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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. The SecState and SecDef are statutory members of the National Security Council. In fact, SecState is the third senior member of the Council, after POTUS and VPOTUS. The Director of National Intelligence, the one coordinates all intelligence activities - including those of NSA - is an Advisor to the Council, the Intelligence Advisor. Therefore, the idea that an NSA asset / agent / operator is more privy to information than the incumbent Secretary of State is beyond ridiculous.
  2. Why does the Secretary of State ask her speech writer and press coordinator to coordinate efforts stateside while she is abroad? There are no Deputy and Under Secretaries in that universe's Department? And how many layers will we find on Henry McCord? A retired Marine Captain, fighter pilot, Desert Shield / Storm veteran, Professor in Religious Studies and an NSA Agent?
  3. How does the water cannon get the pressure if the engine is not running?
  4. What on issue here is the dynamics between the Secretary of State and the White House Chief of Staff. The premise is that the CoS does not have authority over SecState in reality. The fact that former Chiefs of Staff did move on to bigger positions in their political career have little bearing on how an incumbent CoS treats an incumbent SecState. Looking at the examples above, Haig, Rumsfeld and Cheney were CoS when Henry Kissinger were SecState. Does this mean that what Henry Kissinger did was approved by those men? That Kissinger was micro-managed by 1970s Rumsfeld or Cheney?
  5. E = m.c^2 is an equation for kinetics?
  6. This episode is bad to the core because, you know what, judges and lawyers can not be members of jury. It is not just up to the presiding judge to decide. It is simply can not happen
  7. This episode is too surreal for my liking. However, some technical question, how does the hospital survive? What about supplies, energy, clean water, even food? Surely the hospital did not store a year's worth supply of guinea pigs, did it? For Beth, what is her problem exactly? Why can she not just enjoy her stay there for a while, keeps her head down and relax? She has been on the road in high-stress high-alert condition for a while. If she escapes, then what?
  8. I really do not understand the legalities of this episode. The defense argument is that since the victim acted like she liked being raped in front of the camera, she must like that too in real life, an argument that the Judge seems to believe too. With that argument, IMO the authorities should have arrested Mads Mikkelsen for all the killings and mutilations that he did on TV. The prosecutor could have argued that as an artistic portrayal, she worked with scripts and with full consent. He then should produce the scripts and consent documents from the production company(ies). Those are the kind of evidence that clearly the defense can not produce. But no, both sides just arguing about whether "no" means "no" in real life. In another note, I agree that Benson can not stay commanding that long. She is a Sergeant. She can not command a unit, she deals with day-to-day operations. They need a white-shirter (Lieutenant and above) to command. As well, what business does Benson have with the University and its code of conduct? It is clearly not a police matter and the University has the rights to have whatever code it sees fit.
  9. This has been a problem since the days of Sunday night TAR as well. The problem actually lies on CBS insistence on putting 60 Minutes right after NFL followed by primetime shows. As 60 Minutes can not be shortened in length (it is 60 minutes, after all), all Sunday night offerings are affected as well, wrecking havoc on audience recording. Look at FOX model. They have The OT after football. As it is a live commentary show, the length can be easily adjusted. Therefore FOX never have to move the timing for The Simpsons and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. My suggestion, record CBS scripted shows on Western feed using timeshifting or on Canadian feed. In case of CSI, while CTV also has NFL, it does not have 60 Minutes. Its primetime starts at 8.00. Of course both options are where available.
  10. Jivani has diplomatic immunity. So do the vehicles of the Iranian Mission to the United Nations. So Jivani can travel from NY to DC aboard Iranian vehicle with diplomatic plate, and he is perfectly fine. There are plenty of diplomats whose countries are not in friendly terms with the United States, who roam the streets of NYC freely because they are accredited to the United Nations.
  11. One small thing that I think very weird is the SecState threatening Canadian ambassador that she would cancel P-1 visas for Canadian athletes in the NHL. How stupid such statement is. If that happened, does she think that Canada would be the biggest victim? The biggest backlash would come from the 23 American NHL teams and the sports networks, namely NBCSN and Fox Sports. Imagine what would happen to the U.S. franchises if the Sidney Crosbies, Jonathan Toewses and Patrice Bergerons were not allowed to play.
  12. I wonder why the greeter and Phil have that breed of dog on the mat. Yes, that breed is called the Great Dane, but that breed is originally German. In fact, in the old days, it was called German Mastiff.
  13. However, Viking colonization of North America was very limited in scope. They went to Greenland and to Newfoundland and some evidence suggests Maine. Nevertheless, there is no evidence about European visit to all the way South and West to Manhattan before Columbus. Back on topic, why is everybody talking about virus? The plague and its symptoms (bubonic, septicemic and pneumonic plagues) are caused by bacteria, Yersinia pestis. As such, while dangerous, the disease can be cured by antibiotics. Also, does the show really tell us that bacteria can survive for 700 years without living tissues to host them? This episode steers the show dangerously towards the direction of Da Vinci's Demons, and certainly not in a good way.
