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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. I think Maggie's matters relate directly to Lauren Cohan and Whiskey Cavalier. Maybe when S8 was written she was not yet committed there and by the time S9 started filming she was already busy. As Whiskey Cavalier was a new show with unknown fate - I for one am done with it - TPTB needed to have room for Cohan's return.
  2. After being disappointed by Enemy Within and Whiskey Cavalier, I had high hopes for this show. Sadly, I do not think it is not meant to be. The story does not really work for me and the background music IMHO is annoying. Nitpick: so Maya left LA 6 years ago and her house is left empty yet remains in serviceable condition? She must be very rich to be able to pay taxes, maintenance and utilities for an unused property in the city.
  3. Which is worse, actually. An officer to billet with a convicted felon that has been stripped of her rank?
  4. So the episode ended with a feel good story that Knox needed Mr. Garcia as a witness as Knox rescinded the plea deal agreement with the defendant. But what about the defendant? The assistant U.S. Attorney reneged on a plea deal made on good faith for reason not related to the defendant? How was that fair?
  5. Completely out of topic, but I just realize that Burnham, a Commander, a Senior Officer, billets with Tilly, an Ensign, a very Junior Officer. Maybe nothing is wrong with that for that era but it is just strange if one reflects to the navies of today.
  6. There goes my three-episode trial. Plotholes and nonsense and it is not even funny. I'm outta here. Ciao!
  7. Thank you for your explanation even if it makes me confused even more. My point is that Fiona basically started with nothing, $0 equity. Let us say that the house had some equity and some mortgage. And now she ended up with full equity of the house and $100k. How did she earn that much of money in such a short period of time? Even if she was successful in flipping and renting, she still needed capital.
  8. Guess I did not pay much of attention of the details in this show. So let me get this straight. Fiona got Max to pay off the home and now she netted $100k on top of that? All for several months to a year of owning the apartment building? So basically Max paid Fiona for her share of the partnership and now he bought her off that partnership?
  9. Did Fiona own all of that $100k? My understanding was that she took mortgage on the house to get the down payment to buy the apartment building. Did she earn that $100k cleanly or is she still leveraged? If she did not earn that $100k cleanly then she left the family with a time bomb, regardless that she spared them the extra $50k. This matter with Lip and Tami seemed so one-sided. Did biological father not have any say in the fate of the child? Could he not sue her for keeping the baby and not to have abortion or adoption?
  10. How was that a self defense? The wife picked the pistol up, pointed it to her unarmed husband and shot him without any clear indication that her life was in immediate danger. The four FBI agent attested that it was indeed a self defense without being in the room during the build up of the shooting. Or did all of them just give false testimony?
  11. For me Foley is always 'Cool Breeze'. And of course, Jennifer Garner's ex-husband in real life.
  12. I know that this show is supposed to be comedy or whatever, but it assumes real-life conditions and so there are major holes that I can not ignore. An orderly in Germany who does not speak German at all and that does not raise any kind of suspicion? Retinal scan works by identifying blood capillaries structures in the eye. As dead people do not have blood flowing, retinal scan does not work on dead eye. The vault leads to an array of safe deposit boxes. So Pappas and her husband are the only two people who has access to all of those boxes? Nobody else? And yeah, what kind of design is that that the vault can be overridden with water? Ray brings an American whiskey to Czech Republic only to have the team drinks it back in the United States?
  13. Sorry for the very late reply but Roddenberry can not be spinning. He was cremated and some of his ashes were sent to space.
  14. How long has it been since the zombie apocalypse? Ten years, perhaps? It is amazing that after all that time Luke is still unable to defend himself against walkers, and is still alive. Has his group been carrying him all around?
