't accept it or is uncomfortable about dating someone with HIV, to each his own, but why are they continuing this charade about them possibly getting back together? Once again, Nikki makes Juan Pablo look good. Wow! I seem to get the feeling that she thinks being "bitchy" is cute. Not a good look, honey.
  9. Tripp seems like a pretty awesome guy. Kerry is not an awesome girl. I don't think they're a match at all. Her overly dramatic display of nerves when meeting Tripp's Mom was painful to watch. Again, I wholeheartedly believe it was more "schtick" and not genuine at all. Why anyone would want to portray themselves as that much of a fool in the name of being "cute", I'll never know. What the heck happened between Ericka and Lee and why was it so overblown??? Once again, their slow-mo, super sexy, romantic displays made me want to wretch. The pecking followed by his saying "more" literally made me change the channel. Gag. I feel kinda bad for Tabasum. I feel like she doesn't really know what she's looking for and until she does some basic figuring of that out, she may continue to have a hard time. Because the men that she seems to like and the kind of man who will give her what she's looking for seem worlds apart. She seems like a good person so I wish her the best.
  10. I liked this episode because it really hits home. If you've ever been in the situation of being a single, childless woman of a certain age around members of the "cult of mommy", you will understand this episode to the depths of your soul! Much like when Carrie registers for her one pair of shoes. Loved that episode too.
  11. Any one with one ounce of decorum knows not to mention a party amongst others when it is obvious that someone is not going to be invited. I could've slapped Joey upside the head for that one. Way to make the poor girl feel even more rejected and awkward than she must have already felt. Although....I was spared from feeling entirely too sorry for her because she did absolutely nothing to extract herself from the situation and instead sat there with wide eyes and batting eyelashes as though she fully expected an invitation!! Completely agree. I was irritated that he showed up at the party because I was happy when he shot Kerry down after she so generously admitted she was on another date. Kerry needs to know when to turn her "so cute/so quirky" schtick on and off. Because it is just that....a schtick. There's nothing natural there that she isn't fully aware of and completely doing on purpose. Her date was so not picking up what she was putting down and her refusal to stop with the antics was just cringe worthy. Couldn't she have made it through dinner with some polite conversation without having to run out the door after a horrifying tale of watermelon induced diarrhea? Good God woman, get a grip. Ericka and Lee were like watching a super awful Lifetime movie version of some cheesy romance novel. With all the whispering and oh so serious stares. I found myself looking away while they were on. Gack.
  12. The complete and utter awkwardness of these two made me think they didn't know each other at all and this was a complete set-up. My first time watching so maybe that's already been the theory. But they didn't seem to have one single bit of knowledge or reference point about each other at all!! She was one nasty piece of work on the inside and the outside. He was, as others have said, surprisingly nice.
  13. Regarding the Palisades episode last night, I sure wish I had the luxury of repeatedly describing 2+ million dollar homes as "cute". It's just not my style but is rolling your eyes and heavily sighing over your husbands hobbies, opinions, comments, etc. a healthy response after just 10 months of marriage? Girlfriend, you've got a long road ahead if you're already this annoyed by him. Those two just seemed completely disconnected. Like they barely looked each other in the eye.
  14. How many times has Brian been told off by a date now? I appreciated what the girl last night said - just because she likes pop or pop culture doesn't make her shallow. Lighten up, Brian. Your pseudo hipster rejection of all things mainstream makes you the shallow one. I admit to only half-watching but is Kerry seriously so conflicted about offending her family by dating Tripp? Geesh.....it's been like two dates. You'll probably end up not liking the guy anyway but at least give him a chance. He's not down on one knee proposing and you've got to make a decision right this second. And that guy that approached her (so naturally and without a whiff of set-up) in the bar that she thought was so hot? I thought he looked like a plastic JFK doll whose face had been left out too long in the sun. Lee is gross.
  15. That was absolutely an upsetting, disgusting and worrisome show. I mirror what everyone else is saying, so I won't be repetitive, but I do have a couple of other thoughts. It's obvious that Madison must have suffered some severe traumatic sexual event (most likely as a child) and her obsession is her attempt to gain "control" of the event. Very sad and she needs some really strong therapy. What would be done if a Mom was having her child smoke cigarettes and drink? Or drive a car? If everything is a free for all and age shouldn't be taken into consideration for the exposure, isn't this really just the same type of behavior? I hold the Dad just as responsible for this shit show. Put your foot down loser! I think he's just afraid of losing his freak in the sheets if he stands up to her. Also, did anyone else think it looked like Emma's hair had been cut with a dull butter knife? Her clothes not only seemed gender neutral but leaning towards boyish. Fine, I get it, no tutus and tiaras for you, but what angered me was that Madison had lovely, long hair and wore a ton of make-up and feminine clothes. Why doesn't she chop her hair off, go bare faced and wear a burlap sack to express her strong beliefs??? Yuck....I still feel today like I need to go take a shower. The hypno Mom may have been a little odd but obviously she did something right....they seemed like a wonderful, loving family. Can Emma go live with them??
  16. Vivian has just read as very false and conniving to me from Day 1. There's just an untrustworthy vibe about her. The focus on Vivian is about to ruin the show for me. I find it incredibly hard to believe that Kelli would be swayed on her own opinion in any way, but I can find no other explanation for "The Vivian Show" other than Kelli is doing damage control by appeasing the "fans" after least year's outcome. I never understood the appeal of the girl to begin with, or what made people so passionate about her, but I too get an untrustworthy or manipulative vibe about her. The whispery, sad sack confession about her heartbreak reeked of manipulation.....to where I could see her laughing about it with a friend later.