  14. I lost my attention for a bit. So whose dog is that? Red's ex-wife's husband's ex-wife's? She is the one visited by Pee-Wee right?
  15. There is a restriction from the actress' point of view. Because of her religious belief, Mayim Bialik can not wear revealing clothes. She needs to wear long sleeves and long skirt. But I get your point. There are elegant night dresses out there with long sleeves and long skirt. I guess TPTB still portrays Amy as someone who is socially awkward thus does not know how to dress up? On a separate note, Kaley Cuoco was seriously smoking hot in the bikini on the epilogue, particularly with that short hair.
  16. That is why I asked. Since when it is "To Serve and to Protect" as it was in this episode?
  17. Since when is the motto of the Los Angeles Police Department "To Serve and to Protect"?
  18. TV Anonymous

    NHL Thread

    Hey, I just found out that there was an NHL thread in this board. So hello all, let me start with... Go Habs, go! Now that I have that out of my system, let me comment on the topic of expansion and a second team in Toronto. I think it is a great idea to have a second team in TO. Business wise, it is a good decision as the city still have more capacity not filled by the Leafs. It is too big of a market to be served by only one team. Hey, if NYC can be served by three teams and LA by two teams, there is no reason why the third largest city in USA/Canada can not have a second team. From fans point of view, they can get an alternative to the Leafs. Let us just face it and be honest, on-ice the team is not the best in the league and certainly not that exciting to watch. By having a second team, fans have something else to cheer for should the Leafs not performing (which usually happens in the period between October to April each season). Think of LA Clippers and LA Lakers of the NBA. However, will that ever happen? Not while I live. Or in hockey term, not before the Leafs win the Cup, an event that I will most certainly not experience. The Leafs and MLSE are enjoying their monopoly on the market. It is their main objective to gain as much business profits from the venture, no matter how inefficient the market becomes because of it. The Leafs, and supported by the Sabres, will oppose any effort to establish a second team in the GTHA.
  19. Well, this is comic book universe. Such nitpick does not apply. Superman saves a plane by grabbing its wing or holding its nose. Why is the structure of the airplane not breaking apart? The Hulk's pants rip off below the knees and stay between the waist and the thighs. However, pants are typically looser on the ankles and tighter around the buttocks.
  20. I do not think it is safe to assume who is who in the show relative to the comics. Remember that in Arrow Laurel Lance is a wimp, Dinah Lance is her mother and Black Canary is actually Sara Lance, her sister. Sara did, however, passed the Black Canary costume to Laurel. Speaking of Arrow, I am a bit disappointed with the amount of crossover. Just less than 2 minutes. For starter, did Oliver not own STAR Labs? Was it not part of Queen Consolidated? And no mention of Felicity at all? Did she not say that she went to Central City to visit Barry in the hospital?
  21. If the Russian Foreign Minister wanted his daughter to go to Harvard for graduate studies, why did he contact Prof. McCord? Why did he not contact, I do not know... The President of Harvard University? If he was the child of the "second most powerful man in Russia," surely Harvard can make accommodation. For those people, does undergraduate GPA really matter? After all, George Bush, jr. is a Harvard graduate. Since when does the SecState have operational control of U.S. Military? That is the SecDef's job. Speaking about SecDef, three episodes about national security and the SecDef is nowhere to be seen? It seems even that the PMC head had more say in miltary operations than SecDef. And what kind of reporter ambushed the SecState like that and lived to see the journalistic day? She and her newspaper basically burned all the bridges they have with the U.S. Government. And then still had the gall to demand stuff? That is right, suspension of the suspension of disbelief indeed.
  22. It is called felony murder. Besides, by barring the door, Snow did have the intention of having everybody in the church dead. Therefore, all deaths or injuries resulting from the fire can be attributed to him.
  23. If the bouncer patted Chalky down when he entered the whorehouse, how did he still have a revolver?
  24. A bit out of topic: as The Walking Dead is now on its 5th season, it is going to be a rather long marathon, as AMC will air all previous episodes of seasons 1 - 4. That is why the marathon will be run on two days. As of why Hell on Wheels is suspended, I do not know. The next weekend after this is going to be movie marathon of Tremors.
  25. It was almost a great episode. Almost, because it got Sidney Snow away. If the show makes him another unbeatable villain that last across seasons a la Gundersen, this is my last season. Even then, if it keeps Gundersen, I am also out. They do not have to be killed. They could have been sent away somewhere and never return. In any way, I have to suspend my believe on Snow's escaping. They were bombarded by the Gatling gun. Mickey had men flanking the train. How did he escape to the same side of the train Mickey and his men were located? As well, where and how did he escape? He had no horse and they were in a plain. There was really no place for him to hide, was there?
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