  15. Just like in The Orville, I also need to ask why Tilly's favorite song is something from 300 years before her time. Would we sing or hum a song from 1719? Did you watch The Brightest Star? It is an episode of Star Trek: Short Treks. That episode is Saru's origin story. The Ba'ul are (supposedly) real and Kelpiens are indeed taken by an allegedly Ba'ul spaceship. With that, based on that short episode and this, I am wondering about Saru. He comes from a relatively primitive civilization. Within relatively short time, not only that he is able to master the complex science and technology of space travel, he also manages to navigate a Starfleet career and to climb up the rank to become a Commander? In that short time?
  16. I do not know if it was canon but in one of Chris Reeve's (RIP) Superman movies he had a mild glamour ability in that he was able to make Lois forget about their encounter. YMMV, of course. I should have written this last week, but it is also valid for this episode. In season 1, Martian Manhunter stated that mind wipe was a very dangerous and very intrusive procedure and he was very, very reluctant to do so. IIRC, not only that it could cause permanent memory loss for other events than the target, but might also cause permanent neurological damage. And here he wiped the minds of several DEO employees.
  17. Disclaimer: I am not trying to be patronizing nor condescending or being personal. I am merely stating the fact. It is obvious that you have no exposure to military discipline and that is fine. However, what happens in this situation is military men openly defying legal orders of superior officers. That by itself is a great violation of military discipline. FWIW the CO of the Washington, does not do crappy job. He does what his commission demands him to do, making difficult decision and having his subordinates follow through with his order. As for being dispassionate, CAPT Edwards does exactly the right thing, removing emotion from the equation. Just a point of clarification. CMDCM (I think) Wilke is not the XO. He is the COB and he is at the same pay grade as SOCM Hayes. He has no chain of command over Bravo Team.
  18. LCDR Blackburn is a Commissioned Officer, a direct command over SOCM Hayes. When Blackburn gives a lawful order, Hayes, and the rest of Bravo Team, have the obligation to comply. No way around it, even if it costs the life of their team mate. While the Commanding Officer of the Washington does not personally own the boat, he has command. Meaning that for all practical purposes she is his. His words are the laws aboard the boat. It is well within his authority to detain all members of Bravo Team and it is indeed well within authority to let SO Quinn perish to maintain the mission of his unit (the boat) and to ensure the safety of her crew.
  19. I obviously have never been involved with any special operations unit, but I find that character portrayal in this show is getting more and more disturbing, particularly on SOCM Hayes' side. Here they are, aboard a U.S. Navy ship and they openly defy the lawful order of the Commanding Officer of such unit? Special Warfare or not, surely they are still bound by the UCMJ and military hierarchy? I am also disappointed with LCDR Blackburn for his inability to command his sailors better and to liaise with the CO, a fellow officer.
  20. Well, this is a standard trope for all TV or movie shows. The characters are supposed to speak whatever language but it will always come out as English. Never mind Star Trek and its universal translator, characters in Vikings supposedly speak with different languages even at the same time. They all speak English that in sync with their mouths. This I agree. Watching Star Trek: Discovery right before this, the difference is quite jarring. What does The Orville want? Funny? Not very funny. Sci-fi action adventure? Star Trek is much better.
  21. Just watched Identity Crisis and massively confused. Our heroes was waiting for the bad guys for the deal, hoping to bust them then. But the bad guys bailed. They chased the bad guys and arrested them. On what charge, exactly? If it is on drug charges, based on what? They setup the meet specifically to bust them with the evidence. The heroes just arrested the bad guys like that? Then why Jubal needed to be undercover and beat the polygraph?
  22. To be fair to Hvitserk, he got the information about Buddha from a Chinese man with his 'Laughing Buddha' idol - which actually did not represent Siddharta Gautama. It is the same case as people in some less-developed places that got converted by to Christianity charismatic missionaries. Their idea of Christianity is the more 'modern' one instead of the more classical like the Catholic Church.
  23. Which then inverted when Telaya told Mercer to lie on his side as he snored while sleeping on his back, meaning that they had been literally sleeping (not in the sense of sexual intercourse) together. Now, what kind of man have the chance to sleep with Michaela McManus and do not have sex with her?
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