  17. From the episode in Italy last night; what was up with that horror movie set of stairs in the bathroom going into an underground "bedroom"? I was simultaneously hoping that they would go down there and hoping that they wouldn't dare to! Thought it was a little odd that her husband wasn't involved in the process at all, but since it's all fake, maybe he just didn't want to be on t.v. With two kids, I wonder how often they will even visit the place. It was a pretty fun episode overall though.
  18. Michelle's freaking out over the wedding dress/photo op was ridiculous. I just wanted her to shut up and walk out of the room. Really, would it be that hard to do if the situation was throwing you into such hysterics? Big whooping deal. And then for some reason, it highly bugged me that when she came out in the wedding gown, it so obviously wasn't the same one that was hanging in the room! Christy's blonde hair was lovingly referred to at least 50 times upon her appearance.....which was highly amusing since her hair is so fried, stringy and ugly.....but I guess the fake color is all that matters in terms of "hotness".
  19. I'm late to the viewing party and have only watched the first episode but I am so relieved reading here that no one is buying the BS that Vivian is shilling! Puh-leese let this not turn into the Vivian show. I'm worried that Kelli saw how many "fans" she gained and this is the big redemption arc to appease the masses. What I don't understand is how many girls they label as not having the DCC "look", which typically means facially, but Vivian's body type will not ever fit the look either. The featuring of the pervy country music dude also makes me fear for the integrity of judging. What qualifications does he bring to the table to be able to judge someone's dance ability other than to be able to label them "hot"???! So stupid!
  20. With the mid-century flip with the concrete floors, I was so disappointed that they didn't keep the original birch on the doors and cabinets. The man they consulted specifically said how desirable it was. The gray wash they were going to put on it looked awful in my opinion in the trial run and then I couldn't catch a glimpse in the final reveal of how it turned out. Which makes me wonder if it either looked really bad or they just ended up ditching it completely and replaced all the birch items with new? Could anyone else tell? That being said, love the show. I typically like what they do with the houses, they seem skilled and trustworthy in their choices and the lack of bickering is soooo refreshing!
  21. I could only take this in small pieces so I was back and forth during the episode. Asia seems like a pretty bright girl and she certainly is something to watch perform. I like that she doesn't seem too phased by her Mother's awfulness and kind of sees through it (but at the same time, it's sad that such a little girl even needs to be like that). The talking heads were sooooo scripted and almost impossible to swallow. They're probably a pretty good indicator of Asia's "acting" skills which means she better be sticking to dance. Speaking of, is the general opinion that she is even a dancer? Isn't what she does more of a gymnastics hybrid? Can anyone tell if she has any true technique at all or is it all just stunts? I remember on Dance Moms when Maddie was asked to releve' she couldn't at all. Basic! Always makes me turn a side eye at this form of "dance". The Manager/old wash-up from Fame! Ha! Seems like they dragged him off a park bench to come do this. Poor, poor little bluray. That is some seriously sad stuff to watch. Glad the Dad seems to be stepping in at the very least.
  22. Thank you - I get it too! If I were in his shoes, I would have been not only irritated with the premise of the group date but also by how cheesed out the rest of the guys were getting about it. Is it the right attitude for a show that is based upon such things? No. But I actually kind of liked him for it. Andi needs for Josh to define what "not dating for five years" actually means. Because I would easily interpret that as a whole lotta whoring around but not being in a relationship with anyone. And I get that cheating means different things to different people but his story about the girl kissing someone randomly once and how that sent him into a tailspin of not trusting anyone sounded a bit over exaggerated. Maybe for some home schooler who only had one girlfriend in his life but I don't think that one incident suddenly opened up Joshies eyes to the big bad world. I would like to clarify that Patrick said that "many people, not just WOMEN" have told him he would make a wonderful husband. Which I took to assume that many men want to marry him as well!
  23. I felt mortified for him at that point. He trailed around after her like a beaten down little puppy. Grow a pair, buddy! Maybe at least smash some of her tea-cups? Gah....she was awful.
  24. Holy pinging gaydar last night with the husband of the couple looking for a house in Cali! I had to laugh when the wife described seeing him for the first time at a party and he was surrounded by throngs of women vying for his attention. Whatever!
  25. I totally agree. Everyone has something sad or private, or whatever, that needs to be shared with a partner.....but the timing needs to be right and you need to get to know them first. Dylan's story is terrible and I'm not taking that away from him but that reveal made for one awkward date. How do you come back from that? Oh - I know! By blowing a choo-choo whistle! Toot-toot! I think Eric is the type that if you don't kiss his butt and find him to be the most fascinating thing since sliced bread, then something is wrong with YOU and he is definitely going to tell you what it is. Andi flared a little bit too much and it overshadowed her point, but no one likes to be called a "fake". I thought the follow-up sit down with Andi and Chris was kind of stupid, honestly. It would be disrespectful to show the rose ceremony? Why did they keep driving that point home? I could see if it was because Eric didn't get a rose....but he wasn't even there at that point. Andi certainly didn't know him well enough to eulogize him.
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